Is there anything more depressing than a kids menu?

I disagree,its definitely of my opinion better to put in the effort to not have a picky eater kid before they become an annoying teenager or adult who expects other people and dining establishments to cater to them.
There, fixed it for you....

And I tend to agree, making an effort to not have your kids be entitled brats is a good thing to strive for. Unfortunately achieving that goal is easier for some than others.

Some families, like mine, have 2 working parents that both work upwards of 60 hours a week. While we certainly make the effort to get our kids to eat right, sometimes chicken nuggets are going to happen.
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I disagree,its definitely better to put in the effort to not have a picky eater kid before they become an annoying teenager or adult who expects other people and dining establishments to cater to them.

I have a friend with a picky teen who cant even order her own meals at 15 years of age for whatever reason,so the parents have to order her something from the children's menu, plain with sauce on the side.they allow this at home and tailor their meals to her preferences. We dont go out to eat with them very often.

you’re right. I made a choice to allow my picky eater to eat what he wants. The alternative was to watch him starve, and yes contrary to what people say, some kids will actually starve (he’s under 60# at 11.5 years). If I can manage to find him something he’ll actually eat at DW then surely you can find your kid something as well. You might just have to put forth some effort to find it.
I disagree,its definitely better to put in the effort to not have a picky eater kid before they become an annoying teenager or adult who expects other people and dining establishments to cater to them.

I have a friend with a picky teen who cant even order her own meals at 15 years of age for whatever reason,so the parents have to order her something from the children's menu, plain with sauce on the side.they allow this at home and tailor their meals to her preferences. We don't go out to eat with them very often.

You can be a picky eater and not expect to be catered to. Certainly teach your kids that the world doesn't revolve around them and how to order food at a restaurant, but that doesn't have anything to do with being picky.
As the parent of a teen in recovery from an eating disorder, I can tell you that sometimes I order for her in restaurants, as she gets anxious asking for food. Hope no one is over at the next table rolling their eyes at us, but if they are, oh well! I am doing what works for my family.

I agree with the idea that "kids' foods" are a super weird phenomenon of our culture. Why would kids foods not just be... foods? Some evil marketing genius has convinced people that kids must/should eat only certain bland/processed foods! It's ridiculous!

However, HERE WE ARE in the USA in 2021 and there are many families whose kids prefer these foods and they would have an unpleasant vacation if the nuggets etc were not offered. So of course Disney must provide them. It's not their job to fix a nutritional problem which has become ingrained in our culture. I think Disney does a fairly reasonable job of offering a variety of foods, for children and adults, at their various restaurants. As others have pointed out, you've got to read the menus ahead of time and choose your restaurant based on what works for your family.
No worries. After I carefully read your post, I was not sure I was heard the first time.
It's all good. Basically it's my position that families on vacation should enjoy themselves.
Now December 27th is a big day for you as will be the few days following. For me also. Sometimes small problems of this kind are the harbinger of bigger problems but I pray not in this case.

First light for Webb will be approaching real first light-when the universe became transparent to the visible and near visible spectrum.
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I disagree,its definitely better to put in the effort to not have a picky eater kid before they become an annoying teenager or adult who expects other people and dining establishments to cater to them.

I have a friend with a picky teen who cant even order her own meals at 15 years of age for whatever reason,so the parents have to order her something from the children's menu, plain with sauce on the side.they allow this at home and tailor their meals to her preferences. We dont go out to eat with them very often.

That seems like issues that go beyond picky eating.

While I agree it can’t hurt to expose kids to a variety of foods, there is also nothing wrong with accepting your child is a picky eater.
And just. FYI being a picky eater doesn’t always mean you will end up expecting to be catered too by everyone.
It also doesn’t mean they will be picky forever.
There, fixed it for you....

And I tend to agree, making an effort to not have your kids be entitled brats is a good thing to strive for. Unfortunately achieving that goal is easier for some than others.

