Rumors that Disney is in negotiations to sell Star Wars back to George Lucas!

Yes, some Star Wars fans aren't interested in a non-Jedi Star Wars story. And those poor people are missing out on a great show. I'm glad Disney+ took a chance and finally made an adult Star Wars series that didn't involve lightsabers and Force users. It's a human story about how rebellions get started. It painted a beautifully deep Star Wars universe. It had two of the best monologues in Star Wars history. It had one of the saddest endings since Empire. It broke the mold.
I was interested in Andor, but it wasn't the series I was most excited for. It ended up being my favorite Star Wars story since Disney bought the saga.
I picked up on their relationship from the first. Kanen used his room for meditating only. But figured they needed to make it REALLY clear and official in the last season and with baby… Star Wars does not do romance well lol…. Han and Leia…. Hera and Kanen are about as good as it gets
I rewatched the whole series last year, and there were way more hints and cues about their relationship early on and throughout. I missed a lot the first time, but they're there.
Jedi Night is one of my favorite episodes of anything. it was SO emotional and well done. Yeah, total basket case for that one.
I am still adjusting to the voices and live action portrayal of Hera and Sabine in the Ahsoka trailer, well, and Ahsoka too, but I like Rosario Dawson in general, and we've had a few chances to get used to her. Because of how much I loved Rebels, and the characters as a group/whole, I am so excited.

I also re-watched the last 5 episodes of Andor last week....just SO, SO good. I love that series so much. I'd even forgotten about one of the sub storylines with the informant . THere is so much going on in that series, and except for the Syril character/storyline, I like them all. I agree that Gilroy should get to do much more content
Meh the haters will hate on it and bag on it without ever bothering to watch. They will look to some fan site for advice on if they should and will go in with some bias.
BTW….Did you even watch all of Andor yet?
I am two episodes in. I am trying, but it is pretty slow so far. I plan to finish it. Notice I have not said Andor was bad, just that it was not watched in high numbers. The data for Andor I have seen is indeed very low and much smaller than Mando 2.
It's true of many Star Wars projects that some people will base their opinions not on the actual project but on what somebody else said about it. I've known people who thoroughly enjoyed some of the movies in the cinema, but then later read some online screed and decided they didn't like it after all. Toxic fandom is really good at peer pressure.
It's true of many Star Wars projects that some people will base their opinions not on the actual project but on what somebody else said about it. I've known people who thoroughly enjoyed some of the movies in the cinema, but then later read some online screed and decided they didn't like it after all. Toxic fandom is really good at peer pressure.
But I wonder where the “toxic fandom” goes off to when there is something like Mando 1 & 2 that was universally loved by most fans and critics. I guess my question is if the fandom is toxic like you say, why is it not always toxic? Mando 1-2 brought old Star Wars fans back into the fray that had previously completely given up on Disney Star Wars. When fans get what they want, they sure seem to really love it.

Barbie is a good example of this to me. They made a movie that seems to have been very well received by the bulk of Barbie's fans or primary demographic the movie is aimed at. Its box office numbers are great, because they seem to have given the fans exactly what they wanted.
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But I wonder where the “toxic fandom” goes off to when there is something like Mando 1 & 2 that was universally loved by most fans and critics. I guess my question is if the fandom is toxic like you say, why is it not always toxic? Mando 1-2 brought old Star Wars fans back into the fray that had previously completely given up on Disney Star Wars. When fans get what they want, they sure seem to really love it.

Barbie is a good example of this to me. They made a movie that seems to have been very well received by the bulk of Barbies fans or primary demographic the movie is aimed at. Its box office numbers are great, because they seem to have given the fans exactly what they wanted.

It's because people like what they like and down't what they don't. Intense fandoms really show that though. I know soem fans who hated certain things so much that they won't even watch Mando - they won't watch anything new, period. These are peopel who generally wish it was still 1979, but still. You act as if there is just some easy to understand formula to please everybody - there isn't and ther ecan never be. So many fans will just nitpick anything new, and that's just the way it is.

Yeah, Barbie has really checked all the boxes for a fanbase, but let's see what they think about a sequel. It is almost certian they will complain about any little change they make, unless it i sjust a carbon-copy of the first one, in which case they will complain about that!
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I am two episodes in. I am trying, but it is pretty slow so far. I plan to finish it. Notice I have not said Andor was bad, just that it was not watched in high numbers. The data for Andor I have seen is indeed very low and much smaller than Mando 2.
I don’t know where you get the ide that this series was not watched. Those data I have seen says otherwise. But again what does it matter about how many people watch? Does that really change your opinion one way or another? news for fans of,worldwide trends across all platforms.

And for the record, this fan loved season 3 of the Mandalorian, as well as all my family, saying something was universally disliked is a pretty huge statement .
Anyone can like whatever they like. I like quirky things others don’t like all the time. The viewership numbers and audience reviews strongly suggest Mando 3 was not well liked by a large portion of the Star Wars fans. The viewership numbers fell way off from the prior season. I am glad you loved Mando 3 and and happy you loved it, I didn’t care for it.
I am two episodes in. I am trying, but it is pretty slow so far. I plan to finish it. Notice I have not said Andor was bad, just that it was not watched in high numbers. The data for Andor I have seen is indeed very low and much smaller than Mando 2.
For me, it took until the 3rd episode to really be drawn in. I almost gave up after #2.
(I think that was prob the reason Disney put the first three episodes out there for free instead of just 1 or 2 when they had that promotion on ABC or Hulu (?)- I forget where).

Andor felt like it took a long time to set up. And I pretty much love anything Star Wars! Even Kenobi :).
Another quote from the same article:

"The most disappointing trend I've come across recently is how audience demand for Andor is overwhelmingly lower than The Mandalorian S1-2, The Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi despite the fact that it is easily the best Star Wars series BY FAR."

I never said Andor was not good, I said it had low viewership.
Article was also posted mid season so doesn’t encapsulate the entire series of viewership.

It had low viewership at the start yes, and ended around 30% lower than other Star Wars series. It’s also the only series to see a 50% bump for its season finale.
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I don't want to argue, but I will just say this is one a dozen+ articles out there talking about how low the viewership numbers were for this show. Mando #1 and #2 trended for weeks on social media and stayed on the top of Disney+ viewership numbers for weeks. Not #1 or #2. The put some episodes of this show on free linear TV in an effort to drum up interest and additional viewers.

It's obvious I am not going to convince you of anything, and I am good with that. You do you and I will do me. Like in most things in life we are probably both correct, somewhat.

I think Andor visually looks great, and I will finish the series at some point. It may be incredible, but I just don't have the passion for it that I had for Mando 1 & 2. Those were appointment TV for me, and I watched them the night they aired. Boba Fett and Kenobi took a bunch of my passion away with how bad they were in my opinion.
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Who cares how many people watched Andor? Popularity doesn't necessarily equal quality. If that was the case, the number one movie at the box office each year would win Best Picture. Andor was critically acclaimed and had very good fan response. I didn't know what to think about the show until the third episode. Each arc got better than the last. And as soon as Andy Serkis comes in, BOOM.
I am pretty sure the Disney board and Bob Iger care, but maybe I am incorrect.

Yeah, but you constantly equate financial success with quality. Would you prefer the content be bad but bring in more viewers? I doubt that would make you happy. Let people named Bob worry about the numbers and just enjoy the content for what it is.

Andor has been very well received by those who watched it. Should more people watch it? Absolutely, but that just doesn't speak to the quality of the show at all.


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