Sister Wives

I just don't see Kody as the sort who would ever blame himself for something like that. More likely he would blame Christine for not being there.

oh, he doesn't blame himself-he blames christine for what he perceives as her upset and resentment towards him for the situation. he's sees himself as the undeserving victim in the entire situation.

I think my favorite part of this episode was when Kody compared getting COVID to getting pregnant. And being exposed to COVID to sex. That’s… That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works!

remember this is the same guy who gave the following information to his young teen daughters-

"When you kiss - the person that you kiss, their hormones go into your mouth and it registers certain things that will stimulate both the heart and the body for other reasons," "You know what? I've read enough science on it to feel like science backs me," he says. "I think kissing is very dangerous. Chemical reactions happen when your bodies touch each other." mr. science he's NOT :crazy:
Well it's certainly gotten much easier on Kody and the pressure he was under keeping 4 women happy since he's basically ignoring 3 of them now. :rotfl2:
I was starting to wonder if it isn't HIM that is more interested in monogamy these days rather than some of the wives. He sure seems to be shaking off the excess and pretending not to know why.
I think traditional marriages have their challenges, just imagine having to juggle all these family relationships, not to mention the children. If they all truly wanted to live a plural life style, doesn't seem they are doing a very good job of it. Jealousy would definitely be a huge obstacle. You would think the wives would have thought about this at great lengths before deciding they wanted this lifestyle. I know people grow and change as life goes on, and the fact that each of them are in different developmental stages of raising kids is a huge factor, better if this is what you chose. Just my opinion.
I think traditional marriages have their challenges, just imagine having to juggle all these family relationships, not to mention the children. If they all truly wanted to live a plural life style, doesn't seem they are doing a very good job of it. Jealousy would definitely be a huge obstacle. You would think the wives would have thought about this at great lengths before deciding they wanted this lifestyle. I know people grow and change as life goes on, and the fact that each of them are in different developmental stages of raising kids is a huge factor, better if this is what you chose. Just my opinion.
To me one of the biggest drawbacks that I had never considered before is that your husband would never be in the same stage of life as you. Watching Meri go through infertility and an empty nest when her husband was experiencing the opposite was just too much. At least in a monogamous marriage you are both experiencing it together and can lean on each other.
I agree. His responses to everything are so immature and unhealthy. There were a couple of mature ways for the Meri situation to resolve.
1. Decide it’s too much of a betrayal for you to consider overcoming and end the relationship.

2. Counseling to try and work through it to save a long marriage. After a period of counseling and effort decide to stay together or end the marriage.

The writing was on the wall for Meri way back when he convinced her to divorce him.

Quoting myself 🙄:rolleyes:

After watching the episode, it seems that Kody took the first option. He seems to be very clear with Meri that as far as he’s concerned the marriage is over…the catfishing was the final nail in the coffin of a bad relationship.

Now I can’t stand Kody so it goes against every fiber of my being to defend him in any way. But come on Meri, leave! Everyone deserves more than this.

Honestly after hearing how dead all these marriages have been for so long, I agree with the commenter upthread, I feel like I’ve been catfished.

I’ve always liked Janelle and Christine. Meri, Robyn, and Kody are some of the most unsympathetic unlikeable characters ever. I wish the show would end so that maybe Janelle also would move on.

Or how about a spin off show for Christine and Janelle to show how they move past this train wreck in search of happiness.
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Quoting myself 🙄:rolleyes:

After watching the episode, it seems that Kody took the first option. He seems to be very clear with Meri that as far as he’s concerned the marriage is over…the catfishing was the final nail in the coffin of a bad relationship.

Now I can’t stand Kody so it goes against every fiber of my being to defend him in any way. But come on Meri, leave! Everyone deserves more than this.

Honestly after hearing how dead all these marriages have been for so long, I agree with the commenter upthread, I feel like I’ve been catfished.

I’ve always liked Janelle and Christine. Janelle, Robyn, and Kody are some of the most unsympathetic unlikeable characters ever. I wish the show would end so that maybe Janelle also would move on.

