Nothing Can Stop Us Now! The End! Well almost, quick recap of Jan 22 trip! Update on April trip 4/21*

Welcome home! Glad to hear you had a wonderful holiday trip to the parks. You both look like you were having a great time in Universal, and your room at Portifino looked very nice. And those donuts.... :love: :rotfl:
:thanks: It really was amazing and very enjoyable. Universal was decorated beautifully and crowds were not bad the 2 nights we were there.
Andi told me not to go overboard with the donuts, lol 😂 so I just did 3 and it was the perfect amount and very yummy!
Everything looked perfect for you and Andi I`m so glad to read.......your pictures are so much fun and both of you always look so happy. Your food and drinks all look so appealing too......
It really was and the weather, as you know, was amazing, not a drop of rain or really cold at all! It was relaxing for us, we did the rides we wanted to and took it easy these days and it was perfect
We never got to visit PB for Sal`s amazing pizza this time as we were trying to cram a month long visit into a much shorter 2 week trip and yes, the PB tree is gorgeous outside, glad you had a nice view of it and your room was lovely.
We had the pizza our first day, when we arrived and it was perfect sitting outside looking at the tree and waterway! Especially because we left cold and snowy weather at home.
We were so annoyed we missed you by such a short time frame.....we were there!!!! Right by where you were and we must have missed you by about 15 or 20 minutes........
I know, we were so close, lol 😆 I’m glad you and Tom loved Velocicoaster. Andi sure loves it!
Caroline, in your Intro. you sound just DW and me. We also no longer care to spend an entire day from rope drop to close in the any of the parks, even my favorite AK. It's so much nicer to sleep in and go after having a leisurely breakfast, especially like the ones we had at Ale & Compass, Trattoria El Forno, and at the Grand Floridian Cafe on our latest trip. Isn't Hogwarts great. We love butter beer, the ice cream shop (our local coffee shop at home has Lavender and Earl Grey scones) and Hagrid's motorcycle ride. Your food pictures from Universal are making me hungry!
I agree and AK is my favorite park. I would say our best Disney day this trip was our AK day, we loved it!
I can’t believe we still haven’t had the ice cream yet. I need to make that a priority next time we are in Diagon Alley.
We did enjoy our meals and snacks at Universal and the hot butter beer yum! I was able to leisurely enjoy this while Andi was riding Velocicoaster.
Finally got to read about your trip! Sorry to hear about your ankle injury. How are you feeling these days?

We do enjoy our Universal time as much as our Disney time, glad you do as well! I wish we’d been able to go down for Christmastime this year, it’s so magical!
Hi Courtney! Thanks for taking the time to read my report, I know how busy you are as a newer mom and nurse! I get it! My ankle is much better overall but still not totally back to baseline, ugh!
We really our loving Universal more and more, especially with the AP and staying there several times now!
The Christmas atmosphere and weather were just perfect this trip!
I love all the pictures of your little guy, he is so cute!
Welcome home!

I really enjoyed your Universal recap. It sounds like it was perfect.

I love fried pickles too. I thought it was only a Southern thing.
:thanks: It has been crazy busy since I returned. I am so glad we went and took this trip!
Universal was very enjoyable and a much slower pace than our Disney days!
The first time I had fried pickles was at Texas Roadhouse, they definitely are a southern thing. I had never even heard of them until that chain came up north.
I thought they would be gross and I can’t believe how good they are. yummy 🤤
CowFish’s version very yummy!

We arrive at WDW!

The night before we decided to not stress out about making it to DHS early so we changed our park reservations to Epcot.

This gave us a leisurely morning. I did get up early enough to try for a Remy’s boarding group. I did get one. We would be group 72. I probably should have had “fast fingers” aka Andi do it instead. I did read online the boarding group would likely be called around 5pm.

Andi went and got us some caffeine from Starbucks. I had the new sugar cookie cold brew and Andi had a regular cold brew.

It was good. We packed up and ate the rest of our donuts and I had a macaron, yummy.

We took a Lyft to POFQ around 9:00am. We checked our luggage with Bell Services and I made sure my request of a building close to transportation and high floor was on file before we headed to Epcot.

