We are staying at Wilderness Lodge for the first time (CCV) - what is the transportation situation for going to MK? Do they still run boats or is it bus only these days?
Boats were running last week. One time we just missed one so had about a 20-25 minute wait
Wait times have looked great the past couple weeks. So many schools aren't out yet though.

True, but unless WDW increases capacity, there is a limit to how many guests are allowed into each park and those have been maxed out for quite some time based on the park reservation system. My biggest concern is how Disney will handle increased capacity when they decide to do so. It just makes our late July trip so unknown in this regard. My big fear is increased capacity without any other changes to accommodate.

True, but unless WDW increases capacity, there is a limit to how many guests are allowed into each park and those have been maxed out for quite some time based on the park reservation system. My biggest concern is how Disney will handle increased capacity when they decide to do so. It just makes our late July trip so unknown in this regard. My big fear is increased capacity without any other changes to accommodate.

Last couple of weeks haven't been completely sold out, but to your point I hope it means perhaps ride capacity has increased. Even today every park is available except for Epcot. We do know capacity was increased, we just don't know if if it's continuing to increase or was done all at once. We also have a late July trip and agree, hard to know what summer will look like at this point.
Good call. I assumed it had been booked up. I don't remember seeing availability day of. It will be interesting to see reports next week and mid June when it's sold out again. Kind of a moving target though since we have no clue what Disney has planned and can change at any moment.
Have a great time today! Sounds like you've been having an awesome trip :).

Appreciate the updates since we leave in just over 2 weeks, especially what you just said about Epcot. Epcot was a huge disappointment in Jan. 2020 and Jan. 2021 (first the walls/crowds and then the walls/stuff that didn't reopen), that we didn't book it this trip. DD and I still have one day left on an old hopper that is good until September 21, so we may pop over briefly on the one day - our other days are with a base ticket and everyone else has base tickets.

We had wondered if 2 days at MK vs 1 MK and 1 Epcot was the better choice for the group. Now I feel more confident we reserved 2 MK. Thank you :).

I definitely think you made a wise choice! We skipped Epcot this round too. Obviously it depends on your group, but I’m with a bunch of teenagers. There’s not a lot of interest in that park right now...especially if you aren’t doing World Showcase. We were there in March and didn’t really want to go back...at least until the remodel is over. We opted for 2 MK, 2 HS, and 1 AK.
Those of you who have been to HS recently, would it possible to do most/all the rides if we don't rope drop and got to the parking lot around 10? I'll be in HS in a few weeks and we'd be driving (staying off property) but we're also planning on spending the whole day at HS and the park closes at 8. I'd normally rope drop but we'd probably be exhausted from a long drive the day before so was considering sleeping in somewhat, but we do also want to do the major rides like MMRR, ToT, Smuggler's Run, Slinky, TSMM.
Taking a breather. I headed straight to RNRC and was 3rd in line. We were held just before the preshow room and were let onto the ride at 8:30. After that I went to Tower and walked straight on. Note that Tower is loading every row now, just keeping a space between parties. By the time I got off the ride the queue for it was back into the Fantasmic theater just about.

My BG was called about now so I headed to Batuu. I would have done MMRR on the way but it was down. Rise is incredible and well worth the trouble. After riding I left the park and took the Skyliner back to BC for my 10:35 ADR at Cape May Cafe for breakfast. The CBR transfer line for Epcot was long but moved pretty fast. Yes you will share a car but I had a nice chat with a family about Star Wars. :)

Btw, many poor suckers just walking in at 9:45 to nothing but heat and lines. Don’t be those people fam. Sunset attractions continue to be the way to go at rope drop imo. The rest of today will be resting, I have a spa appt at the Dolphin and then will have pool time at SAB. I will return to HS in the evening and will report on how waits are then.

I make a rule never to rope drop more than 2 days in a row. I only did today because I was lucky and got an early BG. I got my umbrella from Amazon and it was a godsend.

