25 things about you

1.My name is Katie
2. I am 15
3.I am sorta depressed right now
4.I do not want to go back to school tomorrow
5.I am listening to love story right now.
6. my eye itches
7. my dogs are awesome
8.one of them is laying right next to me
9.I dont feel good
10. i just itched my eye
11.hannah montana is on right now
12.i hate root beer floats
13.my dog smells
14. this is my fav. smiley :rotfl:
15. someone in my house is playing a hermonica right now. .
16. my best friend hates me
17. i get made fun of sometimes by boys
18. i am single and have been for a long long time
19. i like someone alot
20. i went shopping today
21. something hurts in my wrist right now
22. i am still listening to love story
23. i am going to have ice cream soon
24. my dog smells horrible still
25. i love the dis and everyone on it
1. My name is Victoria
2. Music is my life
3. I have the bestest Friends xD
4. My Favorite singer is NeverShoutNever
5. My Favorite Bands are Cobra Starship and The Academy is...
6. I love purple
7. I love Converse
8. I love Colored Jeans
9. I love the Jonas Brothers
10. i love Bright, Crazy, out there, Clothes :]
11. My Crush is Honduran xD
12. I'm in the Top choir at my school
13. I'm on the Drumline
14. I love Boys to much for my own good :p
15. I think Alex Evans is absolutely Beautiful :]
16. I've never Had a boyfriend
17. I Haven't had my first kiss yet
18. I love Reading
19. I love food
20. I looove Twilight
21. I'm a Brunette
22. I hate Rap and Hip/hop
23. I'm 15
24. I love Boys that wear Skinny jeans and have amazing Swooshy hair :]
25. I love Disney
1. My name is Kayla
2. My middle name is Rose
3. My last name is pronounced like Hal-Um
4. I'm German, Polish, Irish, French Canadian, English and Native American
5. I am 16 years old
6. I have a boyfriend
7. I'm a Junior
8. My birthday is October 16th, 1992
9. I have two younger brothers
10. My best friend is Amanda
11. I want to become either a Pediatrician, OB nurse, or Anethesiologist.
12. I am usually a very happy person
13. I like to talk alot.
14. I'm nice to everyone.
15. I hate math
16. I love Chemistry
17. I am 5'4"
18. I am 105 pounds
19. I've got blonde hair
20. My eyes change from blue to green all the time
21. I live in the oh so lovely town of Garden City, MI
22. I'm a Disney freak
23. I'm a people person.
24. I like to smile
25. I'm the most amazing person you'll ever meet. lol jk
1. my name is joshua
2. i like brownies
3. i like cupcakes two
4. i would devour 2 and 3
5. everytime we touch by cascada is the best song to propose to.
6. iLove DisneyWorld
7. i get bullied sometimes in school (emotionally, not physically)
8. i'm a new jerseyan
9. i'm a freshman
10. :dance3: is my favorite DIS smily.
11. i'm great with children
12. i want to be a dentist
13. if i can't become number 12, i'll be an entertainer
14. i want to go to college
15. i have trouble waking up in the morning
16. i would rather have fun then learn
17. my geometry teacher hates me.
18. i am god.
19. i am king
20. i feel that i am more superior than others.
21. i also want to be a marine biologist.
23. i have a webcam
24. I am German, Irish, Native Hawaiian, Scottish, English.
25. i love wearing my king outfit.
1.My name is Jade
2. I'm sad now
3. I have the most amazing friends ever
4. 95% of them are online
5.I'm a jeans person
6.I'm a huge Jonas Brothers fan but not a sterotypical tweeny bopper fan. I actually like their music and personalities.
7.I'm 14
8.I almost put 147 in the last one.
9.I spell colour with a U
10.I'm the reason spell check was invented
11. I'm in a Disney phase right now.
13.I alsolike Demi Lovato and The Acadamy is...
14. I don't know what I'd do with out DIS
15.I talked to one of my best friends for the first time on the phone today
16.I want to be an actor.
17.In acting class last year was the first time in a long time that I'd been truly happy.
18.I have a tv in my room.
19. My favorite colours are red, blue, orang, green and yellow.
20.I've been to 4 concerts in my life.
21.All of them were for the Jonas Brothers
22.I've driven all the way from Florida to Georgia for a JB concert.
23.My current favorite show is Seinfeld.
24.I can't believe I found so many things to say about myself.