We got on a bus to Epcot, we made it in enough time to do the 30 minute early entry.

One thing that bugged me about this 30 minute early entry besides the blaring WHAT HAPPENED TO THE REAL EMH! was Disney holds you far from the attractions until exactly at the 1/2 hour mark and then allows the ton of guests to start moving towards the attractions. I was not a fan of this! :sad2:>:(

We decided on TT and it was basically a walk on, yay! We actually got our picture this time!

We did Soarin, LWTL, Figment, and saw Joy playing in the grass.



The weather was beautiful 🤩 and the crowds were growing rapidly, wow it was busy!

We went into WS to check out some of the booths and it was just way to busy, the lines were huge for the Festival Booths.

Our plans quickly changed and we decided to try a walk up at Spice Road Table. I’m so glad we did! We had a wonderful lunch of small plates. You sit outside and it was just lovely watching the busy WS all around us!

I had the house made red sangria and Andi had the rose sangria.

We shared 3 small plates, Hummus Fries, Pomegranate-Chili Crispy Cauliflower, and the Naan Spreads. Oh my goodness everything was so delicious!



It was a really nice lunch, our service was great as well.

We took the friendship boat which was right by Spice Road Table and it takes you over to the UK 🇬🇧 This was the first time we have ever used a boat in Epcot.

We got our room ready text and we decided to head out of the park. We did SE first of course! The wait was only about 10 minutes.

The app was showing we still had several hours before the boarding group.

We took a bus back to FQ, we had a great room on a corner of the 2nd floor in building 4. This was so convenient to the main lobby and the bus stop!

Our room was very nice, relatively quiet, very clean, and comfortable.

We decided to take a nap so we could keep going until 1am!

The Christmas after hours party was tonight and we would be meeting up with Karamie and Lesley!

“I don’t care what the ILLS costs, this virtual queue is a nightmare!”:crazy2:
“I don’t care what the ILLS costs, this virtual queue is a nightmare!”

We headed back to Epcot to join our Remy queue. Epcot was packed, like scary busy with a world wide pandemic going on.o_O

I wasn’t expecting this level of crowds, well it was Friday night!

We got behind a guy who could really maneuver a stroller through the crowds and just followed him all the way to France!

It was hard to even see the decorations with all the people.

We made it to the queue and it was long. We waited over 45 minutes to ride. I told Andi we will pay next time!
The ride is very cute, but not waiting almost 50 minutes cute!

We decided to walk over to BC and catch a bus from there to MK.

We looked at the beautiful chocolate carousel in the lobby. The lobby smelled so good. We got some ice water and headed out to the bus stop.

We made it over to MK right at the end of Enchantment, I heard just a few songs and saw a few fireworks 💥

The park was very busy, we walked through the bypass area that brings you by Tomorrow Land Terrace. We headed into TL and jumped on the PM. It was so nice to be in MK and ride the PM.

We met up with Karamie, Lesley, and Zach. It was so nice to see them again! We all rode Buzz Lightyear before splitting up again.


I was hungry and I wanted the Mr. Toads burger from Friars Nook. Andi had loaded tots. The burger was really good.

The party was starting and CM’s checked your wrist band everywhere. This was good since the party was so expensive.

We had a Mickey Bar for dessert. The popcorn, soda, and ice cream stands were very efficient so this helped decrease the waits. They put everything out and you just told the CM’s what you wanted.

We decided to ride a bunch of rides now, Karamie came and joined us.

We rode LM, Dumbo, Barnstormer, Space (not me lol 😝), Tea Cups, HM, Pirates, BTMRR, and Jingle Cruise. The fireworks started and Andi and I elected to watch from AL on Aladdin’ flying carpets, very cool.

We headed back to FL and rode PPF, Pooh, and visited Tiana and Rapunzel. We had so much fun and the crowds were very low, wait times were very low.


We had another snack break with popcorn, hot chocolate, and cookies.

We headed to Mainstreet to watch the second parade. We had a great spot right in front of Starbucks. I really enjoyed the parade, very festive and snoap was flying everywhere. It did get in my eye and that stung!