Just wanted to say that I’ve been enjoying your posts.
Those of you who have been to HS recently, would it possible to do most/all the rides if we don't rope drop and got to the parking lot around 10? I'll be in HS in a few weeks and we'd be driving (staying off property) but we're also planning on spending the whole day at HS and the park closes at 8. I'd normally rope drop but we'd probably be exhausted from a long drive the day before so was considering sleeping in somewhat, but we do also want to do the major rides like MMRR, ToT, Smuggler's Run, Slinky, TSMM.

i definitely think it’s possible. We did everything except for Toy Story Land by noon, when we rope dropped. Then we took a long break and came back around 5:15. First we watched the Frozen show. And then rode Slinky and some other rides twice.
Those of you who have been to HS recently, would it possible to do most/all the rides if we don't rope drop and got to the parking lot around 10? I'll be in HS in a few weeks and we'd be driving (staying off property) but we're also planning on spending the whole day at HS and the park closes at 8. I'd normally rope drop but we'd probably be exhausted from a long drive the day before so was considering sleeping in somewhat, but we do also want to do the major rides like MMRR, ToT, Smuggler's Run, Slinky, TSMM.
My family would LOVE to sleep in so I've been trying to balance the rope drop advantage vs going later in the day. (Personally, I would prefer the commando approach - RD to close, but my family did not like that last time.) I'll be there 6/20-6/26 - sounds like about the same time as you. My fear is that we'll be going once school is out for the summer, plus increasing capacity, so I think all of the anecdotes coming from those that are there now will not line up with what we'll be experiencing in a few weeks. Thus why I'm following this thread very closely. That said, if these patterns hold up, I would love to do some later days on our trip and take a really relaxed approach - especially after I get at least one ROTR ride in!
Me too! I'm actually really looking forward to not having the fast passes now. I've been watching the wait times on MDE and on Touring Plans a lot too at all random times and other then a few times a day for a few of the headliners, I feel the wait times are really good. Much less than they would be for stand-by otherwise. Peter Pan is one I keep checking because in "before times", that stand-by line was ALWAYS over an hour, all day every day. At least in busy season and now it's been under 30 min almost every time I check. Same with Space and BTMRR, almost every time I check they 15-30 min.

I feel like the time you normally save by having those handful of fast passes will be more than made up for with all of the much shorter stand-by lines. And we aren't having to plan our day around when our fast passes are so no more running across the parks as much. We leave on the 11th so I'll definitely be reporting back on my official comparison!

I have also been monitoring wait times on the MDE app as well ha. It definitely seems like having Fast Pass suspended for the time being is a benefit. Plus we have the benefit of the parks not being as crowded as they usually are during the summer months due to park capacity rules. I am just hoping fireworks will be back in July. I feel like Disney could pull of fireworks and parades safely now. Just space folks out during fireworks and limit the capacity for fireworks of need be. Parades could work as well with characters just walking down main street and waving.
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We got in line for Haunted Mansion but then it went down.

Why does HM go down so often, do we know? I can't remember the last time I rode it when it didn't stop for an extended period of time (like more than just someone having to get on/off the ride slowly, which I get...)
Great rule :).
Great rule :). I have a FOMO if I don't rope drop, but I will adjust my next trip to have a couple of Epcot days added assuming that it will still open later. I need my sleep and even the later DHS start doesn't help when I have to be awake at 6:50 am to get a boarding group.
Can you post the Amazon link when you get home? There are so many of them on Amazon right now!
I got the same one as Kyleene. Haven't used it yet, but here's a link to the thread where I inquired about UV umbrellas. It may be helpful.

Drivers: I haven't read anyone having to circle around for a while. Is that because people aren't getting there early anymore or is it now that you just wait at the cones?
What's the earliest you can arrive by car? HS opens at 9AM Saturday so my goal was just to be at the parking lot by 8. Last few visits we had bus as an option
Those of you who have been to HS recently, would it possible to do most/all the rides if we don't rope drop and got to the parking lot around 10? I'll be in HS in a few weeks and we'd be driving (staying off property) but we're also planning on spending the whole day at HS and the park closes at 8. I'd normally rope drop but we'd probably be exhausted from a long drive the day before so was considering sleeping in somewhat, but we do also want to do the major rides like MMRR, ToT, Smuggler's Run, Slinky, TSMM.

The park really clears out at 2pm. Wait times drop considerably for everything except Slinky Dog. So yes. a 10am arrival would easily let you still do everything if you are prepared to do slinky dog last and leave the park well after closing.
What's the earliest you can arrive by car? HS opens at 9AM Saturday so my goal was just to be at the parking lot by 8. Last few visits we had bus as an option

I did rope drop twice last week. Cars were not let into the lot until 8:10am both days for a 9am opening. 8:15am is also when they let those lined up at security, enter the park.


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