A Bird's Eye View of London and Paris March 2012 TR NEW! The END 1/12 p35

We walked around a bit more – but the shops were closing up. Stopped in a Starbucks for a bathroom break and a coffee. It was getting chilly!

I noticed a lot of nice ethnic restaurants, some cute boutique like shops and this awesome tea house!




We met back at our drop-off site with Brent at 5:30 and made our way back to their house. We enjoyed some homemade pizza and hung out for a bit trying to plan our next day. We had only one day in London before we’d head off to Paris, so we decided to do some of the free things and take a double-decker bus tour with Jenny and Jake, her son that’s the same age as Sarah. The “big” boys had a basketball tournament.
So our plan was for Jenny to take us to the station and she and Jake would meet us later when they were done with their morning activities. I was a bit concerned that the girls would be bored at the museums, but I had promised a bus tour, so hopefully that will make them happy!

Legs tired from all that walking, I was ready for bed! Just like I am now!!!
I'm getting home late tonight, but I can't wait to read your update WITH the pictures. Not even going to try now! Too frustrating! Be back later!
Great TR, I'm also subbing! Its nice to see the whole of your trip, not just the Disney bits!
Your pictures are so fascinating! I'm not sure I will ever visit in my life (probably not!) so it's neat to see how different life is there.

Discounted tickets rock! So do double-decker busses! :thumbsup2

How cute is that crooked house?!
Wow!!! What beautiful pictures!!!! The town looks adorable, love the crooked house. Even the Starbucks with that giant fireplace looks pretty!

I wouldn't have done McDonalds either. :rotfl: But I would devour that chocolate croissant. YUM.
I am loving this trip report. Love seeing how people view England and our history. Can't wait to read more.
Beautiful pictures! I've always wanted to go to Europe, but Tony just doesn't want to. He said it's just full of old buildings. :scared1: What?! There is so much history in all those "old buildings". The US is so young compared to the countries in Eupore. I love all of the architecture. I must get myself to Europe someday!

I'm with you on the McDonald's....no way I'd eat there if I was overseas. I'm sure Madison would have been just like your girls though.
Enjoyed the Windsor Castle pictures, because even though I'm from the UK I've never visited. It's great to hear someone else's take on Britain and British history too - like spotting details like the arrow slits in the castle walls :)
I'm fairly sure that your guess was spot on and that the Queen was handing out OBEs/MBEs and other awards that people receive for services to their country. For example, I have a relative who has just been awarded an MBE for services to teaching and the school community, and he has a little case just like that with his medal inside!
I'm curious about the two ladies in uniform though - will have to try and work that out! :confused3

Looking forward to seeing what sights you spot in London!
Wow! I LOVE IT! I was hoping I'd get to see some castles but had no idea I'd bee seeing them so soon! What a gorgeous place! I absolutely LOVE your pictures with the guard! :lmao: That is hilarious! Did he not even flinch at you guys taking pictures with him? I guess they aren't supposed to talk no matter what. How can they do that though? That is so funny!

I cannot believe your girls wanted to eat at McDonald's! :rotfl2: Well, yes I can... that would probably be my DDs choice too. Good for you for saying NO! ;)

Those desserts! :eek: They are HUGE! Things might be pricey over there, but at least they aren't skimpy!

Love the pic of your DH all worn out next to the mailbox! That's great! :laughing:

That boat ride looks so nice and peaceful. That is definitely something I would be interested in doing. Love all the swans!

That red phone booth instantly made me think of my beloved WS! :cloud9:

I'm loving it Sheree! Thanks for sharing this trip with us! :flower3:
OK - WOW!!!!!! Great pictures! I had NO idea the castle was that huge! That is amazing. How do they heat that thing????? How many square feet is that? I am totally intrigued.

What a great first day in London. Thanks so much for sharing on your pictures. Just fabulous.