25.I'm done now. Y'all can go back to your lives. Thank you for flying Air-Jade!:rotfl:
i drink coffee everyday
i like to shower a lot and be clean
i love biology
i want to lucid dream real bad
i wanted to be a cat when i was little
i like to sleep
i like christmas lights in my room
i make bracelets for my friends
i don't like knowing a lot of people
i've made a shoe before :B
i have a lot of useless stuff in my bedroom
i'm too old for habbo hotel but i still think it's fun
i like to go to the woods with my friends
exploring is fun
i have a lot of chapsticks
i believe in aliens
i'm annoyed the whole school day
i have a crush on a kid who doesn't live in my state
i have rainbow flip-flops
i want to live in a tall skyscraper of apartments with my partner
i like organic foods
i hate to drive
i'm super lazy
i'm sort of socially awkward
i took a class where all you did was make speaches, it sucked
1. my name is jessica
2. i'm 16
3. i play percussion in band
4. i can't stop thinking about london since i got back saturday
5. i like scarves
6. i'm in love with adam pascal, ed westwick, and alan rickman
7. i have synesthesia
8. the soup, snl, and scrubs make me die of happiness
9. i like badboys
10. eagle eye is my new fave movie
11. i'm 5'11''
12. ap chem makes me hate my life after every class
13. j'adore musicals, esp. rent
14. i'm terrified of being buried alive
15. i want a tattoo on my wrist
16. wrists really gross me out, to the point where i can't look at or touch my wrists or anyone else's
17. i have no idea what i want to do when i 'grow up'
18. my favorite color is purple
19. i've liked the same guy since 8th grade and have hardly said a sentence to him even though we're now juniors
20. i'm currently reading the great gatsby for school
21. my grades are uber bad right now
22. i'm going to pep band later
23. i instantly think way less of people when they say 'that's so gay'
24. my nose hurts
25. i really don't like my ap chem teacher

...that was a lot harder than i thought! :p
i'm doing this again because i'm bored...

I am watching 90210
I love the Jonas Brothers
If I could marry anyone it would be joe jonas
My first concert was a jonas brothers concert
I dont drink or smoke
I am going to Shippensburg University
I am in love with anything Disney
My favorite character is Minnie
I desperately want to go WDW on Halloween to get a picture w/ the dwarfs
I have had only one 'real' boyfriend and that lasted 9 months
My best friend is going to the same college as me
My other best friend ignores me because she spends all her time with her boy
I love collecting Disney Pins
I love furniture from Ikea
Family is the most important thing in my life, no matter what.
I want to Study Abroad in England, Italy and Austrailia
I want to be on the Real World some day
After college I am going to apply for the next show
I also want to be the bachelorette
I love the show Jon and Kate Plus Eight and aiden is my fav.
I want to have twins and name them jayden and jason, a girl and a guy
I want a Walt Disney World wedding
I played soccer until i hurt my knee, major!
I wish i had a british accent, i love them
I want Obama to take office now because we need our economy back in order asap!
1. My name is Kody.
2. I like to say "Oh my Jon Walker!" and "What the Chris Dudley?".
3. My favorite song is a cover that Panic At The Disco did of a 70's song.
4. I plan to name one of my children Brendon... after Brendon Urie.
5. I am a member of Norhtern Downpour. [Panic At The Disco fan club]
6. I like Underoath's song lyrics, but only like a few of their songs.
7. I would like to meet Kevin Jonas.
8. I know an awkward amount of facts about Kevin.
9. Like that he wears size 9 shoes.
10. And is 5'9".
11. And 135 pounds.
12. I straighten my hair even though it's straight already. And uber short.
13. I like to sing in the grocery store.
14. For Spanish, I have to make a family tree and plan on saying that Jon Walker and Chris Dudley are my brothers. And that Spencer Smith and Tim McTauge are my cousins.