We did a few pictures on Mainstreet and headed out. We left around 12:30am. This party was so much fun. It was better than the Boo Bash in my opinion.

Having a functioning ankle may have swayed my vote some, lol

We went to bed around 1:30am. We planned on Epcot again for the later park opening.

Did we pay for Remy, did we do the cookie stroll, did we decide on something totally different?? Find out soon!

Enjoy more pictures of the wonderful after hours party
Epcot sounds crazy but MK after hours sounds wonderful. You got some great photos and managed to do so much. I’m sure having a functioning foot coloured your opinion but even just reading your report makes the Christmas party sound so fun. Love Christmas anywhere but oh how I’d love to celebrate it at wdw 🎅🎄⭐
We made it to the queue and it was long. We waited over 45 minutes to ride. I told Andi we will pay next time!

I think this is the exact reaction Disney wants you to have. We waited an hour to ride Remy last week, which is absolutely ridiculous when we they are assigning boarding groups.

This party was so much fun. It was better than the Boo Bash in my opinion.

We loved the Christmas party…I'm a sucker for that parade and the fireworks were so good! :love:
We would be group 72. I probably should have had “fast fingers” aka Andi do it instead.
:laughing: That'll learn ya! Plus... getting Andi to do it would allow you to sleep in!
I made sure my request of a building close to transportation and high floor was on file
May I ask why you prefer a high floor?
One thing that bugged me about this 30 minute early entry besides the blaring WHAT HAPPENED TO THE REAL EMH!
Yeah. No kidding. Just where is my perk for staying on site, exactly???
Disney holds you far from the attractions until exactly at the 1/2 hour mark and then allows the ton of guests to start moving towards the attractions. I was not a fan of this! :sad2::(
Nor am I. I recall one time when I felt completely at the mercy of the crowd. Not a fun feeling.
saw Joy playing in the grass.
Get off my lawn!

Sorry. Old man reflex kicking in.
The weather was beautiful 🤩 and the crowds were growing rapidly, wow it was busy!
Been hearing that the crowds have picked back up.
We went into WS to check out some of the booths and it was just way to busy, the lines were huge for the Festival Booths.
Ugh. Too bad. But... I guess that's Disney.
Our plans quickly changed and we decided to try a walk up at Spice Road Table. I’m so glad we did! We had a wonderful lunch of small plates. You sit outside and it was just lovely watching the busy WS all around us!
One place I've yet to try and really want to. Maybe if I go this summer with DD, I'll be able to knock it off the list.
We shared 3 small plates, Hummus Fries, Pomegranate-Chili Crispy Cauliflower, and the Naan Spreads. Oh my goodness everything was so delicious!
I don't know about the cauli... I'm not a fan of it when it's cooked, but the rest sounds good.
This was the first time we have ever used a boat in Epcot.
Really! I've used them several times to save on foot wear.
we had a great room on a corner of the 2nd floor in building 4. This was so convenient to the main lobby and the bus stop!
Hmm... The location is good, but... high enough for you? Or do you just not want to be on the ground floor?
Epcot was packed, like scary busy with a world wide pandemic going on.o_O
That's a bit... shocking right now, especially with the new and improved (ahem) virus.
We got behind a guy who could really maneuver a stroller through the crowds and just followed him all the way to France!
:laughing: Like following behind an ambulance.
The ride is very cute, but not waiting almost 50 minutes cute!
Hoping to see it eventually. :)
We looked at the beautiful chocolate carousel in the lobby.
That's crazy what they can do with chocolate. I saw advertising for a show on Netflix that's about chocolate design. Might check it out. Probably will.
We headed into TL and jumped on the PM.
:laughing: Only a DISer understands what you just said!
Like this shot of you. (Even if it isn't the obligatory foot shot.)
We met up with Karamie, Lesley, and Zach. It was so nice to see them again!
DISmeets are almost always great. :)
I was hungry and I wanted the Mr. Toads burger from Friars Nook. Andi had loaded tots. The burger was really good.
It even looks like a toad! I like it!!
The party was starting and CM’s checked your wrist band everywhere. This was good since the party was so expensive.
I would hate to pay a on of money and have other people getting what I paid for... for free.
The fireworks started and Andi and I elected to watch from AL on Aladdin’ flying carpets, very cool.
While you were actually on the ride??? Cool!
We had so much fun and the crowds were very low, wait times were very low.
We headed to Mainstreet to watch the second parade. We had a great spot right in front of Starbucks. I really enjoyed the parade, very festive and snoap was flying everywhere.
:laughing: So much fun!
It did get in my eye and that stung!
Heh. Sue them! Maybe you'll get free APs from now on.

