Something About Nothing............ #14

All of a sudden there are 21 people lined up to check in for the flight
I’m sure more will follow soon since boarding as I see more heading to the delta section

no idea where all these people are coming from…
Quick morning stop in :wave2:

There are a few papers to shuffle around today...should keep m e busy most of the morning.

My tea seems to have a hole in the cup this morning for some reason. Time to toast my bagel to have with my tea while shuffling papers.

Still cold and raining here...but glad to not see white stuff hanging around. The forecast is for the rain to stop this afternoon. I guess we will see if they are right.

@macraven have a good flight home to toast my bagel and shuffle some papers.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!!!!
Suitcase still sitting in my trunk. Mr working graveyard shift, forgot to snag for me. Just as well. The boys assured me they tried to keep home tidy. E for effort all I can muster there tho

The concept of cooking seems rather foreign to me at this point. Will stick head in freezer and hope forinspiration I do see what appears to be last hurrah of pepper & tomatoes Should make sauce. No way am I going to can them
My problem is that my hair expands and frizzes in the humidity no matter what product I use.
It’s funny, those with poker straight hair hope for the opposite. I have waves I can coax with lots of product into big 80s hair. The mr loves that look I indulge him now & again but hate that crunchy feeling it gets from all the gunk
not sure how long I can last though!
think the 'after' picture was taken closer to them, because the radishes did shrink a bit when roasted.
Do they get sweet?
They look like roasted red potatoes in the picture.
That’s what I thot too
Yes, I like this girl, she`s only qualified a couple of years, but she`s doing well.
Agree that (especially colorists) they need experience. I do also think they either have a passion for it or it’s just a job, wherein you get nothing but basic no matter how long they’ve worked in field

pretty sure I’ve invested more time in finding good stylists over the years than my doctors
Hehe, camel is having that Fall feeling, and ready for some spooky fun this month, on a very hump of a Wednesday day, to say, yay, Friday now two days away.
Love it! We’ve harvest 3 pumpkins that the critters overlooked. Oddest thing is a 4th from squash seeds. Looks quite like a pumpkin but half the size. No idea what type it is. If squash isn’t spaghetti or zucchini, I rarely will eat it
Again having a trying time with my phone
It truly is a contrary one lol Save travels home!
Good Wednesday morning Sans family :wave2:



Hope the new lawn firm are better. What a shame the other one let you down. Our gardener is basically a one man band with an apprenticeut my goodness he works his socks off and is working to build his business into a bigger one, but with Covid it has delayed his plans a little. He promises not to forget the ones who gave him a chance now though, I`d hate to lose him. Fingers crossed this one is better for you.

We hope they work out too. The owner of the business is our next door neighbor. They are very nice people.

they had lovely evenings at The Palm which I was so pleased about and the only place they didn`t enjoy was Big Fire.....I did tell them not to go there as so many folks who I trust with their opinion said not to bother. But happy their trips were a success. One is back next week, but trying PB as her niece is now working there as part of her training.

Great to hear their experience at The Palm was good. I still have not tried Big Fire and I have heard mixed reviews on it.

our room view at BWV was

That was a nice view.

Have a wonderful visit with your grandson and his family!!!

We had a nice visit. Grandson is busy so it was so nice he was able to take some time off and come for a visit.

Yep, had a lovely few days and did get new boots this morning and some other things too which was nice, I hate shopping for clothes, but it was nice to walk back to the car laden with bags for the first time in a while....

Glad to hear you had a successful shopping trip.

Well I’m now back at the hotel and it’s only 2:20
No way will Mr Sandman drop in for me yet..
I never can get to sleep once I do a hhn are a HHN energizer bunny.

and have lots of blisters on my feet to prove I had a good time …

I may be hobbling the next 3 days but that is usual for me during hhn

blisters come and go

Yes, those blisters are a consequence of a great time at HHN. Hope they heal up soon.

Hi everyone. I’m checking in from the park. I’m taking a short break before getting lunch. I woke up at 5:10 this morning, so decided to do early entry. Is so weird to me seeing the park so empty at that hour. It’s still not super busy. So far I have done :
Fast & Furious

You accomplished a lot of riding.

When you start nodding off during a stunt show, it’s time to go back to the room and take a nap.

Yep.....that’s a good sign of needing a nap.

I am once again dealing with family drama. My sister texted tonight and said that my Aunt wants my mom out of her house ASAP. I have had it with my Aunt. It looks like I may be going back to SC soon to help Mom move.

So sorry to hear you are continuing to have issues with your aunt.

Nice lunch!
Mac’s new man 😎

Nice picture.

Lori your daughter will be thrilled to come back to her apartment and find your home cooked Meal.

Safe travels home Mac.

Soniam hope the packing is going well.

I have been sleeping later then usual since returning home from vacation. I will blame it on the hour time change.

We had a nice weekend. Our grandson from Kentucky came in Thursday and spent a couple of nights with us. He went with us to younger grandsons football game Friday evening.

Great-nephews 2nd Birthday was Saturday evening. It was so cute. He had a blast with his cousins. His favorite gifts were his football and legos. He received lots of trucks and learning games which he loves.

I’am working on a photo album from granddaughters wedding. I will give this to them for Christmas. I have the photographers photos plus the ones I took.

