Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Lou Lou is back in school so I'm back at home. Have some work to catch up on. Went to Bible study this morning, ran late as usual. I'm usually an early/on time person so I need to get my act in gear. I've even stopped walking on Thursday mornings in order to be on time but that hasn't worked. I think it's just time management which I'm usually good with. I'll just have to keep trying.

Lynn, I'm glad that you were able to get a decent night's sleep last night. The flowers you chose for Don's memorial table were lovely.
Lynn I hope you continue to get some good rest and care.

Kirby Glad Lou Lou is feeling better.

Good morning. It is going to be warmer again today, around 60. Yesterday was a lovely day. I met a group of ladies when I was out walking and stopped to talk. The stop work order here has been extended to the Spring. So anyone who was going to close on their condo soon will have to wait until the Spring at the very least. The commission is getting tough with the builder as he will not do what they are telling him he has to do. I found out from the talking with the ladies that the grading is done incorrectly which I can see and I am not an expert. That is one reason I had water. There are so many water issues that the commission said it will take at least until spring to deal with them. But, the builder is not doing much. I am glad the commission is protecting the owners here by making sure the builder does what he has to. A real estate agent stopped to talk with us and she has clients who were supposed to close next month. The bad thing is the commission will not allow the builder to work on the punch list issues for people already living here. So the 2 holes in my wall will not get fixed until spring. I don't agree with that as it punishes us, not the builder. I like the area, the condo, and most of the people I meet here. However, I am not sure I made the right decision to get a new build based on the issues with the condo and the builder. I have not been making the best decisions since Chris passed. The kids keep telling me it will be fine.

I had dinner with Kenny and the kids at chik fil a last night. That is the grandkids favorite place because of the play place. I am getting a bit tired of it but I enjoy the company so I just order something different each time. Kenny works this weekend and Jeff is busy so a weekend by myself. I see alot of walking this weekend.

Off to work. Have a good day.
Happy Friday!🌦️

I am getting a bit tired of it but I enjoy the company so I just order something different each time.
I've found something a Chik-fil-a that I really enjoy. I get a bowl of kale and a side order of the grill nuggets (6 or 9) and mix them together, add a little sauce and it's really good.👍

Went back to the doctor yesterday afternoon for this cough. She said she doesn't think the infection is gone and the cough is a lingering cough. Gave me different cough medicine and a Z-pack. She said that if this doesn't clear up in a couple of weeks 😳 then they're going to treat it as late season allergies. I just want this cough gone. To hear my cough you would think I smoke 10 packs a day and I don't smoke!

Took Boomer to the vet for a follow-up on his foot and then he got all his vaccinations, $300. I know it was mentioned a couple days ago about how expense the vet is getting.💰

Stopped and got Chipotle and home in time for the football game. I took a few bites of food and just didn't feel like eating even though I was hungry. I saw the kick-off and I fell asleep for the entire game!😠 I woke up for the last 3 minutes of the game so I turned it off and just went to bed.😴

Working from home today. I'm not sitting in the office so everyone has to listen to me coughing.

That's it for me, have a great day! :wave:
Happy Friday!🌦️

I've found something a Chik-fil-a that I really enjoy. I get a bowl of kale and a side order of the grill nuggets (6 or 9) and mix them together, add a little sauce and it's really good.👍

Went back to the doctor yesterday afternoon for this cough. She said she doesn't think the infection is gone and the cough is a lingering cough. Gave me different cough medicine and a Z-pack. She said that if this doesn't clear up in a couple of weeks 😳 then they're going to treat it as late season allergies. I just want this cough gone. To hear my cough you would think I smoke 10 packs a day and I don't smoke!

Took Boomer to the vet for a follow-up on his foot and then he got all his vaccinations, $300. I know it was mentioned a couple days ago about how expense the vet is getting.💰

Stopped and got Chipotle and home in time for the football game. I took a few bites of food and just didn't feel like eating even though I was hungry. I saw the kick-off and I fell asleep for the entire game!😠 I woke up for the last 3 minutes of the game so I turned it off and just went to bed.😴

Working from home today. I'm not sitting in the office so everyone has to listen to me coughing.

