The anti-dining trip report that could have been a disaster but ended up being Yacht-some!! April 2021 at The Yacht Club! Complete 11/5!

I have just started following along and this is where I am up to. I am a fellow QU grad! Class of 04! We were the "Braves" back then! Best of luck to her (I assume she has already moved in since I know they start in August)! My cousin is starting their Nursing Masters program this fall as well. Go Bobcats!

Wow, what a small world! And thanks for reading!

I hear the Nursing program is awesome, and good for her getting her MSN. If I were younger that's what I would do too. She'll have so many more opportunities that way :thumbsup2

TWO!!??? We had FIVE in a room back in 2000! Man am I jealous! The room looks identical otherwise to how it was 21 years ago!

Yikes! Five??? I can't even imagine four in there! But yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the same furniture you had!
Ohhhh. Is that how??
Trust me…I've been working on it and it's just not happening as a nurse!
Because they pay nurses a ridiculously low wage, considering how hard you guys work.
I like the idea of winning the Powerball, but I never remember to play!
Good! Take all the money you save from not playing it and go first class!
Aw, and how's dad holding up? Will she be moving far?
She won't be moving for a while. She's going to stay here for her first year and pay rent to us and save for a condo. She will almost certainly stay in the city. But it will still be weird not having her in our home.
Yikes! Five??? I can't even imagine four in there! But yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the same furniture you had!
Yeah to say there was a housing shortage back then is an understatement. Seniors had to live off campus and I got "lotteried out" my sophomore year and didn't have housing until a week before school started! That was fun. Ended up in Dana (three to a room about half the size of your DD's dorm room). Yes the furniture though is all the same, right down to the wardrobe! So crazy the more things change, the more they stay the same.
I already started reading yours :goodvibes
So nice to have you there!
It is VERY nice. I don't know that I'd want to go without one!
It is SO convenient!
I am too. Good luck to you and those babies :hug: Wasn't teaching hard enough already??
It is going to be a crazy year! We just got two new students today so we are up to 25. Our kindergarten is a two year program so they start at 4 (turning by December 31) so we will have lots of little ones! 15 year ones and 10 year twos.
Because they pay nurses a ridiculously low wage, considering how hard you guys work.


She won't be moving for a while. She's going to stay here for her first year and pay rent to us and save for a condo. She will almost certainly stay in the city. But it will still be weird not having her in our home.

I'm sure. It's like you have all these years to prepare yourself for this but no matter how long you have, it's never enough :hug:
Yeah to say there was a housing shortage back then is an understatement. Seniors had to live off campus and I got "lotteried out" my sophomore year and didn't have housing until a week before school started! That was fun. Ended up in Dana (three to a room about half the size of your DD's dorm room). Yes the furniture though is all the same, right down to the wardrobe! So crazy the more things change, the more they stay the same.

I believe the juniors and seniors are up at York Hill now? Which is kind of nice to just have the freshman and sophomores together at the main campus.

It is going to be a crazy year! We just got two new students today so we are up to 25. Our kindergarten is a two year program so they start at 4 (turning by December 31) so we will have lots of little ones! 15 year ones and 10 year twos.

Oh my goodness, I hope you have a helper! Good luck! You're literally an angel on earth for doing all you do :love:
APRIL 12, 2021

Oh my goodness…going back almost five months now!
I really thought I'd be more on top of this and get it done much faster!
If you've stuck around and are still reading, thank you!

We had done pretty much all we wanted in AK,
so we meandered and took some pictures...


And one last one in front of the TOL before we headed out.

We were back at The YC by 1:30,
making this a record for the shortest amount of time we've ever spent in AK.
At the time, with no FOTLK or shows, there just wasn't a whole lot to do.

We went back to our room to change for the pool
and Ava discovered a secret, hidden Sock Monkey in her clothes...
Mike had hidden it there for her to find
because they will play with it at home sometimes on FaceTime
and Mike talks for the Sock Monkey :rotfl:
It's so dumb, but it was so funny when she found it!
And kind of fitting that she found it on our AK day!

We had a lovely afternoon relaxing poolside...



