An Alphabetical, (Flower and) Garden Variety TR- V is for: Vida la Tucson! TR COMPLETE! (3/14)

H is for: Having a Wild Time, but Very Slowly

Wakey, wakey!!

The sun is shining, (see?!)

and the birds are singing (see?!)

and it’s time to see all the things. Because we certainly weren’t going to ride all the things.

As you may have guessed, as is the customary order of operations while at AK, we made our way to FOP first thing. I was skating on thin ice by going on it myself in my condition, but it’d take a lot to keep me off of it. I was, as always, enchanted with my flight astride my banshee and happily surprised that the ride didn’t hurt… much. The wind in my face, that tickly feeling in my tummy, the scent of Disney shampoo during the underground grotto scene always gives me that feely good rush.

While I was giddy with Sivako, Marcia was in the process of having her day wrecked. She was clearly not well when we got off and had to sit down on the benches that are still inside the ride building. Sigh…. crap. My evil plan to make Disney a few thousand bucks more a year were dashed in 5 short minutes. After some time, she was able to drag her sick self out and we headed for Navi. I thought SURELY this would be fine. Right? Surely?

Nope, not even a little bit. That was the end of rides for the rest of the day and pretty much for the most part the rest of the trip. I did feel badly for her in that she couldn’t enjoy a lot of what Disney is, but also that I knew she felt badly for me. While I was feeling pretty crappy, I was still able to ride a fair amount and I did get a bit of solo time here and there when she slept in or went back to the room early. All in all, it was fine and because I had been to Disney not too long before, I wasn’t too sad about just wandering and enjoying the sights. I couldn’t ride EE or Dino anyway, and I think we ruled out the Safari in the end as well. At least I don’t have any photos from it, so that’s a pretty good conclusion.

Anyway, after completing destroying Marcia, it was time to grab some coffee. Luckily, there’s some close by at Creature Comforts- my lately/usual go-to for a morning cuppa and a (I know, I know…) Starbucks Ham and Cheese Croissant. Sorry, such a loser meal for a Disney Vacation; I don’t know why I keep landing on this one.

Clearly, we were going to have to take things slowly, so we watched the monkey for a while.

It was eating. And that’s all I have to say about that.

Okay, fine. It was cute. But that’s all.

I wanted to take it home and cuddle it.

K, I’m done.

When we’d gotten our fill of cuteness overload we meandered our way to the Harambe Trail, Gorilla Falls if you want to be technical, and I learned far more about Duikers than I ever cared to. The name means “diver” in Dutch and they dive into the bushes when startled by enemies. Their shape is wedge-like with a wide butt. I felt a deep connection with this animal.

They live in dense brush, and get this… they are omnivorous!!! Like these cute little Bambi things will hunt and EAT mice and small birds. Shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

<deep connection is shattered>

Don’t believe me, ask the dishes.

You’re welcome.

If those don’t give you nightmares, maybe these will. I know they make me shudder. Hey Kids, it’s Halloween, let’s go see the Naked Mole Rats!

Quick let’s duck-duck, duck-duck, hammerkop into the Aviary for some poops and giggles. Yep, I got crapped on. The souvenirs this trip were simply top notch, Folks! (Pro-tip: Let it dry for a bit, then just brush it off.) (Also, I wonder how long it’d sat there while Marcia drummed up enough courage to tell me. Or was finding sadistic satisfaction as payback for as long as possible for making her ride FOP .)

(Sorry, I did warn you that these are super crappy cell phone photos!)

Those did not take a dump on me, but this little pecker did, while his buddy perched up there laughing.

“Good one, Joe! Nice aim!”

“Thanks, Frank, your turn!”

(P.S. I have no idea why this photo turned out like a watercolor, but I like it!)

In hindsight, the gorillas are the highlight of every stroll through this trail. Baby Grace wasn’t around, but her silly brothers were acting like the doofuses they always are. Probably because the dads weren’t nearby to enforce gorilla decorum, butt who am I to know.

We bid farewell to our primate friends and made our way back to Harambe proper.