I need to look at dates for February Mardi Gras trip and Grandson wants to go to Universal in May for graduation trip. I also need to look at dates for HHN next September.

It is rainy here today. The weather has stayed really warm during the day and cooler at night. So that should help all the new grass seed take hold.

The leaves are coming down in mass. It’s that time of year.

Welcome back home to everyone who was on vacation. Hope the transition is a good one.

Have a great Wednesday.
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Suitcase still sitting in my trunk. Mr working graveyard shift, forgot to snag for me. Just as well. The boys assured me they tried to keep home tidy. E for effort all I can muster there tho

The concept of cooking seems rather foreign to me at this point. Will stick head in freezer and hope forinspiration I do see what appears to be last hurrah of pepper & tomatoes Should make sauce. No way am I going to can them

It’s funny, those with poker straight hair hope for the opposite. I have waves I can coax with lots of product into big 80s hair. The mr loves that look I indulge him now & again but hate that crunchy feeling it gets from all the gunk

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Do they get sweet?

That’s what I thot too

Agree that (especially colorists) they need experience. I do also think they either have a passion for it or it’s just a job, wherein you get nothing but basic no matter how long they’ve worked in field

pretty sure I’ve invested more time in finding good stylists over the years than my doctors

Love it! We’ve harvest 3 pumpkins that the critters overlooked. Oddest thing is a 4th from squash seeds. Looks quite like a pumpkin but half the size. No idea what type it is. If squash isn’t spaghetti or zucchini, I rarely will eat it

It truly is a contrary one lol Save travels home!

lol...well, hair is very important as is the right stylist. I do love that crisp 80`s look now and again, but yes, all the product needed is incredible.

I bought some sulfate free shampoo today after you spoke about it, free of everything so much so I wondered if it would be nice. But, smells lovely and even though I didn`t use conditioner my hair is smooth and silky and straightened as good as ever.....will buy it again for sure and go back for the conditioner and other products that are SF.

Have fun using up the peppers and tomatoes......

Robbie.....glad you had a lovely visit with your grandson and happy the little one`s party went well on Saturday.

The photo album sounds such a beautiful idea.

Yes, our trees are looking more naked by the day, so many leaves on the ground now.....I do love this time of year though, warm cosy nights in and yes, warm jumpers and boots!!!

Had a lovely day so some bits and bobs out shopping, had a lovely lunch of local crab sandwiches with two of our friends in a place that`s closing for winter soon, shame as it`s a lovely place. It`ll reopen in March/April.

Then went to our book group meet up......had a good discussion on the last book and new one was unexpected. She chose Ariadne by Jennifer`s not quite a retelling of the Minotaur and Theseus myth, but told from Ariadne`s point of view. Should be interesting, I do enjoy Greek Mythology.

Change of dinner plans too......made pork, cider and apple casserole and will add some cheese and chive dumplings on top before it`s fully done, should be nice, just hope the apples haven`t gone too smooshy......
Hmmm do have a couple of crabs of lump crab in fridge! Hope to find the lemons havent withered away in my crisper.
I need to look at dates for February Mardi Gras trip and Grandson wants to go to Universal in May for graduation trip. I also need to look at dates for HHN next September.
You have so much fun with family!

Took a quick glance at weekend airfare for that time period yesterday when I saw the announcement, then quickly closed the browser lol. Will revisit that Thot after the dust settles.

it was quite cold there this year (end of feb into first week of March). Surprised as we’ve had generally much nicer weather over many Presidents’ Day trips over the years.

your grandson chose wisely, a fun time, let him pick a good band if possible. Does he play a winter sport? That sort of obligation is putting the kabosh on GD coming along for her 1st HHN experience end of month. I’m disappointed but, on other hand, secretly a bit relieved.

She’ll get there. Even tho she’s A horror movie buff & the houses were mostly mild, the crowd was occasionally rough around the edges as to behavior last Sunday…a bit too much pushing & shoving sort of thing in scare zones mostly.

don’t get me started on the multitudes of babies in strollers, of which I lost counto_O
Change of dinner plans too......made pork, cider and apple casserole and will add some cheese and chive dumplings on top before it`s fully done, should be nice, just hope the apples haven`t gone too smooshy......

Sounds delicious.

You have so much fun with family!

I do enjoy being with my family. Sounds like you do too. It’s so fun to be on vacation just enjoying time with them and having fun.

your grandson chose wisely, a fun time, let him pick a good band if possible. Does he play a winter sport? That sort of obligation is putting the kabosh on GD coming along for her 1st HHN experience end of month. I’m disappointed but, on other hand, secretly a bit relieved.

He plays football. He has 3 more games if I remember correctly then they go into the playoffs. He is a Senior this year. He plays center for the team.

He has wanted to go to HHN, but with his football and practice schedule that has not been possible. Maybe this coming year as he will be at University next Fall.

She’ll get there. Even tho she’s A horror movie buff & the houses were mostly mild, the crowd was occasionally rough around the edges as to behavior last Sunday…a bit too much pushing & shoving sort of thing in scare zones mostly.

For sure Friday and Saturday were much more rowdy as the night went on and the drink was taking affect. I was concerned for the Scare Actors on a couple of occasions, but thankfully security was close by and took care of it.