We stayed there until around 5:30
but then we had to go back and change for a dinner reservation at EPCOT.

That's next!
Oh my goodness…going back almost five months now!
I really thought I'd be more on top of this and get it done much faster!
If you've stuck around and are still reading, thank you!
I'll always stick with you 🥰

making this a record for the shortest amount of time we've ever spent in AK.
At the time, with no FOTLK or shows, there just wasn't a whole lot to do.
Um hello, Nomad's Lounge. You can just go there and consider it a perfect AK day!


Mike had hidden it there for her to find
because they will play with it at home sometimes on FaceTime
and Mike talks for the Sock Monkey :rotfl:
Her face in everything!!!!!! Now I want to see more of Ava and the sock monkeys adventures.
APRIL 12, 2021

For some odd reason, Allie really wanted to try San Angel Inn this trip.
I think because she had recently discovered that she loved the Stacks at Moe's
and maybe thought this would be similar?
No matter. When my super fussy daughter wants to try something, I make it happen.
I love Mexican food anyway and I have never eaten here either,
so I was excited when I booked this.

We got lucky with a table right next to the water...
not that you could see much in there, but it was fun.


We did enjoy the chips and salsa while we waited for our food.
I even ate a few of these since my tummy was starting to feel better.

I still didn't want to go crazy though, so I got the Tortilla Soup...
This was okay but I make it better at home.

Allie got chicken tacos that were supposed to come with rice and beans
but she elected to get fruit instead...
She liked the tacos, but the fruit tasted weird
and nothing we'd ever heard of so it went uneaten.

Ava got her nuggies...

And my mom got the chicken Enchiladas that she didn't like at all,
but she doesn't really like Mexican food anyway, so take that with a grain of salt…or rice...

All in all, not our best meal but I'm glad we tried it
and I might actually go back and try it again when I felt better.

After dinner, we did the only logical thing...


where the amigos were all still flat...

Afterwards, we went over to see some less flat characters...
APRIL 12, 2021

We headed over to Frozen Ever After since the wait time said it was 30 minutes.
So even though the line went waaayyyy past the ride
(they were still socially distancing at the time),
it was moving continuously and we only waited about 20 minutes.

Look at Ava's leg…it looks like she was taking tips from Allie here! :laughing:

This is such a cute little line to wait in.

We were off the ride by 9:07...

When we asked Ava what she thought of the ride, she said she liked it.
I think it was just getting late and she was tired by that point.
Oddly, this would be the one and only time we went on FEA this week.

Allie still wanted to poke around and get a dessert,
but my mom and Ava were tired so we walked to France with them and then parted ways. Later, my mom would tell us that instead of turning left to go through the IG,
she went right and ended up at the front of the park :scared1:
Luckily they were on her scooter
and someone helped them find their way back eventually.
They still beat us back to the room.

Allie got her ice cream in France...

We checked out the new Ratatouille alley...

And then had a very important call to make in the UK...

It was almost 10 by this point and we were tired so headed back to the YC.
Strange planning, but we would be heading back to EP in just about 12 hours from then!
APRIL 13, 2021

Since we had stayed out late (for us) the previous night,
we were happy to not have to rush out the door to EPCOT this morning.
We had time to get some takeout breakfast from The Marketplace
and relax in the room.

We were still at The IG by 10,

and in the park by 10:17.

As a side note, this way was sooooo much better than what they were doing in August which was literally waiting for the exact opening time to let you through and holding you in corrals until then. It was stressful and just started the day in the worst way possible. I'm curious to see how it'll be when we go in October since early entry should start by then.

Anyway, back to April...

We headed right to Soarin'

where we asked for and got right on B1…yay :thumbsup2

Allie wanted to go on Test Track next but my mom never goes on
and she didn't think Ava would like it so we split up.
They went on LWTL when Allie and I headed out.

I must've been feeling better because I actually went on this with Allie, and survived!

Afterwards we met back up with Grammy and Ava,
and went under The Seas with Nemo and friends...