The bike repair shop was opening for the day and the shop keeper was just in time to catch this masked bandit trying to rip off one of his goods. In the spirit of annoying true friendship, I pointed this would be thief to the sign that might re-direct her back onto the path of lasting success. Crime never pays I told her, unless you are in high levels of government. Then you’d have a pretty good chance.

Hiding in plain sight is a giant Mickey. We stopped to say hello and learned that “fichwa” means hidden in Swahili. And there you have it, one of the most creative Hidden Mickeys on property. 😉

I’m going to leave off there because I’ve already stayed up way too late and I’m going to regret this in the morning. I honestly don’t know if I’ll get another chapter up before I leave bright and early Tuesday morning for my big, fat road trip and move across the country. If you’d like to follow along, I have an entire TR up and running
HERE. My goal is to put a couple of photos from each day’s adventures as a glimpse of the full monte TR to follow. Suffice to say, I am pretty busy with last minute errands and packing and goodbyes. So this may be it for a few weeks. One never knows!

But until next time, Kwaheri!

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The sun is shining, (see?!)

and the birds are singing (see?!)

No I do not. I see a bird, sure... but I have no way of confirming if it is singing or not. :snooty:
as is the customary order of operations while at AK,
I see what you did there. ;)
I was, as always, enchanted with my flight astride my banshee and happily surprised that the ride didn’t hurt… much.
Good!... mostly.
the scent of Disney shampoo during the underground grotto scene
I need to get back there to compare. Maybe in 14 years.
While I was giddy with Sivako, Marcia was in the process of having her day wrecked.
Oh, no!
She was clearly not well when we got off and had to sit down on the benches that are still inside the ride building. Sigh…. crap. My evil plan to make Disney a few thousand bucks more a year were dashed in 5 short minutes
I'm sorry to hear that. That's really unfortunate.
we headed for Navi. I thought SURELY this would be fine. Right? Surely?

Nope, not even a little bit.
Wow. That's... she must really have a queasy stomach.
That was the end of rides for the rest of the day and pretty much for the most part the rest of the trip.
I think we ruled out the Safari in the end as well. At least I don’t have any photos from it, so that’s a pretty good conclusion.
Then I'd say you ruled it out. It's well nigh impossible to not take photos on it.
Anyway, after completing destroying Marcia
Starbucks Ham and Cheese Croissant. Sorry, such a loser meal for a Disney Vacation; I don’t know why I keep landing on this one.
But... but... there's a giant cinnamon roll... right there!
It was eating. And that’s all I have to say about that.
At least it wasn't throwing feces at you.
I wanted to take it home and cuddle it.

K, I’m done.
Who doesn't want to cuddle a feces throwing primate?
Their shape is wedge-like with a wide butt. I felt a deep connection with this animal.
:rotfl: :lmao:
They live in dense brush, and get this… they are omnivorous!!! Like these cute little Bambi things will hunt and EAT mice and small birds. Shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
Actually... that's really surprising!
<deep connection is shattered>
I take it you're a vegetarian or vegan?
mmmm... dinner al fresco.

That's the mouse's name. Al Fresco.
Or was.
Hey Kids, it’s Halloween, let’s go see the Naked Mole Rats!
Not a fan, I take it?
Yep, I got crapped on.

(Also, I wonder how long it’d sat there while Marcia drummed up enough courage to tell me. Or was finding sadistic satisfaction as payback for as long as possible for making her ride FOP .)
"Take me to Disney will ya? I'll get you for this!"
Those did not take a dump on me, but this little pecker did, while his buddy perched up there laughing.
Looks similar to the possibly singing (or not) bird from earlier.
In hindsight, the gorillas are the highlight of every stroll through this trail. Baby Grace wasn’t around, but her silly brothers were acting like the doofuses they always are.
In hindsight,

I see what you did there!
Cool shot!
Crime never pays I told her, unless you are in high levels of government. Then you’d have a pretty good chance.
Hiding in plain sight is a giant Mickey. We stopped to say hello and learned that “fichwa” means hidden in Swahili. And there you have it, one of the most creative Hidden Mickeys on property. 😉
Huh! Did you figure that out on your own, or did you have help?
Either way... cool!

