3,298 miles, 10 breweries, and 1 Mega Meet - a July '16 Trip Report *New 6/5/17 - Link to new TR!*

Finally got caught up - love all your stops. Savannah looked like a perfect day with the bit of history and horse drawn carriage, along with a great meal and candy store, plus swim time!!

The Florida beach part sounded wonderful too. How awesome to have Emma's party on the road like that, looks so much fun and how nice so many family members were there to celebrate with her.

Thanks for the review of Morimoto Asia - @Dugette and I keep going back and forth on doing this on our DS evening. Looks great though with the origami sheets and the bubble tea.
:lmao: This cracks me up! :rotfl2:

seriously, she was so mad and I was just in there firmly telling her "I am sorry but you can't use the urinal!" and she just didn't want to hear it

:headache: Ha, of course. You always hear about that free juice and you were SO close. Glad you got your Sunpass, though.

I think your kids are more adventurous eaters than I am. :blush:

Well, some times - we do still have a lot of chicken nuggets and mac-n-cheese in our house

Hey, we call Izzy's great-grandpas "Super Papa"! :goodvibes Super Nana seems pretty cool! :thumbsup2

:rotfl: :laundy: I really just wanted to use that smilie!

It's funny though that Super Nana doesn't really like being called that so we have to remember to just call her Nana when we are with her, but the kids call Judi's mom "Nana" so using "Super Nana" helps clarify who we are talking about

excellent use of the smiley!

Wow, that's really great that you were able to have a party on her birthday so far from home, yet have so many relatives attend! Also, I cannot believe she's 2 now - infant Emma in the sink is forever etched in my mind!

That is precious!

Yeah, i am glad it worked out - great timing as the trip itself (neither ours or the rest of the family) was planned around her birthday, but just worked out

:rotfl: Haha, I just have one kid to attempt to get a smile towards the camera from and that's a task...I can't imagine three at once! :faint:

Oooh, good to know, I hadn't heard about that.

Usually they do ok, but sometimes just way off ... always have to take a few shots!

Ha, sounds about right. ::yes::

Very cool!

Mmmmm, I think I want a kids meal! :thumbsup2

Looks like a nice place - very pretty!

The kids meas at Morimots were a pretty good deal and lots of options. They do have the churros on the regular dessert menu so adults can get them too!
Emma's birthday party looks like fun! And I like that you had leftover cake for breakfast ... that really is the best breakfast ever.

Sounds like you had a good time at Disney Springs! (And with every TR I read, I realize that I really should stop in at Jock Lindsey's on my next trip, even if I don't want to drink, just to see it).

Also ... Peter is clearly my spirit animal. I also wear bandaids on my bug bites for extended periods of time.

I love the MegaMeet registration pictures! I was trying to follow along on social media during the event, but still ... it's always nice to see more pictures. And that MagicBand cover is awesome.

I mean, the day after your birthday while on vacation seems like the best time to have cake for breakfast

yeah, we didn't get to wander too much in Disney Springs but was nice to check out and they did do a great job - the "springs" area is really nice

haha, I'll let him know about your bond with him ;)

Thanks! Definitely more MegaMeet pictures to come .. it was sometimes a little awkward to try and get pictures of people without bothering them/looking like a creeper

I have not been since the transformation into Disney Springs. They were just building the garages when I was there last. The parking system does seem very good and much easier than the old lots.

Cool! I like when places have quirky touches like that. I have never had an ice sphere in a drink but I keep seeing them pop up from time to time. I get the impression the ice stays frozen longer that way? I keep seeing a Death Star ice sphere mold online that is tempting.

Maybe plain, but it's great they are willing to try Asian food at all. My youngest won't try anything like that, although I've never tried her with just plain noodles.

That can happen. I suffered the same thing when I met Pete last year in Nova Scotia. I had no idea what to say and ended up repeating the same thing three times :o
It was great that you attended. I'm looking forward to hearing more about the meet.

I've heard good things about that resort as well. I looks impressive, especially for a family.