That's it for me, have a great day! :wave:
I'm going to try your Kale and nuggets. Sounds delish to me!

Sorry about your cough. I have the drip and it's nothing new, basically chronic sinusitis or at least that's what the diagnosis was years ago. On top, I'm also allergy prone. Sometimes it affects me, slowing me down when I feel so tired.

The VET - I'm always grateful to have a neighborhood vet. BUT - during the pandemic they started different procedures where our pets got dropped off and then collected later. Did this go away? Not completely. Last time I asked to come inside and was welcomed, and got good service. The BUT is it's costing an arm and a leg. The practice is a business that existed back as long as I've been here - 33 years - but was sold to the guy here now. I've watched him go from an ordinary car to a set of Lexus, BMW and Tesla - all in his family. So he's making bucks, plus commutes here from another neighborhood, much more upscale. Good for him.... However, I may start finding services a bit farther out and diversifying the care. Older DD has already started but she lives quite a distance from me.

An ordinary visit will cost in excess of $300 for shots and exam. Don't let there be an emergency - $500, $700, and as much as $1500. Not talking broken bones, or hip replacements.

He's also been renovating for the last year and a half while still staying open. I do appreciate the service I get. But this isn't the center of Manhattan.
Good morning

@Snowysmom -- sorry for the ongoing condo issues. I hope they all get resolved by early spring
@PollyannaMom-- I hope your DH and DS are feeling better
@footballmouse -- I hope the new meds work and have you feeling better soon

Summer had to drive to Morgantown to pick her husband up at 4 am. He works for the railroad. He got knocked out at work the other day and is having massive headaches and bad vision and no one made him go to the ER or urgent care. I hope she made him go when she picked him up. If something happens to him, she's going to be in a very bad way.

Going to be another 70+ day. I took the mowers out yesterday and did one final mow, and mulched all the leaves. I'll run them until dry today and store them for the winter. I just needed to get outside and do something normal.
I was hungry by dinnertime, but I fixed something, took a few bites, and just put it away as leftovers. I'm just not that hungry.

I watched Survivor, but fell asleep on tribal. Woke up 2 hours later and had to rewind to see who got voted off.

Today I am going to put the Christmas lights up on the front porch today. Don loved the way the house looked at the holidays with the lights, so I'm going to do it in his memory. Same with the tree, it's not what I really feel like doing, but I know he'd be upset if I didn't. He's been gone a week today, I don't know where this week went. I also have to start writing thank you notes, but I've set a limit on doing 3 a day. I know it's going to make me cry and I want to take it easy on myself.

Have a great day

I also have to start writing thank you notes, but I've set a limit on doing 3 a day.
I don't think anyone expects a thank-you note so soon, take your time.
Woke up 2 hours later and had to rewind to see who got voted off.
Were you shocked on who was voted out? I was!
But this isn't the center of Manhattan.
Sounds like he's trying to be a little more upscale. I switched vets at the beginning of the year because my usual vet couldn't get Carly in for a week for an ear infection. However, the vet that I switched to is more expensive but he's really great. Small office, 1 vet, 2 exam rooms but he's pricey. I did go back to my usual vet this last appointment b/c I figured they would be cheaper.
have the drip and it's nothing new, basically chronic sinusitis
Do you have a cough with this? I constantly have a runny nose and I can deal with that, it's the cough that I hate.
I don't think anyone expects a thank-you note so soon, take your time.

Were you shocked on who was voted out? I was!

Yes, It's not who I thought was going to go. There are so many others I would have voted off before her!
Sounds like he's trying to be a little more upscale. I switched vets at the beginning of the year because my usual vet couldn't get Carly in for a week for an ear infection. However, the vet that I switched to is more expensive but he's really great. Small office, 1 vet, 2 exam rooms but he's pricey. I did go back to my usual vet this last appointment b/c I figured they would be cheaper.

