The ABC's of a BSN Celebration! Trip Wrap up; Final Thoughts (7/11)

I really, really, really liked the great movie ride and will always be sad to see it gone. :(
One of our family favourites too. Back on our first trip in 2009, we took the boys on it thinking it would be a whimsical look through the movies. That is, until the scene from Alien! We got off the ride and Jamie (then age 6) looked up at me and said "Mummy, you must really hate me, make me do that bad ride!" Poor little guy!
Everyone has a place that brings rest- Rest to the heart; Joy to the Soul; and Peace to the mind. For a while now, Animal Kingdom has been that haven of beauty and tranquility for me.
You perfectly summed up my feeling about AK. ❤
However, it was not fast enough that I could not pause to appreciate the incredible lighting on the Tree of Life in that lovely Golden Hour. Not an excellent photo by any stretch, but it does kinda show the morning light coming into the park. To me it was a brilliant message and symbol of a brand new day with endless and bright possibilites!!!
I love that......this picture is giving me all the feels. Have I mentioned 1,000 times how much I am longing to get back???
I could take all the noisy photos I wanted sliding from side to side of the boat ad lib trying my best to capture what I could in a dark, moving place. It’s not easy and sadly, this time around I’d put my long lens on for the Safari rather than my fast lens for dark rides. Sure, I could have brought both, but sorry, hands in pockets were more important than hands carrying camera bags. So, you get what you get with a long lens. Meh.
These are spectacular photos, I love the detail and colours. :)
At some point, whether it was this day or another on the trip, we found ourselves in the Aviary of the Maharaja Trail. I invariably spend inordinate amounts of time gazing at the birds there, but I never seem to get crisp shots of these feathered friends. Still, they provide a lot of entertainment for me and, as usual, I enjoyed what time I did get very much.
You can really see the personality of each bird shining through in these photos. I love them!
However, I can't complain too much because I do have it better than the nationals. My kids attend an American school which has only switched to virtual for two weeks. So the kids are still going to school everyday, playing and seeing their friends, and I get to chat with fellow parents at drop-off/pick-up. The teachers were all able to be vaccinated if they wanted, so I am extremely confident the kids won't have to go virtual again.
That's fantastic Alicia! We are finally back in class after being online from January 4th through February 16th and I am SO grateful to be in the classroom. I am hoping to be vaccinated early this spring.
I feel like I'm in a different world over here! England entered a third national lockdown in January, and they are going to start easing restrictions in mid-March. Shops and such should hopefully reopen in mid-April. If this means I never have to buy kid shoes online again, I'll be all too happy. :rotfl:

I hope you can get out and about soon! People need to not be locked up!
However, I can't complain too much because I do have it better than the nationals. My kids attend an American school which has only switched to virtual for two weeks. So the kids are still going to school everyday, playing and seeing their friends, and I get to chat with fellow parents at drop-off/pick-up. The teachers were all able to be vaccinated if they wanted, so I am extremely confident the kids won't have to go virtual again.
Now, my family and I are just waiting for the day we're allowed to leave and for loved ones to come and see us. Hopefully it'll happen before we move!

That's FANTASTIC!! I'm glad your kids could keep their routine and friendships up!!

It's been safe all along (and now the powers that be finally admit it) and loads more kids are getting back to the classrooms after a year of basically non-education. I've talked to sooooo many parents who have told me their kids just completely missed out on an entire year of schooling having actually met online with their teachers and average of about 4 hours a week total. I'm so happy they are getting back to learning.

I sure hope travel bans are lifted soon too. I have indefinitely put off my epic trip to Italy now because I just dont' have the emotional ability to plan anymore.

I agree 100%. DAK is one of the best places around.
(Hold on a sec...lemme go put on the Oasis loop music while I read. The perfect background sounds.)

Ahhhh, the perfect track. I love the Discovery Island one too. I'll put on the Nomad one pretty often if I'm in the mood for a bit more lively/upbeat/exotic.

Interesting. Wouldn't surprise me in the least, though.

I am just putting the challenge out there for someone to confirm it for me. I swear I'm not crazy in this.

