11 1/2 year old lab with cancer-what to do?

For me, it would depend on how invasive the surgery would be. A simple, near the surface tumor, with minimal incision? Sure, remove it if it means extending time. But intense chemo? No. Low dose, maintenance chemo, maybe.

My parents went through this with their cocker spaniel. Slightly invasive surgery when the dog was 11. Removed 3-4 tumors. No follow up treatment. She lived another two years, but the tumors came back after 18 months. The last 6 months - well, they should have put her down a lot earlier than they did.
When I was little we had a Sheltie who had a very similar tumor. Found this out when he was just shy of 11 years old. My parents decided against surgery/chemo. He went in his sleep days after his 15th birthday. He was still himself that whole time (other than getting older and sleeping more). Some family friends a few years ago had a Boxer and had surgery. He passed within a year.

I would forgo surgery myself. Sorry for what you are going though. It sucks.
I am so sorry for you but your decision is the right one.

Love your doggie until it's time to pass over the Rainbow Bridge.
My family too had this decision to make with our 4 yr old lab who had a nasal tumor. We drove her to Cornell University (3 hrs away) for 2nd opinion and was told same as you. Surgery and chemo. We would have to leave her all week and visit there on weekends, and cancer will most definitely return. Not a way for her to live.

After speaking with our vet again he also told us he would not do the surgery if it were his pet. He told us to spoil her rotten for the time she had left. If she wanted steak, feed her steak. Let her sleep on the bed and make her feel like the princess she was for the rest of her short time. We did just that for the next 3-4 months. The vet said we would know when it would be time to put her down and we did. Something happened one day and we all knew.

My suggestion is not to do surgery, talk to your vet about how this will progress and spoil your pet as much as you can for the time left. This is such a difficult time, you and your pet are in my thoughts and prayers.
My labs did not have cancer, but both had medical issues that caused me to have to make the decision to have them put to sleep. They were both 13 when their individual times came. It is not an easy decision... but I couldn't let them suffer. Especially my boy, Sarge. I had to make the call a month after I had lost my mother to cancer. At least he didn't have to suffer any longer and I COULD give him that gift.

So, I would not put a dog of that age through surgery and treatment.
I am so sorry that you have to even make this decision. It broke our hearts to do it back in 2010 with our beloved greyhound. She developed a lump in her jaw and I noticed it getting bigger. Took her to the vet who referred us to a specialist. Plasma cell tumor. The specialist suggested surgery and that plasma cells respond well to surgical removal BUT she'd lose quite a bit of her FACE/JAW with it. At 11 years old, we just couldn't put her through that. So we opted to enjoy the time we would be given with her. It was about a year. It grew to the size of a large sweet potato. She couldn't close her mouth, drooled all the time, and the tumor was encroaching on her teeth and gums. We promised her that the day she couldn't eat anymore would be the day we'd give her the way out. I had gotten to the point of giving her watered down wet food...and one day she just turned her nose up at the food and gave me the most pitiful look. I called DH at work and made him come home to say goodbye and we took her to the vet that afternoon.

Bless that woman's heart...she euthanized her and had her cremated and sent her ashes to us in a lovely box (on my mantle right now).

We never regretted that call, but it was such a gut wrenchingly sad day. Miss that dog.
We just went through this situation in July. We got a dx of liver cancer which was a real surprise. Our guy was just 8 yrs old. He was too far along for any treatment. We got two weeks more time with him but the last few days were really bad. Unfortunately it was over the weekend so we put him down on Monday. It was the most difficult time. I was with him all the time and to see him struggle just to give us more time was something I won't do again.

My DH is just heartbroken but by the end of that week he came home and announced we were getting another puppy and that it would be an Irish setter cause he 'hadn't gotten enough of them'. How can you argue with that? We will pick up our new guy in early October and get to meet him this coming Friday. Each of our past dogs has left huge holes in our hearts that the next dog has filled to overflowing. I believe they are all waiting for us when we cross over that rainbow bridge to join them.
My 11 1/2 year old yellow lab was diagnosed with cancer in July. He has a tumor in his groin. The vet said that we have two options. The first is to remove the tumor and then go through cancer treatments. The other option was to just enjoy what time we have left with him as long as he can still eat and go to the bathroom. She said that if it was her dog that she would forgo the surgery and cancer treatments and enjoy the time left with him. I talked to my husband and we agreed to just enjoy the time. Now it seems that the tumor is growing aggressively fast. He is still loving his walks, car rides, and play time but I am feeling bad that we are not doing anything. I had a friend in this same situation a few years ago and they had the surgery but their dog died a couple of months later. Has anyone been in this situation before? I love my dog so much and this is just tearing me up inside. Thanks.

