The ABC's of a BSN Celebration! Trip Wrap up; Final Thoughts (7/11)

G is for Getting There is Half the Fun- Pt. 2

Time to walk off a bit more booze and build up an appetite for the next (hopefully better) eats!! The path to the GF is always lovely and we enjoyed every minute. Here are some random shots along the way:

I was excited for this stop, perhaps more than any of the others mostly because it was a new place to me. We were headed for the Enchanted Rose! To be honest, I’d only read a very small handful of reviews, but what I was seeing was absolutely glowing. We checked in and were seated within minutes. My first impression was, WOW!! What a lovely, enchanting lounge. The artwork alone is worth a visit. It’s charming, warm, and quite inviting.

The server spent quite a bit of time going over the drink options with us and we ended up with a Lavendar Fog for me and an Island Rose for Mik.

Sadly, the tableside drink service was not available. Stupid Covid. Hands down the best drinks of the night. Perfectly mixed and smooth with lovely flavors and texture. We were both still hungry and we agreed on an order of the crab mac and cheese. Absolute loveliness of creamy perfection. The breadcrumbs on top added a nice crunch of buttery goodness.

About halfway through my drink I decided to take a little walk and take some photos. As I said, the decor is worth seeing all on its own. Our server noticed my enthusiasm and asked if I’d seen “the Library”. Obviously I hadn’t, but when he offered to show me the way, I was drawn in like an addict to the ER. I was rewarded with a glimpse of this gorgeous space and was let free to photograph to my heart’s delight. Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, and Lumiere were all there to say hello!

But the night was beginning to wane and if we were to make our next date, we’d need to finish up and move along. By now, in case you are wondering, we were a bit on the other side of tipsy. Giggly and goofy were more accurate. And that’s okay. It was vacation, the driving was left to others, we had time to kill, and were just super enjoying ourselves. Next stop- the Bar Riva at the Riviera! We ordered a Lyft and got our happy hineys going. We had a pre-arranged meeting with Tammie, a former DISser whom I’ve known since about 2007 or so. I’d met her when she lived in Oregon and have enjoyed her company both off and online. Sadly, Topolinos was already closed so we had our nightcap at Bar Riva instead. Not my first choice as I was still jonesing for a view, but we took what we could and enjoyed about 30 minutes with Tammie before they gave us last call. Mik and I each ordered a… drink.

At this point, I’m not sure we knew shingles from shinola. I do know that we ordered a Tiramisu and magically 2 of them showed up.

Needless to say, the tip was very generous here as well. And this is the point where I can just say… we got home. I do know it was by way of Lyft because we JUST missed the Skyliner’s closing. Which really sucked because that was the entire point of ending our evening here. Ah well, we had a welcoming fleet of friends to go home to and Disney beds to fall into. Which we did promptly and had sweet vacation-y dreams.

You sure know how to enjoy a first evening. Great pictures also! Can't wait to visit the Enchanted Rose.
Friends, it is true. I am here now but, for reasons I am keeping private, I respectfully ask that if you know me on FB to keep my little trip just here. Unfortunately, I am not able to have meetups other than the park ones I’ve pre-arranged. :) Caroline, nice to run into you this morning!

I’ll share that Flower and Garden is absolutely lovely! Kisses, All!
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N is for: Nahtazu!!

Maybe for some of you that is a new word. Perhaps for many, it’s a familiar word, but like me, are not sure what it truly references. I had a vague idea that it’s a word that actually defines a concept….. more accurately it’s an ad campaign! Launched in 2001, Animal Kingdom released a commercial featuring the soundbite emphasizing that the park is SO MUCH MORE!!

Enjoy this retro peek at where that term originated:

And yet, technically… it is a zoo. While on the Savor the Savanah Tour in early 2020, I learned that Animal Kingdom is a true leader in Zoo Association efforts around the world. Their management techniques and care of their animals is actually quite astonishing. The spaces, vet care, training, and food are top notch and it shows in the pride the keepers hold and through the animals in their care.

