Have You Ever Had To Confront Another Guest's Poor Behavior?

I’m not one for confronting anyone, and I didn’t exactly confront her in this case…. But in Disneyland one time, a woman was on her phone in line for Matterhorn. Her little girl grabbed the chain separating lines and wrapped around her neck several times. My DH ran toward her as she was doing it because he saw her first. (Maybe he scared her running toward her daughter. He has Down Syndrome and never said anything, but was going to free the little girl at any cost.). The woman glared at him. I raised my eyebrows and pointed to her child. She never hung up the phone or said a word to her daughter. She just unwrapped the chain and went back to ignoring the little girl as she had her conversation.
Twice. Last August I was on a trip with my 3 sons (ages 17,11,and 8 at the time), my SIL, and my niece and nephew (ages 6 and 3). It was time for our RotR boarding so we went to get in line. My 8 year old son and 6 year old niece were holding hands and got separated from us when we filed in to the line. A few people let them go ahead to catch up with us, but when I tried to wave them around the lady directly behind us, she stuck her arm out and refused to let them go by. She looked at them and told them they weren’t allowed to go in front of her. She then looked at me and said, “I’ve been waiting months to ride this and there’s no way I’m letting them in front of me. I don’t care if they’re kids or not. It’s about to rain, too, so I’m getting in that building.” The kids were about to cry so I just said, “hang on guys. Let’s let this lady in front of us. Clearly she’s in a really big hurry and not a very good person if she’s willing to be nasty to kids to get a better spot in line.”

Then, this past February we were there with my DH’s family, celebrating his birthday. We were staying at BWV, so one morning my DH, BIL, and I decided to hop on the skyliner and take it to Joffrey’s and then ride it back. Well, I have an autoimmune condition that can cause me to have sudden attacks of nausea and stomach pain and while we were in line on our way back, I suddenly got very sick and had to leave the line. My DH and BIL stayed in line and, after I returned from the restroom, I got back in line with them. Well, this lady went crazy and told me that I wasn’t going to cut in front of her and that I hadn’t been with them the whole time and she had “seen” what I did and would report me. I told her I had gotten sick and had to leave the line and she said, “Yeah right. Well pick a better time to get sick, is all I can say.” I just told her that it must be sad to be such an ugly and hateful person and left it at that. But, geez I was so irritated. I actually got the DAS pass after this for fear that this would continue happening in the future if I had to leave the line for the same reason (I was just diagnosed right before the trip).
I was on Soarin at WDW and the same thing happened to me only the boy, probably about 6 yo, screamed during the entire ride. He was terrified. I was sitting next to him.
I also felt bad for the boy; first for being forced to do something when he was scared, secondly for having bad parents.
This is sad, but I also have a son who notoriously would freak out before a ride and then end up loving it. So I learned that I had to force the issue or he’d never leave his comfort zone. I think the worst was probably Test Track and after one ride on it it became his favorite ride in Disney and he still says it’s his favorite. He’s now a 9 year old thrill seeker who will ride anything he can, with no fear. Doesn’t sound like this was the case with this kid, though. Sounded like he hated it. I which case the parents should know their kid well enough to knwo not to force it.
What's the feeling on taking pics or video with no flash?

I'm glad to read that others are annoyed by cell phone light and flashes on dark rides. I don't do dark rides any more because the cell phone light causes me to have an ocular migraine. I really want to ride Remy!
Flashes can also trigger seizures in some people.
Think before using those on dark rides. You can temporarily blind someone.
This seems like a good place to ask this question. I was at the left coast parks last weekend. Was entering Disneyland when we encountered a problem with our tickets. We were sent to the ticket booth and then told to come straight back to the entrance when we had fixed the issue. That is what we did-this meant we had to cut a fairly long line of people. As we got to the front somebody from an adjust lined yelled something to the effect of "it must be nice to be so special you don't have to stand in line." Should we (3 of us) have stood in the entrance line for a 2nd time or where we right to follow the CM's instructions?