Or how about a spin off show for Christine and Janelle to show how they move past this train wreck in search of happiness.
I'm thinking (hoping?) that Janelle is just hanging around until her youngest graduates high school.

I have also been hoping Meri has been sticking around just until the show ends, to maximize her payout. But she's doubled down so much lately on saying that she's staying, I don't know. She just looks pathetic. I lose more respect for her every passing day.
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I'm thinking (hoping?) that Janelle is just hanging around until her youngest graduates high school.

I have also been hoping Meri has been sticking around just until the show ends, to maximize her payout. But she's doubled down so much lately on saying that she's saying, I don't know. She just looks pathetic. I lose more respect for her every passing day.
My heart truly breaks for Meri. She made the committment to the family and she is staying, no matter what. I can't count the number of times I've heard her say that the other sisters don't like her; they don't see each other, she's left out, etc and yet she stays. She is either extremely, extremely devoted to her religion or is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome pretty badly.
I also love how he keeps throwing around how his doctor backs him up on all his Covid protocols. Anyone else think maybe it's a "doctor" rather than an actual doctor?
Or two offices down he could find a different doctor that would back up all of the reasoning to get back to business as usual. Do you know how red his face would get if one of his wives mentioned this to him? lol He'd be so easy to mess with.
To me one of the biggest drawbacks that I had never considered before is that your husband would never be in the same stage of life as you. Watching Meri go through infertility and an empty nest when her husband was experiencing the opposite was just too much. At least in a monogamous marriage you are both experiencing it together and can lean on each other.
Ooh, I never really thought of that. I'm sure that makes it easy for him to lack empathy as well. When things aren't happening to you, it's hard for some, myself included to give it more than passing sympathetic thoughts. I'm certainly not one of those people that gets overly invested in what others are going through but you're right, I can't imagine being married to someone who only thought of my feelings like a passing "aww man, that sucks, well, I have to go, call me if you need anything." That's got to be the extent of it when you have so many other people to think about. A decent person wouldn't be able to dedicate much thought to it, let alone someone as self centered as Kody Brown! That's all I can think about when he talks. How many times can he say on National television, "But what about ME?" Everything he says comes back to whining about not being above and beyond even his children. Most people WANT their kids to be the center of the Universe. I kept waiting for that host to say, "you do know that a woman putting her children above all else is the RIGHT thing to do, right?" I can see his blank, look of shock in my head.
I'm thinking (hoping?) that Janelle is just hanging around until her youngest graduates high school.

I have also been hoping Meri has been sticking around just until the show ends, to maximize her payout. But she's doubled down so much lately on saying that she's saying, I don't know. She just looks pathetic. I lose more respect for her every passing day.
There's a part of me that likes that Meri looks like a sap. For so long, I DID see how she manipulated the whole family with her wishy washiness. Remember how she HAD to have a 5 bedroom house because it wasn't fair that just because "she wasn't blessed with more children she should have a smaller house", and she keeps everyone in limbo with all of her "I don't knows". All of the sudden she gets busted cheating and she's lost all of her ability to keep the whole family waiting around on her to make decisions. I did like when Kody flipped out when she kept changing her mind about what lot she wanted. I think she's getting a taste of her own medicine. Oh and remember how Janelle said she acted when she first came into the family and Kody and Meri would sit all cuddly while she sat by herself? That was ugly and now karma seems to be paying her a visit. The only one I really like anymore is Janelle. I can't stand Christine's breathy voice. It sounds so phony to me. It's like she's trying to sound sexy and it makes me cringe lol
I can't stand Christine's breathy voice. It sounds so phony to me.

Yep, so annoying.

And because when she uses it, it is usually disingenuous crap coming out of her mouth. A la I had go to Utah for Thanksgiving, because of the kids. No Christine, you wanted to travel to Utah. And that is understandable. So just say it.

I am happy for her, relieved that she gets to be away from a very hurtful situation. I honestly get all that. And how awful Kody has been. And she had been such a blessing to the family all those years. So go and be happy in the next part of your life.