We avoided the area for a while due to the construction - and while there is still some going on it is pretty darn nice at Disney Springs now. If I was a local I think I would hang out there quite a bit

Supposedly it is a really hard process to get the crystal clear ice spheres (was talking to the bartender the next time I went in) as they have to be frozen slowly from the inside out or something - otherwise they wine up hazy. They had them at Carthay Circle in Disneyland but they had to have them imported or something

Usually my kids do ok with Asian food - they like Pad Thai a lot (we just tell them it is peanut noodles). I think they were just full from the rock shrimp and the drinks and busy with the origami and stuff

I did a bit later with team members later - chatted with Kevin a bit after the scavenger hunt ... but that is for a future update!

The resort was great for families - we saw a number of large families / family gatherings there having cookouts and stuff. With the three kids and being there for a full week, just would be tough in a regular hotel room - we like having the space

Cake for breakfast is perfectly acceptable on vacation!

I love sensors in parking garages. We have those in a nearby city, and there's even an app that keeps the information updated at every garage. Makes traveling a lot easier!

Looks like a fun time at Disney Springs. Those fans at the hangar bar and the forks at Morimoto are awesome. How great that the server brought out extra boba balls for Emma.

I get the tongue tie when encountering the podcast crew. I've met Teresa twice now and each time I've had no idea what to say. Luckily, Alex is chatty and came up with amusing topics to talk about.

Wouldn't lunch in the studio be completely awesome? Those are some lucky folks!

It's so hard when you've got several kids to decide whether or not to sacrifice the space and money and stay onsite at Disney or to pay a little less and get several bedrooms offsite. I'm sure you guys appreciated having a kitchen and a living room, even if the place was a bit outdated. (Isn't it funny how a little thing like USB plays a role in your opinion of a place?)

If you ever do make it over to Munich let me know. We could have a DISmeet up in Europe!

I agree that cake for breakfast is allowed on vacation - especially when it is the day after your birthday!

Oooh, that's cool about the app. Definitely makes things easier ... just wish we knew beforehand what the best floor to park on was

The server at Morimoto Asia was great ... really set the tone for amazing CM interactions we had all trip - really the best we have had on any trip

I just don't know what to say as I don't want to come off like Chris Farley with "remember that time on the pod cast when you called the food at Liberty Tree Tavern 'Soup Kitchen Thanksgiving'? Yeah, that was cool"

With the kids it was hard to bid on a lot of the experiences but I am sure they all had a blast eating int he studio

For us, with the three kids and strollers and stuff, the space is worth it ... plus with having the time share the cost is lower. Be nice to mix in an on-site stay one of these trips though. I think it might have just stood out to me as during the trip down (and back up) nearly all the hotel rooms had some sort of USB plug and other more modern conveniences so the fact this place didn't have them made it seem outdated (even though it is really rather new)

Definitely will let you know if/when in the area !
Yay for making it to FL but boo for no free OJ

I am impressed by all the food your kids eat, like oysters and edamame.

The villa near the beach you rented looks really nice. It's always nerve racking to me to stay somewhere that I haven’t stayed / know anyone who stayed there- ya never know what you will get.

Funky Buddha seems like a fun place, lots of different beers too. You can never go wrong with a flight in my eyes! I might need to try the Sticky Treats beer one day.

Emma’s birthday party looks like a lot of fun, she looked like she was having fun too. The picture with Super Nana playing duck duck goose is adorable!

Yay for Disney day!

I love cake for breakfast!

I can’t wait to check out Disney Springs, like you I haven’t been there in a while. I am happy they have lots of new restaurants to try out.

It is so awesome you got to do the mega meet.

I was just kinda bummed as I was pushing to make the stop at the welcome center (Judi didn't think it was worth it) and then for it to not be open was a bit of a letdown

There are a few things they like - but trust me, they like chicken nuggets and mac-n-cheese too!

Yeah, "nerve racking" is a good term as I just didn't know what to expect ... but for the money (especially compared to other options) I thought it was great!

Especially in places like that with a lot of different flavored beers, a flight is the way to go!

It was a little stressful trying to plan the party remotely but I am glad it worked out

It was fun to check out Disney Springs - especially the landing area and stuff - it was like a brand new place!

I am glad it worked out going to the MegaMeet and that Judi agreed to it!

Yay for getting to Disney!

Glad you were able to stop and get some drinks at the Hangar Bar.

Lunch sounds awesome! And the kids meals sound like a great value.

Your room seems really nice, and the view quite lovely!