I did not notice as many security folks dressed in black around the Scare Zones as in 2019, but in their defense they could have been dressed a little more inconspicuously as to not be so obvious.

don’t get me started on the multitudes of babies in strollers, of which I lost counto_O

I try to wrap my head around the reasoning for bringing the babies in strollers to HHN. Really there isn’t any. It is dangerous.

There were bottlenecks of people smashed into some of those Scare Zones. Crypt TV was one of them. Just not safe at all.
@macraven Safe travels

Good morning. This was me yesterday.

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I love Yukon gold. I don’t make mashed potatoes often, but when I do I used lots of butter and cream cheese. So not diet friendly.

I am so like that when I come back to work after vacation. It seems like everyone forgets how to do stuff and decides to redo my stuff incorrectly, then I have to spend time fixing issues and doing the stuff that they were supposed to do. Glad I don't have to worry about that anymore.

Do they get sweet?

They get sweeter than they are raw, but not as sweet as other root vegetables.

When at home, I do use sulfate free/color safe shampoo and most of the time for the conditioner too. The blue fades very easily, so I have to be careful with the shampoo and use cold water. The conditioner doesn't seem to matter much. I do have some really nice thick hair mask that I use a couple of times a week just to help. Also, my hair, even though it gets bleached for dyeing blue, doesn't get very dry or damaged. I take shampoo from home when on vacation, but I use the hotel conditioner or ones from previous trips.

@Robo56 Pretty much packed, camera equipment too, except for some bathroom items that I still have to use tonight and in the morning.

Thank goodness I don't have to carry everything that's in my camera backpack around the parks all day. It's pretty heavy. I will leave a lot of it in the room or in my luggage with bell services and only take what I need. I am going to check my new tripod in my luggage, because it just adds too much bulk/weight to the backpack. I already have the big lens (200-400mm) in it's bag attached to the backpack. I just can't fit the big lens in it with the camera body, 24-70mm lens, 24mm lens, Mac Air, charger, and brick battery already in it. I don't want to check any lenses or electronics either.
Ooh, Son getting ready! Yay for leaving soon. I used to carry a camera, but now just use my phone.

Yay, kids did go to the produce store. Came home with two bags of tomatoes, Jersey ones, sweet and banana peppers, yams, peaches and pears. And so, dinner was peppers, tomatoes and steak stir fried. All enjoyed that dinner.

Ah, thirsty Thursday tomorrow. Starting tonight with my after dinner tea.

I think I hear DH mowing the lawn. Eh, probably the last of that. Poor older one. Upped his medicine intake, as lots of pollen released this time of year. Elm trees, for one. He’s allergic to any type of pollen. Until a hard frost, which usually does not happen until the mid of Winter, he’s asthmatic from the allergic reactions. Hence prescription and OTC drug cocktails give him some relief. Darth Vader is in the building. Sigh. When he was diagnosed at age 3, they said he may outgrow it. Going on 24, I guess it will just be a lifetime allergy.

Sweet birthday celebration, Robo.

Quiet night, I hope all have.
Thanks Mac. Yeah people think he’s sick, but it’s just his asthma, and even sometimes itchy eyes. He is good about taking his medicine, and why I have no live plants or cut flowers in my home.
It never gets old, making the rounds again...bohemian catsody/watch out for your big toe:teeth:

I do have some really nice thick hair mask
I don’t condition every wash. I forgot to order my Olaplex #3 pre color last time. New salon didn’t carry it either. Noticed quite a bit of hair loss on my black park t-shirts Conversely, i do use the maui moisture mask which doesn’t break $6. Works well for maintenance every week or so for me generally. Will have that in my hair with a shower cap this week
Thank goodness I don't have to carry everything that's in my camera backpack around the parks all day. It's pretty heavy
Shamefully, our equipment mostly sits in storage. The newer phones do quite the decent job. We do pull it all out for special occasions tho.
Sigh. When he was diagnosed at age 3, they said he may outgrow it. Going on 24, I guess it will just be a lifetime allergy.
Poor kid did he do try the shots? I’ve been snorfling since being home too. The only reason I look forward to that first hard frost.
Late night check in. I should be sleeping, but had a late dinner, so I want my food to digest a bit before I go to bed.

All of a sudden there are 21 people lined up to check in for the flight
I’m sure more will follow soon since boarding as I see more heading to the delta section

no idea where all these people are coming from…
Hope you had a nice flight home.

The concept of cooking seems rather foreign to me at this point.
I haven’t cooked anything since returning home and our kitchen is about to get disrupted again.

It’s funny, those with poker straight hair hope for the opposite. I have waves I can coax with lots of product into big 80s hair. The mr loves that look I indulge him now & again but hate that crunchy feeling it gets from all the gunk
My hair used to be straight. It just started curling about 10-12 years ago. I have no idea what caused it.

I need to look at dates for February Mardi Gras trip and Grandson wants to go to Universal in May for graduation trip. I also need to loo
I would love to go during Mardi Gras, but doubt I will get to this time.

don’t get me started on the multitudes of babies in strollers, of which I lost count
I don’t get that at all.

Pretty much packed, camera equipment too, except for some bathroom items that I still have to use tonight and in the morning.
Have a great trip.