We had this issue once, also. The CM called a manager who walked us over the ticket booth, then she walked us to the front of the line to go back in.

I assume the reasoning is that you’ve already waited in line once, and they didn’t want you to wait twice.
Unless a stranger is putting myself or family in harm's way, I would just bite my tongue and try not to let it ruin my day. I have a short fuse lol
this is the way to go. people are crazy and confronting someone these days is asking to be punched or shot.
Plus half of these stories contain responses to rude behavior that are either passive aggressive or also rude so nobody looks good.
The only thing I ever spoke up about was how my then-husband dealt with the stroller. For some reason he was just awful with figuring out how far back he needed to be, and regularly hit people's ankles. Since I was once repeatedly hit in the achilles heels by a lady with a big stroller (at a festival in Alexandria VA, not Disney), I know how much it hurts. At a certain point he was just forbidden to push the stroller.

Do forgive the length of this; I just love reading a long post and thinking thoughts. :)

there was a guy standing so close to me, it was uncalled for. I ended up turning around, asking if we were married and I just didn't know about it

That is awesome. I'll have to remember it. One time in the line for Kali a Brazilian woman (mentioned because there was a language barrier and also a cultural barrier, which he was sensitive to since his mom is from a country where personal space isn't really a thing) was standing that close to my then-husband and it freaked him out! It was also a broiling hot day, and even we weren't standing that close to each other.

I'm glad to read that others are annoyed by cell phone light and flashes on dark rides. I don't do dark rides any more because the cell phone light causes me to have an ocular migraine. I really want to ride Remy!
Flashes can also trigger seizures in some people.
Think before using those on dark rides. You can temporarily blind someone.

I had lasik done in 2002. It screwed up my dark to light and light to dark vision. If someone sets off a flash after I've gotten used to a dark ride, I'm basically blind for a minute or more. It SUCKS. And it hurts. Over the last 5 years or so it's started to get better, but I still get scared.

I think some users assume they always have right of way.

Some wheelchair/scooter users feel that way, and some walkers feel that they do. I've gone around Disneyland with a friend who uses a scooter and saw all the walking people being absolute idiots. And I went around Disneyland with an acquaintance (from a disboards group trip) who uses a scooter terribly and I saw that person be absolutely terrible about it.

I was so traumatized I didn't ride any coaster until I was about 15 and RNRC is still the only upside down one I'll do.

FWIW RNRC doesn't really go upside down. It corkscrews in a way that is different from an actual upside-down coaster. I love coasters that go upside down, and I despise RNRC because it hurts my whole body the way it corkscrews.

I'm pretty sure the world stopped its rotation for just a moment and the space-time continuum slowed down

Is that what that was? I remember that day. :laughing:

Soooooo, I happen to have a very loving, kind husband who is........well, "oblivious" to most of the world around him. He is the person who will stand in front of kids at a parade, or fireworks, or walk into a line not even seeing that it wraps 1/4 mile down the park behind him. My son and I are NOT oblivious and we always notice him do this.....and immediately correct him and apologize to those around us. Therefore I am offering my apologies now for our upcoming trip. 🤦🤷

Relatable. "Honey, you just hit that person with your backpack" was a common refrain...

Doors open at the end of the ride, and the kid is there to greet us in a tiny bellhop costume with a smile from ear to ear. I hope it made her day, and I hope it helped her see that she ought to be treated better than she had been.


he was at the top of her lungs screaming that she wanted to "Go back to Earth right now!!!!" She was scared, and upset and seemed to believe they had legitimately left the planet.

Poor thing! My son thought we had died and were skeletons for YEARS after the first time he rode Tower of Terror at Disneyland. He's 17 and I think he still kind of does, it was that strong a feeling.

I’ve had to tell a few people how disgusting they smelled.

Why? What good does it do them then?

