Reservation Walking Banned by Disney

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But wait! I've read many times here on the DIS that DVC monitors these boards to keep their finger on the membership pulse. So if that is true, then never say never! :rolleyes1
Influencers and Bloggers have replaced the forums for Disney's info. As evidence, I submit the problem that Disney hasn't rewarded all Blue Card DVC owners with lifetime park passes.
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Well, that’s a question we can’t answer, isn’t it? If there is anyone walking through that week, and there is, someone booking at the correct 11 month opening missed out on a room because of it. And if the walker stops in that week, permanently so. I ended up having to book a more point-costly room.
In other words, the walkers use the fairness of the First Come, First Served philosohy to their advantage by planning ahead amd using the system as it is designed?
No one is asking, but here’s what I would do if I were in charge of DVC:

1. Make walking reservations against the rules. The principle being that the spirit of the contract is equal footing at the 11 month booking date.

2. At the time of the third modification to a reservation, an audit is triggered. If that reservation continues to be modified in a pattern consistent with walking, an email is sent, reminding that owner that walking is against the rules. Blah blah blah.

3. Three strike rule. If you have three reservations that have a pattern of being walked, your ability to modify is curtailed somehow.

I can’t fathom how this would impact anyone making legitimate modifications at all.
Disney came up with their own solution. Fixed weeks. Now wait for the "42" resorts and they will add that to them as well. All in good time. Then those who want those special weeks,,,buck up
In other words, the walkers use the fairness of the First Come, First Served philosohy to their advantage by planning ahead?
You call it planning ahead, I call it booking rooms you have no intention of staying in. Obviously, we all plan ahead.
Another thread to condemn walkers. Many want to demand that DVC somehow do away with it. Some even suggest a lawsuit although I do not know who you would sue -- if it is not against any rules, suing DVC would be pointless because it is not ignoring any rules by allowing it; maybe you just demand that DVC. sue all the people walking or all professional renters, something DVC would have to spend huge amounts of time and money even to determine who those "evil" walkers are.

The option, of course, is to have huge numbers of members complain to DVC in the hope it will do something to end walking. However, in the past, when DVC has changed things because of a large number of complaints, it has not usually chosen the change requested but instead chooses a solution that costs it little and is often something that itself is worse than what existed.

I mention that because DVC could easily end walking at little to no cost to it. What some may not realize is that the current reservation system, where you can book up to 7 nights at 11-months out from date of arrival, did not exist before June 2008. Under the reservation system that existed before then, a member could book a reservation at 11/7 months out from date of check-out from a DVC room. Since that system has already existed, and thus no one could assert DVC would be acting improperly in returning to it, that is what you would likely get if members overwhelmingly complain to DVC that the current system that results in walking needs to be changed.

There was a form of walking under the old system but it is not one any professional renter would likely want to spend the time doing because a usual result could be that "walking" would not get multiple day reservations for hard-to-get rooms. What some members did was try to make a day-by-day reservation. Example, if a member wanted to reserve Dec 1-8 at 11-months out , the member would reserve, on Jan 2, the night of Dec 1, making Dec 2 the departure date. On Jan 3, if successful in getting the night of Dec 1, the member would attempt to get the night of Dec 2 with a Dec 3 departure date. That day by day reservation attempt would continue with the hope of actually getting 7 nights. The obvious downside to that method is that for any hard-to-get room, on that second day of an attempt, the member would be competing with everyone else who has Dec 3 as a departure date; and that would continue to be the risk for any days to be added thereafter. When the old system was in effect, that "walking" system was generally used only by members seeking GVs, which were the rooms members believed could be booked very fast at 11-months out. Many spoke of their success in doing that "walk". It was later that I found out such success usually had little to do with walking but instead that the existing GVs at the time did not actually book full book right at 11-months out. Much has changed since then, including the evolution of the 11-month booking problem for a group of rooms. If DVC switched to the old system, there would be a lot more members than now who would be unsuccessful in getting desired hard-to-get rooms for multiple day reservations, even in the absence of any professional renters.
You call it planning ahead, I call it booking rooms you have no intention of staying in. Obviously, we all plan ahead.
Some plan better than others, apparently. As I said, I only walk in very specific circumstances, generally involving a large group trip where people have very restrictive travel dates, or when I need to accommodate an ECV in a GV. I also rarely book right on the day of the 11 month window. For solo travel or smaller groups, if a studio isn't available, I book a one bedroom In fact, I rather enjoy having the one bedroom, with jacuzzi and washer/dryer for solo trips, and often book one just for me. So basically my thoughts are, if you're locked out of a studio due to walking, and you don't have enough points for a one bedroom, you can always buy more points. You may find you enjoy it a lot more,

That said, I do have a studio solo trip in late January. but I booked it with the anticipation of someone else going who now has be away looking after an elder family member. I have a one bedroom for a solo trip in May/June. I do wish we could book reservations crossing use years without having to have DVC MS merge them...but it is what it is.
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And if the walker stops in that week, permanently so. I ended up having to book a more point-costly room.
Previous years usually offer some indication, whether a specific week is hard to book or a 'walk through' week. Depending on your risk profile, you can either waitlist the week by itself or book a higher category and waitlist the one you actually want and get your points back.

Regarding your three strikes suggestion: without and iron clad definition of what constitutes walking, this would be and invitation to despotism.
Right now, all 3 views for BWV studios are being walked. No 11/29 Open (yesterday it was 11/28 so obviously walking). Don’t have enough points for a 1 bedroom.