Continued in next post!
APRIL 13, 2021

All the swimming made us hungry so we hit up the snack cart right outside,
and Ava was entranced with her Mickey Bar o_O
but it gave her much needed energy and she was soon revived...

We headed over to the WS next but first had to stop at the butterfly walls for pics...



Right across from there was one of my favorite topiaries...

And would you believe I was finally hungry and getting my appetite back??
What better place to start than with my beloved Orange Bird sipper! :love:
This tasted so good and was so refreshing on this hot day!

I know this next thing I got will make @kastoney cringe, but it was really good...
I forget what it was called or where it was exactly,
but it was roasted vegetables with hummus and it was so delicious 😋
I was mad because there was also a little carrot on the plate
that rolled off before I could even eat it 🥺

I don't remember what, if anything, my mom got because I don't have any more food pics. We just walked around enjoying the topiaries around the WS...


When made our way over to Norway with every intention of going on FEA again. Once there, we got in line, but it was VERY hot and Ava was kind of cranky and wanted to go back to the pool to swim. It was probably around 3 and we had an ADR at 5 for Allie's absolute favorite restaurant, Via Napoli. So once again, we all split up. My mom took Ava back to the resort to swim and Allie and I decided to start the Spike the Bee scavenger hunt while we waited for our ADR.

That's next.
APRIL 13, 2021

I don't know if these scavenger hunts are supposed to be just for kids, but I love them.
We did half this day and half on another EPCOT day.


We also just took the time to appreciate all the gorgeous topiaries...


Before too long it was time to head to Italy for dinner!

We started with their bread and asked for it with balsamic vinegar too…so good!

And then we shared a Margherita pizza, which was delicious,
but of course we didn't finish...


It was so good and always tastes so fresh.
The one thing that's still sorely missing from VN are the Italian servers.
Sounds so weird, but we really miss them when we go
and hopefully they'll make it back soon.

We were super full and with our leftover pizza,
we decided to head back to give it to my mom.

They were already at the pool so Allie and I hurried back to change and meet them.
You can see Ava in her little pink bathing suit in her favorite pool area.


Such a perfect night...

While I was laying there, I got a text from Su-Lynn, @chunkymonkey.
Her and her sister Su-Queen were inside eating at Martha's Vineyard!
So despite my crazy, beach-going attire, I went in to say hello to them!


It was so good to see them and I was so glad she texted me to meet!
We chatted for just a bit before they left to head back to EPCOT.
I thought about going back, but we had just had it for the day
and I was loving relaxing poolside too much,
so we said good-bye and I went back to the pool.

Ava was having so much fun at the pool too
but we finally made her leave to get something to eat,
even though she still wanted to stay!

We ordered her…you guessed it…another hot dog from the BC Marketplace
and just headed back to the room, thus ending another fabulous day!

Up next, an early morning cookie quest and a dinner fit for a Princess :love:

I'm sure. It's like you have all these years to prepare yourself for this but no matter how long you have, it's never enough :hug:
If you've stuck around and are still reading, thank you!
Still here! Still reading! Still enjoying!
Ava discovered a secret, hidden Sock Monkey in her clothes...
Mike had hidden it there for her to find
because they will play with it at home sometimes on FaceTime
and Mike talks for the Sock Monkey :rotfl:
Awww... :)
For some odd reason, Allie really wanted to try San Angel Inn this trip.
I would too. I've never eaten there either.
When my super fussy daughter wants to try something, I make it happen.
We did enjoy the chips and salsa while we waited for our food.
And that's the problem.

