2008 DDP discussion, questions, rants and vents

3 table sevice credits? each day? thats a lot! probably too much huh? aside from an ordinary breakfast, that would mean you have lunch with an app, entree, dessert and then a dinner with an app, entree and dessert? can anyone eat that much? lol

Actually, many people eat three meals a day.....heck, sometimes I eat three meals a day and snack in between meals. Does that make me a pig??? Hardly, it means I am an average person. Another point, just because they serve you a ton of food does not mean you have to eat every bite on the plate. We are using the DxDDP for our November and we feel the $70 per person price is a good deal.......if we were getting it for $32 per person (as one can do during free dining) we would be ecstatic. FYI, our plan is to hit a signature restaurant and a 1TS restaurant each day so we can enjoy some really nice meals.

Whether it be dining for free or getting the deluxe upgrade for nearly half price, some people would still find reason to complain. I am of the mindset that if someone gives me a gift I should be grateful.

We are planning on doing the basic DDP for the first time on our next trip. There will be DH and myself plus our adult DS and DD and their families. We will be a total of 8 people at the table. We will be doing separate checks so I'm wondering if the automatic gratuity will be separated among the three checks as per just what each family ordered or if each check will show the 20% for the entire table. Will we have to figure out each family's share ourselves or will it be on their own individual checks? Sorry if I've made this a confusing question.
Actually, many people eat three meals a day.....heck, sometimes I eat three meals a day and snack in between meals. Does that make me a pig??? Hardly, it means I am an average person. Another point, just because they serve you a ton of food does not mean you have to eat every bite on the plate. We are using the DxDDP for our November and we feel the $70 per person price is a good deal.......if we were getting it for $32 per person (as one can do during free dining) we would be ecstatic. FYI, our plan is to hit a signature restaurant and a 1TS restaurant each day so we can enjoy some really nice meals.

Whether it be dining for free or getting the deluxe upgrade for nearly half price, some people would still find reason to complain. I am of the mindset that if someone gives me a gift I should be grateful.


I don't think the poster was complaining.

Also, there is a difference in 3 meals a day versus 3 table service meals per day. I don't believe the average person has 3 sit down table service meals each day.

As you posted, a good way to use the deluxe is by taking advantage of the 2TS restaurants along with a regular TS restuarant. I think that is much more common than 3 table service restaurants in one day.

I would guess that most people, while a disney, eat on average one table service meal and the rest at counter service. Maybe picking something up at the bakery for breakfast, then a light lunch and good dinner.

Our family will usually eat an early lunch using counter service and then a table service dinner around 5 or 6.
I would guess that most people, while a disney, eat on average one table service meal and the rest at counter service. Maybe picking something up at the bakery for breakfast, then a light lunch and good dinner.

We are going to use the DxDDP while at Disney because we generally like 2 TS meals a day. We enjoy the Character breakfasts and then like a nice dinner in the evening, so depending on the schedule I plan we will have breakfast and then will have a light lunch or snack and then dinner later in the evening. We also like the signature dining so this will help.

It's funny, people always talk about the amount of food and wonder how people eat that much but dining is about so much more than the food. For my family dining while on vacation is a good time to kick back and enjoy talking, either about the day to come or the day that we had. My DH likes to sit and enjoy all of us and when I have told him I did not plan a "real" breakfast or that we were going to have a "CS" dinner this normally frugal man feels like something is missing and we end up having a sit down meal anyway.

I believe that there are a lot of other people like my family who use the vacation at Disney as a time to come together as a family and will have 2 or 3 meals a day and consider them and the atmosphere in the restaurant as part of the vacation.
We are going to use the DxDDP while at Disney because we generally like 2 TS meals a day. We enjoy the Character breakfasts and then like a nice dinner in the evening, so depending on the schedule I plan we will have breakfast and then will have a light lunch or snack and then dinner later in the evening. We also like the signature dining so this will help.

It's funny, people always talk about the amount of food and wonder how people eat that much but dining is about so much more than the food. For my family dining while on vacation is a good time to kick back and enjoy talking, either about the day to come or the day that we had. My DH likes to sit and enjoy all of us and when I have told him I did not plan a "real" breakfast or that we were going to have a "CS" dinner this normally frugal man feels like something is missing and we end up having a sit down meal anyway.

I believe that there are a lot of other people like my family who use the vacation at Disney as a time to come together as a family and will have 2 or 3 meals a day and consider them and the atmosphere in the restaurant as part of the vacation.