I am glad we got to check out the Hangar Bar - I think I would like to try it when it was more crowded (evenings?) as it was pretty quiet when we were there which I think takes away from a festive atmosphere at a bar

I thought the kids meals were great - some good options for them too!

The view was really nice ... a bit hot to really enjoy being out on the balcony for long, but nice to have!

Still very much enjoying your report, you do such a great job of storytelling and pictures!

Was wondering what happened to poor Peter, but didn't want to ask. Glad it wasn't anything serious.

That Bonnet Creek room looks awesome. I actually toured that area when it was still under major construction. My friend owns a timeshare unit somewhere there, may even be at the Wyndham, honestly don't remember, but recognized it as soon as as I saw the pic of the beautiful lake/fountain area.

Enjoying the start of the DIS Meet coverage, definitely makes me re-wish (is that a word?) LOL I could have been there! Love your Magic Band bling, you're fancy schmancy! :)

Thanks so much Heidi! Yeah, it kinda messed up pictures but it made him happy and was just one of those "pick you battle" situations so we let him keep the band-aid on

Aw cool, yeah, there are a few resorts there, the Wyndham one and also a Hilton one. It was definitely nice, and nice to have the space. Definitely not Disney though

I think we can make "re-wish" a term! Well, I am nothing if not "fance schmancy"! (no, not really, I am kinda the opposite of that ;) )

Finally got caught up - love all your stops. Savannah looked like a perfect day with the bit of history and horse drawn carriage, along with a great meal and candy store, plus swim time!!

The Florida beach part sounded wonderful too. How awesome to have Emma's party on the road like that, looks so much fun and how nice so many family members were there to celebrate with her.

Thanks for the review of Morimoto Asia - @Dugette and I keep going back and forth on doing this on our DS evening. Looks great though with the origami sheets and the bubble tea.

We really enjoyed our time in Savannah - was a nice stop and we got a decent amount in during the day

It was definitely fun to have the party for Emma with family - I am glad it worked out

We really like Morimoto Asia and I think there is enough going on to keep the kids entertained. We did take a "self guided tour" of the upper levels just to do something and just a lot of different things to catch your eye. And like I mentioned, I thought the kids meals were pretty good value! But there are a lot of options at Disney springs now too
Aw cool, yeah, there are a few resorts there, the Wyndham one and also a Hilton one. It was definitely nice, and nice to have the space. Definitely not Disney though

Yes, I remember thinking that at the time I toured the place with her, which I think was '09, but don't want to say for sure. I thought "nice, but def not Disney", just like you said. Which kind of weirded me out, being so close to Disney property, if that makes any sense. With me not driving, I don't get "out of the bubble" often, so distances down there are all convoluted for me. Anyway - I also had the same feeling when I stayed at the Swolphin, but found I rather liked the fact that I was so close (and there were "touches of Disney" like a great Disney store in the lobby), but it wasn't "Disney in your face all the time". Guess you'd have to be prepared and in the right mood/frame of mind.

I think we can make "re-wish" a term! Well, I am nothing if not "fance schmancy"! (no, not really, I am kinda the opposite of that

Yeah, I'm DEFINITELY at the opposite end of the "fancy schmancy" spectrum too! :)
Yay! You made it! I might have to go the Jock Hanger (whatever the official title is!) to check out that machine! I do love Disney details. That was really nice of you to donate items, and almost raised $300! I can't wait to read about the scavenger hunt another meet-ups!
Yay! You made it! I might have to go the Jock Hanger (whatever the official title is!) to check out that machine! I do love Disney details. That was really nice of you to donate items, and almost raised $300! I can't wait to read about the scavenger hunt another meet-ups!

I have a repeat trip to Jock Lindey's Hangar Bar and spent time at the bar talking to the bartender who had some great stories ... so more "Disney Details" coming up! :thumbsup2

I figure it's easy enough for me to donate some stuff and definitely brought in more money than I paid for it ... and it was fun to watch on the app and keep checking and getting excited when a new bid came in for "my" items

Scavenger hunt isn't until Sunday, so a few updates before that ... but first DIS Meet event is coming up soon!
I missed the Jock Lindsay update thinking it was still to come and then wondering why you left DS only to return. Anyway I just went back and found it. We got to sit in the submarine thingy (forgetting what it's called) when we went in Feb! So cool! We LOVED it here and I'd love to return. Their apps are good too.
I missed the Jock Lindsay update thinking it was still to come and then wondering why you left DS only to return. Anyway I just went back and found it. We got to sit in the submarine thingy (forgetting what it's called) when we went in Feb! So cool! We LOVED it here and I'd love to return. Their apps are good too.