And if those rooms are really being walked then in the next few days they will open up for people who want those dates.

If someone doesn’t have enough for a 1 bedroom thst doesn’t change a thing because the system doesn’t guarantee you will get what you want when you want.

Come early December if they don’t come back then those people are actually booking them.

As long as we can book 11 months plus 7, there are dates into the future that people get to book before someone else, even without walking.

But, even if the studios at BWV gone, there are several other resorts that are not seeing that same issue. Which means, in the scheme of things, it impacts a very small % of rooms and owners.
Previous years usually offer some indication, whether a specific week is hard to book or a 'walk through' week. Depending on your risk profile, you can either waitlist the week by itself or book a higher category and waitlist the one you actually want and get your points back.

Regarding your three strikes suggestion: without and iron clad definition of what constitutes walking, this would be and invitation to despotism.
And open DVC up to possible review by the Florida Timeshare Board.
This is a circular argument that is futile to continue.

I'll just come back to a central point.

You are booking rooms that you have no intention (and never did have) of staying in. And in that process, are blocking others from getting rooms that they do want to stay in.

It's looking out for number one, and to hell with everyone else. Looks wrong, feels wrong, is wrong.

Yup! And many members do that all the time when it has nothing to do with walking.

Its first come, first serve. If an owner has points, they should be able to use them as they see fit. Heck I have rooms booked for September, October and November and only one of those trips will happen. Just won’t know which one until spring. Thst is the benefit of DVC.

What it seems is some prefer is a system that stops other owners from using their membership the way it’s best for them but best for other people.

But, as you said, we view the product we bought differently. And I bet most owners would not want to see these types of changes to the program.

With that, I think if shared all my thoughts that I’d rather have walkkg exist than any penalty for modifications.
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How? It says you can book a room at 11 months?

Where does it say you have to be positive you will travel? I know that sounds snarky, and it’s not meant to be, but that is what it comes down to in the technical sense

I currently have nights booked in the next year that have little chance of being used..but guess what, I might decide to go and want my SV rooms secured in case I do.

So, I won’t cancel until I am 100% sure I am not going.

In the end, I just don’t see how they simply can make a system that is going to penalize walkers without penalizing those who don’t

And, if changes happen , people will find a way around things, especially lsrgrr point owners who might hold rooms longer

I’m not defending the right to block all changes or the right to penalize walkers.

I’m defending the right of owners to not have to book 14 months out to get their equal footing at 11 months.

Changes happen to DVC over the years. That’s inevitable. If they put a 1 day longer than reservation cooldown for flipping dates, I would not push back and think within their rights.
Regarding your three strikes suggestion: without and iron clad definition of what constitutes walking, this would be and invitation to despotism.
As a supreme court justice once said, I know it when I see it.
Yup! And many members do that all the time when it has nothing to do with walking.

Its first come, first serve. If an owner has points, they should be able to use them as they see fit. Heck I have rooms booked for September, October and November and only one of those trips will happen. Just won’t know which one until spring.

What it seems is some prefer is a system that stops other owners from using their membership the way it’s best for them but best for other people.

But, as you said, we view the product we bought differently. And I bet most owners would not want to see these types of changes to the program.

With that, I think if shared all my thoughts that I’d rather have walkkg exist than any penalty for modifications.
I won't presume to speak on behalf of most owners, so will just share my perspective. An equal argument against spec reservations and walking can be offered for every argument in support of them, right? Although technically allowed under the current rules, I seriously doubt DVC envisioned walking when drafting the rules. People routinely find ways to game any system to their advantage and have no qualms with doing so.

I am not a fan of walking reservations and have no qualms whatsoever if DVC slaps a $100 change fee on reservations to discourage commercial renting and reservation walking.
This is a circular argument that is futile to continue.

I'll just come back to a central point.

You are booking rooms that you have no intention (and never did have) of staying in. And in that process, are blocking others from getting rooms that they do want to stay in.

It's looking out for number one, and to hell with everyone else. Looks wrong, feels wrong, is wrong.

You mean just like members that use their points to book prime reservations at the 11 month mark for the sole purpose of renting the reservation out later? DVC seems very unconcerned about that, too. And that said, I have rented out points, just not pre-existing reservations. But I'm still glad the option is there if I do need to cancel a trip sometime during near the end of my use year, when you can't bank the points.
I seriously doubt DVC envisioned walking when drafting the rules. People routinely find ways to game any system to their advantage and have no qualms with doing so.
Remember, DVC Member Services representatives actually suggested and encouraged a form of walking years ago when our only option to change/extend reservations was calling in.
I am not a fan of walking reservations and have no qualms whatsoever if DVC slaps a $100 change fee on reservations to discourage commercial renting and reservation walking.
So when I book at 11 months out and then firm up my flights and I'm able to add a night at the beginning because I got a late evening flight the day before I get to pay $100 to DVC? That's fun. Oh, or I want to change my 11 month booking at 7 months to another resort....that'll be another $100? Oh, you need to get back a day earlier than anticipated when you booked 11 months out? To drop that day you get to pay $100.

No thanks.
So when I book at 11 months out and then firm up my flights and I'm able to add a night at the beginning because I got a late evening flight the day before I get to pay $100 to DVC? That's fun. Oh, or I want to change my 11 month booking at 7 months to another resort....that'll be another $100? Oh, you need to get back a day earlier than anticipated when you booked 11 months out? To drop that day you get to pay $100.

No thanks.
If it discourages walking and commercial renting, then yes, sign me up.
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