2015 Fit, Fun, and Fabulous February WISH Challenge! All are Welcome!

pamela -- wow what a crazy week! next week has to be better! fine with me to skip last weeks WI and just go up-to-date, whatever is easiest for you!

Magdalene -- I'm in a February funk here too! it's so gray in Ohio in the winter, and we've been hit with the -20 to -30 wind chill days off and on for the past couple weeks. so over it. the sun is shining through my window right now so that's a sliver of hope :daisy:

my WI was the same this week...I'm happy b/c I haven't gotten my exercise (me too Pamela) with the impromptu trip and yesterday I waved the white flag to this sinus thing and went to doc and got an antiobiotic. well lo and behold, I'm glad I did b/c by the end of the day I was miserable and today not much better. I've already doubled my morning steroid dose to function which tells me my body was tired of fighting it off and it was giving in. Today I'm going to my friends and we are making freezer meals for our families as we both happen to be traveling the first week of march. She's been working hard at losing too, so our meals she planned for today and tomorrow she assured me are OP :smooth: however, I'm ready for a glass of wine and a girl chat

I'm bummed that my WI was the same b/c I have made absolutely zero progress in Feb :sad1:

Sarahdisney -- have a great time at the Princess this weekend!!
Well, my pound is back. Looked at the fitbit dashboard today and sure enough I had 834 calories left to eat. This is going to take awhile for me to get used to eating more without eating too much during the day. If I was the kind of person who ate when they were hungry, then just ate enough to get full life could be different, but my reasons for eating are just nothing to do with basic body function--so I need help. I knew last night looking at 14 hundred something calories I needed to eat still, I better eat something but I just felt guilty and it felt like I had a lot.
This is probably going to be a real struggle for awhile but hopefully my habits will start to improve.
On the fun side I got side tracked at Goodwill for a few hours while out shopping--(can't believe how intense my activity level turned out to be there) Found a white womens Ralph Lauren golf jacket, spotless, for $8.99 plus I had a 20% off coupon. Also found a Mickey hoodie for my son that was 4x--his size and a heavy, long extremely plush robe that looks new. Also I signed myself up for swim lessons and I start today!
Brrr..... happy COLD Saturday to you all! I think I have discovered where Queen Elsa is residing at the moment..... right here in NH! Here was our morning temp (according to the fancy wi-fi on my fridge door ;) )........

Waayyy too cold for man or beast!

Anyhoooo..... seems like I have a working computer and working internet today, so the percentages will get updated!! I'm off to make myself a healthy OP HOT breakfast (too cold today for yogurt or a smoothie) and may be even snuggle under a blanket with a second cup of coffee, since my men are off to robotics and I am home alone! I'll be back later to chat...........P
Ah, Sunday, 1 week until March and payday... :p

Decided after last weeks weight gain to add something different, and tossed in a 24 hour fast.
Dropped 3.7 as a result!
Wow, I have been out of the loop...

Pjilla - Don't fret too much about the numbers not getting posted; you've got a lot going on! Thank goodness your coworker was able to fix your phone!

Like everyone else, I am bemoaning the cold temps... Friday and Sat. were actually NICE for a change, all the way up to about 30* F! ;) I can't WAIT to finally get outside again. When does that happen?

I hit a bit of a plateau earlier on this month, and was getting really discouraged, but I seem to be back on track! I was even able to go over 5 mi. on the elliptical yesterday! (I do the elliptical because it's easier on my knees and feet. I know it's not as good as treadmill or outdoors, but I'm getting there!) My husband and I are racing each other to 200 lbs. As a guy, he should have the advantage, but he's not very consistent, esp. with his eating, so I'm kicking his butt. :p
Morning everyone! Here is your quote for a great MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY!! This one is especially good if you feel like your progress is too slow!


I've got a bunch of PMs and I am ready to update totals....... so last chance to get your numbers in!................P
Since I am one pound heavier than at the beginning of the month, today's quote is not really helpful... Feeling very low and unhappy at the moment. Went for a run yesterday, but did not feel well and was slow. Today I am hurting all over. I wonder whether I might get the flu. There is a bit of an epidemic going around here at the moment. Unfortunately the virus changed since the fluf shots were designed for this season, so flu shots don't help.

