12 Days of Holiday Safety


1500 MIles From the Fort.
Jan 27, 2013
It's easy to make safety a part of your holiday with these tips. Tackle one a day and you're well on your way to a safe New Year!

Day 1 What's that noise? Test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. Make sure everyone knows
what to do it they hear them.

Day 2 What a shocker! Before use, inspect all electrical lights, decorations, and extension cords
for damage.

Day 3 Two's company, Do not overload outlets with too many decorations or devices.
three's a crowd

Day 4 Is it working? Test your ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) to make sure they're
protecting you.

Day 5 Ouch! Prevent trips and falls by keeping cords safely along walls and out of
doorways and high traffic areas.

Day 6 Kids eat the Avoid putting lights, metal hooks, breakable ornaments, and other small
darndest things! small decorations within reach of young children.

Day 7 Thirsty? Keep your Christmas tree stand full of water. A fresh, green tree poses
less of a fire hazard than a dry tree.

Day 8 Make a wish! Blow out the candles before leaving a room or going to bed.

Day 9 Nice and warm. Keep space heaters at least 3 feet away from anything that can burn-
decorations, trees, gifts, and curtains.

Day 10 Can't touch this! Consider installing tamper-resistant outlets/receptacles to prevent kids from
inserting objects into the slots.

Day 11 Escape Route: Share your family fire escape plan with overnight guests.

Day 12 Hot stuff! Keep children away from cooking areas, use back burners and turn pot
handles in away from little hands.

There's no greater gift you can give your family than a safe and happy holiday!


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