Poor older one. Upped his medicine intake, as lots of pollen released this time of year.
I hope he gets some relief soon. I can tell that the pollen is getting worse.

Does anyone else have someone who always seems to want to buy things that you have already purchased for them as a gift or surprise? Dh does this to me all the time. I just bought a Disney pin that I am going to put in his Christmas stocking. He’s over here trying to decide if he wants to buy this pin online or wait and see if it is at Disney when we go in March. I am trying to distract him from the shop Disney website.
@macraven Safe travels

I am so like that when I come back to work after vacation. It seems like everyone forgets how to do stuff and decides to redo my stuff incorrectly, then I have to spend time fixing issues and doing the stuff that they were supposed to do. Glad I don't have to worry about that anymore.

They get sweeter than they are raw, but not as sweet as other root vegetables.

When at home, I do use sulfate free/color safe shampoo and most of the time for the conditioner too. The blue fades very easily, so I have to be careful with the shampoo and use cold water. The conditioner doesn't seem to matter much. I do have some really nice thick hair mask that I use a couple of times a week just to help. Also, my hair, even though it gets bleached for dyeing blue, doesn't get very dry or damaged. I take shampoo from home when on vacation, but I use the hotel conditioner or ones from previous trips.

@Robo56 Pretty much packed, camera equipment too, except for some bathroom items that I still have to use tonight and in the morning.

Thank goodness I don't have to carry everything that's in my camera backpack around the parks all day. It's pretty heavy. I will leave a lot of it in the room or in my luggage with bell services and only take what I need. I am going to check my new tripod in my luggage, because it just adds too much bulk/weight to the backpack. I already have the big lens (200-400mm) in it's bag attached to the backpack. I just can't fit the big lens in it with the camera body, 24-70mm lens, 24mm lens, Mac Air, charger, and brick battery already in it. I don't want to check any lenses or electronics either.

Have a lovely trip soniam.....hope it`s a good one!

It never gets old, making the rounds again...bohemian catsody/watch out for your big toe:teeth:

I don’t condition every wash. I forgot to order my Olaplex #3 pre color last time. New salon didn’t carry it either. Noticed quite a bit of hair loss on my black park t-shirts Conversely, i do use the maui moisture mask which doesn’t break $6. Works well for maintenance every week or so for me generally. Will have that in my hair with a shower cap this week

Shamefully, our equipment mostly sits in storage. The newer phones do quite the decent job. We do pull it all out for special occasions tho.

Poor kid did he do try the shots? I’ve been snorfling since being home too. The only reason I look forward to that first hard frost.

Love it!!

Yep, I only condition about twice a week, doesn`t need anymore than that, but once every 2 weeks I do a leave in conditioning treatment for a bit, seems to be more than enough for it to be in excellent condition.

But, going to stick to this new product for a while, my hair felt fabulous last night.....well, even more fabulous and silky than normal....... :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

Late night check in. I should be sleeping, but had a late dinner, so I want my food to digest a bit before I go to bed.

Hope you had a nice flight home.

I haven’t cooked anything since returning home and our kitchen is about to get disrupted again.

My hair used to be straight. It just started curling about 10-12 years ago. I have no idea what caused it.

I would love to go during Mardi Gras, but doubt I will get to this time.

I don’t get that at all.

Have a great trip.

I hope he gets some relief soon. I can tell that the pollen is getting worse.

Does anyone else have someone who always seems to want to buy things that you have already purchased for them as a gift or surprise? Dh does this to me all the time. I just bought a Disney pin that I am going to put in his Christmas stocking. He’s over here trying to decide if he wants to buy this pin online or wait and see if it is at Disney when we go in March. I am trying to distract him from the shop Disney website.

Apparently I do that a lot......I`ll buy something and see Tom look at me and say I was going to buy you both do it a lot with wine though as we have identical tastes.

Hope the kitchen works get finished soon and you can enjoy your new kitchen.

Supposed to be sunny by around 8am this morning, hope so as we will be out by then for a walk, missed a few days due to weather recently, but too dark to tell yet this morning.

Something about nothing........Had one of those disruptive sleeps last night for no reason, but had very weird dreams when I did sleep! Nothing unusual there though.

I did start the new book group choice.......well, it`s different, but think it`ll be a good one. Might explain why Medusa and Icarus were part of the dreams! I think we have a Herman Melville book coming up next listening to one of the women.......

Some grocery shopping after the walk today and then we`ll see what to be up to, a couple of friends are meeting for lunch and asked us to join them, but we ate out yesterday and are going out Saturday night, so with trying to be good we declined the offer.

Tea and water don`t count towards Thirsty Thursdays, so a good while to wait to enjoy it.....might have a glass of wine tonight.......




Happy Thirsty Thursday ::yes::

Aw why not, thirsty for tea is me, Schumi. Glad to hear weather is nicer, and hole a better night sleep tonight.

Weather for us, is another cloud filled day, but hey, at least 60’s now, and 73 the high temp to be in the afternoon. But no rain in those clouds. Still looks darkish gray out.