I had a "bad" weekend. Stopped tracking, but did not eat too crazy I think. Back to tracking today. But with no energy I feel like I should just give up anyway and eat whatever I want. I won't do that. I have changed too much to do this. But it is difficult to stay motivated when the scale is moving up instead of down despite walking 106.000 steps in the last week and eating within my points all week.

On a more positive note: Next year they will have a Disneyland Paris Disney race. I hope they will have something shorter than the half marathon. My sister and I are seriously considering to sign up for it once it becomes available. End of September is a great time to travel to Paris! And it would be a great motivation to keep training!!
Well last week ended up with sinus infection that knocked me out for about 3 days :sad2:

I'll be tracking and getting my steps this week for final push. I'm not going to meet my goal at all this month, but I'll hoping be down a little more by the weekend
Since I am one pound heavier than at the beginning of the month, today's quote is not really helpful... Feeling very low and unhappy at the moment. Went for a run yesterday, but did not feel well and was slow. Today I am hurting all over. I wonder whether I might get the flu. There is a bit of an epidemic going around here at the moment. Unfortunately the virus changed since the fluf shots were designed for this season, so flu shots don't help.

I had a "bad" weekend. Stopped tracking, but did not eat too crazy I think. Back to tracking today. But with no energy I feel like I should just give up anyway and eat whatever I want. I won't do that. I have changed too much to do this. But it is difficult to stay motivated when the scale is moving up instead of down despite walking 106.000 steps in the last week and eating within my points all week.

On a more positive note: Next year they will have a Disneyland Paris Disney race. I hope they will have something shorter than the half marathon. My sister and I are seriously considering to sign up for it once it becomes available. End of September is a great time to travel to Paris! And it would be a great motivation to keep training!!

I'm so sorry that you are feeling lousy, sick, and frustrated.... what a terrible combination! Glad that you realize that you HAVE changed too much to give into the "siren call" of giving up! Remember our motto.... NEVER GIVE UP!!

The idea of planning for and training for a race at DLP sounds DIVINE!!!

I LOVE this. I may print it out and put it on my fridge.

Glad you like it. It helps keep things in perspective when the weight loss slows waaaay down!

Well last week ended up with sinus infection that knocked me out for about 3 days :sad2:

I'll be tracking and getting my steps this week for final push. I'm not going to meet my goal at all this month, but I'll hoping be down a little more by the weekend

Sorry you've been sick!! Knock wood we are all still well here (probably just jinxed us by staying that).


Hey all!! Our results are FINALLY updated!!! Got some pretty colors there and one ROCK STAR who is nearing 100% of her goal!!! Can't wait to celebrate a successful month with ALL of you!! Because despite what the number says on the scale on Friday, we are ALL SUCCESSFUL because we STUCK WITH IT! Sure we struggled and we went up and down and up (and up again) and down.... but we NEVER GAVE UP! We never lost sight of the most important thing and that is taking care of ourselves and our health!!

I'm home alone for the remainder of the afternoon and into the evening, as the men are off for a day of robotics (final push, as our first competition is FRIDAY!)..... so a bit of laundry to catch up on and then I'm at my scrapping table for the rest of the day! I made us a nice hot lunch before they left, so they will just have a pizza when they get home later. I had my weekly splurge yesterday, so no pizza tonight for me. And for some reason (probably hunger) DH felt compelled to buy a huge container of cookies at Costco yesterday, so I sent them to robotics today.... no need to have that kind of temptation in the house!

I did a big batch of cooking yesterday and again this morning, so I have some time this week to relax just a bit in the kitchen.

DD and I have finally decided on our Mother/Daughter trip this year and we are heading to Atlanta, GA to check out the Georgia Aquarium in a few weeks! I didn't want to spend the money, but Southwest Airlines had a sale and I had some Reward Points plus a SWA giftcard burning a hole in my pocket, so I was able to fly us there for VERY little out of pocket (and it ended up being cheaper than driving!!). And I have a family member who MAY be able to hook us up with a free condo to use.... fingers crossed that that comes through!! It is a short trip, as we have another robotics competition at the end of that week that I don't want to miss, but we are mainly going for the aquarium and I figured two days there would be enough!