My last trip was such a great one. The company of my daughter and Mary Ellen, and Kari at other times, the food, the slower pace of the parks- it was all just so lovely. Lovely to be out of the house doing something… ANYTHING, that felt normal and creative. It’d been a very long time since I’d dusted off my camera and practiced shooting. Rusty skills is quite an understatement. But at the last minute, I decided to take all of my lenses and spend a bit more time than usual doing something I really enjoy. Luckily, the camera made it with me at all. As we were loading Mik’s car and heading to the airport, I took one last look in my backseat floor area… and yep, there it was- the camera bag. I was so sure I’d had all my bags. :rolleyes:

Anyway, our first Safari was absolutely perfect. We boarded our bumpy truck right after Pandora and it was still only like 8:30 AM, so the animals were all out and just being fed. Our driver was willing to stop quite a bit along the road, but at least 3 times we had to stop, like it or not, because animals were crossing RIGHT in front of us- Giraffes, Ostrich, and an Ankole. The weather, as I’ve mentioned, was freezing cold and I’m sure that helped keep the critters out and active as well.

However, I was able towards the end of the trip to get some solo time while Mik and MEK took some pool and downtime while I trekked on. So I am going to throw in some photos of other animals in other places around the park. I mean how many of us actually spend much time at all in the Oasis area or go out of our way to see the 'Roos and Otters around the TOL?

I’m not ashamed to say over and over, Animal Kingdom is my favorite park, and as they say, it’s truly Nahtazu! But today’s post showcases the fact that it’s not just Nahtazu, but it’s a very GREAT zoo too. I have many more AK photos I’ll share in this TR that highlight just how stellar of a job Disney does but I think you’ll agree the animals themselves are the stars of the show!

(Do you have any idea how hard it is to photograph that cheetah?!?! It's either laying down WAY far away from the jeeps in the shade or it's moving AND your jeep is moving. But, this is the best photo I've gotten of him/her? to date so happy even though it's a bit blury!)

And a quick snap of a WILD bird that happened to see what the hubbub was on the Savanah.

There's a new area on display for the Nigerian Dwarf Goats towards the end of the Safari now. The storyline is that it's the Warden's home and the goats provide milk products to support the conservation efforts. Really cute when the goats are climbing and playing!

(Those are natural birds, not part of a show. They just happened to be there and preening in the sun posing absolutely perfectly with an awesome backdrop!!)

(Did some artsty-fartsy manipulating on this one. I thought the sky and silhouette made it a bit more mysterious and dramatic.)

(Baby Grace will be celebrating her 2nd birthday in May! She's grown so much!!!)

So.... what animal is your favorite on the Safari? Or, is it one that is NOT on the Safari but somewhere else in the park? Let's see which animal gets the most love!!
My favorite's are the gorilla's and the tigers. The Boss.JPGCornered (2).jpg
Friends, it is true. I am here now but, for reasons I am keeping private, I respectfully ask that if you know me on FB to keep my little trip just here. Unfortunately, I am not able to have meetups other than the park ones I’ve pre-arranged. :) Caroline, nice to run into you this morning!

I’ll share that Flower and Garden is absolutely lovely! Kisses, All!
Enjoy your trip!
And... mum's the word. :ssst:
(Not that I FB much anyway.)
For ease of transition, let’s stick around MK for the continuation of our snack circuit.

. I sauntered up to the counter with my sideshooter cocked and ready. Wait….. wrong story
How did you get that past security? Need to take notes. ;)

dished up a most ample and delicious serving of Pineapple Dole Whip.
Ooh...the dole whip. Mmmm. It's the closest the WDW folks have gotten to Heaven.

Did I mention you can’t get the cake anymore?
WHAT????? Blasphemy!

There are times that Disney just sucks. This is one of those times.
Okay....time to start a ban Mickey campaign.

That Upside Down cake with Pineapple soft serve was dope
Well, I *think* that means amazing or fantastic, so you may be right....I may be crazy

everything, is on the potential chopping block for more woke bologna. Pretty soon someone will decide they are “offended” by
I'm offended by all these people who get offended by everything. Does that mean we can ban THEM?

Sorrynotsorry you did. Wish I could take good pictures on pirates.

All that marauding made me a thirsty Redhead,
We wants the redhead!
Oops, might offend someone.

Awww, thanks, Mickey!!
He's trying to buy back good favor for taking away our pineapple upside down cake, huh?

For as feisty as I am, I am also lazy. I like to think of it as efficient, but lazy works too.
Wait! Feisty. Efficient. Lazy. Is that even possible in one person? I often use efficient and lazy to describe my work with computers...I consider it more efficient if I can make the computer do it.

Did I ask for a half serving of this one? Nope. Did I finish it all? Yep. Oink.
Is this because of the close proximity to Piglet?

I tossed the red piece of feather-shaped wax a
I thought it was chocolate.


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