Great to hear they recovered the mittens!

The older gentleman CM took it as a personal challenge I think. LOL!
I did. ::yes:: And am already looking forward to the other DAK chapters.
Trust me, there will be plenty more. And even better photos of Pandora too. I tend to go way overboard.
Plodding along....I'm up to multi-quoting now....

Alison, given how little DIS time you get these days, it's seriously and honor and delight you choose to be here. That means a lot to me. :goodvibes:

Those look pretty darned organized to me!

I love to plan like this. It in so many ways makes my trip even longer.

At this point the only thing I can plan is dinner. I have nightly plans for about three weeks, and then I have suggestions for the next revision written in the margin. Of course things change (like last night) and then I end up shifting things all around, circling one dinner and moving it with arrows to another night. After about a week it looks like a game of chutes and ladders and I end up rewriting it again.



I get that. I think a lot of people are simply numb having lost all motivation to plan, do much, care...

But, it's good that you have something to focus on and keep you planning through all of this nonsense. People need a sense of purpose.

I don't even watch the 7 day forecast on the news anymore, since I know that I'm not going to be doing anything different on any given day.

I get that! :hug:

I know it's already happened, but my choice is Roast beef and cheddar sandwiches with chips. I don't do well with bag lunches, but that's one I can eat on the go.

Mmm, that sounds great. In the end we went with NONE of what I planned. We went with whatever Mikki had for snacks at her house and we threw in an eclectic bunch of this and that: mozzarella balls, strawberry popcorn, goldfish, seaweed snacks, and other stuff I can't even remember.

Nice that your daughter can come along, and boo to snow.

It ended up being a great trip with her. So nice to get to spend 1:1 time with her for sure!
She showed it to me.
If we're ever there at the same time, I can show it to you.
But I suspect you'll be traveling with her again before that might happen.

I hope we can hang out again soon!!
Yes. My bed.


Good point. Last night however... Oof, today is going to be rough!

Very nicely said. :worship:

Some days I write a bit better and take more time to get a quality chapter out there.

I can see why! Very nice. Love the sun's rays coming through the tree.

Thank you!! I may frame this one someday. I have a little photo project in mind.

Then again... it was only open for 2 years at that point.

Yes, sparse and bare! And the whole thing/concept was just lost on me.
I've never used them, but... can certainly see the attraction.

I'd think up in the Great North, you'd use them regularly. They are so awesome!!
Love the Golden Hour. Should use it more often.

I love it too, but also love my bed.
I have a lousy sense of smell, so it would be lost on me, but... really!

You do?
:laughing: I bet! You could hoot and holler all you want.

HAHA, however, NRJ isn't an attraction most folks do that one. ;) LOL!

You... have... a favourite bathroom...


What can I say? I spend a LOT of time in them. TTBS!!

No. You didn't.
Then again... of course you did!


Pretty shot!

Thanks you. If only half of it wasn't in the shade. :( Stupid bird.
:) Nice artsy-fartsy shot.
Thanks! Believe it or not, I spent a fair bit of time setting it up. :)
My spreadsheet-loving heart loves these!

I have made them for many years and love them. Especially when I don't lose them the first night of the trip. :rolleyes:

I don't do every outfit this way, but I love having certain outfits fully picked out with all accessories tucked into a Ziplock baggie (I did this with my May 4th outfit, my Highway in the Sky outfit, etc). It makes it so much easier to just grab and go without much thought in the mornings!

It does make it SOOOO easy. I am NOT a morning person so having the thinking already done for clothes takes the hard part of the day easier. ::yes::
One of our family favourites too. Back on our first trip in 2009, we took the boys on it thinking it would be a whimsical look through the movies. That is, until the scene from Alien! We got off the ride and Jamie (then age 6) looked up at me and said "Mummy, you must really hate me, make me do that bad ride!" Poor little guy!


Poor guy! My kids loved that ride and admittedly that scene was a bit scary for me too!!! LOL!!! Did Jamie ever go on it again after that?

You perfectly summed up my feeling about AK. ❤

Awww, thanks! I'm glad I could bring a smile to your day!