:hug: I know this is hard. You love your doggy so much. But I think I would make the same decision you've made, if I were in your shoes. We lost our beloved Standard Poodle at age 11 and as much as I wanted to save him, we realized that we couldn't really improve his life. We could maintain him with medications and IV fluids, but he would never be fully out of pain and he would never return to the lively, merry dog he once was. So we made the decision to do nothing heroic and let it run its course. His course was 8 more days. :guilty:

I have no regrets for that decision. Sure, it hurts and hurt really badly at the time. But it was the right decision for Minky. I couldn't justify prolonging his life when I could see how miserable he was.

Best of luck to you. This is a hard road to walk.:hug:
Hugs to you, snowball. We lost our beloved 6 year old lab, Jake, to lymphoma. We chose not to do the chemo route, as it would only prolong his life for 6 - 10 months, and his quality of life would be questionable. We put him on steroids, and as another poster said, we gave him what he wanted, when he wanted it - cheese sandwiches, steak, chicken, etc. When it was time, we took him to the vet, who gave him a shot that gently let him go to sleep in our arms. I told my daughter that we should be so kind to humans. You have my thoughts and prayers.
I am so sorry. I almost didn't open this thread. We went through a similar thing with our 12 year old golden. He started having numerous frequent seizures. It was possibly a brain tumor but he would have had to have an expensive scan, put under, to find out for sure. We opted against the scan, as we knew the surgery to remove it would have been too risky with his age etc, so we opted to treat the best we could until the end came.
Awww, :hug:

By the time my last dog began showing signs of cancer, he was already on his last leg. I miss him so much, and tear up just writing this. Enjoy what time you have left with your fur baby. The story below is long, but it's one I adore. If my baby hadn't progressed so quickly, I would have LOVED to have the opportunity to give him the perfect day. I love this story.


The Perfect Day

His dog was dying. But they could spend one last day together.

Some Slate pieces are so great, they demand a second reading. Today we share this excerpt from Jon Katz's book, Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die, from 2011.
Jon Katz.

It is possible to take something beautiful and lasting out of the heart-wrenching experience of seeing the animal you love move inexorably toward death. Nobody can take the grief away, nor should anyone try, but our love for animals is nothing but a gift, and it keeps on giving, even when they go home.

A man named Harry, an Iraq war veteran and tennis coach from Minnesota, hit upon a simple and profound idea to transform this otherwise sad experience into a blessed one.

It was a gray morning when the vet told Harry that his dog Duke's heart was failing and that it wouldn't be long before he died. Harry was not surprised, but still, the news depressed him. Listening to the vet, Harry later told me, he'd gotten an idea, one he thought would pay tribute to his life with Duke and give him something to feel besides sadness and loss.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to give you a Perfect Day," he said quietly to Duke as they left the vet's office. He would take the day off from work and create a sweet memory with his dog. It would be a special day, filled with all the things Duke loved most, as close to perfect as Harry could make it. He would take his Canon PowerShot along to capture some images of the day, to preserve the memories.

Duke was a border collie/shepherd mix. He had always been a lively, energetic dog and would herd anything that moved. Walks, work, food, Frisbees, red ballsthese were the things Duke loved, along with chasing balloons and popping them.

Harry went shopping for supplies, and when he came back Duke was napping on his dog bed. He went over, lay down next to the dog, and hugged him. "Pal," he whispered, "tomorrow is for you, your Perfect Day." He was embarrassed to tell his wife, Debbie, about the plan, but she sensed what was going on and gave the two of them the space they needed. It was her belief that the dog, more than anything else, helped Harry heal from the trauma of Iraq. He couldn't look at Duke without smiling, and when he had first come home, he hadn't smiled too often.

At eight the next morning, Harry got up. Duke was lying on his bed, which was next to Harry and Debbie's. The dog rose a bit slowly, then followed Harry down the stairs and into the kitchen. Harry opened the refrigerator and took out a hamburger patty and two strips of bacon, cooked the night before. He put them on a plate and into the microwave.