But yay, tomorrow is Friday. And bonus 4 day weekend for me. Yay! Though will be up early on Friday, as will be following older one as he drops off car for service, then we’ll enjoy some breakfast out. Will wait for car to be done at home, then I’ll take him back, to get his car when it’s ready.
Good morning. I'm up a little early today. Our counter tops should be installed today. Yay!! Dh doesn't have any morning classes today, so he will stay home and wait for the countertops.

Next Thursday and Friday is fall break for B and dh. We were going to take a short family vacation, but now one of us has to stay home for the contractor. We are finally going to get our new door and mantle. I volunteered to be the one to stay home since I just got back from a vacation. B and dh are going to go to Great Wolf Lodge and possibly spend a little time at Busch Gardens too.

I think the mama drama will be resolved soon. My brother is going to SC this weekend to get Mom and take her to my sister's house. I asked them if they needed me for anything, but they both said no. I reminded both of them that there are 2 very important things they should do immediately. 1. Get my Aunt's name off Mom's bank accounts. 2. Make sure Mom revokes my aunt's power of attorney.

Yep, I only condition about twice a week, doesn`t need anymore than that, but once every 2 weeks I do a leave in conditioning treatment for a bit, seems to be more than enough for it to be in excellent condition.
I have to condition every shampoo or I have trouble getting a comb through my hair. I should probably find some sort of deep conditioner to use on occasion.

But yay, tomorrow is Friday. And bonus 4 day weekend for me.
I had to check the calendar to see what Monday was. No day off for me though.

Time to hit the shower and start getting ready for the day.
Yay, house sounds like it’s updates are going well, Charade. Yeah, it’s Columbus Day on Monday, and the one day I had off and the kids had to go to school. It’s a Federal holiday, so government and post office and banks usually closed. Stores and schools, usually open as usual. Nice for B to get away for a few days. Sound like fun for her and your DH.
Yikes! That's a lot of work. I am so glad that DS quit band in middle school. He played the flute for 2 years. He didn't really enjoy it that much and never really tried. He has did technical classes instead, which is his real interest.

Snow already!!!! I agree about strange fake meat, or really any fake food.

I can't drink caffeine late either, unless I am absolutely completely exhausted and can't even stay awake.

I love roasted radishes, but they do shrink a lot. I roast about any vegetable. We roasted cauliflower last night and brussel sprouts tonight. If you peel them, you can mash the radishes too. I really like mashed cauliflower as a substitute for potatoes. When I ate potatoes, I liked to smash yukon gold potatoes, skin on, with olive oil instead of butter/milk/cream. My husband can be lactose intolerant.
Yes, mashed cauliflower is good!
Bought some acorn squash this morning. I'll be roasting those today.

I`m glad you liked them, and hope DH liked them too. They look like roasted red potatoes in the picture.

I do love roasted veg , well some roasted veg......someone told me to try cauliflower rice......bleurgh......I don`t really like rice unless it`s with chinese food, so don`t eat it a lot anyway, but cauliflower rice was gross. Kinda up there as devil food with trifle and liver!!

Yes, I like this girl, she`s only qualified a couple of years, but she`s doing well.

I never drink caffeine free tea, unless it`s a fruit tea of some kind. No our last pot of tea is after dinner, so usually around 7ish, and it varies what kind it is, regular tea is normal, it`s normally called Breakfast tea, but it`s just a name, it`s not a thing.....some folks think you can only have it for

I do only drink tea maybe 3 times a day, sometimes 4. But, I sleep like a rock regardless.

Enjoy that chicken if you do get it!!

Safe travels home today mac......I`m glad it`s been such a good trip for you and you did what you wanted to do :cheer2: And enjoyed some lovely food too......:wave2:

Rain has stopped finally, what a wild night that was! Torrential rain most of the evening and into the night, we did fall asleep listening to the wild and woolly night it was outside. Supposed to be less windy and no rain by 7ish.

Few things to sort today after our walk, if we do go, depends on the wind dropping and some phone calls to make and some catch up`s with friends for lunch, and organise the book group meet from last month. Hoping for an Oscar Wilde book this time, haven`t had one of those in a long time......I have hinted!! Very clever and astute writer. And avoid one woman who is becoming a little bit of a pest. Long story. Not a friend I hasten to add.

But, cherry and vanilla muffins with some fruit for breakfast.

Think it`ll be sausage casserole tonight, not a dish I`m fond of but it`s been requested, so I`ll get everything together and make it later, I`ll have something else I think.

And it`s Wednesday.........




Have a wonderful Wednesday 😁

OMG! That "fitness tracker" meme!! I just sent it to my friend that I meet at the gym....she will get a good laugh!!

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Hehe, camel is having that Fall feeling, and ready for some spooky fun this month, on a very hump of a Wednesday day, to say, yay, Friday now two days away.

Ooh, those muffins sound good Schumi. Yep, I feel like I got a good haircut this time too. Glad you were happy with your appointment as well. With the holidays coming up, I booked the next two visits, as got the days and times I wanted. I know the salon I use will see much more people as the holidays come along.

And so, a cool feeling house, and another cloudy filling day. But a warmer weather wind has come along, as 72 the high today. Do have pants on, but may change to shorts for my lunchtime walk.

Yep, my tea is caffeinated, though I may have tea right after dinner, I never have trouble going to sleep if I do have tea in the early evening. Once in awhile I do enjoy a fruit tea, that has no caffeine. I have bought berry flavored teas.