But I have a theory about her. And it is not even a bad decision on her part. I believe she has known she was leaving for a long, long time. And that "nope I am buying a house in Flagstaff" when everyone went "Huh?" makes perfect sense now. And I believe she asked Kody that question in the bedroom (because she already knew the ugly answer) to use it as her more dramatic out. She has been getting all her ducks in order, to leave the big quacker and to leave with "did you all see what he said and did to me" bang. All done with her breathy voice. When she did not need any reason to leave. We all understand why someone would need to leave Kody Brown. He can not shut his trap and does no wrong in his eyes. And is a lousy father and partner.

Kody is an ***, absolutely. Hands down and back around.
But if my wife/husband/partner went around telling multiple people they were leaving me for years on end - including children of ours, I would never trust them again.

It is one thing to confide in someone because you need to and you are hurting, quite another to tell multiple people for years.

Kody is an ***. But I believe it is true.
I seriously think Kody needs to come and read this discussion! I haven't seen one post where someone agreed or empathized with him. I wonder if he even watches the show and takes a good objective look at how he comes across? I'm going to guess he doesn't watch because he doesn't want to see his own reality.

It was really interesting to see the five of them speaking, one after the other on the same topics. You really get a feel for each of their personalities, intellect, emotions, etc. Janelle is level-headed and communicates well. Christine also expresses herself well in terms of answering the questions and explaining her feelings and actions. Meri calmly explains her side of things, perhaps even giving too much information (such as when their intimate relationship ended). Robyn can't seem to talk about anything without getting overly emotional. I get that she was dealing with some tough questions, but the other wives discussed the same issues without crying. Still, Robyn expressed herself as best she could. Kody, on the other hand, wow. I actually laughed out loud a few times while he was talking. My favorite was when the interviewer asked him if he abandoned Meri. He said, "Pu-leeeeeze! Abandon? You need to take that back! She left my a**!" Dude, you're a grown man with 4 wives, 18 kids and 3 grandkids and that's how you talk on TV? He lacks class, self-awareness, self-respect, respect for others (i.e. the women he chose to marry) and self-control. A few things he said were completely ridiculous. I'm interested to see what they talk about next week.
I seriously think Kody needs to come and read this discussion! I haven't seen one post where someone agreed or empathized with him. I wonder if he even watches the show and takes a good objective look at how he comes across? I'm going to guess he doesn't watch because he doesn't want to see his own reality.

It was really interesting to see the five of them speaking, one after the other on the same topics. You really get a feel for each of their personalities, intellect, emotions, etc. Janelle is level-headed and communicates well. Christine also expresses herself well in terms of answering the questions and explaining her feelings and actions. Meri calmly explains her side of things, perhaps even giving too much information (such as when their intimate relationship ended). Robyn can't seem to talk about anything without getting overly emotional. I get that she was dealing with some tough questions, but the other wives discussed the same issues without crying. Still, Robyn expressed herself as best she could. Kody, on the other hand, wow. I actually laughed out loud a few times while he was talking. My favorite was when the interviewer asked him if he abandoned Meri. He said, "Pu-leeeeeze! Abandon? You need to take that back! She left my a**!" Dude, you're a grown man with 4 wives, 18 kids and 3 grandkids and that's how you talk on TV? He lacks class, self-awareness, self-respect, respect for others (i.e. the women he chose to marry) and self-control. A few things he said were completely ridiculous. I'm interested to see what they talk about next week.
He probably watches the show only to find out how his hair looks. And I'm not even kidding.
Yep, so annoying.

And because when she uses it, it is usually disingenuous crap coming out of her mouth. A la I had go to Utah for Thanksgiving, because of the kids. No Christine, you wanted to travel to Utah. And that is understandable. So just say it.

I am happy for her, relieved that she gets to be away from a very hurtful situation. I honestly get all that. And how awful Kody has been. And she had been such a blessing to the family all those years. So go and be happy in the next part of your life.

But I have a theory about her. And it is not even a bad decision on her part. I believe she has known she was leaving for a long, long time. And that "nope I am buying a house in Flagstaff" when everyone went "Huh?" makes perfect sense now. And I believe she asked Kody that question in the bedroom (because she already knew the ugly answer) to use it as her more dramatic out. She has been getting all her ducks in order, to leave the big quacker and to leave with "did you all see what he said and did to me" bang. All done with her breathy voice. When she did not need any reason to leave. We all understand why someone would need to leave Kody Brown. He can not shut his trap and does no wrong in his eyes. And is a lousy father and partner.

