Home for the Holidays-Wizards-Grinches and Sparkles. 14 nights @Royal Pacific Resort, Nov/Dec 2021

Margaritaville was very quiet, you could have got a table anywhere without a reservation no problems. We prefer to sit at the bar, however we had been told you can only order appetisers at the bar now, but that suited us as that was all we wanted today.

There`s always a good atmosphere in here, although today was possibly the quietest we have ever seen this place. Usually even at lunchtime it`s loud and mobbed.


We ordered our long awaited for Blackberry Margaritas, and Tom wanted a mango one.....and they didn`t disappoint. We remembered the barman from our previous visits and he gives a very good pour!!



We did ask for a paper menu rather than the scanny thing which I don`t like at all....I can see why they do it of course, but we asked everywhere for a paper menu this trip and it was never a problem.

We had always enjoyed the lava lava shrimp and the boneless chicken wings, which yes, aren`t really wings, but they`re tasty enough for what they are. I will say however, there was a distinct lack of lava on top of the shrimp looking at past pictures........it was fine though, hardly worth complaining about.



The food was decent, nothing outstanding but nice enough......we prefer to have a drink here rather than eat, although the main meals have always been lovely.

We finished up and popped into IOA for a few rides as it was still early, we did Dr Doom and saw that they have got rid of the secondary belt that had been there last few years....I have to say, I did feel better with the extra belt , it`s just the harness now which for the first time on that ride, I did feel more nervous than excited!! But, it was of course fine and although it`s a short ride, very short, it is fun.


Next up was Spiderman, and this was an odd one......the regular line was massive, so we of course went into the EP which took us a weird and wonderful way we hadn`t gone before.

The line took us round to the right of the building but outside......then round some of the regular line before we ended up back where you enter at the beginning for the EP line.......odd, but it was still a darn load faster than the regular line....



Always a good ride though, we really enjoy this one.

Leaving the park, we had never seen as many folks piling in through the gates as we saw today.....holy moly.....it was like first thing in the morning and we were glad to be leaving!

We had plans to meet up with a friend who works here for a couple of hours, so after that we went back to our room and got showered and changed before heading up to the Club Lounge for a couple of hours.

Before that though we popped down to the lobby to see someone we`ve known for a few years when he started as a suprvisor in the Club Lounge, we clicked instantly and he is the nicest of guys. He`s now one of the front office managers, so we asked if he was available and he came out a few minutes later.....it was so good to see him again. We do keep in touch between trips which is lovely, but seeing him is so much nicer. It was so busy but we did manage a catch up and would see him over our trip anyway.

We went up to the lounge then which is always nice and peaceful just before they start serving food which is now between 5pm and 7pm. We got in just before the rush started tonight.

Quite dull at this time of day to see the view of the new hotels, but it does look better at night when everything down I Drive area is lit up. It`s quite spectacular to see the Eye, the Swingtower and now the new Drop Tower all lit up at night......


The Lounge is one of our favourite places. It`s a lovely place to chat and catch up with folks either from the staff and other guests too. It`s always been the friendliest of places and I would recommend anyone try it out if they`re not sure. Service and atmosphere are truly excellent and they make everyone feel very welcome.

They also cater well for anyone with allergies, you only need to let them know and they`ll have you sorted out before you know it.


Many do make meals out the appetisers and use it as their evening meals during their trip.

We don`t use the lounge for dinner, but will have a little taster of the food such as cheese with some wine. We much prefer to eat out in the many wonderful options around the resorts/hotels/surrounding areas and there is so much choice......but we do enjoy a glass or two of wine and enjoy the social aspect of the lounge too, the staff are wonderful and look after everyone so well.

There are always salad options, crudites, crackers, assorted cheeses and a hot option. Tonight it was meatballs with pasta, and we did try one and it was nice, it was certainly popular with folks. Pasta isn`t a dish we ever eat anyway, so we didn`t try the pasta, but the cheese is always nice....especially the spicy one.





They have changed their wine options since we were last there, the reds are nice but the whites are definitely not for us. They have brought in a Moscato and the Chardonnay are both far too sweet for me too.

I`m not a fan of any sweet wine, I tend to find they all taste like sugared water and not at all like real wine, so it`s not something I`d ever enjoy.

I asked for a Chardonnay and took it back up as I thought they had given me Moscato by mistake.......nope, it was the Chardonnay, so it was red for us for the rest of the trip. The reds were both pleasant.

They have also stopped doing the hard liquor now, it`s purely wine and beers and one cider as an option. They also offer mimosa`s at breakfast now too.


We sat chatting for most of our time up there, and one of the supervisors who we have known for a long time, told us they were doing the Tree lighting Ceremony in the lobby at 6pm.

I never knew they were doing such a thing, and neither did many folks as they hadn`t broadcast it was happening, I`m guessing to avoid a large crowd of people gathering in the one area. But, nevertheless I was going to head down to watch with her as she wanted to see it too.