Do you have a cough with this? I constantly have a runny nose and I can deal with that, it's the cough that I hate.
The week is moving faster than I thought.
Boy is it! I'm entering into my "damn I should have already done this/figured this out" phase of my Thanksgiving prep!
(I am putting all the towns in for @easyas123 )
Willey's Farm Store
I think we may go there, and Homestead Ronny's the first weekend in December. Decided to get a balled tree this year, so we will scope out if they have them or not. If not I'm not going all over hell & creation for one, there is a florist in Chestertown that has them and I'll pick one up there.
I met a group of ladies when I was out walking and stopped to talk.
That sounds like a nice & informed group of ladies! Glad you got the scoop!
I've found something a Chik-fil-a that I really enjoy. I get a bowl of kale and a side order of the grill nuggets (6 or 9) and mix them together, add a little sauce and it's really good.👍
Thanks for this suggestion! I've transitioned from the deluxe to just the nuggets, although not the grilled ones. I think next time I'll go with your suggestion and try that.
He works for the railroad. He got knocked out at work the other day and is having massive headaches and bad vision and no one made him go to the ER or urgent care
I tell all my employees to report everything, even if nothing comes from it - it's in their best interests in terms of work comp. Summer should have him (or do it herself) email his immediate boss & the HR person to say he was hurt - when, where, witnesses, results. He should see a Dr. and it should 100% be covered on work comp. Sorry....I preach this to my guys all the time and it's still not unusual for them to ignore it. And of course, he will need to be prepared to have to accept any limitations the Dr. puts on his ability to work which means he may be on work comp vs. his regular wages for a while - I know sometimes that keeps guys from reporting.
Would you believe I actually had a guy come on to a jobsite, come into one of the jobsite trailers and then announce he didn't feel good and thought he had Covid on Monday??? This after beating the drum of don't come to work if you are sick - don't get your coworkers sick and don't screw with my job schedule! But no, they are clueless sometimes.
Don loved the way the house looked at the holidays with the lights, so I'm going to do it in his memory. Same with the tree, it's not what I really feel like doing,
That sounds lovely and I've no doubt when you get done, sit back and look at your work and see how beautiful it looks you'll think of Don's enjoyment of the lights.

Well good morning to you all.
I've got the usual day in the office today, and tons of stuff to do this weekend. I'm starting to sweat my Thanksgiving preparations, but honestly that is par for the course for me so I'm just rolling with it. I need to keep reminding myself to enjoy it as well, otherwise I'll wake up Friday morning and wonder where they past 48 hours went!
Foster pup has a vet appt. Saturday morning, I've got tons of cleaning to do, and Sunday I am doing my big shop.

I do have a question for the cooks out there - I don't usually make the mashed potatoes, but this year I am. I wanted to cut up the potatoes ahead of time - Can I cut up the potatoes and leave them in water on the counter for a few hours, or do I need to keep them in water in the fridge?

QOTD: Thanksgiving menu: do you go traditional or with something different?

I go pretty much 100% traditional, although we have added mac & cheese to the line up, which is NOT
something I grew up with on the Thanksgiving table. I make mine extra rich with shrimp & crabmeat.

Have a great day everyone -
I don't think anyone expects a thank-you note so soon, take your time.

Were you shocked on who was voted out? I was!

Sounds like he's trying to be a little more upscale. I switched vets at the beginning of the year because my usual vet couldn't get Carly in for a week for an ear infection. However, the vet that I switched to is more expensive but he's really great. Small office, 1 vet, 2 exam rooms but he's pricey. I did go back to my usual vet this last appointment b/c I figured they would be cheaper.

Do you have a cough with this? I constantly have a runny nose and I can deal with that, it's the cough that I hate.
No cough.
Boy is it! I'm entering into my "damn I should have already done this/figured this out" phase of my Thanksgiving prep!


I think we may go there, and Homestead Ronny's the first weekend in December. Decided to get a balled tree this year, so we will scope out if they have them or not. If not I'm not going all over hell & creation for one, there is a florist in Chestertown that has them and I'll pick one up there.

That sounds like a nice & informed group of ladies! Glad you got the scoop!

Thanks for this suggestion! I've transitioned from the deluxe to just the nuggets, although not the grilled ones. I think next time I'll go with your suggestion and try that.