But as no bakery items left, family inhaled the donuts and pastry I had bought. At least I had a pastry, but was on a search for breakfast food. Ah, graham crackers, with butter. Went will with my tea, and breakfast was had.

Oh and last night, no one felt like pasta. Little one made tomato soup, and grilled cheese sandwich. Neither of the rest of us were feeling that, so as had eggs that were hanging around for a time, broke one, no smell, good to go. So cheesy pepper scrambled eggs for the rest of us. Used up the last of the peppers too. So hoping little one will do produce shopping today for me.

☘ And good luck at work, Charade.

Wonderful Wednesday homies.
Best Camel yet!!

Again having a trying time with my phone

the above post was old but not sure how it is now showing Up

at the first airport and have a wait before I board
Rather be here 90 minutes early to avoid crowds

Was told last night lines Will be long this morning
Lines did not excist when I got here
I’m still the only one here at the gate…
Boarding not until another 35 minutes

I don’t mind people watching at the other gates but only issue is they crank up the ac and even with a jacket still quite chilly for me
Others in tee shirts and shorts
Have a safe flight home!

Good Wednesday morning Sans family :wave2:

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We hope they work out too. The owner of the business is our next door neighbor. They are very nice people.

Great to hear their experience at The Palm was good. I still have not tried Big Fire and I have heard mixed reviews on it.

That was a nice view.

We had a nice visit. Grandson is busy so it was so nice he was able to take some time off and come for a visit.

Glad to hear you had a successful shopping trip. are a HHN energizer bunny.

Yes, those blisters are a consequence of a great time at HHN. Hope they heal up soon.

You accomplished a lot of riding.

Yep.....that’s a good sign of needing a nap.

So sorry to hear you are continuing to have issues with your aunt.

Nice picture.

Lori your daughter will be thrilled to come back to her apartment and find your home cooked Meal.

Safe travels home Mac.

Soniam hope the packing is going well.

I have been sleeping later then usual since returning home from vacation. I will blame it on the hour time change.

We had a nice weekend. Our grandson from Kentucky came in Thursday and spent a couple of nights with us. He went with us to younger grandsons football game Friday evening.

Great-nephews 2nd Birthday was Saturday evening. It was so cute. He had a blast with his cousins. His favorite gifts were his football and legos. He received lots of trucks and learning games which he loves.

I’am working on a photo album from granddaughters wedding. I will give this to them for Christmas. I have the photographers photos plus the ones I took.

I need to look at dates for February Mardi Gras trip and Grandson wants to go to Universal in May for graduation trip. I also need to look at dates for HHN next September.

It is rainy here today. The weather has stayed really warm during the day and cooler at night. So that should help all the new grass seed take hold.

The leaves are coming down in mass. It’s that time of year.

Welcome back home to everyone who was on vacation. Hope the transition is a good one.

Have a great Wednesday.
You are one busy lady, Robo! Love to hear of all your adventures and time with family!!

lol...well, hair is very important as is the right stylist. I do love that crisp 80`s look now and again, but yes, all the product needed is incredible.

I bought some sulfate free shampoo today after you spoke about it, free of everything so much so I wondered if it would be nice. But, smells lovely and even though I didn`t use conditioner my hair is smooth and silky and straightened as good as ever.....will buy it again for sure and go back for the conditioner and other products that are SF.

Have fun using up the peppers and tomatoes......

Robbie.....glad you had a lovely visit with your grandson and happy the little one`s party went well on Saturday.

The photo album sounds such a beautiful idea.

Yes, our trees are looking more naked by the day, so many leaves on the ground now.....I do love this time of year though, warm cosy nights in and yes, warm jumpers and boots!!!

Had a lovely day so some bits and bobs out shopping, had a lovely lunch of local crab sandwiches with two of our friends in a place that`s closing for winter soon, shame as it`s a lovely place. It`ll reopen in March/April.

Then went to our book group meet up......had a good discussion on the last book and new one was unexpected. She chose Ariadne by Jennifer`s not quite a retelling of the Minotaur and Theseus myth, but told from Ariadne`s point of view. Should be interesting, I do enjoy Greek Mythology.

Change of dinner plans too......made pork, cider and apple casserole and will add some cheese and chive dumplings on top before it`s fully done, should be nice, just hope the apples haven`t gone too smooshy......
My MIL would be at your dinner table in a second! She loves pork and apple dishes!!

I've never really read mythology....hope its an interesting book!

Hmmm do have a couple of crabs of lump crab in fridge! Hope to find the lemons havent withered away in my crisper.
You have so much fun with family!

Took a quick glance at weekend airfare for that time period yesterday when I saw the announcement, then quickly closed the browser lol. Will revisit that Thot after the dust settles.

it was quite cold there this year (end of feb into first week of March). Surprised as we’ve had generally much nicer weather over many Presidents’ Day trips over the years.

your grandson chose wisely, a fun time, let him pick a good band if possible. Does he play a winter sport? That sort of obligation is putting the kabosh on GD coming along for her 1st HHN experience end of month. I’m disappointed but, on other hand, secretly a bit relieved.