McDonald's for lunch? :rotfl: I don't blame you for saying No to that. Hmmmmm - the pastries look amazing.
How fun to visit Windsor Castle! I think I totally need a crown in a box. LOL!
Of course you do!!! I can see why so many people are enthralled with the Royals. It's just so much elegance, ceremony, etc.

I'm getting home late tonight, but I can't wait to read your update WITH the pictures. Not even going to try now! Too frustrating! Be back later!
I'll be here!

Great TR, I'm also subbing! Its nice to see the whole of your trip, not just the Disney bits!
:welcome: and thank you! There's a lot of both Disney and non-Disney on this trip! It really was wonderful! Do I see that you are headed to DLP in a week for a HONEYMOON??? Congratulations!! I hope you have a great trip!

What a cute town and a fun day you had! :goodvibes I don't blame you, I wouldn't have gone to McDonald's either!!

Great pics! :thumbsup2
Yeah, I really liked Windsor - the first of many places I will say that about!! I tried hard not to eat "american" on this trip. But Starbucks was everywhere, and well, I like my mochas!!

Your pictures are so fascinating! I'm not sure I will ever visit in my life (probably not!) so it's neat to see how different life is there.

Discounted tickets rock! So do double-decker busses! :thumbsup2

How cute is that crooked house?!
Thank you! I'll try to keep the info and pictures coming so you can travel vicariously with me!
Discount tickets - oh yeah, I was all over that on this trip! I tried to save where I could since it was a pricey trip!
The crooked tea house was super cute!

I'm loving all the pictures. And I agree with you - I wouldn't have eaten at McDonald's either. :)
Thanks!! I am glad I have some comrades that would be with me on the no McDonald's! Of course, I'm not saying that I didn't eat at McDonald's at all on this trip! ;)

Wow!!! What beautiful pictures!!!! The town looks adorable, love the crooked house. Even the Starbucks with that giant fireplace looks pretty!

I wouldn't have done McDonalds either. :rotfl: But I would devour that chocolate croissant. YUM.
Thank you! Yeah, even the Starbucks was quaint!! Sarah worked hard on that croissant - it made a HUGE mess!! Of course, because she has braces, she's leery of actually biting into things, so she rips them apart and it's always a mess.

I am loving this trip report. Love seeing how people view England and our history. Can't wait to read more.
:welcome: Thank you! I'll try to get more up this weekend!

Beautiful pictures! I've always wanted to go to Europe, but Tony just doesn't want to. He said it's just full of old buildings. :scared1: What?! There is so much history in all those "old buildings". The US is so young compared to the countries in Eupore. I love all of the architecture. I must get myself to Europe someday!

I'm with you on the McDonald's....no way I'd eat there if I was overseas. I'm sure Madison would have been just like your girls though.
Oh - Tony! Silly man! :rotfl: The architecture is just stunning! I could not stop looking up at everything!
We did find a few other things the girls would eat, but I'm sad to say, we had our share of trips to McDonalds.

Enjoyed the Windsor Castle pictures, because even though I'm from the UK I've never visited. It's great to hear someone else's take on Britain and British history too - like spotting details like the arrow slits in the castle walls :)
I'm fairly sure that your guess was spot on and that the Queen was handing out OBEs/MBEs and other awards that people receive for services to their country. For example, I have a relative who has just been awarded an MBE for services to teaching and the school community, and he has a little case just like that with his medal inside!
I'm curious about the two ladies in uniform though - will have to try and work that out! :confused3

Looking forward to seeing what sights you spot in London!
Thanks! I really was drawn to the architecture and all the details! Yeah, the guard told us some sort of investiture ceremony was going on. That is cool that someone in your family has a medal/award.
Oh, we hit the big highlights in London!! Stay tuned!

Wow! I LOVE IT! I was hoping I'd get to see some castles but had no idea I'd bee seeing them so soon! What a gorgeous place! I absolutely LOVE your pictures with the guard! :lmao: That is hilarious! Did he not even flinch at you guys taking pictures with him? I guess they aren't supposed to talk no matter what. How can they do that though? That is so funny!
Thanks! I knew you'd enjoy it! I've got castles, churches, sculptures, animals, you name it, I took a picture of it!! HA! No he did not flinch. Must be good training, since people are taking pictures and trying to make them laugh all day long!