It was very nice and cute.......the singers and dancers are the ones who performed at the Luau usually, so it was nice to see them here again.


There was no obvious lights being switched on as they couldn`t turn the lobby lights out in case guests wandering around slipped or similar....but it was still lovely and the music was very good and of the season too. I was glad to have come down and seen it and it was more or less just Allison and I for most of it.


I went back up to the lounge to collect my husband who hadn`t wanted to come down to see it, and then we headed down to Orchids for dinner.

We had met Maria earlier and told her we were eating here tonight, she said she`d reserves us a nice table....and she did indeed.

We did like the look of the new to us chandelier, we hadn`t seen it lit up at night properly, and it was very nice. They had revamped this lounge beautifully......again, some love it some don`t. We do like it.


We ordered a bottle of wine and perused the menu, although we more or less knew what we were having.....we are creatures of habit at times.

Miso soup to start is beautiful......it`s very healthy and I do feel it does you good as you eat it.......this one is especially nice. But, we do enjoy Orchids over most of the other sushi places we have tried around the area. The chef has worked here for years as have some of the other staff and he really knows his stuff.



Close up pics are never good!!! But, I like this one anyway......


We had ordered two old favourites, Dynamite and Volcano sushi`s....we also ordered the Chef`s dish of the day and a side of smoked salmon which we love.....and it was all beautiful.

It`s beautifully served and only ever the freshest of ingredients....never disappoints and tonight was no different.


The ambiance of the place is lovely and Maria popped back and forward to chat which was lovely, she really is a star and has some of the best people skills, as well as being lovely.

We didn`t want dessert tonight, but instead we headed back over to Strong Water for a cocktail. Yes, I think there is a magnet pulling us over there.......

We sat at a table tonight and we asked Lenny to make us up a drink of his choice, and again, it was sublime......I do love the newer sour cherries they`re using as a garnish now.....tasty!!


The cocktail was lovely, but we only had the one tonight, said our goodnights to everyone and walked back home again.....we were really wearing a path in the carpets this trip!

Saw we`d had an email from Kyle earlier with some pictures of the terrible weather they were having back home.....wow!!! Snow and high winds were the order of the day.....I was so glad we were here!

I forget which time we ended up falling into bed, but it was later than planned, but I knew we`d sleep well again.

We`d had the best day!
Is there a charge for the mimosas at breakfast? We saw the sign but never thought to ask.

No charge.....they`re complimentary.....:thumbsup2

I got mine without the orange juice though......why ruin sparkly with fruit juice......lol.......a few other people did that too when they saw you could. The sparkly was very nice too.
Looks like we have no new restrictions here in the UK, so far of course.....wait 20 minutes and advice changes, but those wanting to celebrate NYE will be able to do so now. We`re not big NY folks, much prefer Christmas, but looks like we`ll be able to still go out for meals in the immediate future and not have to sit outside, we have Kyle`s birthday in January, and if they brought in the mandate of outside eating......it would be a takeaway.......can`t imagine sitting outside in January! But, for now, we`ll be able to book a restaurant meal.

Yes, 2022 is surely going to be better for all of us.........✈

I know you posted this a while ago...hopefully STILL no new restrictions over there? We just went back to "modified step 2 restrictions" which here means no indoor dining, no bars, no gyms, and schools online until at least Jan 17.....so....who knows....but yes back in Toronto there is no outdoor dining possible either so it's back to takeout and online grocery delivery...ugh....

On the Sunday night, the only difference to our choices were Tom ordered the white chocolate and raspberry profiteroles as dessert.

This looked delicious!! I love white chocolate!

Many people asked us to take their picture and we did have folks take ours too.

Yeah I have found most people aren't afraid of touching things outdoors anymore....
I know you posted this a while ago...hopefully STILL no new restrictions over there? We just went back to "modified step 2 restrictions" which here means no indoor dining, no bars, no gyms, and schools online until at least Jan 17.....so....who knows....but yes back in Toronto there is no outdoor dining possible either so it's back to takeout and online grocery delivery...ugh....

This looked delicious!! I love white chocolate!

Yeah I have found most people aren't afraid of touching things outdoors anymore....

Hey Kathy, yep, we`re doing good here in the UK, well England have not put in any new restrictions going forward. We can eat indoors and no limits, apart from the masks being mandatory again, but you`d never know as many still don`t.

Scotland have some restrictions come in, so I was glad we left the day they changed. I think schools are bringing back masks again for the older kids 11 and up.

Headlines are positive though that this is passing quicker than first thought, and positive for the next few months. Well, that`s the headline today.......lol.....wait 20 minutes and it could change, but the experts seem to think the worst is now over......fingers crossed.

I`m sorry you have gone backwards in your restrictions! It sucks......we need to live again. I couldn`t imagine outdoor dining in sub zero temps!!!