Ah, I went twice to Jock Lindsey's ... this time we all went and then I went again after the MegaMeet podcast which was at Disney Springs. That time I got the calamari and it was really, really good

We checked out that submarine thing, the kids had fun with it
I see you believe in cake for breakfast as well! Good call :)

I had similar feelings about the new stores in Disney Springs. Maybe it's just because I shop online more than in store, but I didn't feel the urge to go in to anything but the older stores that were the prior to the changes.

Glad to see the meal at Morimoto was good. That's on our short list of places to try for next time.

You weren't kidding about the parking situation at BW. I was pretty close to giving up and then we spotted one lone spot a few rows away. And obviously you know I was equally tongue tied :D
I was a bit behind due to our quick adults only Disney trip, but we're back and I'm caught up :thumbsup2 I love that Emma got to have a bday party with so many relatives that she doesn't see often, and the picture of her asleep in the chair is priceless!

We were in DS back in January but didn't make it this past week even though we wanted to. So many stores have opened since Jan. and I really wanted to see what it looks like, although like you I don't see myself shopping in the newer ones.......to me the new part/stores seems like just another outdoor mall unfortunately albeit probably very nicely done. We'll be there in Nov. for sure as we're bowling and the kids want to check out M. Jordan's sons' store.

Can't wait to hear more about all your Dismeets and events!
Enjoying your trip so far! We are going in May for our son's first trip (he will be 20 months), so I'm reading as many reports as I can of kids around that age. I can only hope that he will be half the adventurous eater as yours (at least Olivia with the oysters!) are. Can't wait to read the rest!
I see you believe in cake for breakfast as well! Good call :)

I had similar feelings about the new stores in Disney Springs. Maybe it's just because I shop online more than in store, but I didn't feel the urge to go in to anything but the older stores that were the prior to the changes.

Glad to see the meal at Morimoto was good. That's on our short list of places to try for next time.

You weren't kidding about the parking situation at BW. I was pretty close to giving up and then we spotted one lone spot a few rows away. And obviously you know I was equally tongue tied :D

haha, funny - I saw the comment in your TR and thought you wrote that after reading this update ... funny that it was independent but right when I had this post

Yeah, I am not much of a shopper - at least for clothes. That is one thing I do not like to spend money on. I get pretty much everything I wear at Khols when I get a 30% coupon ... but the area is very nice to walk around and lots of nice eating options now

I was really close to dropping people off - or, I guess, having them drop me off and just run in to register or something - forgot to mention the rain that came down when we left though and I ran to get the car. So getting in and out was not a highlight!

I was a bit behind due to our quick adults only Disney trip, but we're back and I'm caught up :thumbsup2 I love that Emma got to have a bday party with so many relatives that she doesn't see often, and the picture of her asleep in the chair is priceless!

We were in DS back in January but didn't make it this past week even though we wanted to. So many stores have opened since Jan. and I really wanted to see what it looks like, although like you I don't see myself shopping in the newer ones.......to me the new part/stores seems like just another outdoor mall unfortunately albeit probably very nicely done. We'll be there in Nov. for sure as we're bowling and the kids want to check out M. Jordan's sons' store.

Can't wait to hear more about all your Dismeets and events!

Nice! Hope you had a great trip! We need to do an adults only trip one of these times!

I am glad things worked out with Emma's party and I do love that picture

DS really is well done now and it is nice to walk around ... not really my cup of tea with most of the new stored, but the food options are nice and I think some of the coming stuff (the Edison and the Neverland Tunnels) will be more my speed

Hoping to get another update done soon!

Enjoying your trip so far! We are going in May for our son's first trip (he will be 20 months), so I'm reading as many reports as I can of kids around that age. I can only hope that he will be half the adventurous eater as yours (at least Olivia with the oysters!) are. Can't wait to read the rest!