Can I walk around telling people to chill out with the stinky laundry detergent and heinous Bounce dryer sheets? I can't even walk down the laundry aisle without going into asthma, and it's gotten worse since I haven't been around people in 1.5 years. Princess weekend is going to be fun.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt - and I overlook a LOT, just for selfish reasons, to protect my own sanity. If I get enraged at what someone else does and they're a jerk, it's MY blood pressure that skyrockets, MY mood that gets ruined and MY vacation that suffers - plus I risk taking out my bad mood on my DH, ruining his day too. 100 out of 100 times, that jerk goes happily on their way unaffected. So I try to remember that and not let them get to me.

So true. Just today I was cut off in traffic for the third time in a row (not b/c of driving slowly, just people making weird turns), and I finally realized that I would rather people think that I'm gentle enough to do that and be safe, rather than be thought of as dangerous.

But after the finale she said…why is it over?? She thought finale meant something different, I guess…


i remember as a small child falling in love with the Main Street electrical parade, so there are exceptions.

Same. Love that parade! My son loved parades as well. He's never been to one where candy is being given out, but he's been waved at by Woody, and it made his year.

I do wonder, as rude as she was in her word choice, is that really a thing that certain props in star wars land are reserved for photos?


Should we (3 of us) have stood in the entrance line for a 2nd time or where we right to follow the CM's instructions?

You were right. That is exactly what they mean when they say to come back to them. They know you waited in line, and they don't want you to do that again. I had that happen at a ride at Disneyland once, when we were just about at the seating area and my son had to go to the bathroom immediately. We told the CM (we were JUST about to be seated and needed her to open the gate so we could rush to the bathrooms) and they said to come to the exit. She meant it, too. When we got back there was absolutely no line, so we didn't do it b/c there was no need, but we would have done so. That's what she meant, after all.

The dad looked relieved and scooped him right up and they left, abandoning their drinks on the table....

I was really grateful and impressed that the man gave those parents that little bit of a push to leave the situation.

Sometimes you get so set in one direction that you can't even think of the other. They were probably hungry, thirsty, tired, and frazzled that they just couldn't even think straight to realize that they could just go. Good for that man. I was visiting my brother once and we went to a very crowded restaurant. I was bending myself into pretzel shapes trying to keep the 17 month old kiddo happy, and my brother (who did not and does not have children) simply suggested that we take our food to go and get back to his place where he and I could have a couple beers. Saying that made me realize what a horrible time I was having, and that I was tormenting my overwhelmed kiddo to keep him quiet in that place. We packed up, got home, ate and had some beers and life was GOOD.

What's the feeling on taking pics or video with no flash?

Does it have a screen? Is the screen on? Then no. You're ruining the experience of someone behind you.

This comment wasn't made about theme park interactions. If you're interested -- and you probably aren't -- go back and read the comment to which I was responding.

The original comment that all of you are responding to was "I was sitting waiting for the parade when a little boy started to clim on me I asked him nicely to stop the dad yells at me not to tell his son to stop doing something that this was his vacation and they do not tell there kids no on vacation."

It was a vacation thing. It sucks and dad was making a poor choice, but the dad did say *on vacation*, not "always and forever."

Personally I might have thought it was fun to have a kid climb on me, but then I have 4 younger (3 much younger) sibs and was a babysitter from an early age, and I just really love kids. Even stranger kids.
The only thing I ever spoke up about was how my then-husband dealt with the stroller. For some reason he was just awful with figuring out how far back he needed to be, and regularly hit people's ankles. Since I was once repeatedly hit in the achilles heels by a lady with a big stroller (at a festival in Alexandria VA, not Disney), I know how much it hurts. At a certain point he was just forbidden to push the stroller.

Do forgive the length of this; I just love reading a long post and thinking thoughts. :)

That is awesome. I'll have to remember it. One time in the line for Kali a Brazilian woman (mentioned because there was a language barrier and also a cultural barrier, which he was sensitive to since his mom is from a country where personal space isn't really a thing) was standing that close to my then-husband and it freaked him out! It was also a broiling hot day, and even we weren't standing that close to each other.