I love that......this picture is giving me all the feels. Have I mentioned 1,000 times how much I am longing to get back???

I'm sure you'll get there at some point. Things are looking so much better in general and I think we're turning the corner!

These are spectacular photos, I love the detail and colours. :)

THanks!! It was such a beautiful day there!

You can really see the personality of each bird shining through in these photos. I love them!

I could spend hours in there!! Thank you for enjoying them. I just wish they'd been a bit more in focus. Darn it!

That's fantastic Alicia! We are finally back in class after being online from January 4th through February 16th and I am SO grateful to be in the classroom. I am hoping to be vaccinated early this spring.

I LOVE this!!! So happy the kids are going back!! :banana:
In short, when I step into that world, I am as close to Heaven as I might ever be on this Earth.
It wasn’t always that way at AK. The first time I ever went in 2000, it sucked.
Although we haven't fallen in love with AK, we have once again added the park to our rotation. We enjoy the safari and the animal trails. We have watched the bird show and taken the train to Rafiki's planet watch. But it is still a half day park for us.
I also prepared for the cold by bringing along some handwarmers to shove in my pockets.
I never thought of bringing hand warmers, but when Florida has cold weather, it is really cold.

We quickly went back to the ride and asked and within minutes, after explaining which ride level we'd been on, my hands were once more toasty inside MEK's purple and red mittens. ****
That was lucky. It would have been hard to replace lost mittens without spending a whole lot of money at the gift shop. And you would have felt guilty for the rest of the trip. ::yes::
I had the entire wicker boat all to my little ol’ self and LOVED IT!!! I could take all the noisy photos I wanted sliding from side to side of the boat ad lib trying my best to capture what I could in a dark, moving place.
That is one of the benefit of this crazy pandemic and the rules they use to keep us safe. :)
But the line was clipping right along and it was tough to stop even for a second.
We were lucky enough to have a trip already planned when Pandora's opening was announced. We attended the passholder preview and FOP was open with guests walking through the standby line. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry to get to the ride and it was hard to stop to look at the detail in the line. It was nice to be able to walk through this line once again when we were there in October.
I hope we can hang out again soon!!
Good point. Last night however... Oof, today is going to be rough!
Uh, oh.
I have those nights too. Never any fun.
Some days I write a bit better and take more time to get a quality chapter out there.
That was one of those days! ::yes::
Yes, sparse and bare! And the whole thing/concept was just lost on me.
I bet the Tree of Life hadn't even sprouted leaves yet. Just a bare old oil derrick.
I'd think up in the Great North, you'd use them regularly. They are so awesome!!
They didn't exist when I was a kid so never got in the habit. I'm sure some people use them if they're going to be outside for a long period of time, but otherwise, we'd be spending our life savings on them.
I love it too, but also love my bed.
I do.
HAHA, however, NRJ isn't an attraction most folks do that one. ;) LOL!
Needs a drop. ;)
What can I say? I spend a LOT of time in them. TTBS!!
Thanks you. If only half of it wasn't in the shade. :( Stupid bird
Actually, that's what makes the shot so interesting, imho.
Thanks! Believe it or not, I spent a fair bit of time setting it up. :)
Oh, I believe it. It shows. ::yes::


To be quite honest, I wished I’d gotten to spend more time in the “Research Room” in the queue as this was my first time ever for going through the Stand-by queue.

I would like to spend more time in here too, but not too much time. We passed through here on the day it opened but haven't been here since then.

So, you get what you get with a long lens. Meh.

I think they look great.

ptly engaged by mythical creatures of alien origin, I trotted out to use my all-time favorite Disney bathroom:

I don't think I have used these yet. I need to check them out in May.

****Story Time with Steppe: Speaking of cold hands, it was at that point, when we'd met back up, I had to make a confession to MEK. I left her mittens on FOP. (I hadn't discovered it until I was well off the ride and past Satuli.) Sigh... my silly forgetful brain. She said not to worry about them as they were from the Dollar Store, but I thought we should at least try to see if they'd found them on the ride. I was COLD!! We quickly went back to the ride and asked and within minutes, after explaining which ride level we'd been on, my hands were once more toasty inside MEK's purple and red mittens. ****

This sounds like something that would happen to me too. So happy you got them back.