Kody is an ***, absolutely. Hands down and back around.
But if my wife/husband/partner went around telling multiple people they were leaving me for years on end - including children of ours, I would never trust them again.

It is one thing to confide in someone because you need to and you are hurting, quite another to tell multiple people for years.

Kody is an ***. But I believe it is true.
I don't feel like I have a good enough picture of Christine's travel during the pandemic to give an objective opinion. But I personally feel that traveling to visit adult children who have moved away is different from traveling just for a fun diversion.

That affected, sing song voice that she uses sometimes seems very immature to me. And it almost seems like she becomes a different person when she slips into that tone. It's very odd.

I can see why you'd think she was plotting her exit long term, but I just personally feel like she's not that calculating. I feel like she was just working her way through it without too much of a master plan. She just doesn't strike me as being that conniving.

Help me understand why buying a house in Flagstaff plays into this? I'm curious. I did think that whole episode leading up to the move to Flagstaff was strange. I just felt like her biggest issue was not wanting to live under one roof. Seems to me that if she wanted to remain ready to bolt, renting would have been a better choice.
I had read that Kody had given her full title to the Flagstaff house. She put it up for sale, sold it and then moved to Utah. I am sure Kody wouldn’t have signed the house fully to her if he suspected she was going to sell it. I also think her name is still listed as a co-owner on one of the lots at CP.
I had read that Kody had given her full title to the Flagstaff house. She put it up for sale, sold it and then moved to Utah. I am sure Kody wouldn’t have signed the house fully to her if he suspected she was going to sell it. I also think her name is still listed as a co-owner on one of the lots at CP.
But we don't even know who paid for it. Maybe it was all her money.
I don't feel like I have a good enough picture of Christine's travel during the pandemic to give an objective opinion. But I personally feel that traveling to visit adult children who have moved away is different from traveling just for a fun diversion.

That affected, sing song voice that she uses sometimes seems very immature to me. And it almost seems like she becomes a different person when she slips into that tone. It's very odd.

I can see why you'd think she was plotting her exit long term, but I just personally feel like she's not that calculating. I feel like she was just working her way through it without too much of a master plan. She just doesn't strike me as being that conniving.

Help me understand why buying a house in Flagstaff plays into this? I'm curious. I did think that whole episode leading up to the move to Flagstaff was strange. I just felt like her biggest issue was not wanting to live under one roof. Seems to me that if she wanted to remain ready to bolt, renting would have been a better choice.
I mean, I guess my other thought is good for her for getting all her ducks in a row, being responsible about it and making sure she set herself and her kids up for the best chance at success/survival. We watched her try and attempt to work with Kody on their marriage for YEARS. At some point after countless times of him showing her that their relationship wasn't important to him and that he didn't even really like her and cruelly explained to the world that he wasn't attracted to her, but in fact disgusted by her; if she came to the realization that it was never going to work or that she does not deserve to be with someone like that; good for her for planning and thinking about all the consequences etc. and figuring out a way to get out while inflicting the least amount of damage on the members of the family.

I don't know; I see that as a positive, level-headed, responsible parenting thing to do.

That affected, sing song voice that she uses sometimes seems very immature to me. And it almost seems like she becomes a different person when she slips into that tone. It's very odd.

Help me understand why buying a house in Flagstaff plays into this? I'm curious. I did think that whole episode leading up to the move to Flagstaff was strange. I just felt like her biggest issue was not wanting to live under one roof. Seems to me that if she wanted to remain ready to bolt, renting would have been a better choice.

Exactly, I mean she's typically the loud, life of the party girl and when that person suddenly slips into Jessica Rabbit, it's really off putting.

Maybe she meant that by buying a house instead of renting was to ensure that she had some sort of property of her own and couldn't be kicked out, and would have something of value to sell when things went south? I can see that as being a smart move IF you can make the payments yourself without the Kodester lol.


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