If I`m going to have chocolate, it`ll usually be white and it was very nice as I did nibble on one or two of them.....lol......

No one seemed to have any second thoughts about touching anything really, and yes, we did see one child lick a handrail......parents never batted an eye!!! Everyone around did though, even pre pandemic who`d let their kid do that! But generally we felt very comfortable throughout the whole trip and not wearing masks was wonderful.

We slept like rocks again last night, but we usually do, not much disturbs us when we are here and the beds are so comfortable, well, they are for us, I know they don`t suit everyone, but we definitely sleep so good here.

Once we were showered and dressed, we headed up to the lounge for breakfast toying with the idea of going to the beach today....but we were being drawn by the Velocicoaster again. Both of us were so keen to get back on it again and when one of the TM mentioned it was a little cooler this morning, decision made....we would go to IOA. Although she couldn`t have been more wrong about the weather as it was another gorgeous day ahead. Maybe it was cooler when she arrived for work as she started at 6am.

We first stopped down to Tuk Tuk, as one of the ex supervisors from the lounge was now in charge there, so we managed to hide behind the line and I kind of hid behind one woman and she turned to serve me and just took to her heels and ran out from behind the counter to hug us! It was so lovely to see her again and she was looking so good as always.

They all said the same thing, when the ban came in we were the first folks most of them thought about as we have been so often and know them all so well, and they knew we`d be hurting to get back to see them all again.....which we were of course. BUt, we had a good catch up and knew we`d see her again before we left....so we headed off to the park.

We always walk to IOA and it was gorgeous again today, the walk is always lovely aand we took our time getting to the park and again, just enjoying every single step.

The park looked busy, and there was a line to get throught the gates, which didn`t take long at all and we enjoyed sauntering through POE listening to the Holiday music......and this morning the first one we heard was the Kelly Clarkson Holiday song which stayed in my head the whole trip.......yep, sang it almost every minute of every day apparently.....that and Feliz Navidad???

We had a quick wander down to look over the lagoon to see this wonderful new addition to the park.....I make no apologies for raving endlessly about this coaster as it is the best thing ever!!!



We didn`t go on Hulk, Spiderman or Doom this morning, we meandered round the park stopping for a few seconds to look around and people watch too as you do some weird and wonderful things when you do..... ::yes::


The cartoon area is so bright and colourful it almost doesn`t look real at times, but again Tom said he had never seen the image before......he had of course, but just never really noticed it......so he snapped away. I find it difficult to imagine not seeing something so large and obvious. But, I`ve done it myself in much more embarrassing situations........every had someone not be able to find the Empire State Building :rolleyes1

Guilty as charged. So, I wouldn`t judge him so harshly for missing something as obvious......


We genuinely don`t stop for many photo ops, but the waves of Popeye caught our eye and he gestured for us to come over for a chat, socially distanced of course with the two ladies and they were as always, very good and entertaining.

The handler was also very happy to take the camera and take some pictures for us, it`s always nice to have pictures of both of us.


The Comic Strip Cafe is a place I think we ate in maybe in 2007, but couldn`t have thought much of it as we never went back again, and we dont really hear a lot of chatter about it. Maybe we`ll pop in one lunchtime and see what it`s like next trip.......or maybe not, depending on what we hear!


Peek a boo........



We had no plans to go on this ride at all this trip....you are always completely drenched, no two ways about it, but it is a very pretty area to look at and walk through.


We did however go for our usual walk behind Me Ship the Olive which is so peaceful as hardly anyone goes down there.....you can stand on the bridge and watch folks get drenched on the boats if they haven`t wimped out and worn ponchos.......lol.......


We stood for about 10 minutes and to our joy we did see folks squeal their heart out as they were drenched from above by a deluge of water they were usually not expecting, and yes we unashamedly laughed our socks off every time as folks reactions are hilarious.....we`ve seen them all. Genuine laughter and delight to downright anger and rage that it was them and not their "laughing like hyena`s friends" sitting opposite.......we could pass an hour here easily.


Then Tom wandered off to take some more pictures and I headed down to closer into the lagoon area when I had an odd experience.

A young lady with Hulk behind her had been taking numerous selfies and as I wandered down, she asked me in broken English if I`d take her picture, she was on her own so of course I happily obliged and took a few with the phone with an upright picture and turned sideways too......I handed it back to her and asked if they were ok....she nodded and handed me back the phone saying something I couldn`t understand, I think she was Brazilian or similar.........I gestured I didn`t understand and this went on for a few minutes, but felt like an eternity.....eventually I worked out she wanted me to take more pictures......er, ok.......

I swear it was the oddest thing ever. She went into what I would call proper pouty posing, the way a model would do....she turned her shoulders and pouted......and pouted some more......yes, exactly like this.......