15. I have 3 pairs of jeans that look exactly the same. I LOVE them.
16. One of my shoelaces is the same color as the pully thingys on the hood of my jacket.
17. I'm wearing one rainbow striped sock and one purple striped sock.
18. I want a banana.
19. The bananas at my house won't ripen.
20. Stupid bananas.
21. I have a personal grudge agaist Pete Wentz that I couldn't explain if I tried.
22. Moo!
23. Oink!
24. Quack!
25. MARF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. my favorite bands are: cobra starship, the academy is..., blink-182, angels & airwaves, underoath, and cute is what we aim for
2. my sister copies everything i do
3. i wish i had more skinny jeans
4. i wear mixmatched socks
5. i have celeb crushes on: gabe saporta, william beckett, tom delonge, and mark hoppus
6. i just measured myself today i'm 5'7"
7. i wish i could sing
8. i wish i had more self-esteem, and didn't have other things
9. i bought a purple hoodie just because gabe has one.
10. it makes me feel pretty cool
11. i miss playing my ps3
12. i chew on my headphone cords
13. i'm afraid of the tank behind the toilet
14. i sometimes wish i was married
15. then i sometimes wonder how it would be to have casual relationships
16. i'm a very forgiving person
17. i can't hold grudges
18. i want a fairytale wedding and guy
19. i don't think that's going to happen
20. i wonder if people will ever accept me for who i am
21. i weigh 115 lbs.
22. i can't tan for crap. i'm always pale
23. porcelian colored skin used to be beautiful. simple things like that. now you have to be tan
24. almost every one of my guys friends have had a crush on me
25. 29 is my favorite number
1. my name is becca. or rebecca, really. i spelled it becka to be different. haha.
2. my hair is down to my hips and i plan on cutting it to my shoulders. first hair cut since elementary school.
3. i adore writing but i can never really find time to do it anymore.
4. my favorite books are fairy tales or historical fiction that is set somewhere in asia.
5. i adore kimono. i love making them~
6. i never gave up the dream to be a princess and its going to take a lot to knock me down.
7. i am the most optomistic person i know.
8. i cry everytime i go to disney. even though ive been there a bazillion times.
9. i am obsessed with indian mythology. i think its so beautiful~
10. i really enjoy learning make up techniques.
11. i love fresh flowers. but water lily's are my favorite.
12. i love sheep. lol, easter is so much fun because of all the little lambs.
13. tinker bell is me in animated (skinnnnyyyy!) form. but i have the hips. :3
14. im too loyal for my own good.
15. im really good at breast-binding for costumes. (dont. ask. XD)
16. i want to learn how to belly dance really bad.
17. i love going to the airport.
18. i sing when im alone, but not really infront of other people.
19. i have really long eyelashes and i love giving butterfly kisses with them.
20. when i was little, i thought that if i wished hard enough, id grow fairy wings.
21. i believe in past lives.
22. i adore anne rice and her books. especially cry to heaven.
23. ive never been on a date in my entire life.
24. i adore ballet and wish i never quit.
25. i always make a wish at 11:11.
1. I'm a sophomore/junior at the University of Michigan.
2. One of my life goals is to visit every Disney theme park in the world.
3. I know basically everything there is to know about TVs.
4. Good Charlotte has been my favorite band since way back in elementary school. I've been to 5 concerts of theirs and met them twice.
5. I've had my dog, Bonnie, since 1st grade.
6. Where I live is very unique; I can show you where I live by pointing to a spot on my hand, and I can be in either Ohio or Canada in a half hour.
7. Despite this, I hate where I live. Me and cold weather do not mix. lol
8. I love shiny things. If it has glitter, sequins, rhinestones, etc., I want it!
9. My favorite sports are figure skating and rock climbing
10. I sooo miss my high school marching band, where I was the colorguard captain.
11. Couldn't live without my music.
12. I'm awesome at Singstar and Dance Dance Revolution.
13. I'm terrified of choosing the wrong major/career/place to live.
14. I go to school and work full-time. Not really necessary, as my parents pay for my school, but I like my job.
15. I eat everything plain. Weird, I know.
16. My fave color is blue, but my fave colors together are hot pink and neon green.
17. Since getting my LG Rumor, I have become a text addict.
18. My hair has been every color but blonde and green.
19. I am a total night owl. This is not a good thing as I have to be at work in less than 5 hours.
20. I have quite a sarcastic side.
21. I will hopefully be moving out of my parent's house soon.
22. I have a brother who is a year and a week younger than me.
23. My birthday is April 11th. It occasionaly falls on Easter. This first happened on my 5th birthday. I was very angry and told my mom I didn't want to share my birthday with Jesus. Hahaha.
24. I've worn glasses since 2nd grade. Tried contacts but I'm so used to glasses I look weird without them.
25. I miss Disney World!


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