Some families, like mine, have 2 working parents that both work upwards of 60 hours a week. While we certainly make the effort to get our kids to eat right, sometimes chicken nuggets are going to happen.

I think that you missed the point. No one is saying that older kids can never have McDonalds or things like that. The point was, when they are small and starting to experience foods, don't give them the junk, like mac and cheese or other processed foods. That way, they learn to like a variety of foods and do not become addicted to the salt and additives that the processed foods have. If your kids eats healthy on a normal basis, then there is nothing wrong with getting nuggets every once in a while. For some reason, you all are taking it to the extreme as if we are saying to never feed your kids that stuff. And that is not the case. The point is that kids should not be ONLY eating the processed stuff. How many posts do we see about "picky kids" on here?
I think that you missed the point. No one is saying that older kids can never have McDonalds or things like that. The point was, when they are small and starting to experience foods, don't give them the junk, like mac and cheese or other processed foods. That way, they learn to like a variety of foods and do not become addicted to the salt and additives that the processed foods have. If your kids eats healthy on a normal basis, then there is nothing wrong with getting nuggets every once in a while. For some reason, you all are taking it to the extreme as if we are saying to never feed your kids that stuff. And that is not the case. The point is that kids should not be ONLY eating the processed stuff. How many posts do we see about "picky kids" on here?
Once in while. Just not when they are at a theme park.

And I didn't miss the point at all. I said in my post you quoted feeding kids a healthy diet and not creating entitled brats is preferable. I struggle with my oldest as she only wants nuggets and pizza. I don't always give in. I do sometimes as a war at every dinner after a 12 hour day is not healthy for anyone. So i take the easy route on occasion. Especially at a theme park. Where kids menus are generally limited to things kids like. Some kids don't want that. Some parents don't want that for them.
It could be just as simple as the restaurants are carrying what sells. If the vast majority of visitors are buying the standard kid's meals, that's what the restaurants will carry. If those items became poor sellers, I'm sure they would be replaced with something else. We see it at other restaurants, so it's surely the same at Disney.

As others have pointed out, many families take a long weekend, hit every park once and that's their vacation. By the time they pay for hotel and tickets, they may be relieved there are some cheap meal options for their 2 to 4 kids and happily choose those options. If you want or need to feed your kids cheaply, you will have to settle for cheap foods and these burgers, nuggets, mac'n cheese options are inexpensive. High carb, highly processed food is generally cheaper than higher quality, fresh, non-processed options. If you want higher quality options, you will pay more for that, even if you happen to be feeding a child.
To be honest, I think kids menus are good! They always have the things that kids standardly eat as their favourite meal, such as fish fingers and fries, sausage and mash and beans, Mac n cheese, spag bol, burger and fries, chicken nuggets...
When I'm on a diet, like now, I order off a kids menu if I have to eat out, and I've never had any complaints on the quality. The only down side to a kid's meal is the drinks choices! :rotfl:
Kids with restrictive diets have always existed. My father spent a good 3 years eating just peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Campbells tomato soup when he was a kid, according to my grandma. My dad is 74. Kids wanting bland or predictable foods IS "normal" from an evolutionary standpoint. This is a universal phenomenon, although other cultures around the world simply have their own versions of "junky kid food."

Also, have you ever considered that traveling is stressful for some kids and by having those comfort foods available on vacation, it is one less stressor for both the kids and parents? You ever feel stressed and crave comfort food? Same thing. Have some compassion. Not everyone is like you.

Thank you for saying this. I don't know why this lie persists that only modern American children are picky eaters. It is a phenomon with children across the planet, even shockingly in places where food is scarce. There is historical and anecdotal evidence of generations of picky eaters.
Once in while. Just not when they are at a theme park.

And I didn't miss the point at all. I said in my post you quoted feeding kids a healthy diet and not creating entitled brats is preferable. I struggle with my oldest as she only wants nuggets and pizza. I don't always give in. I do sometimes as a war at every dinner after a 12 hour day is not healthy for anyone. So i take the easy route on occasion. Especially at a theme park. Where kids menus are generally limited to things kids like. Some kids don't want that. Some parents don't want that for them.