Exactly......we too are a family who thinks dining is an important part of our vacation experience. So many people think dining is an interruption to their day at WDW, but we savor every experience including our dining. Like your husband, I enjoy sitting around a table with my family to reflect on the day at hand, anticipate what is to come later and we share food so everyone can taste a little of everything. Dining is more than just filling our gut, it is quality time with the people I love. I know many people do CS at WDW so they can get back out into the parks, but we like the slower pace the TS and Signature restaurants offer during a hetic day of running through the park.

Actually, many people eat three meals a day.....heck, sometimes I eat three meals a day and snack in between meals. Does that make me a pig??? Hardly, it means I am an average person. Another point, just because they serve you a ton of food does not mean you have to eat every bite on the plate. We are using the DxDDP for our November and we feel the $70 per person price is a good deal.......if we were getting it for $32 per person (as one can do during free dining) we would be ecstatic. FYI, our plan is to hit a signature restaurant and a 1TS restaurant each day so we can enjoy some really nice meals.

Whether it be dining for free or getting the deluxe upgrade for nearly half price, some people would still find reason to complain. I am of the mindset that if someone gives me a gift I should be grateful.


To each his own of, course! I happen to be a server in a higher end restaurant. I see many people eat an app.,entree and dessert....... all the time! I can't imagine they would do that twice a day and have breakfast. I could be wrong but then again, all my thoughts and/or opinions are based on how my own family and I eat and our habits. I certainly would never imply that you are pig. I simply commented on that seemed like a alot of food according to my own opinion, which of course, I am free to have/state. On the other hand you mention your particular plan is take advantage by utilizing your points for signature dining and one other TS. I have no desire to try signature dining so probably would not be worth it for me. And FYI, I happen to be grateful for the free dining I will be getting. No complaints here. If you bother to scroll back to my posts I never actually "complained" I was just surprised about the changes I was unaware of. Once it was explained to me by a very nice disboard member, I considered looking into paying the difference, but, decided for my family, it just wasn't worth it, an entree with out an app. will be fine for us. So worries my mindset is not just grateful but estatic for recieving free BASIC dining.
To each his own of, course! I happen to be a server in a higher end restaurant. I see many people eat an app.,entree and dessert....... all the time! I can't imagine they would do that twice a day and have breakfast. I could be wrong but then again, all my thoughts and/or opinions are based on how my own family and I eat and our habits. I certainly would never imply that you are pig. I simply commented on that seemed like a alot of food according to my own opinion, which of course, I am free to have/state. On the other hand you mention your particular plan is take advantage by utilizing your points for signature dining and one other TS. I have no desire to try signature dining so probably would not be worth it for me. And FYI, I happen to be grateful for the free dining I will be getting. No complaints here. If you bother to scroll back to my posts I never actually "complained" I was just surprised about the changes I was unaware of. Once it was explained to me by a very nice disboard member, I considered looking into paying the difference, but, decided for my family, it just wasn't worth it, an entree with out an app. will be fine for us. So worries my mindset is not just grateful but estatic for recieving free BASIC dining.

Thanks for setting me straight........;). Now I can sleep tonight. :lmao:

As server in a higher end restaurant I am sure you know better than I about eating habits, dining trends, and food consumption of the the typical American.

As I said, I will bow to your obvious superior knowledge.

DisneyFreaks said:
We will be doing separate checks so I'm wondering if the automatic gratuity will be separated among the three checks as per just what each family ordered or if each check will show the 20% for the entire table. Will we have to figure out each family's share ourselves or will it be on their own individual checks?
Okay, it's 18%, not 20% (but you're free to tip more :teeth: ) but - each family will get a check showing the items that family ordered, with 18% of the cost of those items only being reflected.
So if your check is $100, and one other family's check is $150, and the third is $50 - you will be assessed $18, the second family will be assessed $27, and the third family will be assessed $9.
Okay, it's 18%, not 20% (but you're free to tip more :teeth: ) but - each family will get a check showing the items that family ordered, with 18% of the cost of those items only being reflected.
So if your check is $100, and one other family's check is $150, and the third is $50 - you will be assessed $18, the second family will be assessed $27, and the third family will be assessed $9.