Duke was riveted. When the plate came outHarry touched it to make sure it was warm but not hothe dumped the meat into Duke's bowl, along with his heart pills. It was as if Duke couldn't believe his eyes. He was almost never given people food. Looking up at Harry, as if asking permission, he waited until Harry nodded and said, "OK, boy," before inhaling the food.

A feeling of sadness came over Harry as he thought about how Duke would soon be gone. He wandered into the living room and lay down on the couch. Duke came over and curled up next to him. Harry began to sob, softly, then more deeply and loudly; Duke gently licked his face.

After a few minutes, Harry rose to get dressed. Although he worried about straining the dog's heart, he let Duke follow him up the stairs. On this day, Duke could do anything he wanted. No corrections. He sat on the bedroom floor and watched Harry put his clothes on. When Harry said "Sneakers," Duke labored to get up onto his feet, walked over to the closet, and brought Harry his white running shoes. Harry had enjoyed training his dog to bring him his sneakers, and Duke seemed to love it too.

Harry went back downstairs, followed by Duke. He picked up a bag from the pantry and walked out into the yard. Inside the bag were two dozen high-bounce red balls. One at a time, he threw them and bounced them off the back fence. Duke tore after one gleefully, then another, catching some, narrowly missing others as they whizzed past his head.

When Duke started to pant, Harry stopped.

Next they went to the town pond. Harry sat by the water's edge while Duke waded in, paddled around, swam back, shook himself off, then repeated the routine about a dozen times. Every few minutes Harry tossed the dog a liver treat. It practically rained the small and pungent treats. Once again, Duke looked as if he could hardly believe his good fortune.

They came back to the house and napped. After lunch, Harry took Duke to the vast state park outside of town. He picked a flat, gentle trail, and the two of them walked a couple of miles. Eventually, they came to a stone abutment with a beautiful view. Harry walked over to the edge and sat down. Duke clambered out and curled up beside him. It was a gorgeous afternoon, and the wind ruffled the dog's hair. Duke held his nose up to the wind, picking up the scents of the earth.

God, I love this creature, Harry thought. I never feel this peaceful, this much at ease. It is something to remember, to honor.

They sat together for nearly an hour, enjoying a bond of complete understanding and affection. If only the world could stay like this, Harry thought, this simple, this good.

Harry knew that Duke was tired, so they took their time walking back, stopping frequently to rest. A few years earlier, Duke could have hiked all day, and sometimes they did that together. But not anymore.

When they got home, Harry cooked Duke some prime sirloin, then chopped it up. The dog was beside himself, looking up at Harry as he ate, expecting the food to be taken away. That evening, Harry put one of his favorite Clint Eastwood movies into the DVD player and Duke hopped up onto the couch, put his head in Harry's lap, and went to sleep. When the movie was over, Harry carried the dog up the stairs and laid him down on his bed.

Several weeks after the Perfect Day, when Harry came home from work, Duke was not there by the door to greet him, and he knew he was gone. He went into the living room to find Duke dead. He knelt by his dog, closed his eyes, and said a prayer. Then he dug a deep hole in the backyard and buried Duke there, along with some bones, his collar, and some of his beloved red balls.

Of all the photos Harry took on the Perfect Day, the one he loved the best was of Duke sitting out on the stone ledge in the state park, taking in the sights and smells.

Now every morning before he goes to work, he flips open his cellphone and smiles at the picture of Duke, looking for all the world like a king surveying his territory.

Harry passed on the idea of the Perfect Day to friends and other dog owners struggling to come to terms with their own pets' failing health. Many have since shared with him the stories of their dog's Perfect Day. It makes him happy to think about Duke's legacyall those Perfect Days for all those other great dogs leaving our world behind.
Thank you everyone for sharing your fur baby stories. Hugs to each and everyone of you!! Minerva Mouse....thank you also for sharing the "Perfect Day". paw:paw:paw:paw:paw:paw:paw:
When it was Fergie's time, I told my vet I did not believe in quantity over quality of life. It was hard, but I know I made it with all the love I had in my heart.

Hugs to you.
Seems a great deal of us have gone through this I lost Dillon last year 2 days before Thanksgiving Diagnosed that Aug Broke my heart I will never be the same BUT he is always with me and I know I did the right thing by not putting him through surgery I send you all love and prayers this is a very hard thing to deal with :hug:


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