This was the first stop in Weirdsville right about now.....I looked around for Tom who was hiding behind a tree howling with laughter I believe as he had witnessed some of it......but I then handed her the phone back and said I had to go.......and she still asked in slighty better English if I could take one more........


I disappeared down to the lagoon as fast as I could and when I turned around she was thankfully gone.......now, I`ll take a picture or ten for anyone, but the posing was just so over the top and a little creepy to be honest......she must have been mid 20`s maybe, not young, but old enough to know better!

Tom said I did attract them at times.....hey, no fair, not my fault!!!

It is beautiful down here and usually we spend much longer, but we wanted a quick blast on Jurassic Park before heading the our new favourite coaster.



The walk is always lovely through the parks and it was busier than we had seen on most of our trips, but it wasn`t so busy we couldn`t stop and snap a few on the way......



There was no line for the JP ride that can vary so much on every turn. You can be drenched, slightly sprinked, soaked or bone dry......it all depends on how the boat is loaded, so two rides are never the same.

We more or less walked on today and sat in the middle of the fourth row behind two very tall people.......if they ducked, we`d be drenched..........

This is a lovely ride, starts off so calm, and then you have the steep drop that`s just not quite steep enough to be honest......it is fun, but quite tame after you`ve done it a few times. We must have been on this ride hundreds of times and yes, each time is very different.

Today we were well positioned as the two tall folks in front (they were very tall) got drenched and all we got was a tiny spray on the legs somehow......we got lucky. I usually avoid the water rides on our Christmas Trip claiming the weather is too cool....really couldn`t argue that point this time around.

But, once was enough as I was sure if we did it again, we`d be drenched.


We quickly went through Potter, not stopping for FJ today but managed to snap a few pictures. We didn`t get round to the back of the 3B`s where you get some amazing images and sounds of the coaster and everyone on it of course too which is magical to listen to.




It really is stunning and I know we`ve all seen these pictures a million times, but there is something that draws you to take as many images as possible while still enjoying every second and we were......I swear the smile barely left our faces the whole time....well, except at the end, but that`s for another day!

There are still a few out of the way spots that most know about, but if you don`t wander back a little you`d never know they were there. Not very exciting, but just nice to see the pots and pans wash by themselves in the window of the kitchen.....




Someone asked me about the Psychic who does readings here, I can`t remember who it was but they are definitely back to normal and you can go get one if you so desire. This man was here several times and on other days it was a lady who looked the part completely.


The place where they used to host the magic shows had become a sort of sale area for the leftover HHN stuff......it was very nice and they had tried to make it atmospheric, it was ok and nice trees, but not much we would consider buying. Worth a 5 minute wander though.



You couldn`t get to the area behind the Mystic Fountain as this was where the line for Hagrids ran through, it started at the part of lost Continent where Dr Sugrue`s Kebabs were.....long line! Not for us, I just won`t stand in line that long for anything. My one exception was for the VC, but even that wasn`t long in the end, but I would wait for it again if I had to.



Coming up....VC and lunch.
I couldn`t imagine outdoor dining in sub zero temps!!!

Yeah the only time I'd do it is when they have tents and heaters...but then...is that really outdoors?

we did see one child lick a handrail......parents never batted an eye!!! Everyone around did though, even pre pandemic who`d let their kid do that! But generally we felt very comfortable throughout the whole trip and not wearing masks was wonderful.

Ugh...funny how there's always a kid that does that...it's just gross and I'm not sure why it's appealing to so many kids lol I don't know if parents mean to "let" kids do it...it seems like it's done before they even realize lol...there must be a draw for them, even though I can't for the life of me figure out what it is!!

It's so nice that you go for long trips and have the time to just soak it all in without always worrying about rushing onto rides. I'd love to have a few solid days for just the HP areas to really see all the details, and of course try all the food!
Just catching up from the holidays... you got the margarita!! ahh that is on my list for sure.

Regarding Scotland, count me in as Burns progeny as well... I think about 90% of our province is actually. Stands to reason tho - Nova Scotia is latin for New Scotland and we have one of the highest populations of Gaelic speakers outside of Scotland. I also have a little highland dancer at home :)
Yeah the only time I'd do it is when they have tents and heaters...but then...is that really outdoors?

Ugh...funny how there's always a kid that does that...it's just gross and I'm not sure why it's appealing to so many kids lol I don't know if parents mean to "let" kids do it...it seems like it's done before they even realize lol...there must be a draw for them, even though I can't for the life of me figure out what it is!!

It's so nice that you go for long trips and have the time to just soak it all in without always worrying about rushing onto rides. I'd love to have a few solid days for just the HP areas to really see all the details, and of course try all the food!

Yes, it`s still in a contained area when it`s a tent......lol......but that`s ok!

We did see the parents look at the kid as they did it......never even blinked, they went back to their phones......yes, never in my life have I ever thought something like that would be a good idea.