I've never seen this part of the ride.

As you may have guessed, as is the customary order of operations while at AK, we made our way to FOP first thing.


While I was giddy with Sivako, Marcia was in the process of having her day wrecked. She was clearly not well when we got off and had to sit down on the benches that are still inside the ride building. Sigh…. crap.

Oh no! Not good.

Nope, not even a little bit. That was the end of rides for the rest of the day and pretty much for the most part the rest of the trip.

Wow. That's just brutal.

Their shape is wedge-like with a wide butt. I felt a deep connection with this animal.


Yeah, that's pretty much nightmare fuel for the next month.

Quick let’s duck-duck, duck-duck, hammerkop into the Aviary for some poops and giggles. Yep, I got crapped on. The souvenirs this trip were simply top notch, Folks!

That is always the only thing on my mind when I step in there. I tend to move quickly down the path.

“Good one, Joe! Nice aim!”

“Thanks, Frank, your turn!”

I've always wondered if they have conversations like this.

Probably because the dads weren’t nearby to enforce gorilla decorum, butt who am I to know.

The next dad that enforces any kind of decorum will be the first.

Hiding in plain sight is a giant Mickey. We stopped to say hello and learned that “fichwa” means hidden in Swahili. And there you have it, one of the most creative Hidden Mickeys on property. 😉

Huh. That's pretty great! I had no idea this even existed. Now I'll have to find it for the next time.

I honestly don’t know if I’ll get another chapter up before I leave bright and early Tuesday morning for my big, fat road trip and move across the country.

Safe travels and God bless!
After some time, she was able to drag her sick self out and we headed for Navi. I thought SURELY this would be fine. Right? Surely?
Marcia must has been really sick. I can't tolerate Flight of Passage, either. I've tried three times and just can't do it anymore. But it is a nice ride.

The gorillas are always fun to watch. I never could understand the fascination with naked mole rats, but they are popular. :)
But first, a ‘paws’ and a pose with my favorite mice.

I love that one too! Wemade a stop here as well:lovestruc

Yep, four grown women having the best time and living the best life. With Pluto purses and Minnie skirts, we just know how to get ‘er done.

y’all look amazing😍

ectacular sunset going down and I framed my favorite photo of the entire trip. (the first one) EPCOT simply does not get much lovelier. I lingered. Because who wouldn’t?

Now that’s gorgeous shot! Just perfect!

Marcia was in the process of having her day wrecked. She was clearly not well when we got off and had to sit down on the benches that are still inside the ride building. Sigh…. crap. My evil plan to make Disney a few thousand bucks more a year were dashed in 5 short minutes. After some time, she was able to drag her sick self out and we headed for Navi. I thought SURELY this would be fine. Right? Surely?

Nope, not even a little bit. That was the end of rides for the rest of the day and pretty much for the most part the rest of the trip.

oh no! Poor thing! I’ve never met anyone who gets that sick 😢 I hope she was able to enjoy some of the other AK offerings.

I honestly don’t know if I’ll get another chapter up before I leave bright and early Tuesday morning for my big, fat road trip and move across the country. I

how exciting! Good luck to you!
Because we certainly weren’t going to ride all the things.

I'm never able to ride all the rides.

While I was giddy with Sivako, Marcia was in the process of having her day wrecked. She was clearly not well when we got off and had to sit down on the benches that are still inside the ride building. Sigh…. crap. My evil plan to make Disney a few thousand bucks more a year were dashed in 5 short minutes. After some time, she was able to drag her sick self out and we headed for Navi. I thought SURELY this would be fine. Right? Surely?

Oh nooooo! FOP gets to me a little but if I pop a ginger crew as soon as I get off I'm ok. I'm sorry this pretty much ruined rides for her.

Anyway, after completing destroying Marcia, it was time to grab some coffee. Luckily, there’s some close by at Creature Comforts- my lately/usual go-to for a morning cuppa and a (I know, I know…) Starbucks Ham and Cheese Croissant. Sorry, such a loser meal for a Disney Vacation; I don’t know why I keep landing on this one.

I had this same breakfast just last week. And I already miss being there.