She’ll get there. Even tho she’s A horror movie buff & the houses were mostly mild, the crowd was occasionally rough around the edges as to behavior last Sunday…a bit too much pushing & shoving sort of thing in scare zones mostly.

don’t get me started on the multitudes of babies in strollers, of which I lost counto_O
I love babies! But there are certainly places where it isn't appropriate for them....too bad the parents didn't have the sense to leave them with a caregiver...

Your granddaughter wants to go to HHN? WOW! She's a brave one!!

@macraven Safe travels

I am so like that when I come back to work after vacation. It seems like everyone forgets how to do stuff and decides to redo my stuff incorrectly, then I have to spend time fixing issues and doing the stuff that they were supposed to do. Glad I don't have to worry about that anymore.

They get sweeter than they are raw, but not as sweet as other root vegetables.

When at home, I do use sulfate free/color safe shampoo and most of the time for the conditioner too. The blue fades very easily, so I have to be careful with the shampoo and use cold water. The conditioner doesn't seem to matter much. I do have some really nice thick hair mask that I use a couple of times a week just to help. Also, my hair, even though it gets bleached for dyeing blue, doesn't get very dry or damaged. I take shampoo from home when on vacation, but I use the hotel conditioner or ones from previous trips.

@Robo56 Pretty much packed, camera equipment too, except for some bathroom items that I still have to use tonight and in the morning.

Thank goodness I don't have to carry everything that's in my camera backpack around the parks all day. It's pretty heavy. I will leave a lot of it in the room or in my luggage with bell services and only take what I need. I am going to check my new tripod in my luggage, because it just adds too much bulk/weight to the backpack. I already have the big lens (200-400mm) in it's bag attached to the backpack. I just can't fit the big lens in it with the camera body, 24-70mm lens, 24mm lens, Mac Air, charger, and brick battery already in it. I don't want to check any lenses or electronics either.
Have a great trip! Share some of your fun with us back on the dis!!!

It never gets old, making the rounds again...bohemian catsody/watch out for your big toe:teeth:

I don’t condition every wash. I forgot to order my Olaplex #3 pre color last time. New salon didn’t carry it either. Noticed quite a bit of hair loss on my black park t-shirts Conversely, i do use the maui moisture mask which doesn’t break $6. Works well for maintenance every week or so for me generally. Will have that in my hair with a shower cap this week

Shamefully, our equipment mostly sits in storage. The newer phones do quite the decent job. We do pull it all out for special occasions tho.

Poor kid did he do try the shots? I’ve been snorfling since being home too. The only reason I look forward to that first hard frost.
Watched it!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

It was my pleasure picking you up some Tim’s! That was quite the excursion trying to get down to the restaurant! Ended up taking the stairs down after trying to find elevator to get there!

it was great having our little Dis meet! It was just like old friends meeting over a meal! Lovely meeting in person you, Lynne, Bobby and her Mr!

Also had a meet with Mac and Disxuni In the park. Very busy day!

I’ve been tired too getting back to room. I tried posting once but woke up with ipad on my chest! I don’t think I moved at all that night!

I conquered the Velosticoaster or however you spell it. Was great fun but sure glad I had taken my Bonine! That was it for coasters for the day. The rest of my group went on Hulk after. I chilled on a bench holding everyone’s bags!

Today I did Hulk! Just can’t do both in one night!

Tomorrow is my off day. Will get up and start packing, but not setting any alarm!
At 12:40 Concierge arranged a ride for me to get to Walgreens drive through to do Covid test to return home.
Glad you gave Velocicoaster a try! I loved it!!
Safe travels home!

Late night check in. I should be sleeping, but had a late dinner, so I want my food to digest a bit before I go to bed.

Hope you had a nice flight home.

I haven’t cooked anything since returning home and our kitchen is about to get disrupted again.

My hair used to be straight. It just started curling about 10-12 years ago. I have no idea what caused it.

I would love to go during Mardi Gras, but doubt I will get to this time.

I don’t get that at all.

Have a great trip.

I hope he gets some relief soon. I can tell that the pollen is getting worse.

Does anyone else have someone who always seems to want to buy things that you have already purchased for them as a gift or surprise? Dh does this to me all the time. I just bought a Disney pin that I am going to put in his Christmas stocking. He’s over here trying to decide if he wants to buy this pin online or wait and see if it is at Disney when we go in March. I am trying to distract him from the shop Disney website.
Yes! DH wants a Pabst theme corn hole game.....I already have one ordered for him for XMas. I really hope he doesn't go ahead and get it...

Have a lovely trip soniam.....hope it`s a good one!

Love it!!

Yep, I only condition about twice a week, doesn`t need anymore than that, but once every 2 weeks I do a leave in conditioning treatment for a bit, seems to be more than enough for it to be in excellent condition.

But, going to stick to this new product for a while, my hair felt fabulous last night.....well, even more fabulous and silky than normal....... :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

Apparently I do that a lot......I`ll buy something and see Tom look at me and say I was going to buy you both do it a lot with wine though as we have identical tastes.

Hope the kitchen works get finished soon and you can enjoy your new kitchen.

Supposed to be sunny by around 8am this morning, hope so as we will be out by then for a walk, missed a few days due to weather recently, but too dark to tell yet this morning.

Something about nothing........Had one of those disruptive sleeps last night for no reason, but had very weird dreams when I did sleep! Nothing unusual there though.

