DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

So. Was looking forward to at least half an hour lie in after a belter of a week, so obviously its the morning the boy picks to knock on my head at 545 am. Because I'd promised to watch Venom with him. I was hoping for an afternoon showing, but there we have it.
Morning folks.

I rarely stick up for American candy, because its generally rubbish, but peanut M&Ms are the snack of the gods.
Different category. There are no peanut filled Smarties.
I like chocolate covered almonds more than Smarties.
So. Was looking forward to at least half an hour lie in after a belter of a week, so obviously its the morning the boy picks to knock on my head at 545 am. Because I'd promised to watch Venom with him. I was hoping for an afternoon showing, but there we have it.
Gents! Everything ok with everyone? I hope so. Well, after my first week of working from home I can officially say that I LIKE it. I wasn't sure if I'd like it because I like going into the office. Getting out of the house and having somewhere to go is nice; however, not having a bunch of people around to chat with, one of my biggest down falls, is nice. While I didn't make my goal of indexing 100 documents this week, still learning, which is slowing me down, I did break the 60 mark, so I'm making progress. So far I think doing a good job, and I think they like me, so there's a plus. This is, however, still a temp job, and anything can happen. Good thoughts. Well, gents, have a good day, and we'll chat later. Anyone doing the Zoom chat tonight? I usually don't, but might tonight if anyone I know will be on it.


She did a lot of great work, with all her scientific research and inventions on how to reduce emissions. Her speeches were so convincing to offset emissions that poor people stopped using electricity so that Obama could buy his $14 million island mansion.


It's a sad day when Mexico comments on US human rights issues. Those rights can always be changed, which is what many are fearful of.

Right?! Too bad it'll fall on deaf ears. What's happening to America is the same as putting a lobster in a pot of water and slowly turning up the heat. Before we know it, it'll be too late. I've said it before, I'll be that 80 year old man jail for speaking out against the government.

And the BBcode editor is not working and autofill is not working.
I've left a message on the tech support board and just got an answer a day or two ago saying they've added it to the list. Don't know if that means it'll get fixed or ignored.

Until they fix things we'll just have to get use to the way things work.

But today's my Wednesday... where's my camel????


Afternoon and Happy Friday Gents! Dan thanks for calling it as I am gonna end the day a bit early in about 3 hours and using your call as to the reason for early stoppage. Thanks for the congrats guys, VP Global Supply Chain. Likely because no other numb nut would accept said position during a global pandemic where the global supply chain / logistics is such a cluster. Managing Americas wasn't a big enough pain so why not global :rotfl2:Have a great weekend and stay safe, cheers!

Congrats on the global VP part. If you can pull off the job during a pandemic, and when the supply chain has taken a dump, you'll be a legend.
Well to be truthful, I have not done a side by side comparison. Because obviously, we do not have any Smarties down here...
Maybe... Mark? Did I give you some of those? Can't recall. I do remember the Ketchup Chips.
So far I think doing a good job, and I think they like me, so there's a plus.
Too late. Now it's my Thursday. My Friday starts this evening
Happy Saturday. The hospital called yesterday with an offer that exceeded my expectations. The negotiations were over quickly. So, I start back to work Feb 1. My uniform is golf shirts, and I need to go shopping with the clothing voucher they sent. I have to call Monday and get my vaccine and last work exam records faxed over, and on Tuesday, go to be fitted for my N95 mask, drug test, etc.

In the end, this one made the most sense. Not just the $, but I still get the time off & flexibility to travel for hopefully the next decade.

Right. That's it. I'm calling it. Work week over. Everyone out. Last one standing in the Enchanted Rose bar after Whiskey Sours gets to take Belle home. And let me tell ya, the quickest way to get going is to tie a napkin round the neck, cherie, and she'll provide the rest.

Have a great weekend fellas. .

So, my weekends now can be most any day of the week. Do I get to request custom princess deflowering or continue to wait for Friday like everyone else?