I could easily spend 2 or 3 days in the Potter areas too. Even now after so many visits we never get bored and yes, the details we pick out each visit sometimes surprise it. BUt, we are ones to take our time and smell the roses as opposed to some who rush from pillar to post.......and I agree, having longer trips regularly makes it so easy.

And yes, the food....... ::yes::
Just catching up from the holidays... you got the margarita!! ahh that is on my list for sure.

Regarding Scotland, count me in as Burns progeny as well... I think about 90% of our province is actually. Stands to reason tho - Nova Scotia is latin for New Scotland and we have one of the highest populations of Gaelic speakers outside of Scotland. I also have a little highland dancer at home :)

Yep, always loved the name Nova Scotia.....

Gaelic has died a death in Scotland, there are probably more folks speak it outside of Scotland now. Although in saying that, everywhere you go now has a Gaelic alternative. Ambulances and police vehicles as one example....so I say it`s died a death, but the Scottish Government is trying to make it more popular than it actually is. I don`t know a single person who speaks it or wants to speak it today.

Awww....used to love Highland Dancing at school.....I was completely rubbish at it of course as I have two left feet, but it was fun.

I hope your little dancer keeps it up as it is wonderful to watch....although don`t tell anyone.....I hate the bagpipes.....:blush:

Unless they`re playing Flower of Scotland.....then the tears flow :laughing:

Oh that Margarita went down well........:)


My good Lord!!!! How much do we love this coaster!!

It is completely and utterly amazing and we honestly want to ride it every minute of every day.......

The line was showing 60 minutes when we walked in, but it was more like 35 by the time we got to the front, we wanted the back row, but we heard someone else ask and were told no as they were busy so they were only taking requests for the front, so we didn`t ask, but we got lucky and got the back row several times and near the front several times too.

My lord....every time we went on it, it never lost the excitement and vibrancy of the first time.......the speed and force of this coaster is the best ever! It is breathtaking, exhilerant, sensational, stimulating and a whole butt load of plain old fashioned fun!!! It is the smoothest ride we have ever gone on in any park and probably the most exciting.

The lockers were a little annoying, but it`s such a tiny part of the whole experience we can forgive them for that, at least they tried.

We lost count of the times we rode this today.......we just went round and around and then around some more.......the line was so much quicker than the time showed and we were so glad we took advantage of doing it while we could. And before our lunch too........lol......

My hair at this point......was interesting........for someone with a lot of hair, but very fine, it sure gained some height!!!


Yep, it was so worth it! A quick visit to the bathroom and a quick brush and you`d never know......

But, holy moly.......we knew we`d ride that coaster a whole lot more before our trip was done, and not a hint of motion sickness the whole time, although the time between rides was appreciated.

We reluctantly walked away from riding and after a quick bathroom visit we headed into the store outside Poseidon which was undergoing a facelift so it was covered with boards today, shame as it is a pretty building.

The store is nice too, although I`m not sure we`ve ever bought anything in it.....Tom said he was amazed there was a store left we hadn`t made a purchase.......ha bloomin ha.......




We headed down to the front of Mythos to get some pictures, and again, folks always say there are no quiet places in the parks........oh yes there is.....and they are all around if you look. We didn`t see one other person while we were down there.



I think the Hulk will be feeling a little neglected now with everyone gazing adoringly at the newest baby in the park directly opposite it......to be honest, I didn`t even ride the Hulk this trip, Tom did a couple of times, but I didn`t feel like it as it does sometimes knock me off balance a little and I didn`t want anything stopping me riding the VC.



I swear, one of the freakiest things in the park are these darn fish!! They are like uniformed evil waiting to pounce on something....anything........


And always makes us think of Austin Powers........ :rotfl:


Watching the coaster is not as much fun as being on it of course, but it is fascinating to watch the sleek movements with the twists and turns that you make on it.

The upside down parts are fabulous!!! Completely fabulous and I still love every part of you being out of your seat and in complete air time for what does feel like a decent amount of time.........it is completely exhilerating. And listening to the screams of everyone on it really does make us smile.



We love the Seuss area......bright, colourful and this time of the year The Who`s are roaming around and they are a whole bundle of fun to be around. We could really see the park was busy now, of course it was a Saturday but, we wouldn`t be spending much longer in the park today.



And another quiet spot, although we did interrupt someone getting changed after trying on a shirt.......oops!



The carousel was also down for a minor refurb, but even so this area is just gorgeous, especially with added colour and vibrancy of the Christmas decor.






We decided to go to Confisco Grille for lunch today, we hadn`t made a reservation but it was no problem, there were plenty of tables and were happily taking walk ups. We never asked for upstairs which we should have done, but we were coming back here another day to meet Maria (worfiedoodles) and her husband, so we`d choose upstairs then.

We were seated over in a booth and our waitress was lovely, it did take longer than usual to get our drinks which was surprising as they weren`t mobbed. I had ordered fanta and Tom a ginger ale......