I had lasik done in 2002. It screwed up my dark to light and light to dark vision. If someone sets off a flash after I've gotten used to a dark ride, I'm basically blind for a minute or more. It SUCKS. And it hurts. Over the last 5 years or so it's started to get better, but I still get scared.

Some wheelchair/scooter users feel that way, and some walkers feel that they do. I've gone around Disneyland with a friend who uses a scooter and saw all the walking people being absolute idiots. And I went around Disneyland with an acquaintance (from a disboards group trip) who uses a scooter terribly and I saw that person be absolutely terrible about it.

FWIW RNRC doesn't really go upside down. It corkscrews in a way that is different from an actual upside-down coaster. I love coasters that go upside down, and I despise RNRC because it hurts my whole body the way it corkscrews.

Is that what that was? I remember that day. :laughing:

Relatable. "Honey, you just hit that person with your backpack" was a common refrain...


Poor thing! My son thought we had died and were skeletons for YEARS after the first time he rode Tower of Terror at Disneyland. He's 17 and I think he still kind of does, it was that strong a feeling.

Why? What good does it do them then?

Can I walk around telling people to chill out with the stinky laundry detergent and heinous Bounce dryer sheets? I can't even walk down the laundry aisle without going into asthma, and it's gotten worse since I haven't been around people in 1.5 years. Princess weekend is going to be fun.

So true. Just today I was cut off in traffic for the third time in a row (not b/c of driving slowly, just people making weird turns), and I finally realized that I would rather people think that I'm gentle enough to do that and be safe, rather than be thought of as dangerous.


Same. Love that parade! My son loved parades as well. He's never been to one where candy is being given out, but he's been waved at by Woody, and it made his year.


You were right. That is exactly what they mean when they say to come back to them. They know you waited in line, and they don't want you to do that again. I had that happen at a ride at Disneyland once, when we were just about at the seating area and my son had to go to the bathroom immediately. We told the CM (we were JUST about to be seated and needed her to open the gate so we could rush to the bathrooms) and they said to come to the exit. She meant it, too. When we got back there was absolutely no line, so we didn't do it b/c there was no need, but we would have done so. That's what she meant, after all.

Sometimes you get so set in one direction that you can't even think of the other. They were probably hungry, thirsty, tired, and frazzled that they just couldn't even think straight to realize that they could just go. Good for that man. I was visiting my brother once and we went to a very crowded restaurant. I was bending myself into pretzel shapes trying to keep the 17 month old kiddo happy, and my brother (who did not and does not have children) simply suggested that we take our food to go and get back to his place where he and I could have a couple beers. Saying that made me realize what a horrible time I was having, and that I was tormenting my overwhelmed kiddo to keep him quiet in that place. We packed up, got home, ate and had some beers and life was GOOD.

Does it have a screen? Is the screen on? Then no. You're ruining the experience of someone behind you.

The original comment that all of you are responding to was "I was sitting waiting for the parade when a little boy started to clim on me I asked him nicely to stop the dad yells at me not to tell his son to stop doing something that this was his vacation and they do not tell there kids no on vacation."

It was a vacation thing. It sucks and dad was making a poor choice, but the dad did say *on vacation*, not "always and forever."

Personally I might have thought it was fun to have a kid climb on me, but then I have 4 younger (3 much younger) sibs and was a babysitter from an early age, and I just really love kids. Even stranger kids.
RnRC absolutely does go upside down, 3 times. A corkscrew is an inversion, meaning you go upside down. Plus it has two rollover loops as well.
Personally I might have thought it was fun to have a kid climb on me, but then I have 4 younger (3 much younger) sibs and was a babysitter from an early age, and I just really love kids. Even stranger kids.
In this ‘age’ I would be worried that if I put my hands on the child in any way, to stop him falling off me or to place him back on the ground etc., I would be exposing myself to a potential accusation.
Well we're here now and the queues are crazy. Had one guy ahead of us at SDMT, and then he let 3 people join him. I turned to my daughter and said "seriously'"? He took offense at that, as he just assumed one person could get in line and then have the rest of the party squish through. A few minutes later, 3 more people join them, and I had enough. The last guy offered to let us go in front of them (very politely) but the original guy says "I'm not giving her that satisfaction!" I guess he was angry because he was bald and wearing a really ugly shirt and no one in the group wanted to hang with him the whole time. Seems the others were used to him being a jerk. I told the CMS, they did nothing of course, but guest relations gave me a nice surprise :)
The only thing I ever spoke up about was how my then-husband dealt with the stroller. For some reason he was just awful with figuring out how far back he needed to be, and regularly hit people's ankles. Since I was once repeatedly hit in the achilles heels by a lady with a big stroller (at a festival in Alexandria VA, not Disney), I know how much it hurts. At a certain point he was just forbidden to push the stroller.