Having a functioning ankle may have swayed my vote some, lol
Maybe... juuuuust maybe. ;)
Cute. :)
Nice shot of y'all. :)
Really like this shot.
Sounds like the party was super busy despite the high price, but I"m so glad you enjoyed it!! I know how much you were looking forward to it! It's been forever since I've been to the resort at Christmas time and would love to again. Mostly for EPCOT stuff, but wouldn't mind an after hours party at MK either. :)

We really enjoyed out lunch at Spice Road too. The small plates are so perfect for sharing and getting a variety of flavors and dishes in.
Epcot sounds crazy but MK after hours sounds wonderful. You got some great photos and managed to do so much. I’m sure having a functioning foot coloured your opinion but even just reading your report makes the Christmas party sound so fun. Love Christmas anywhere but oh how I’d love to celebrate it at wdw 🎅🎄⭐
Epcot was very busy, way more crowded than the last few times we were there.
Christmas at WDW is truly magical. The after hours party was really fun. I think the addition of the parade and fireworks really added to the atmosphere!
We loved the Christmas party…I'm a sucker for that parade and the fireworks
The fireworks are amazing! This was such a fun after hours party. I was surprised how low the wait times were for everything.
I think this is the exact reaction Disney wants you to have. We waited an hour to ride Remy last week, which is absolutely ridiculous when we they are assigning boarding groups.
I agree! Really a boring queue and to many people to close to each other! We never waited that long ever for all the times we rode Rise with a boarding group!
That'll learn ya! Plus... getting Andi to do it would allow you to sleep in!
I learned my lesson! I still have to get up to wake her up :sad2:
May I ask why you prefer a high floor?
Ask away, lol 😆 we had a horrible experience at AoA with people playing hockey above us, it was so bad, running, thumping, banging every night. So I always request top floor!
Yeah. No kidding. Just where is my perk for staying on site, exactly???
Sorry sir, there isn’t any but please pay almost 50% more a night now and by the way no housekeeping either! It is really bad now and I still like the convenience of being in site, ugh! I don’t want to start renting a car each trip but the costs to stay onsite are getting out of control!
Nor am I. I recall one time when I felt completely at the mercy of the crowd. Not a fun feeling.
I hate the cattle run, I would think for crowd control it would be better to let people start the queue when you arrive
Get off my lawn!
Haha! She is so happy, like joyful! Pooh came out after her and he had a Christmas present with him, adorable!
Sorry. Old man reflex kicking in.
Been hearing that the crowds have picked back up.
Yes the crowds were more than I was anticipating
Ugh. Too bad. But... I guess that's Disney.
The Holiday kitchen booths way to busy!
One place I've yet to try and really want to. Maybe if I go this summer with DD, I'll be able to knock it off the list.
I recommend it, very good food
I don't know about the cauli... I'm not a fan of it when it's cooked, but the rest sounds good.
The cauliflower was really delicious.
Really! I've used them several times to save on foot wear.
It was really nice!
Hmm... The location is good, but... high enough for you? Or do you just not want to be on the ground floor?
I wanted top floor but thank goodness it was quiet overall
That's a bit... shocking right now, especially with the new and improved (ahem) virus.
It really was
Like following behind an ambulance.
Worked well
Hoping to see it eventually.
It is a very cute ride
That's crazy what they can do with chocolate. I saw advertising for a show on Netflix that's about chocolate design. Might check it out. Probably will.
Such talent, I can’t even imagine doing that!
Only a DISer understands what you just said!
So true!
Like this shot of you. (Even if it isn't the obligatory foot shot.)
Thank you, it was so fun to be there with all the commotion below us as people flooded out of the park
DISmeets are almost always great.
I agree!
It even looks like a toad! I like it!!
It was really tasty I’m glad I tried it
would hate to pay a on of money and have other people getting what I paid for... for free.
Yes and I have seen that in the past with other after hours
While you were actually on the ride??? Cool!
Yes great view from up there. We watched the fireworks on the move and it was still awesome
Heh. Sue them! Maybe you'll get free APs from now on.
Good idea, let me call my lawyer!
I learned my lesson! I still have to get up to wake her up :sad2:
Scream "Fire!" at her. Then say "oops. False alarm. Since you're up and wide awake, make the boarding group booking. I'm going back to sleep."
Ask away, lol 😆 we had a horrible experience at AoA with people playing hockey above us, it was so bad, running, thumping, banging every night. So I always request top floor!
Ugh! Sometimes people are... stupid.
I think we've all had experiences where there are other inconsiderate/clueless guests who keep everyone else up. I've been sooo tempted to bang on their doors early in the morning. You know. Just to make sure they're okay after their late night.
Sorry sir, there isn’t any but please pay almost 50% more a night now and by the way no housekeeping either!
I still like the convenience of being in site, ugh! I don’t want to start renting a car each trip but the costs to stay onsite are getting out of control!
Yeah... I don't really want to be off-site either. :(
But Disney is doing their best to force people away.
I hate the cattle run, I would think for crowd control it would be better to let people start the queue when you arrive
Not a bad idea. Then you could simply walk calmly to the ride. Or pick a number when you get there. Anything...
I recommend it, very good food
I've heard good things. :)
Thank you, it was so fun to be there with all the commotion below us as people flooded out of the park
:laughing: Yes!
Good idea, let me call my lawyer!
Sounds like the party was super busy despite the high price, but I"m so glad you enjoyed it!! I know how much you were looking forward to it! It's been forever since I've been to the resort at Christmas time and would love to again. Mostly for EPCOT stuff, but wouldn't mind an after hours party at MK either. :)