I ordered my favourite dish from here, the sweet and sour ribs with goats cheese polenta. I don`t actually like goats cheese or polenta, but it is lovely somehow and the ribs are always very nice.

Tom ordered the Belly pork Banh Mi sandwich with fries, one of his favourite dishes.

We did wait a little longer but eventually Tom`s arrived and mine a few minutes later.


I had noticed a plate with ribs on it sitting on the pass as I could see the kitchen from our table which I do like to see an open kitchen, I did wonder if they were mine, but they sat an awful length of time so I wrongly assumed they had been sent back or were sitting there for some other reason.

But, they were mine and when they arrived they were cold. Not stone cold, but very cool. I like hot food to be bubbling hot when I`m eating so this was not a dish I would eat.

We took a while to find someone as everyone seemed to have vanished, eventually we attracted her attention and she apologised and said she`d bring me another. But, by the time she brought my dish, Tom had finished his, and we do much prefer to eat together rather than seperately. So it was a little disappointing, especially as the ribs were not as good a quality as I remembered them. They were nice though, just not excellent.

It worked out quite well as we were later than planned for lunch, so not eating too much was ideal as we were booked for dinner at The Palm later. Tom didn`t eat much of the bread and said the pork was just a little too chewy......


Our waitress did see we had barely touched the food, but never asked if there was a problem and to be honest we didn`t bother either. She then forgot to take the AP discount off which isn`t a problem, but she certainly seemed to be busy somewhere else during our visit.

We did look forward to going back and I know next visit we`ll try it again as we do really like it here and I think we were just unlucky today, but it was just a 7/10 effort this time.

My husband also had the same comment about the Kelly Clarkson song! He thought they were trying not to be religious with the music, so the loop was shorter with the same songs more often.

You are looking so svelte! I can tell you worked hard on fitness for this trip :D

Why is it the unusual folk always think we want to interact for a prolonged basis? The photo shoot with a stranger is odd for sure...

Those fish absolutely look like they are up to no good, and ready to cause chaos.

The Whos are so sweet wandering about, I love their snouts -- just really well done!

I am sorry you had such a poor experience at Confisco. We made the mistake of trying Mythos again this trip and it will be a long while before we try again. Just really subpar in the food quality for price, and slow service to boot.

I love that you are connecting with everyone as your trip unfolds. So nice to see old friends and catch up for the first time in forever! :flower3:
We left the park and wandered back along the walking path back home, it was a stunningly beautiful day and we were loving this heat and perpetual sunshine, a real treat for anyone who is not used to these types of temps in winter, or anytime really!! The UK is very rarely blessed with anything near Florida temps in summer never mind winter.



This afternoon we headed to AT&T to get sorted with our phone we had from a couple of years ago, but the guy in there tried to basically rip us off and sell us a new $250 phone then a plan.....told him no thanks. In the US we only need the most basic of phones for calls, txts and basic internet with no plan, but he was insistent we needed what he was selling.....I think he saw gullible tourists written all over us. Wrong.

We headed to Wal-Mart and looked around, they don`t have the bog standard phones out anymore, so we spoke to these two young men who looked like they were out of a rap video including the shades....but what superstars they were!

Actually they were unconsciously hilarious and could be a double act, they bounced off each other and were tremendously helpful to us, selling us a phone for $45 and a $25 call/internet amount which would be more than enough for us. They checked we weren`t planning to do Whatsapp which burns up costs, but we said no so they said that would be enough. In May, we can just top it up again.

So after doing a little shopping, but I had enough of being in a store today so we picked up some hair products, shower gels, medications, sunscreen and some goodies and we realised we had to pick up a gift card for a friend so stopped in at Publix for that......enough shopping for one day!! I had missed my Aussie hair products last two years!!!

We can get it in the UK, but it`s a different mix and not as nice, I much prefer this version of the brand. But, down side is, they`re very heavy......I`m not thinking about suitcases at this point. Maybe I should have been.......:rolleyes1

We went to our room and had a Facetime chat with Kyle, oh my goodness.....the weather we were missing was horrendous! They were having the most horrible storms and he had sent us a video and pictures he had taken of the sea that morning, it was wilder than I`d ever seen it before. We only live a few minutes away from the sea, so he didn`t have far to look to get the video.

He was heading out, so we didn`t chat for long, but I did show him the view out the window forgetting he had been avoiding all details about the Velocicoaster....which of course is right in the centre of our view........first thing he noticed of course and exclaimed what the heck was that!!! He was impressed!!

Before we got changed we headed up to the lounge for an hour just to pass some time with some chatter and a glass of wine, that`ll be red wine of course now.

As I always say, we don`t eat our evening meals in the lounge, but we had to try the empanadas........these seemed to be a staple of the evening offerings with one evening it was a spinach and feta which I hate, and the other was a chicken flavour.