I'm scared for life.

Hey Kids, it’s Halloween, let’s go see the Naked Mole Rats!

I actually like the Naked Mole Rats.

Those did not take a dump on me, but this little pecker did, while his buddy perched up there laughing.



We took some pictures here last week too.

Cute picture and I love this area too.
While I was giddy with Sivako, Marcia was in the process of having her day wrecked. She was clearly not well when we got off and had to sit down on the benches that are still inside the ride building. Sigh…. crap. My evil plan to make Disney a few thousand bucks more a year were dashed in 5 short minutes. After some time, she was able to drag her sick self out and we headed for Navi. I thought SURELY this would be fine. Right? Surely?

Wow. I can see FoP potentially messing her up but Navi? That's so tame.

Anyway, after completing destroying Marcia, it was time to grab some coffee. Luckily, there’s some close by at Creature Comforts- my lately/usual go-to for a morning cuppa and a (I know, I know…) Starbucks Ham and Cheese Croissant. Sorry, such a loser meal for a Disney Vacation; I don’t know why I keep landing on this one.

It may not be the best use of on property food, but it's still a good solid choice. I don't know how you get out of the room without coffee. I can get myself dressed, but that's about it.

Yep, I got crapped on.


Hiding in plain sight is a giant Mickey. We stopped to say hello and learned that “fichwa” means hidden in Swahili. And there you have it, one of the most creative Hidden Mickeys on property. 😉

That's really cool!

I honestly don’t know if I’ll get another chapter up before I leave bright and early Tuesday morning for my big, fat road trip and move across the country.

Well that's OK, it's allowed me to get caught back up!
Holy Crap!! When Meghan shows up, it's in a spectacular way!!


I have only two speeds, it seems:

1. All
2. Nothing


I've definitely missed you too!!! So many of my long-term readers have fallen off the radar (although I do still see some around) and whether that's due to Covid or lack of enthusiasm for trips or just busy-ness, I don't know, but I do miss them greatly!

<3 It's been a hard time to DIS the way I used to, and I'm sure others are in the same boat. It's really too bad. For me it's been a combination of things, mostly the ones you suggest above. I also originally got into the DIS when I was working an office job that gave me more downtime, both during my days occasionally, and in the evenings. Now I feel like the "busy-ness" of my new job has taken the reins. For a while there, the DIS was also starting to feel more like work than fun to keep up with things, always trying not to be too far behind, etc., even though I love my friends and hearing about their lives/trips/stories. And hard to think about Disney when trips aren't in the picture for us right now, due to covid-related things and not being in the same financial place, etc., etc. But I'm reaching a point now where it's starting to feel good to get back from time to time again when I have a few spare minutes, and that's a nice feeling :lovestruc

I feel like Disney sort of compounds any travel companion challenges- like amplifies them or bubbles them to the surface. People get hot and sweaty, are spending inordinate amounts of cash, have high expectations, and boom!!! Words come out, tudes get out-of-controlly. ;)

This is so true! I'd definitely agree. It's a pressure cooker for some of the best possible moments and also for some of those challenges to really escalate.

Yeah... that. Why on Earth would they not better sound proof a hallway like that?!

Right?! Especially in a resort that caters to a lot of families with young kids.

If you do start a TR, please PM me. As I always say, I don't scan the list and would prefer people just tell me, "Come read!".

Will do! I'll keep you posted.

I do remember the Festival menus were printed in our little book with little symbols for dairy/gluten free, so I think it was a combination of being intolerant AND a bit on the picky side. Not a good combination. Most places were super accommadating though. :)

Sounds like the pickiness and the intolerances were definitely both at play. It's wonderful that Disney continued to accommodate the way I would expect them too, though.

I think now enough time has gone by that the worst of the "hard" has faded and a lot of happy memories are left. :goodvibes:


I try really hard to stay "nice" when overly tired, but there were a few moments I was pretty testy on the inside. The eyerolls get bigger and the inner dialogue gets saltier.

You're a better woman than I! Sometimes my salty inner dialogue becomes outer dialogue when I get too sleepy :laughing:

I just know that in Disney, park time is $$$$ and and spending up to an hour hunting for one cuppa isn't something I wanna do.