Right, and that is great. My point was that they should have a balance of good foods with the standard kid stuff. But everyone seems to think that it is somehow normal to not have every counter service offer regular food on the kid's menu. You all are twisting everything and getting your panties in a bunch all because some of us would like better options for our kids. Oh, the horror of that.
Right, and that is great. My point was that they should have a balance of good foods with the standard kid stuff. But everyone seems to think that it is somehow normal to not have every counter service offer regular food on the kid's menu. You all are twisting everything and getting your panties in a bunch all because some of us would like better options for our kids. Oh, the horror of that.

They do offer regular food. Several posters have shared the specific menu items and locations (for quick service). You have conveniently ignored all of those posts. You are clearly not arguing in good faith.
Thank you for saying this. I don't know why this lie persists that only modern American children are picky eaters. It is a phenomon with children across the planet, even shockingly in places where food is scarce. There is historical and anecdotal evidence of generations of picky eaters.

There's an episode of Rick Steves when he's in Italy eating with the family who runs the agriturismo he's staying at. The kids had pasta with just olive oil and cheese, while the adults ate tomato sauce. Kid food isn't the same around the world, but it's definitely a thing pretty much everywhere.
Right, and that is great. My point was that they should have a balance of good foods with the standard kid stuff. But everyone seems to think that it is somehow normal to not have every counter service offer regular food on the kid's menu. You all are twisting everything and getting your panties in a bunch all because some of us would like better options for our kids. Oh, the horror of that.
They. Do. Why do you keep ignoring that?
Right. Here’s the kids menus just at the Magic Kingdom restaurants (Columbia Harbor House, Pinocchio, Pecos Bill). The main issue I see is that they don’t have many choices, NOT that there aren’t any healthy options. There might be two “junk” foods and one healthy option. But again, you can always share a regular entree with a kid, or have two kids share, or just save food for later. (The options at Cosmic Rays were not good, but, well, cosmic rays.)


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Right. Here’s the kids menus just at the Magic Kingdom restaurants (Columbia Harbor House, Pinocchio, Pecos Bill). The main issue I see is that they don’t have many choices, NOT that there aren’t any healthy options. There might be two “junk” foods and one healthy option. But again, you can always share a regular entree with a kid, or have two kids share, or just save food for later. (The options at Cosmic Rays were not good, but, well, cosmic rays.)

Thanks for posting these. This is a ridiculous and unproductive thread because the original premise is wrong and the OP refuses to acknowledge facts that prove it's wrong.
They. Do. Why do you keep ignoring that?

Maybe your idea of good food is different then mine. Let's look at MK. Right now in MK, Pecos bills has the rice bowls, which are decent but who wants to eat the same meal all day, every day. The only other decent option is Liberty Tree, but both of those are seafood options. good luck if you have seafood allergies. Pinnocchio Village Hause flatbread is just pizza again. So you are pretty much stuck with just Pecos Bills for lunch and dinner if you are not eating at a sit down. So I would not say that there are a lot of options right now. Everything else falls under the processed, breaded, or fried category. I am not the one that "refuses" to see the reality of the horrible food that is offered.
Right. Here’s the kids menus just at the Magic Kingdom restaurants (Columbia Harbor House, Pinocchio, Pecos Bill). The main issue I see is that they don’t have many choices, NOT that there aren’t any healthy options. There might be two “junk” foods and one healthy option. But again, you can always share a regular entree with a kid, or have two kids share, or just save food for later. (The options at Cosmic Rays were not good, but, well, cosmic rays.)

You have actually proven my point. There are very few decent options and 2/3 of those are seafood. The rest is junk. Cosmic Rays used to have decent food. They had a rotisserie chicken meal that came with green beans and potatoes. It's a shame that they have changed from a decent meal to chicken strips.


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