I did start the new book group choice.......well, it`s different, but think it`ll be a good one. Might explain why Medusa and Icarus were part of the dreams! I think we have a Herman Melville book coming up next listening to one of the women.......

Some grocery shopping after the walk today and then we`ll see what to be up to, a couple of friends are meeting for lunch and asked us to join them, but we ate out yesterday and are going out Saturday night, so with trying to be good we declined the offer.

Tea and water don`t count towards Thirsty Thursdays, so a good while to wait to enjoy it.....might have a glass of wine tonight.......




Happy Thirsty Thursday ::yes::

I do switch up hair products once in a while too. Always love the new smells!

Aw why not, thirsty for tea is me, Schumi. Glad to hear weather is nicer, and hole a better night sleep tonight.

Weather for us, is another cloud filled day, but hey, at least 60’s now, and 73 the high temp to be in the afternoon. But no rain in those clouds. Still looks darkish gray out.

But yay, tomorrow is Friday. And bonus 4 day weekend for me. Yay! Though will be up early on Friday, as will be following older one as he drops off car for service, then we’ll enjoy some breakfast out. Will wait for car to be done at home, then I’ll take him back, to get his car when it’s ready.
Rainy Thursday here....looks like all hoo...
Enjoy that long weekend!

Good morning. I'm up a little early today. Our counter tops should be installed today. Yay!! Dh doesn't have any morning classes today, so he will stay home and wait for the countertops.

Next Thursday and Friday is fall break for B and dh. We were going to take a short family vacation, but now one of us has to stay home for the contractor. We are finally going to get our new door and mantle. I volunteered to be the one to stay home since I just got back from a vacation. B and dh are going to go to Great Wolf Lodge and possibly spend a little time at Busch Gardens too.

I think the mama drama will be resolved soon. My brother is going to SC this weekend to get Mom and take her to my sister's house. I asked them if they needed me for anything, but they both said no. I reminded both of them that there are 2 very important things they should do immediately. 1. Get my Aunt's name off Mom's bank accounts. 2. Make sure Mom revokes my aunt's power of attorney.

I have to condition every shampoo or I have trouble getting a comb through my hair. I should probably find some sort of deep conditioner to use on occasion.

I had to check the calendar to see what Monday was. No day off for me though.

Time to hit the shower and start getting ready for the day.
Yay for new countertops!

Glad your mom will be with your sister soon!

Nice your DH and B will have a little getaway!

Tonight will be turkey tenderloins, acorn squash and the remainder of the fresh green beans. I'm planning on steak sandwiches tomorrow with peppers, mushrooms and onions (not for DH). And then slow cooking a pork shoulder for the weekend.

Heading to a wine tasting tomorrow afternoon with my parents. And DD is going to meet us there!!! After, we will go to the mall and then everyone is coming back to the house for the night.

DH, DD, my parents and I are all going apple picking on Saturday!! I was surprised that DD could come along. She's been so incredibly busy, but she said she really needs to take a break for one day.
I'm really looking forward to this!!!!


And then, the two pooh:pooh: ate all the teachers & students up, yum!:rolleyes1

some sort of shrimp for dinner. Thinking of trying one of orange stirfry recipes I have collected.

Spent most of morning setting up a more comprehensive dental exam for early November. Supposed to be presented with a few different treatment plans from which to choose. Struck me as being Akin to picking from column A, b & C on a Chinese menu

put insurance company on notice re claims. Let’s just say they were as cagey as ever as to committing to anything. Reminds me of my DSs & their love lives lol

well, it`s different, but think it`ll be a good one. Might explain why Medusa and Icarus were part of the dreams! I think we have a Herman Melville book coming up next listening to one of the women.......
I tend to get the Greek & Roman Gods’ names mixed up. Love the fables. Still have a child’s large illustrated book all my boys & GD enjoyed on the bookshelf. Every now & then will pull it down for a short read myself
Weather for us, is another cloud filled day, but hey, at least 60’s now, and 73 the high temp to be in the afternoon. But no rain in those clouds. Still looks darkish gray out.
Another sunny beautiful day, near 80. Have had a few brief showers with stunning rainbows
B and dh are going to go to Great Wolf Lodge and possibly spend a little time at Busch Gardens too.
Daddy daughter trip time! Am a fan of Great Wolf generally. Not the Sandusky, oh, location tho. Geared toward single digit kids IMO. Kalahari there is the bomb. Not sure if that’s a regional chain all tend to have me wheezing from chlorine after much time wishing for an inhaler
it’s Columbus Day on Monday,
Can’t think of anyone I know with day off work here other than government workers. Many schools now attend and save that day off as possible snow day or longer spring break
OMG! That "fitness tracker" meme!! I just sent it to my friend that I meet at the gym....she will get a good laugh!!
It’s a goodie. I was shocked to see I broke well over 100 miles on last trip. If only I’d keep it up
Your granddaughter wants to go to HHN? WOW! She's a brave one!!
I’ve been hearing it since she could speak. Chip off the old blocks here lol. She’s been one to do jump scares on us since a tot. I’ve had to lay down the law, not when A person is climbing steps. Otherwise, my home might have a few new permanent residents floating about lol


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