We really enjoyed out lunch at Spice Road too. The small plates are so perfect for sharing and getting a variety of flavors and dishes in.
The party did not feel busy which made me so happy! We were able to do everything without the stress of ,arge crowds!
Christmas time at Disney is so magical, I really loved it!
Two thumbs up for Spice Road Table, such an enjoyable lunch!
I know you have a trip coming up soon, I hope it is a really fun one!
Scream "Fire!" at her. Then say "oops. False alarm. Since you're up and wide awake, make the boarding group booking. I'm going back to sleep."
I like your style! I should do it , just to see the look on her face! :lmao:
I think we've all had experiences where there are other inconsiderate/clueless guests who keep everyone else up. I've been sooo tempted to bang on their doors early in the morning. You know. Just to make sure they're okay after their late night.
I agree! what are they wearing Herman Munster shoes and how can you be up so late every night, don’t you go to parks! Ugh 😩
But Disney is doing their best to force people away.
This is sad but so true. Did you hear the rumor Iger is going to come back as CEO. It might help!
Hey Caroline! Catching up after almost of month of no DIS time! So sorry we missed each other this month; hopefully we meet up in 2022!

We spent some time talking to some of The Who’s from Whoville.
Aren't they fun? We spent time talking to them last month as well.
watched the parade,
Love this parade, I think it's my favorite thing about Uni during the holidays.
try a walk up at Spice Road Table. I’m so glad we did! We had a wonderful lunch of small plates. You sit outside and it was just lovely watching the busy WS all around us!
Glad you liked it, I love it there! I find it fairly easy MOST of the time to get a walk up. And last month for our special Epcot party, some of our dishes were from Spice Road which I really appreciated!
I was hungry and I wanted the Mr. Toads burger from Friars Nook.
LOL this burger cracks me up.

Gorgeous view from your Portofino room!


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