At some point, whether it was this day or another on the trip, we found ourselves in the Aviary of the Maharaja Trail. I invariably spend inordinate amounts of time gazing at the birds there, but I never seem to get crisp shots of these feathered friends. Still, they provide a lot of entertainment for me and, as usual, I enjoyed what time I did get very much.

I love the Aviary! I haven't been here in years, just not enough time on he last few trips. Fingers crossed we make here in May.
Yay for finally arriving! You are brave for flying. Then again you're not Fran who picks up every bug on a plane. She gets sick nearly 50% of the times that we fly.

Looking forward to seeing room pics!
That's a nice rig you got there!

And we’re so glad we did. No, it wasn’t a lovely table with a spectacular view but I might go as far as to say that the service we got, the food and drinks we had, and the minimal wait in a nearly private lounge, MORE than made up for that. And I wanted to document it. But! Remember that little bit when I set my stuff down by Mikki? Remember when we sat on the couches upstairs? Yeah… this is where MushBrain enters the story. My phone….. what the…?!?! You know that panicked feeling when your phone is gone? I had that. Multiplied by 1000%. Remember those wonderful planning cards I made? All my notes, plans, ADR numbers, games? Gone. But I didn’t know that until later that night. Sigh…. good thing Mikki had the ones I made her, and for the remainder of the trip, that’s what I used to jot down my trip notes. Wanna know something even funnier? All that was done before I had one drop of alcohol.

Ugh. You need to have your stuff strapped to your body, or surgically attached!

The drinks and food were just enough to get us jump started on what would amount to a dinner of mixed reviews. After tipping generously, it was time for Stop #2 of our circuit

I've never eaten there, but the crab cakes have always have always looked like something I would order if we ate there.

It was a foregone conclusion that my drink choice would be a Lapu Lapu- a Mai Tai made tripley expensive by being served in a $1 pineapple.

Most definitely! Those are the best!

The food was probably the worst I have EVER had on Disney property. Totally gross. So much so that we literally tossed it in the trash

So from what you described, the food comes from the Kona Cafe? Last trip I had just found out that Tambu Lounge served several of my favorites from O'Hana, with it closed they don't have them.

The sushi was, no lie, made with canned cat food tuna (what my mom not-so-affectionately calls chunk light), not sushi tuna that even an amateur sushi consumer would expect.

It should have been crab, not even tuna....

We were headed for the Enchanted Rose!

I have never been there either, then again it's fairly new.

Next stop- the Bar Riva at the Riviera!

I never made it to that one either! And I stayed there.

I do know it was by way of Lyft because we JUST missed the Skyliner’s closing.

I can't believe that it closes so early. I was really scared we wouldn't get home when staying at Riviera. But you have to be in the queue at closing time, and then they will let you board.
Although we haven't fallen in love with AK, we have once again added the park to our rotation. We enjoy the safari and the animal trails. We have watched the bird show and taken the train to Rafiki's planet watch. But it is still a half day park for us.

I think everyone has their happy place amongst the parks and resorts. For a lot of people I think EPCOT is that place for them and can easily spend days there and get all the feels. MK I think is another fan favorite. But given a 4 day trip I'd only spend half a day in MK if I was solo. Not that I don't like it or can't find fun things to do, it just doesn't do what AK does. Then again, I also wonder if it may depend on my mood or what is going on in my life leading up to a trip too.

I never thought of bringing hand warmers, but when Florida has cold weather, it is really cold.