I cannot believe your girls wanted to eat at McDonald's! :rotfl2: Well, yes I can... that would probably be my DDs choice too. Good for you for saying NO! ;)
Very typical of my girls. Sarah would live on chicken nuggets if I let her. Paige tried Big Macs on this trip, so she at least will eat a few different things. I tried to refrain...

Those desserts! :eek: They are HUGE! Things might be pricey over there, but at least they aren't skimpy!
No joke!! Paige could not finish that cheesecake (I might have had to help her!)

Love the pic of your DH all worn out next to the mailbox! That's great! :laughing:
Yeah, isn't he a comedian? He likes to stage shots. Just wait and see...

That boat ride looks so nice and peaceful. That is definitely something I would be interested in doing. Love all the swans!

That red phone booth instantly made me think of my beloved WS! :cloud9:

I'm loving it Sheree! Thanks for sharing this trip with us! :flower3:
Thanks, and you are very welcome!! I know how excited you were to hear about our trip!

OK - WOW!!!!!! Great pictures! I had NO idea the castle was that huge! That is amazing. How do they heat that thing????? How many square feet is that? I am totally intrigued.

What a great first day in London. Thanks so much for sharing on your pictures. Just fabulous.

McDonald's for lunch? :rotfl: I don't blame you for saying No to that. Hmmmmm - the pastries look amazing.
Thanks! Isn't it just impressive??? I kept wondering how much more there was to see - it just went on and on! I have no idea how big it really is.
Our trip was definitely off to a great start! I've got TONS more pictures to share.
Yeah - I could not do McDonald's on my first day! I had to have something different than I have a mile away from my house!
Love reading your trip and seeing people visit here and how you view it! Gives me a different perspective entirely!

I did want to add though that Windsor isn't London - it's in an entirely different county... just in case anyone thought that.. Hope that didn't come across as rude I just wanted to say!
Wow!!!!!! Amazing pictures. What a fabulous day!!!!

I am amazed at how beautiful that castle is. The whole area is just gorgeous!!!
Looks like you had an amazing time. I was actually just in Windsor a week prior to your visit. Unfortunately I had only two hours in Windsor.

I did have time to see the Queen's portrait exhibit like yourself and the doll house. I loved every minute of it! I even bought a Union Jack pillow at the gift shop you visited! Thank you for bringing those memories back. I plan on going back to London next February to go on the Harry Potter studio tour!

I'll be suscribing to your post. Can't wait to hear more!popcorn::
I think it is so, so, so cool that you guys got to see all of this - especially for the girls. When they study about these places in school or see them on the news, they will really know the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, etc. I didn't realize the castle was that massive. I really enjoyed looking at all of the pictures this morning. :)
It is truly massive!! I am surprised,...how come we never get the full aspect of how big it really is? I always here things like "XXX # of bedrooms, XXX bathrooms, XXX guest suites,"etc,...but that is a lot to fathom!! Thanks for the pics!! Just made me want to go even more!!

Well, I will try to tell you all I can about OKW and AK! We've stayed at AKL before so if you want to see pictures, check out my March 2011 TR. There are a few in the Dec. 2009 one too, but we were only there one night then. I'll be doing a TR after the October trip too, so I'll have more on OKW. So I bet you're pretty excited for your first trip to Orlando! You're sure coming a long way!
Have you been to the US before?

Just finished reading your last update - I can't tell you how strongly your enthusiasm comes through in your writing, it's just a pleasure to read.

Yes, we've been to New York a couple of times; and Arizona/Utah on a road trip together with stays in Las Vegas and San Francisco. So many states, so little time!

Going right now to check out your previous trippies, thanks for heads up.


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