That's great - you will have a blast! We went this past trip with Emma obviously just turned two and also when she was just 1 month old (and out to Disneyland when she was about 15 months). We also went when Olivia was about 14 months and when Peter was about 20 months so we have some experience. Actually, they are easier that age than when they get a little older and can really run off more (at least for my kids)

Thanks for reading!
All caught up!! You made excellent time (both in getting to FL and in getting to WDW in your recapping :) ) Really excited to see all of the Mega Meet events!
Okay, stopping in to say that I've read through everything and that I'm all caught up. Hopefully I won't fall behind again but with school I can't promise anything.

Your stops down make it look like it was a fun journey and like it all worked out well without the kids getting tired of the traveling but instead having a fun time.

Emma's birthday pictures are all too cute.

And it looks like your first day on Disney property is going quite well and like it's lots of fun.
All caught up!! You made excellent time (both in getting to FL and in getting to WDW in your recapping :) ) Really excited to see all of the Mega Meet events!

Aw, thank you! I definitely didn't want to overkill the travel, but it was a key part of this trip ... getting to the first meet up soon!

Okay, stopping in to say that I've read through everything and that I'm all caught up. Hopefully I won't fall behind again but with school I can't promise anything.

Your stops down make it look like it was a fun journey and like it all worked out well without the kids getting tired of the traveling but instead having a fun time.

Emma's birthday pictures are all too cute.

And it looks like your first day on Disney property is going quite well and like it's lots of fun.

Thanks Amber! Best of luck with school - I am really excited for it for you .... I give you a ton of credit too as personally I am pretty over school .. unless it was brewing related I suppose ;)

It was definitely a fun journey on the way down. The way up was fun too - though not as many specific activities for the kids

Thanks! I am glad the party worked out

First day was pretty good - got a bit done, lots of angles ... was a full Disney day considering we didn't do a park
Part 18: At Disney - Day 1: Disney Springs and the Poly
Trader Sam's - inside and out

After getting settled, we headed out of the condo and to our next Disney stop .... we always like to commemorate the first Monorail viewing of the trip. While we weren't going to the Magic Kingdom we did have to pass through the toll plaza. I must say that part of me is sad that they are changing the driving patter so there will be a fly-over if you are not going to MK ... I love having to go through the gates to get to the monorail resorts


So where were we headed? Well, if you read the teaser from the last update or the title of this update (clearly I am not so good at creating drama) we were headed to the Polynesian Village resort!


This was our first time here since they had fully completed the re-do of the lobby. I have to say I like it more than I thought/wanted to. I do still miss the big waterfall/folliage centerpiece and think they could have done something that called back to that a bit more, but it has a nice feel to it. A nice person offered to take a family picture (you can see I wore my credentials in case there were any others there for the megameet to spot)


We headed pretty much straight away down the hallway towards Trader Sam's. We found it and a CM was out front and asked us "you know this is a bar right?" and we are all "um, yeah!" It wasn't super crowded but we did wait for a couple to leave one of the areas that had more seats and took them a few minutes to clear it (you can see the drink the previous guest got in the first picture). Not bad though - I was afraid given that it was a Friday and about 6:30 or so that it would be super crowded. As soon as we got in we did see some fellow DISers that were sitting at the high table near us and was nice to meet them and say a quick 'hi' - you can see some of them on the ride side of the pictures included @disneysteve


We had been to the Trader Sam's at Disneyland but never to this location before. We also are a big fan of the glassware and knew we wanted to get a few. We got our first round of drinks - which was a Shrunken Zombie Head for me (my favorite drink and glass from the Disneyland location), a Polynesian Pearl for Judi (she is a fan of RumChata so wanted to try this - and she was a big fan), and the kids each got a Polynesian punch (side note - these are the best "kids souvenir glasses" ever - they are really solid and well made)


All the drinks were great (though I must say I like the zombie head mug at Disneyland better - but do like that they are different). The only issue was that it was freezing in there! We mentioned something to the server and he indicated that we might want to say something to the front desk as they have been telling them it is too cold but maybe if guests say something they will do something about it. It was kinda weird, but also a funny exchange at the same time. We decided we just couldn't stay in there it was that cold so we decided to just close out this round and head to the outside bar area/terrace. We did stay to see a few of the effects and they were definitely fun. The bartenders were fun too - I think it would be a great time for Judi and I to do a date night there (if they made it less like a freezer) but with the kids it was just time to get out