Off to be productive!!.......................P
I would love to participate next month. I've been using SparkPeople to log.

We would love to have you join us for March! Feel free to chat along with us for the next few days here and be ready to jump in for March!..............P
Morning all!! Happy Tuesday!



How are you doing with tracking your food/calories/Points and exercise?? Are you struggling? If so, could you/should you try a different tracking method? Could you move from paper/pencil to online tracking or from a digital diary to something like SparkPeople? Could you shift from tracking EVERY SINGLE ITEM to just tracking calories/Points? Are you tracking miles or minutes? If it is NOT working, TRY SOMETHING NEW!! ..................P
So far I'm doing ok with tracking. I've been able to track the good and bad days. I cringe when I see my results on my bad days, but I know it happens and just have to try better the next day! I find that sharing publicly with people keeps me accounted for and motivated.
I love, love, LOVE reading success stories with weight loss!

I weighed myself last night and was weighing in at 200. So far I have lost 50 pounds (it's been a slow couple of years with ups and downs in weight loss after the birth of my last and youngest) and have 50 more to go.
:welcome: ErinA84!!

And well done on the 50 pounds lost!

Thanks everyone for cheering me up! I woke up feeling much better this morning and thought I had a very successful day until I realized that I totally forgot my very important doctor's appointment. :headache: This totally threw me as it makes tomorrow complicated again... And it seems that at the moment I am really low on energy reserves...

Eating has been medium. Exercise has been good. Walked 17000 steps today.

Today's question got me thinking. I am wondering whether it might not be time to try tracking calories again instead of points... Maybe just something new would help. But then on the other hand I am feeling so overwhelmed with everything anyway that I really don't want to add anything new... I guess I will just continue with where I am and be content with myself not falling totally off the plan currently. As lousy as I feel, I know that in the past I would be eating a whole bag of gummy bears tonight.

This actually reminds me that I thought I should start a 10 day no sugar challenge. Anyone interested in joining in?

And finally: Do we have a hostess for March??
I weighed myself last night and was weighing in at 200. So far I have lost 50 pounds (it's been a slow couple of years with ups and downs in weight loss after the birth of my last and youngest) and have 50 more to go.
Congrats on being half way there!!! You are almost in one-derland!!
Oh - you managed to get the trip to work to run the Princess 5K??? That's great! Have a wonderful trip!!!

Thanks! It was really a great experience and I'm so glad we were able to make it work.

What is your favorite Disney movie AND how many times do you think you've seen it???

Hmm ... tied between The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Finding Nemo ... and I've seen them each at least a few hundred times.
I've also seen Frozen at least a hundred times by now ... it's becoming one of my favorites.

. Today I'm going to my friends and we are making freezer meals for our families as we both happen to be traveling the first week of march. She's been working hard at losing too, so our meals she planned for today and tomorrow she assured me are OP :smooth:

Sounds like fun!

Sarahdisney -- have a great time at the Princess this weekend!!

Thanks! It was a great experience!

Brrr..... happy COLD Saturday to you all! I think I have discovered where Queen Elsa is residing at the moment..... right here in NH! Here was our morning temp (according to the fancy wi-fi on my fridge door ;) )........

Oh man ... this winter has been brutal! Between the snow and the cold, I can't wait for spring, and I'm sure you feel the same way!

I love this!

Since I am one pound heavier than at the beginning of the month, today's quote is not really helpful... Feeling very low and unhappy at the moment. Went for a run yesterday, but did not feel well and was slow. Today I am hurting all over. I wonder whether I might get the flu. There is a bit of an epidemic going around here at the moment. Unfortunately the virus changed since the fluf shots were designed for this season, so flu shots don't help.

Sorry to hear you're having a rough time. I hope you're feeling a little better by today and you can avoid the flu!

I had a "bad" weekend. Stopped tracking, but did not eat too crazy I think. Back to tracking today. But with no energy I feel like I should just give up anyway and eat whatever I want. I won't do that. I have changed too much to do this. But it is difficult to stay motivated when the scale is moving up instead of down despite walking 106.000 steps in the last week and eating within my points all week.