"More chips and salsa?"
"And here are your entrees..."
"Burp... uh, oh..."
I even ate a few of these since my tummy was starting to feel better.
the fruit tasted weird
and nothing we'd ever heard of so it went uneaten.
That's odd. Did you try any yourself? Any idea why they tasted oddly?
And my mom got the chicken Enchiladas that she didn't like at all,
but she doesn't really like Mexican food anyway, so take that with a grain of salt…or rice...
Um... maybe she should've had the chicken nuggets too? :confused3
After dinner, we did the only logical thing...
We headed over to Frozen Ever After since the wait time said it was 30 minutes.
:sad2: It wasn't long ago that wait times were minimum 90-120 minutes.
Look at Ava's leg…it looks like she was taking tips from Allie here! :laughing:
:laughing: She's learning!
Later, my mom would tell us that instead of turning left to go through the IG,
she went right and ended up at the front of the park :scared1:
Oh, no.... Costly (as in time) lesson learned.
We checked out the new Ratatouille alley...
Cool! How does it look?
And then had a very important call to make in the UK...
But of course. It must be done.
As a side note, this way was sooooo much better than what they were doing in August which was literally waiting for the exact opening time to let you through and holding you in corrals until then.
Ugh. Hadn't heard that. Nope!
where we asked for and got right on B1…yay :thumbsup2
I must've been feeling better because I actually went on this with Allie, and survived!
Really! I'm surprised you went... but happy you did and survived. :)
Ava was entranced with her Mickey Bar o_O
Well... sure. I mean... who isn't??? ;)
Pretty wings. Like those a lot.
You look great!
And would you believe I was finally hungry and getting my appetite back??
This tasted so good and was so refreshing on this hot day!
I looooved that. Wouldn't mind one right now!
I was mad because there was also a little carrot on the plate
that rolled off before I could even eat it 🥺
Just feeding the Disney bunnies.
Ava was kind of cranky and wanted to go back to the pool to swim.
Totally get that.
Makes you think that maybe just a hotel with a pool... anywhere... would work.

Been there.
We started with their bread and asked for it with balsamic vinegar too…so good!
What did it come with otherwise? Is that melted butter??
Come to Via Napoli, where the pizza is 4 times bigger than you are!
That thing looks so huge!
The one thing that's still sorely missing from VN are the Italian servers.

Like the eye candy, do ya?
Uh, oh... she's giving you the "That's enough photos, mom" look.
While I was laying there, I got a text from Su-Lynn, @chunkymonkey.
Her and her sister Su-Queen were inside eating at Martha's Vineyard!
So despite my crazy, beach-going attire, I went in to say hello to them!
Nice! You got to have a nice little DISmeet. :)
Whoo you cranked out alot of updates after your little absence! I kept checking to see if you'd been back :)

making this a record for the shortest amount of time we've ever spent in AK.
At the time, with no FOTLK or shows, there just wasn't a whole lot to do.
I get it, but funny enough on just about all our post-COVID trips we've spent MORE time in AK than normal! I think it was just so easy to take our time with no crowds even last month. I'm sure it won't be like that in a few weeks though!
but it was roasted vegetables with hummus and it was so delicious 😋
Um......not saying ANYTHING that popped into my mind when I saw this picture :rotfl2: @kastoney I'm leaving it ALL up to you!

We haven't eaten at San Angel since Feb of 2019 but we had a great experience there; liked it better than La Hacienda. Although the current menus have us booked at La Hacienda for this month as that one now looks better so we'll see.
We loved doing the scavenger hunt in April or June, we didn’t do it this past trip only because we forgot about it!
Ahh love Via Napoli, we miss the handsome waiters in Italy :lovestruc
Ava is my soulmate loving her hotdogs, lol 😂
The poo, time looks so nice, it was just way to hot for us to sit poolside this past trip. Plus Andi doesn’t like to do that :confused3
How nice to say hi to Su-Lynn and Su-Queen!
Still here! Still reading! Still enjoying!


And that's the problem.

"More chips and salsa?"
"And here are your entrees..."
"Burp... uh, oh..."

Problem…or good thing that you filled up because your dinner wasn't great :thumbsup2

That's odd. Did you try any yourself? Any idea why they tasted oddly?

I did try it thinking it would be melon but it wasn't. I think part of it was papaya, and the rest :confused3

Um... maybe she should've had the chicken nuggets too? :confused3


Cool! How does it look?

You've probably seen all the youtube videos by now, but it was pretty. At the time there wasn't much there besides the bathrooms :goodvibes

Totally get that.
Makes you think that maybe just a hotel with a pool... anywhere... would work.

Pretty much!

Like the eye candy, do ya?



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