Amen, sista! Priorities!

The sun is shining, (see?!)


While I was giddy with Sivako, Marcia was in the process of having her day wrecked. She was clearly not well when we got off and had to sit down on the benches that are still inside the ride building. Sigh…. crap. My evil plan to make Disney a few thousand bucks more a year were dashed in 5 short minutes.

Oh nooo! Poor Marcia. Me too, girl, me too. I've tried it twice and have now resigned myself to the fact that I just cannot. Shame that Marcia had so much trouble with it as well since it truly is an amazing ride.

After some time, she was able to drag her sick self out and we headed for Navi. I thought SURELY this would be fine. Right? Surely?

Nope, not even a little bit.

...ok, wow. Maybe she just never really recovered after FOP I guess, but I'm a huge motion-sick-type and I find Navi suuuuuper gentle and tame. Marcia really had a rough go with rides, it seems!

It was eating. And that’s all I have to say about that.

Okay, fine. It was cute. But that’s all.

I wanted to take it home and cuddle it.

K, I’m done.

Soo cute! I've felt the urge to bring a monkey home several times at AK. I've heard they make very poor house guests though. :upsidedow

Their shape is wedge-like with a wide butt. I felt a deep connection with this animal.

HAH! I can relate. :)

We stopped to say hello and learned that “fichwa” means hidden in Swahili. And there you have it, one of the most creative Hidden Mickeys on property. 😉

Oh wow! I never knew this. I love it! I've seen this Mickey before but I didn't know what the word meant. So clever!
I'm here....late because I was so far behind on the other one.
I can hear the sigh of relief

Or is that exasperation?
This was filled with a few extra downs,
Ruh roh George.

First… let me introduce myself
Great. Always like to get to know new people.

you're all friends!
Aww thanks. :hug:

I just can’t “Oregon” anymore.
Get that. I couldn't do cold anymore, so moved to FL. Then y'all brought the cold with ya. ;)

I love Recovery Nursing because mostly I love not having to work weekends, nights, or holidays.
Hadn't thought of that, but makes sense.

I’m single with 5 great “kids” from 19-30, which makes me old as dirt.
Nope. I'm just a bit older than you and I refuse to grow up. My body may nit cooperate as much as it used to, but young at heart.

Except I can’t remember what I had for breakfast past 9 AM.
You're doing it wrong. Don't eat breakfast until 9 and then you can remember (shortly) after 9.

1 more due in a couple of weeks.
I knew you had one, just not sure exactly when. Congrats!

Favorite Park- Animal Kingdom

Favorite Snack- Peter Pan Float
Including the scrumptious white chocolate leaf.

Favorite Character- Belle for her ability to see the good in someone despite… everything
NOW I get why you like...err tolerate me.

the art of keeping a few good readers engaged and spellbound.
Huh? Did you say something?

Karilynn ( @Malia78 )
:wave: @Malia78

The fact that they are truly amazing
I've only met them a couple times, but explains why you turned out so great!
I would say the same. Old enough to be grounded in our convictions, mature enough to stick by them, wise enough to know when those need to be evaluated for accuracy. ;) (I should copywrite that! I like it!)
Well said. I like it too. Please don't copyright it....I may want to steal it.

Someday, it'd be so fun to travel with a few MORE of the friends I've met here.
I'm hoping maybe to have a lot more Europe travel soon. PM or text me...don't want to put in public forum.
So you're saying some people find your TRs irritating?
I do. I find it irritating I can't join her more often. Such a sweet person and a lot of fun to hang around with.

Did I mention great photographer and writer?

Perhaps. Among other things
Great mother? Good friend? Caring child?

The bad news, I was mistaken about it being Time. The good news is that it was BEST IN THE NATION. ;)
Impressive. Most impressive. :darth:

My first word processing program was Wordperfect and I loved the reveal codes. It was so much easier to format things when you can see the hidden codes.
Warning! Get off my lawn comment.

As with so many superior programs, another that was bought by M$ and then moth balled in their multiple predatory anti-competition moves.