I definitely understand the difficulty staying motivated. Sometimes it's hard not to give up, but you have to remember that despite the ups and downs, as long as you do your best and try hard, you will lose overall, even if sometimes you gain.

On a more positive note: Next year they will have a Disneyland Paris Disney race. I hope they will have something shorter than the half marathon. My sister and I are seriously considering to sign up for it once it becomes available. End of September is a great time to travel to Paris! And it would be a great motivation to keep training!!

I heard about that ... it's really exciting! I hope they do a shorter race too as part of the weekend and you can get to go. runDisney events are a lot of fun and I know you'll enjoy it!

I'll be tracking and getting my steps this week for final push. I'm not going to meet my goal at all this month, but I'll hoping be down a little more by the weekend

It's hard when you don't reach your goal, but being down a little is always a good thing!

DD and I have finally decided on our Mother/Daughter trip this year and we are heading to Atlanta, GA to check out the Georgia Aquarium in a few weeks! I didn't want to spend the money, but Southwest Airlines had a sale and I had some Reward Points plus a SWA giftcard burning a hole in my pocket, so I was able to fly us there for VERY little out of pocket (and it ended up being cheaper than driving!!). And I have a family member who MAY be able to hook us up with a free condo to use.... fingers crossed that that comes through!! It is a short trip, as we have another robotics competition at the end of that week that I don't want to miss, but we are mainly going for the aquarium and I figured two days there would be enough!

Sounds like a really fun trip!

How are you doing with tracking your food/calories/Points and exercise?? Are you struggling? If so, could you/should you try a different tracking method? Could you move from paper/pencil to online tracking or from a digital diary to something like SparkPeople? Could you shift from tracking EVERY SINGLE ITEM to just tracking calories/Points? Are you tracking miles or minutes? If it is NOT working, TRY SOMETHING NEW!! ..................P

Other than when I was on vacation, I've been pretty good about tracking calories on SP lately ... but it doesn't seem to be helping. I'm trying to figure out what else could work for me, but it's hard.


Well, I'm back from Florida. Catching up on almost a week worth of life is going to be difficult, but I guess I just have to do it.
The race was really great and I had a lot of fun. I definitely recommend runDisney races for anyone who can do one! Even if you can't run, you can walk the 5K (and the longer races if you can maintain the minimum race), and it really is a great experience!
Hey all!!! SO sorry for being MIA today! Our internet went down for the count and the repair person didn't make it out here until late afternoon. They were here yesterday but didn't have all the parts. So we have been without home phone or internet for about 48 hours! But it appears to be all set now. Honestly though, that black cloud I mentioned hanging over us just doesn't want to BUDGE! We picked up two of the cars from the repair shop Friday and they BOTH went back to the repair shop yesterday! GRRRRR! And of COURSE.... our garage door opener went ka-phlooey yesterday too.... fortunately it was repaired by DH today. We must be nearly at the end of our streak of bad luck!

Anyhow.... sorry I didn't get our WOOHOO Wednesday post here this morning, but here it is... better late than never!!

WOOHOO-WEDNESDAY..... Share a hurdle you have overcome in your life. Have you quit smoking? Went back to school to complete a degree? Learned to cook? Conquered a fear?? Any and all of these things deserve a WOOHOO!!

My woohoo, such as it is, is that I jumped into a 10 day challenge that ohMom mentioned and as of bedtime tonight I will have completed 10 totally OP days! It really helped keep me on track over the weekend better than I've been doing lately! Exercise was a no-go for many of the days though.

I'll be back in the morning for our final "Think-about-it" Thursday for February! ......................P

Welcome to Think about it Thursday! Here you are.... at least a MONTH into the "new you".... but maybe 6 months in, a year in, or even longer. What kind of changes to your life (eating, exercise, etc) have you made to get you to this point? Are these changes you can KEEP UP FOREVER? If not, what are you going to do to keep you on track to a healthier slimmer life going forward? Remember.... weight LOSS is only the beginning. You need to be making changes that you can keep up indefinitely. This isn't about a DIET.... it is about making SUSTAINABLE changes for life!! Don't spend your time on this journey thinking and dreaming about when the "diet" is over.... think about finding ways to make this enjoyable and workable for the rest of your life..............................P


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