Do forgive the length of this; I just love reading a long post and thinking thoughts. :)

That is awesome. I'll have to remember it. One time in the line for Kali a Brazilian woman (mentioned because there was a language barrier and also a cultural barrier, which he was sensitive to since his mom is from a country where personal space isn't really a thing) was standing that close to my then-husband and it freaked him out! It was also a broiling hot day, and even we weren't standing that close to each other.

I had lasik done in 2002. It screwed up my dark to light and light to dark vision. If someone sets off a flash after I've gotten used to a dark ride, I'm basically blind for a minute or more. It SUCKS. And it hurts. Over the last 5 years or so it's started to get better, but I still get scared.

Some wheelchair/scooter users feel that way, and some walkers feel that they do. I've gone around Disneyland with a friend who uses a scooter and saw all the walking people being absolute idiots. And I went around Disneyland with an acquaintance (from a disboards group trip) who uses a scooter terribly and I saw that person be absolutely terrible about it.

FWIW RNRC doesn't really go upside down. It corkscrews in a way that is different from an actual upside-down coaster. I love coasters that go upside down, and I despise RNRC because it hurts my whole body the way it corkscrews.

Is that what that was? I remember that day. :laughing:

Relatable. "Honey, you just hit that person with your backpack" was a common refrain...


Poor thing! My son thought we had died and were skeletons for YEARS after the first time he rode Tower of Terror at Disneyland. He's 17 and I think he still kind of does, it was that strong a feeling.

Why? What good does it do them then?

Can I walk around telling people to chill out with the stinky laundry detergent and heinous Bounce dryer sheets? I can't even walk down the laundry aisle without going into asthma, and it's gotten worse since I haven't been around people in 1.5 years. Princess weekend is going to be fun.

So true. Just today I was cut off in traffic for the third time in a row (not b/c of driving slowly, just people making weird turns), and I finally realized that I would rather people think that I'm gentle enough to do that and be safe, rather than be thought of as dangerous.


Same. Love that parade! My son loved parades as well. He's never been to one where candy is being given out, but he's been waved at by Woody, and it made his year.


You were right. That is exactly what they mean when they say to come back to them. They know you waited in line, and they don't want you to do that again. I had that happen at a ride at Disneyland once, when we were just about at the seating area and my son had to go to the bathroom immediately. We told the CM (we were JUST about to be seated and needed her to open the gate so we could rush to the bathrooms) and they said to come to the exit. She meant it, too. When we got back there was absolutely no line, so we didn't do it b/c there was no need, but we would have done so. That's what she meant, after all.

Sometimes you get so set in one direction that you can't even think of the other. They were probably hungry, thirsty, tired, and frazzled that they just couldn't even think straight to realize that they could just go. Good for that man. I was visiting my brother once and we went to a very crowded restaurant. I was bending myself into pretzel shapes trying to keep the 17 month old kiddo happy, and my brother (who did not and does not have children) simply suggested that we take our food to go and get back to his place where he and I could have a couple beers. Saying that made me realize what a horrible time I was having, and that I was tormenting my overwhelmed kiddo to keep him quiet in that place. We packed up, got home, ate and had some beers and life was GOOD.