Neither was something we`d eat, especially the feta one. But, they were very popular.


We could have sat there for ever just chatting and laughing, but we had to go get showered and changed, before we left one of the new supervisors asked if she could order us an ODC as they weren`t as reliable as before when they used to sit outside regularly, so we said thank you and she said it would be there at 7. Ideal.....

We did of course want some pictures beside the tree in the lobby......and we took a few of course. The tree does miss the gingerbread display this year, of course it`s to stop folks gathering where possible, but it was missed.


A young gentleman aged around 8 or 9 walked past and asked if he could take our picture together.......he was on his own, no parents so I was very impressed with his confidence and politeness from him.....he took several and asked us if they were ok.....bless him. We thanked him and he took off saying nice camera......lol......


I actually preferred the colours they used in 2019 for the tree, it was still lovely of course and very impressive.


We headed outside and I had brought a cardigan in case it was cool, but we walked out to warmth which was a pleasant surprise, not hot, but much warmer than our last visits this time of year in the evenings, it always felt cooler at night then.

I think we waited ages for no one to be walking down the bridge.......we always love the entrance to this resort from the very first time.


So, we waited for the ODC.

One of the younger Valet guys spoke to us and said if it didn`t turn up he would take us to the HRH and to be honest we`d rather give him the money as those young guys are fabulous there......and he was very nice and sounded as if he didn`t expect it to turn up......

Which of course it didn`t.

And they had our number but didn`t call. So, thankfully Avery was able to drive us over and we tipped him handsomely for saving our butts.......

The Hard Rock is my least favourite of the resorts.....well apart from Cabana Bay which I intensley dislike.......yep, it just has no appeal to us whatsoever and I find it completely lacking anything. Hard Rock is well done, but for me it doesn`t feel like a resort at all. Pretty in some areas, but not somewhere we`d ever stay, and again, all down to each to their own.

But we do love The Palm and if it wasn`t for that, we`d never be here at all.


We were introduced to the new manager Stephanie as we entered, and she explained our favourite waitress was off that night but we were in the booth we liked so much and we knew we`d be well looked after anyway. We`ve just known the other lady for such a long time it would have been nice to see her.

Our waiter was nice and we ordered a different wine from what we usually order as they had changed some of their options in the two years we`d been gone........found one we thought we`d like and yes, it was lovely.


The Palm is always busy and always quite noisy, but the reason we prefer a booth apart from the fact it`s a little cosier is it deflects the noise a little.

They constantly refill your water here.....you will never go thirsty, some of the most diligent of water servers ever! And the bread service is very nice too, although a few options missing that we used to like. One was a fruited bread and a bread stick with cheese, but we weren`t there for bread.


I ordered my usual shrimp cocktail, might be a little boring, but they are always so nice and Tom went for the Chilean Seabass Crudo which sounded lovely.....

But, you could barely see it on the plate as it was translucent......but very tasty and very fresh. I wish I`d ordered it now.


Shrimps were delicious as always and the cocktail sauce is spicy to the point you do not need any of the Atomic horseradish the also offer on your plate.......that is nuclear!



I ordered my usual filet, medium rare and asked for a chimichurri sauce on the side but it really wasn`t needed. I usually have a peppercorn sauce in this country, but I had tried the one here and didn`t like it very much, I think it had too much of a brandy flavour which I`m not overly keen on, I prefer a creamier milder sauce with the focus on the peppercorns.



We shared the au gratin potatoes and Tom ordered the 14oz NY strip again cooked medium rare and they were both cooked perfectly, mine was more rare but that suits me to be honest.

They taste beautiful and melted in the mouth.


The potatoes weren`t as good as they were last time, they were more sloppy and less potato with an abundance of gloopy cheese sauce. I doubt we`d order it again if it doesn`t change back.

But, it was a lovely meal and we were happy with the service we received from everyone in the Palm. It really hasn`t lost anything during the time we had been gone.

We went out to the front and asked if one of the Valet guys could take us to RP, and yep, one was available to take us back for which we were grateful for and again made sure they were well tipped.

We went to Orchids where we had told Maria we`d be popping in for dessert and a drink and again it was so nice to see her. There was also another lady who used to work in Strongwater bar and she was there now too, always nice to see familiar faces and they are so nice.

We sat down on the comfy seats and Tom ordered a glass of Cabernet and I ordered their cocktail that has a spicy topping, it is lovely.

This picture is a little dark but we just wanted one of the chandelier at night, it is very pretty. The bar was fairly busy which is good to see as it is one of the nicest places to sit for a drink or sushi.



Dessert was certainly on our minds, and we remembered the fried cheesecake dessert was gorgeous so we opted for that and Tom asked for the flourless chocolate cake which him and Kyle love......🥰




Desserts were lovely, I`d forgotten how sweet and decadent the fried cheescake was, so I really couldn`t eat much more than one piece and the ice cream, so as always Tom stepped up ::yes:: and helped me to demolish the remains......