Good to know. Thanks kaytieeldr. I appreciate your help. :)
We (DH & I) make all the reservations for the whole family and they are in our name. Will everyone still have their food credits on their own room key? They won't all be on DH's will they? And how does everyone keep track of what they have used? Sorry if these have been answered millions of times. I haven't read the entire thread.
All the Dining Plan credits for everyone on the same hotel reservation are accessible from all of the room keys for that hotel room. If you want to ration credits among people within the same room, you need to effect that itself: The only thing Disney concerns itself, at all, is the separation between those who paid $38 a day (for adult meals) and those who paid $10 a day (for child meals).
A correction.
The word "dulx" does not exist in English. It is spelled "deluxe"; the abbreviation is dlx.
The word dinning may have something to do with noise, but if you are referring to the conjugation of dine, it is spelled "dining."
Deluxe dining. Not dulx dinning.
A correction.
The word "dulx" does not exist in English. It is spelled "deluxe"; the abbreviation is dlx.
The word dinning may have something to do with noise, but if you are referring to the conjugation of dine, it is spelled "dining."
Deluxe dining. Not dulx dinning.

The vast majority of us overlook other posters' misspellings. It happens to all of us on occasion. This is a friendly forum. :) :thumbsup2
A correction.
The word "dulx" does not exist in English. It is spelled "deluxe"; the abbreviation is dlx.
The word dinning may have something to do with noise, but if you are referring to the conjugation of dine, it is spelled "dining."
Deluxe dining. Not dulx dinning.

DizWisher, thnx fur yer grate impoot hear..........peepul lyke you mayk mee reeleyes mi shortcummings.

Get a grip, you are either new or a troll, one is easy to overlook the other is deplorable. We overlook typos and bad spelling here because this is friendly place where we come to exchange ideas; we are not here to judge others spelling or language skills. With 18 posts I would think you would be less interested in correcting others, and more interested in making friends on this wonderful forum.......if you invest the time, people here have some great insight and experience to share even if it is sometimes mis-spelled.

Dizwisher, I have pm'd you....but wanted to say here, that this is indeed a friendly forum where we try to have polite discussions on the DDP. If you feel you cannot abide by the posting guidelines, then by all means refrain from posting.


Thank you for being on top of this mean stuff Mackey Mouse. That's why this board is such a nice friendly one to visit and spend time on. :goodvibes
All the Dining Plan credits for everyone on the same hotel reservation are accessible from all of the room keys for that hotel room. If you want to ration credits among people within the same room, you need to effect that itself: The only thing Disney concerns itself, at all, is the separation between those who paid $38 a day (for adult meals) and those who paid $10 a day (for child meals).

Thanks for explaining it all to me bicker. I appreciate it.
I am sorry. That was inappropriate and snide. I will refrain from being critical and nasty; believe it or not, I can be nice. If this is okay with the board and Mackey Mouse, can my post to libinatorsmom be removed? I am hoping she need never see it if she has not already. Apologies, libinatorsmom, if you have read it, and I hope you have a good trip with good meals.
Apostolic4Life, I deserved the sarcasm. But I don't think referring to me as "deplorable" or "troll" was necessary.

I am, in fact, new. I have already learned masses from the info, advice, TRs. It is somewhat ironic that I am in the dining info, though. I have been fed via central line for over a decade, due to a form of muscular dystrophy. I have a kind of weird situation, and I don't know enough about Disney dining in general, much less the DDP, to address it. I am hoping someone here can help.

I am going on my first WDW trip in MANY years in October with my husband and my aide. We needed the villa space, so we ended up with a package that has DDP for all three of us. Instead of trying to get a refund for my share, we figured that having the DDP for me could work out. I cannot swallow, but I still like how food tastes, and occasionally I chew bites of food and spit them out into Dixie cups. Don't worry, we ask to be seated as remotely as possible, and my DH and CNA are really discreet-- they practically shove my head into a paper cup so no one has to look at chewed food (sorry, it sounds icky, but I miss food!)
We thought I could order whatever sounded good to me, and after I have a taste of it, DH and CNA can split the rest. They eat A LOT, and can easily consume the extra dinner and dessert between them. The snacks and CS on my DDP, they can just redeem and divide as they like. BTW, they still want to stop at Publix (we are driving) to pick up snacks and breakfast foods to keep at the villa. They are HUGE eaters, and burn many calories taking care of (and putting up with) me.
Is this against the rules of the DDP? I've read it over, and I can't find any specific rule we would be breaking, but I'm new at this-- we were amazed that the DDP existed at all. We like the pre-paid aspect a lot, and it should save us money.
I'd be very grateful for any help you can offer.

Again, sorry I behaved so obnoxiously.



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