Does it have a screen? Is the screen on? Then no. You're ruining the experience of someone behind you.

The original comment that all of you are responding to was "I was sitting waiting for the parade when a little boy started to clim on me I asked him nicely to stop the dad yells at me not to tell his son to stop doing something that this was his vacation and they do not tell there kids no on vacation."

It was a vacation thing. It sucks and dad was making a poor choice, but the dad did say *on vacation*, not "always and forever."

Personally I might have thought it was fun to have a kid climb on me, but then I have 4 younger (3 much younger) sibs and was a babysitter from an early age, and I just really love kids. Even stranger kids.

Just and FYI, RnRC absolutely goes upside down. It's the very first thing that happens after the launch. It literally launches you into a loop.
Thanks for replying—we’re actually heading to HS tomorrow and it still stressed me out not knowing if I should tell my kids not to play on stuff! I think that woman just had a few too many at the Cantina—that or had secretly joined the first order :darth:
What's the feeling on taking pics or video with no flash?
If holding the phone up , it still creates enough light so it’s annoying and blinding in some cases to anyone in back of you. Plus, who wants to be on a dark ride looking through someone’s cell phone. Enjoy the ride in the moment. There are plenty of pictures and video online.
About 10 years ago when our kids were small we ate at the Liberty Tree Tavern for the first time. Right after we were seated, another family of mom, dad, and about 3yo boy were sat at the table next to us. This child quickly began a full-on meltdown tantrum: crying, screaming NOOOOOOOO, unable to catch his breath. The parents told him to be quiet, no result. The mom started telling him, I'm going to count to 10, then she'd count to 10, he would only get louder, no result, she'd count to 10 again. The dad was like, let's leave, and she ignored him. This poor child was so loud and sad and was NOT going to calm down anytime soon. The dad was looking around embarrassed, and the mom continued the empty threats. Their drinks arrived, child would not/could not drink, he was so upset. My kids just staring wide-eyed. None of us could have a conversation because this child was crying so loud.

An older gentleman from another table walked over to them and said (quietly, and not unkindly), "your child is ruining everyone's dinner, you should take him out of this restaurant." The dad looked relieved and scooped him right up and they left, abandoning their drinks on the table. A peaceful meal for all of us other diners followed.

I was really grateful and impressed that the man gave those parents that little bit of a push to leave the situation. Hopefully they took the kid somewhere he could nap.

That's a seriously hard one, not sure I could have done that.
But as a parent, when my child would melt down or cry, one of us would always take them out somewhere so they shouldn't disturb people eating or watching a movie. We also never gave in to tantrums, and would just let them run out, so they soon stopped.
When parents are struggling with a melt down kid and arms full of groceries and the like, I offer to help, but directly intervening in someone's parenting is walking in a minefield.

What's the feeling on taking pics or video with no flash?
I get super annoyed with this one if it's on purpose. If they did it by mistake and turn it off real quick, it's ok.
I have been known to take extended exposure pictures in dark rides when the cars get stuck, and that has accidently started with the damn flash (hard to see the controls in the dark - reminder to self to perm turn off flash when I go to Disney), so I know accidents happen.
But flash when you're taking a picture/video of the stage show or fireworks ... dude, it doesn't reach that far anyways!
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This wasn't necessarily confrontational, but I was waiting for Happily Ever After in February last year during a solo trip. It was getting dark out and I was sitting against a railing that surrounds the hub grass with some bushes behind me. It was really crowded and a family was sitting next to me. The dad leans over and asks me if it's okay if his son (maybe 6 or 7 years old) pees in the bushes behind me. I get that it's crowded and the show would be starting soon, but I was uncomfortable that he asked because I really didn't want to be sitting next to this kid's pee spreading everywhere! I told him I don't have the authority to say yes or no to that and he should probably just find the nearest bathroom. He grumbled about it and his wife told him to stop and just take the kid to the bathroom. As he's walking away I hear him mumbling about how the kid is so young and why does it matter if he just pees behind me.


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