I tell all my employees to report everything, even if nothing comes from it - it's in their best interests in terms of work comp. Summer should have him (or do it herself) email his immediate boss & the HR person to say he was hurt - when, where, witnesses, results. He should see a Dr. and it should 100% be covered on work comp. Sorry....I preach this to my guys all the time and it's still not unusual for them to ignore it. And of course, he will need to be prepared to have to accept any limitations the Dr. puts on his ability to work which means he may be on work comp vs. his regular wages for a while - I know sometimes that keeps guys from reporting.
Would you believe I actually had a guy come on to a jobsite, come into one of the jobsite trailers and then announce he didn't feel good and thought he had Covid on Monday??? This after beating the drum of don't come to work if you are sick - don't get your coworkers sick and don't screw with my job schedule! But no, they are clueless sometimes.

That sounds lovely and I've no doubt when you get done, sit back and look at your work and see how beautiful it looks you'll think of Don's enjoyment of the lights.

Well good morning to you all.
I've got the usual day in the office today, and tons of stuff to do this weekend. I'm starting to sweat my Thanksgiving preparations, but honestly that is par for the course for me so I'm just rolling with it. I need to keep reminding myself to enjoy it as well, otherwise I'll wake up Friday morning and wonder where they past 48 hours went!
Foster pup has a vet appt. Saturday morning, I've got tons of cleaning to do, and Sunday I am doing my big shop.

I do have a question for the cooks out there - I don't usually make the mashed potatoes, but this year I am. I wanted to cut up the potatoes ahead of time - Can I cut up the potatoes and leave them in water on the counter for a few hours, or do I need to keep them in water in the fridge?

QOTD: Thanksgiving menu: do you go traditional or with something different?

I go pretty much 100% traditional, although we have added mac & cheese to the line up, which is NOT
something I grew up with on the Thanksgiving table. I make mine extra rich with shrimp & crabmeat.

Have a great day everyone -
I always make my mashed potatoes in the pressure cooker. I peel, wash and cut them and put them in it, fill it with cold water, put the cover on loosely and let it sit on the stove until I'm ready to cook them. I've left them there for a few hours. They have a tendency to start to turn brown if they sit there much longer than that. You can leave them on the counter if you put a cover over the bowl, or set it outside (if not below freezing) in something covered.
Good Morning dear Quacker family,

Lynn, absolutely take your time with those thank you notes! I love that you are putting up Christmas lights. :grouphug:

Snowysmom, indeed you are a wonderful as are you Judique!

Footballmouse and PollyannaMom, health prayers all around continuing to both of your families and pets.

You are a wise lady dear Easyas. Thank you again always for the love you give to so many canines and all :)

Quiet Friday here. Dad is at the laundromat. We are expecting several packages through the mail today, Amazon tomorrow. I enjoyed a morning quick shower and am feeling more refreshed. Have a good day everyone with love.
Good afternoon!

Been a busy week, I don’t know where the time went.

I like the kale salad at Chic Fil A, too, and I sometimes get the chicken wrap with apple dressing (yummy) or the nuggets, which are real chicken. I don’t care for their chicken sandwiches and definitely don’t like the CFA sauce. Their shakes are nice but those are just once or twice a year for me. I think it’s the peppermint this time of year that is especially good. 🧋(Btw we had In and Out in Arizona and while it was fun, it wasn’t as good as we expected it to be!)

Lynn, you are describing post-concussion syndrome in Summer’s husband. I know it well because I was diagnosed with it myself. My vision was so bad they sent me to Mass Eye and Ear right then and weren’t going to let me drive but fortunately my DD was with me. (I normally have almost 20/20 uncorrected vision but that day I could not read the chart!) He should go to his doctor or urgent care, at least. A concussion won’t come up on a CT scan but a bleed will (unlikely It’s that though; however they still will often do one). They can diagnose a concussion from the history (what happened) and current symptoms. DS had a concussion last spring. They’re nothing to fool around with. Ideally he should see a neurologist. DS finally got in to see ours in late September this year (ugh to those long waits) but his symptoms were by then resolved. She did cognitive testing and he was fine. When she did it with me sooner than that I didn’t pass it at first 😵‍💫 but several months later, I did, on follow up. It’s a bruise to the brain and can affect more daily functioning than we realize. Your lights sound lovely. Is there anything else you can do on the inside that reminds you of Don? I loved the jar of pickled eggs story, btw!