I'll let you on a secret. I just thought of a few days ago. I'm trying to plan a quick surprise trip to Washington D.C for a Bday present to Weeb. He has always wanted to see the Vietnam Memorial and the WW2 (his dad served). When the draft was happening his "number" was 10 .(I learned about this from him, they choose 1-365 by birthdate) Since he knew he would be drafted, he enlisted. Half of his boot camp (i think) went to Vietnam and others like him went to Germany. It has been so much of a dream for him to go see the Memorial that I would like it to come true. And why not say we spent our 30th anniversary some place new like D.C!
That is sooooo cool! Great you're doing this.

never know what will come in a quote from Pkondz
Ain't that the truth.

Love ya brother! (In a manly sort of way)
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Remember it took me FOREVER to get anywhere
Because me and my walker had practically the entire place to ourselves.
You could have told the airline you needed assistance. The would either bring a wheelchair and a person to push it or one of those golf cart type things. Would have saved you time and a lot of energy/pain.

Best part?
Looks good....except that green stuff. ;)

I ordered this one in particular protest over my lost Italy trip and my time in Puglia. I’m not even a little bit bitter.
No. Not bitter? suspects sarchasm.
(Yours and mine :lmao:)

It doesn’t take much to amuse me
Well obviously it takes more than my jokes.
Okay, so they're on par with Jungle cruise jokes. Point taken.

I was that classless friend relegated to the peon section, while Miss Hoity-toity laughed at me as I passed her in First Class.

Oh wait, no she didn’t, I got to board first since I was Miss Hobbly-Wobbly!!! Eat my dust, Lady! With the walker checked at the gate,
:rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Miss hobbly-wobbly trumps miss hoity-toity.

I couldn’t. Know why? Cuz it was still plugged in Seattle or in some new owner’s hot little hands on its way to Philly or New York or Mumbai.
No! Again? We need some of those strings and clips they use for mittens for your phone.
Yeah, yeah... Now how about GETTING OFF MY DANG LAWN?!?!?

You know full well if it's winter in Canada, ain't no stinkin chance I'll be anywhere near your lawn. You said you put the pool away for the winter, so not a chance for several months.
And... forgotten item #1... But not sure if it counts as you got it replaced before you got to Disney. I'll have to confer with the judges.
My ruling is item #1
It was missing before the flight and replaced by another (kind) person.

After bringing the wrong charger for my camera to Scotland I feel you on that. I am now obsessive with electronics. I make sure everything is charges overnight. I have extra chargers and cords packed and I have 6 portable chargers. Did I mention I am obsessed
I'm the same way. I'd rather have too many than too few. Also, givea me an extra if one is somehow damaged (like the kid playing in line behind me at 7DMT and snagged the cord and ripped the plug out)

Have they ruled?
I can't speak for other judges, but I have.

And... surely you jest.
No. And don't call me Shirley.

Wow! I'm so far behind! I'll have to come back and catch up on this one too.....
Glad it's not just me.

Or me. I think you get up earlier for your early shifts, but I am often up at 5 or even 4:30 for mine as well. More often than I'd like, but there's that pesky idiot category.
I get up at 5 every day. Even on weekends when I might TRY to sleep in a bit, my puppy is sure to remind me she's ready to go out.
You know full well if it's winter in Canada, ain't no stinkin chance I'll be anywhere near your lawn. You said you put the pool away for the winter, so not a chance for several months.
Still nice here. Getting up to 70 today… 84 on Tuesday.
So get off my lawn!
My ruling is item #1
It was missing before the flight and replaced by another (kind) person.
The votes are in!
Oh yeah, and splinters too!
Im' not familiar with this story and I'm afraid to ask...sounds painful. :sad:

No not an idiot, just been very healthy and able bodied for a lot of years and not used to dealing with pain
Oh, pkondz had her on the ropes and you just let her go.

I had one at Wolfgang Puck Express that was very good. That's gone now right?
I sure hope you ate it all by now. Why are you asking her would she know if you still have leftovers in your fridge? :lmao: I think I remember reading something about it going away, but I had only been there one time anyway.