It was delicious. We sat and chatted to Maria for a while and then headed up to bed.

I hadn`t felt tired until I climbed in, but I think I was sleeping in seconds. And the perfect end to another lovely day.
My husband also had the same comment about the Kelly Clarkson song! He thought they were trying not to be religious with the music, so the loop was shorter with the same songs more often.

You are looking so svelte! I can tell you worked hard on fitness for this trip :D

Why is it the unusual folk always think we want to interact for a prolonged basis? The photo shoot with a stranger is odd for sure...

Those fish absolutely look like they are up to no good, and ready to cause chaos.

The Whos are so sweet wandering about, I love their snouts -- just really well done!

I am sorry you had such a poor experience at Confisco. We made the mistake of trying Mythos again this trip and it will be a long while before we try again. Just really subpar in the food quality for price, and slow service to boot.

I love that you are connecting with everyone as your trip unfolds. So nice to see old friends and catch up for the first time in forever! :flower3:

Thank you, I take all compliments!!

Oh that girl was odder than those fish!! To be so weird with a total stranger was just a little unnerving to be honest. My friends would do that as a joke for pictures, but a stranger! Nah....just too odd.

Oh that`s a shame about Mythos! We`ll have to find somewhere different to meet in May then. It`s been a while since we went due to bad experiences there, sounds like we won`t be rushing back either. I`m glad Confisco was good when we went with you and Mr Worfiedoodles though.

It was wonderful catching up with folks from both hotels, emails are fabulous, but it`s so much better meeting in person finally.

I`m still singing Kelly Clarkson......lol.....
My hair at this point......was interesting........for someone with a lot of hair, but very fine, it sure gained some height!!!
A quick visit to the bathroom and a quick brush and you`d never know......
I am very jealous of this. I have a lot of very curly hair and no matter what I do to my hair before we go, a few rides in and I look like Hagrid. If I were try to brush it, well, I'd look like Hagrid stuck his finger in a light socket! Then add in the Florida humidity.. Well, I bet you can imagine. 636137

Also I think I may have said this before, but you guys are seriously goals for me lol. I can oly hope one day I'll know any of the employees names at USO or Disney.
I am very jealous of this. I have a lot of very curly hair and no matter what I do to my hair before we go, a few rides in and I look like Hagrid. If I were try to brush it, well, I'd look like Hagrid stuck his finger in a light socket! Then add in the Florida humidity.. Well, I bet you can imagine. View attachment 636137

Also I think I may have said this before, but you guys are seriously goals for me lol. I can oly hope one day I'll know any of the employees names at USO or Disney.

lol.....I can imagine your hair.......yes, the humidity in the summer does weird and wonderful things to my hair too, but past trip was fine thankfully.

Thanks......we are so lucky in getting to know some wonderful people there, some who have become very good friends. Lovely folks.......
Caught up!
Just a little mini trip report within the trip report........we really did have the most amazing time in Scotland. Seeing Kyle see everyone again, especially his gran was wonderful, he hasn`t seen her in such a long time and they were like best buddies the whole trip which was lovely to see. :wave2:
I am obsessed with that outfit! Nobody rocks a ‘Russian hat’ like you
got the Dole Whip Pineapple Sorbet,
Need it cut with vanilla as in a swirl, swimming in pineapple juice. Preferably with a nice shot of rum = yum
We slinked away quickly trying not to look back at the family being yelled at by a very irate and probably extremely embarrassed woman.
I got mine without the orange juice though......why ruin sparkly with fruit juice...
So true
I swear, one of the freakiest things in the park are these darn fish!! They are like uniformed evil waiting to pounce on something....anything........
I’m convinced those little Rotters have devoured the turtles
We thanked him and he took off saying nice camera......lol......
Thankfully, not with the camera
Caught up!

I am obsessed with that outfit! Nobody rocks a ‘Russian hat’ like you

Need it cut with vanilla as in a swirl, swimming in pineapple juice. Preferably with a nice shot of rum = yum


So true

I’m convinced those little Rotters have devoured the turtles

Thankfully, not with the camera

Thanks, I love that hat!

Oh now that is a Dole Whip I`d get behind......lol.....yes, it did miss the pineapple juice and was a little disappointing. I knew I should have stuck to the caramel.....all sugar and delicious!

Now you mention it, where are all the turtles from that lagoon.......they are the weirdest thing down there, and I include the sounds of the troll under the bridge too......

lol....I have to admit I do think of the scene in National Lampoons European Vacation at times when we hand over the camera to a stranger....... :rotfl:

Glad you`re caught up ::yes::
I want to stay in RP solely for that bridge. Amazing pic.

Forgot to mention in my prior post, I find it really helpful to see your "inbetween" pics like when you're walking. Logically I know it isn't far from the parks but really helps to see the visual.


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