Footballmouse I hope things start to turn around for you soon! Same with your boys PollyannaMom!

Judique our vets sound similar.

QOTD: We do traditional Thanksgiving. In our family we sometimes do another traditional meal at our house on the weekend since we go to SIL’s house, but not sure we will this year since we’re so busy right now.

We’ve been scraping the house and priming it to paint. We got about half of it painted yesterday and I like the color. We still have a lot of work to do but not a lot of time and warmer weather. Hopefully we can get it all done this weekend. Oh, and I soaked Toto good in the tub yesterday, his skin is looking great now. Will have to repeat again after his upcoming kennel stay, and stay on it. I bought a lot of stuff that should help me keep up with it. (Small portable tub, shampoo, bathrobe, lol, salve, etc.) I think this way is better than heavy duty meds for my little guy.

DS has an abcess that he was seen for earlier in the week and put on antibiotics, but he continued to not feel well and have lots of pain. Last night he was shivering and not looking great so his coworkers at the hospital took his temp and made him check into the ER. They did an ultrasound of the abcess, drained some of it and changed his antibiotics around. He’s off today (resting, finally 😬). He was supposed to have his first solo flight this afternoon, but he had to cancel it. (Sad, since he’s been looking forward to that for so long.) He wanted to be 100% when flying alone for the first time, and I can’t blame him.

As an update, since so many of you prayed for him (thank you, thank you, thank you), DS has foregone a law enforcement career for becoming a pilot (which was really his first love, but he chose playing baseball in traditional college instead of going to aviation school then). We can thank the concussion in large part for that. (Getting deliberately kicked in the head and repeatedly attacked, disparaged and threatened to be killed is no fun. God help our law enforcement officers! 🙏🏻 ) A few weeks ago he was literally on his way out the door to our State Police Academy for initial testing when he stopped and said it wasn’t what he wanted to do. He’d started to pursue his private pilot’s license in HS and resumed it this spring. When he’s done with that he’ll start flight school in order to learn to fly jets. I’m glad he made his decision and had the maturity to know what he wanted and didn’t want, and is now on his way to pursuing the dream he’s had since he was a little boy. As they say, God works in mysterious ways!

Thank you all again for caring about him. A recent flight:


Enjoy this Friday afternoon and evening! 🐥
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@Breezy_Carol For some reason it will not let me send you a private message. It shows your name, but when I click on it, it just puts an X and won't let me sent. So I'm putting this on here for you to see

Hi Carol
Thank you so much for the lovely card. It made me smile when I saw Breezy Carol on top of your address. It was very thoughtful of you to send it, and all of the support my Quacker family has given me means so very much
I bought a lot of stuff that should help me keep up with it. (Small portable tub, shampoo, bathrobe, lol, salve, etc.) I think this way is better than heavy duty meds for my little guy.

I can't recall the name of it, but when I get home I'll check and get back to you. There is a OTC type shampoo that I used A LOT on the various bulldogs w/ skin infections or skin allergies/reactions that worked great. It's something you apply & let sit. I'll get that info for you in case it is something that can help. I agree with you, modern medicine it WONDERFUL and there are some truly life changing meds, but it's always worthwhile to see if there is another fix for a problem, sometime going back to basics can help a lot!
becoming a pilot
That's so cool! My grandfather left flight school at the end of WW2 when he decided to go to law school, and was about 50 or so when he went back and got his private pilots license, and then went on to get his license to operate the big commercial planes ( this was back in the early 80's I think?) although he never actually did pilot them outside of lessons. He had a Mooney something or another plane, He used to fly us from south jersey to Destin, FL to surprise my grandmother :rolleyes:. One of my little brothers went and got his private license about 10 years ago.


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