Nah, I've met you... you're a generous guy! :)
Missed opportunity Liesa!!! You Should have said
"Please note that I am not contradicting you on this point." :rotfl:

Ohhh... nice touch!!!
Wait, he's touching your tush? Didn't know y'all were THAT kind of friends. :rotfl2:
Still trying to catch up

This one didn’t.
Ruh roh.

Try getting under it and flipping the switch.
Really??? What a maroon. (Or moron)

Dude!!! I freaking can’t tie my own shoes!

We can have one there by tomorrow morning.”
I would have told them no and called other companies. The whole reason people get them is cause they NEED them.

There may or may not have been a few tears.
I bet. :sad: sorry.

That room is big!!
woo hoo

it was time to tackle DTD
Wouldn't think you'd be up for this considering the long distances.

I’m really going to miss that.
I thought they were going to keep it, but no longer free. Considering all the other money grabs, this would make sense(from a greedy mouse perspective)

I’ll be VERY interested to see how the Brightline thing works out in the next few years!
It's being built right next to 528. About 1/2 mile from my house. Wonder if I could figure out a way to hop the train without getting caught.

I’m a stubborn holdout and still use DTD.
::yes:: 1000% yes.

And of course we got a tour bus. No ramp for the wicked.
I can't imagine that. There are almost always scooters on every bus, so this is bad.

I managed to make it up the stairs holding up the line for what felt like a year.
Again...bad for Disney to use this bus.

It’s almost like I have money to burn
Send some my way. Who's miss Hoity toity now, hmmm?

Most of you know I also love coffee too
You do???

Some of you know that my favorite spirit is Pisco and my absolute favorite cocktail is a Pisco Sour
Don't think I've ever tried pisco. Loved whiskey sours, so pisco sour is worth a shot.

I’d specifically booked it FOR a table with a view up there
Doh! That stinks.

And once seated, we did appreciate a really, REALLY lovely view from our window table.

If memory serves, this one was better than the one she got at Enzo’s Hideaway in January.
But, but, but...the company was better there right?

A long-standing favorite in our community, this flavorful Cookie mixes our favorite chocolate chips with crunchy toffee pieces. Top that off with lightly salted pistachios and perfection is achieved.
Sounds good.

Ask me how many times I had to stop and rest. Go ahead. I’ll wait. Kari and Marcia did. Over and over and over.
How many times? Well, you did say to ask.
I'm gonna go with 6.

All I know is that once I got settled there was no way in Purgatory I was getting back out of bed to “go” well as you know/like/find bathrooms, you must have been REALLY tired.

I did find a bit of sleep, but far less than I should have
Ruh roh.

In fact, I was not even feeling good or mediocre.

I’m afraid is tainting the tenor of this tale.
Oh....I really don't like tenor tainting.

I am sorry if these chapters are a bummer to read
Different than normal?

or jerk you back into the harsh realms of reality
Nope...don't like reality jerking either.

The heavy metal door that was right next to our room closed with a clattering thud behind a noisy, boisterous family excitedly talking about the fun they’d had in the park they’d just left.
Ugh. This sucks.

For the next 2 hours, that scene played out about every 5 minutes- out, in, out, in, some laughing, some arguing, slam!, out, in, giggles, suitcases, out, in…. I wanted to scream.
I would have called the front desk. One of the things less prevalent at DVC, but still happens. I always try to get top floor for this reason.

Eventually, I found some, but all too soon it all started all over again promptly at 6:00AM.

Maybe that’s not a thing anymore. So, yep, for 4 nights it was going to be a little bit of sleep from 11-5:30 or so even on the days we could have slept in
Seems to not be. I always tried to either wear mine out or at least get them settled down by the time we got to the resort. Sadly, too many parents have no consideration for others, so why would the kids?
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Missed opportunity Liesa!!! You Should have said
"Please note that I am not contradicting you on this point." :rotfl:
Wait, he's touching your tush? Didn't know y'all were THAT kind of friends. :rotfl2:
Oh, no. I touch everyone's tush. You just didn't notice because you were bending over to tie your shoes at the moment and were concentrating.


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