The outside area was really nice - we set up at a table near this waterfall wall/feature and they had live music performer playing Hawaiin style music and he was great - really a good vibe out there. Guess we were feeling like taking some selfies (you can see the waterfall wall behind us)


We then ordered the next round of drinks. Judi got another Polynesian Pearl (still no black one) and I decided to try the Spikey Pineapple which is a drink only available at the terrace - it is Barbancourt Pango Rhum lended with Pineapple Soft-serve - and it was amazing! Would totally get it again, especially on a hot day


One other nice thing of sitting outside is you can go get food from Captain Cook's and bring it outside. I had been dying to try the pulled pork nachos ever since @Teleclashter (Craig) talked so highly about them ... and that praise was well deserved. Seriously one of the best things I had all trip and at $9.29 I think it is a really good value as it was a pretty big serving with lots of meat. We also ordered a traditional flatbread for the kids which was pretty solid, if unspectacular


We also ordered a few things from the Trader Sam's menu which is also available on the terrace, getting the Headhunter Sushi Roll and the Salmon Oshizushi. The were both pretty good - the headhuner Sushi Roll being the better of the two (the Salmon Oshizushi was just too much rice) but definitely not the best sushi we have had on property


The girls got another selfie in


Then we got one more round of drinks to take with us to go as we headed to a DIS meet ... Judi got another pearl (figured, now we have one for each kid ... had to arrange them in a "hidden Mickey" of course) and I got a Dark and Tropical Stormy. I must say this might actually be my favorite of the drinks I got there - though it doesn't come in a fancy collectible mug so that clearly knocks it down a peg ;)


Coming up next - the first DIS meet event of the trip!
Part 19: At Disney - Day 1: Disney Springs and the Poly
DISMeet - with Fireworks!

After getting our drink-on inside and out of Trader Sam's we headed towards the Poly Beach for the first of our Mega Meet events - this was the unofficial official event welcoming people hosted by @Lisann who did a great job trying to get people involved.

The meet up was scheduled to be on the beach on the other side of the Poly marina closer to the Luau area. First a selfie with Judi and I - and Olivia photo-bombing us. I also got a picture of the three kids near one of the tiki statues when I took them back to use the facilities (because, goodness forbid they go when we were near them ... and of course if one of them has to go they all have to go)


Apparently all the DISers that showed up were having too good of a time as I didn't get any pictures - but it was definitely fun and we had glow sticks and bubbles and beach balls for the kids. There were other Megameeters there but they congregated by the regular beach (there was some confusion as to where to meet) so that was a bit of a bummer that we weren't all together, but it was still a good time

When Wishes started the Electric Water Pageant was going on - so I think it made for some neat pictures of the Castle in the background, the pageant in the foreground and the fireworks above ... well, at least as good as I can get with my little point-and-shoot




After the show, we said our goodbyes and headed back to the condo as we had a full day coming up - our first Park day. Peter and Emma were pretty worn out


Coming up - our first Park day ... starting with a lot of Toy Story fun


This was our first time here since they had fully completed the re-do of the lobby. I have to say I like it more than I thought/wanted to. I do still miss the big waterfall/folliage centerpiece and think they could have done something that called back to that a bit more, but it has a nice feel to it.
Good to hear. I have yet to see it since the re-do and am looking forward to stepping in there and soaking it up.

Thanks for the detailed account of Trader Sam's. I've gone back and forth a bit on how we handle it, having Izzy along. I think our plan is to hit it up shortly after it opens and maybe sit inside for a bit to see effects (though some reviews I've read about it not being a place for kids make me slightly hesitant), then venture outside to enjoy the patio w/music and alcoholic Dole Whip. Maybe we just sit on the patio and take turns going in to check it out, I don't know. If we actually make it there, of course. :laughing:

When Wishes started the Electric Water Pageant was going on - so I think it made for some neat pictures of the Castle in the background, the pageant in the foreground and the fireworks above ... well, at least as good as I can get with my little point-and-shoot
That is pretty cool! Glad you had fun at the meet!
I was hesitant about the Poly lobby but I also liked it more than I thought I would.

I have yet to go inside Trader Sams but everything looks great. Maybe I will save that as something to do when I am 21.

Yay for Dis meet ups! Sounds like an awesome day.


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