You know, I never thought of it, but those wide open spaces of the parks make both ends of the spectrum true. When it's hot, it's BAKING HOT while on top of all that concrete. When it's cold.... BRRRR!!!! :cold:

That was lucky. It would have been hard to replace lost mittens without spending a whole lot of money at the gift shop. And you would have felt guilty for the rest of the trip. ::yes::

I so would have felt incredibly guilty! :( UGH! I love that Disney works so hard to make their guests have such a great experience.
That is one of the benefit of this crazy pandemic and the rules they use to keep us safe. :)

I enjoyed being spaced out more. I also loved the mobile ordering options too. ::yes::

We were lucky enough to have a trip already planned when Pandora's opening was announced. We attended the passholder preview and FOP was open with guests walking through the standby line. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry to get to the ride and it was hard to stop to look at the detail in the line. It was nice to be able to walk through this line once again when we were there in October.
Oh nice!!! One of the first ride-throughs! Sweet! But it's sad that a huge part of the attraction, at least in this case, is the queue itself and the details and genius and artistry of it is so lost on so many! Slow down, folks, and appreciate! LOL!!
Uh, oh.
I have those nights too. Never any fun.
I somehow managed to muddle through it and am so glad it's the weekend.

I bet the Tree of Life hadn't even sprouted leaves yet. Just a bare old oil derrick.

They didn't exist when I was a kid so never got in the habit. I'm sure some people use them if they're going to be outside for a long period of time, but otherwise, we'd be spending our life savings on them.
Heh, that's true, but I can see them for snowshoeing or for ski lifts.

Needs a drop. ;)

Hey, now you're talkin'!

Actually, that's what makes the shot so interesting, imho.

Really?! I guess I hadn't see it that way. :)

Thanks, Vanessa!

I would like to spend more time in here too, but not too much time. We passed through here on the day it opened but haven't been here since then.

Oh for sure. I don't need hours, but 10 or 15 would be fun to hunt for little details. It's so weird that it's such a fun exhibit and people are herded through it so fast!

I don't think I have used these yet. I need to check them out in May.
Hello, My Fellow Bathroom Afficianado!! ;) I think you will love them!! Let me know what you think!

This sounds like something that would happen to me too. So happy you got them back.

I swear I'm brainless half the time.
I love the Aviary! I haven't been here in years, just not enough time on he last few trips. Fingers crossed we make here in May.
It's so beautiful in there. I love all of the crafted birhouses and the variety and color of the birds!! I hope you can get there too, and May isn't that far off!
Yay for finally arriving! You are brave for flying. Then again you're not Fran who picks up every bug on a plane. She gets sick nearly 50% of the times that we fly.

AndI never get sick. I haven't had anything flu-ish or even coldish for years. Instead I just can't move most of the time because I'm old and decrepit. I ate dirt as a kid, ate with my hands overseas, all that, and am very thankful for my robust immune system!

Looking forward to seeing room pics!

I am not sure when I will be getting to that chapter, but hopefully soon! :)

That's a nice rig you got there!

THanks!! I can't wait to get it all fixed up!!
Ugh. You need to have your stuff strapped to your body, or surgically attached!

Probably!! LOLOLOL!!!! But then again, if I didn't lose stuff what would I possibly write about? :lmao:

I've never eaten there, but the crab cakes have always have always looked like something I would order if we ate there.

They are quite good! For me, the portion size would have been enough for a light dinner.

Most definitely! Those are the best!

AMEN!! And if you're staying a bit, get another Mai Tai sans pineapple and dump it in. ;)
So from what you described, the food comes from the Kona Cafe? Last trip I had just found out that Tambu Lounge served several of my favorites from O'Hana, with it closed they don't have them.

I thin, probably so. Jutst blech!

It should have been crab, not even tuna....

I have never been there either, then again it's fairly new.
It is pretty new, but I am POSITIVE you and Fran would love it there. Very elegant but not stuffy. Such GREAT decor!!!

I never made it to that one either! And I stayed there.
I'd have MUCH rather gone up to Topolino's but they'd already closed. :( 2 of our spots with a view we couldn't do per plan. :(
I can't believe that it closes so early. I was really scared we wouldn't get home when staying at Riviera. But you have to be in the queue at closing time, and then they will let you board.
I know!!!! People stay out late even IF the parks aren't open. :( I guess it probably comes down to staffing.
Shoot!! I always feel like that queue always goes too fast too so I don't have enough time to hunt for stuff!

You don't need to queue for those...just good non-people crowded view of the Millenium Falcon from the outside.


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