Its more that he needs to go. Rice is bigger than the club, he will probably be England Captain at some point. He needs to be playing Champions League level. He'll get a good send off, no hard feelings, he is just too good for us. He's also got a point to prove with Chelsea ,they let him go as a youth player, so he wants to go back there.

Reggie White, arguably one of the greatest DE went to the Packers in free agency when they stunk. His presence in brought in more talent. Not the same desire in EPL? Or, does West Ham just not have the desire to go to Champions League?

In other news... our Covid restrictions are being loosened a bit.
Up until midnight tonight, only essential items were allowed to be sold.
I got a text from my Harley Davidson dealership asking if anyone wanted to come and check out the new line of 2021 bikes. Um... yes!

Gotta love the science of that one. COVID gonna get you as it knows when you're shopping for an essential item vs a non-essential item. They tried that in Michigan, taping off items that the government deemed non-essential inside of Walmart. Apparently, COVID is so smart that it can even avoid sections inside the same store.

I'm a slave to working for as little as possible. It's a genetic deficiency.

I'm a retired government employee. That's my diagnosis.

In the US those candies are called Smarties. But up here Smarties are something else and those are called Rockets. So.... is that a rocket in your pants?

Isn't rocket what we call arugula?

Right?! Too bad it'll fall on deaf ears. What's happening to America is the same as putting a lobster in a pot of water and slowly turning up the heat. Before we know it, it'll be too late. I've said it before, I'll be that 80 year old man jail for speaking out against the government.

It's absolutely absurd right now. You are only allowed to speak out if it follows the narrative. Otherwise, you are cancelled.

I fear the plan is to make the national debt so unsustainable that we just implode. I won't be leaving my house to make it to jail. If it comes to that, then they can have my bullets. They will just be travelling really fast.

I rarely stick up for American candy, because its generally rubbish, but peanut M&Ms are the snack of the gods.

Our two favorites are pretzel M&Ms and caramel M&Ms.
Happy Saturday. The hospital called yesterday with an offer that exceeded my expectations. The negotiations were over quickly. So, I start back to work Feb 1. My uniform is golf shirts, and I need to go shopping with the clothing voucher they sent. I have to call Monday and get my vaccine and last work exam records faxed over, and on Tuesday, go to be fitted for my N95 mask, drug test, etc.

In the end, this one made the most sense. Not just the $, but I still get the time off & flexibility to travel for hopefully the next decade.

Congrats on the job offer, my friend! And golf shirts...nice! Although with me working from home it's jeans and t-****s for me. Once the office opens back up I'll most likely be in button downs. Flexibility in work is a good thing...that's great.

It's absolutely absurd right now. You are only allowed to speak out if it follows the narrative. Otherwise, you are cancelled.

I fear the plan is to make the national debt so unsustainable that we just implode. I won't be leaving my house to make it to jail. If it comes to that, then they can have my bullets. They will just be travelling really fast.

I do believe you're right. And I like how you plan on giving them the bullets.
The hospital called yesterday with an offer that exceeded my expectations. The negotiations were over quickly. So, I start back to work Feb 1.
In the end, this one made the most sense. Not just the $, but I still get the time off & flexibility to travel for hopefully the next decade.
Happy that it worked out so well for you. :)
Gotta love the science of that one. COVID gonna get you as it knows when you're shopping for an essential item vs a non-essential item. They tried that in Michigan, taping off items that the government deemed non-essential inside of Walmart. Apparently, COVID is so smart that it can even avoid sections inside the same store.
Except (at least here, I haven't watched everywhere else) it worked. Our numbers quadrupled (at least) when restrictions were (mostly) removed. When restrictions were put in place, the numbers came down again.
I know you're kidding about Covid being smart to avoid sections, but the science does work. You're just looking at it wrong.
Isn't rocket what we call arugula?
No idea
If it comes to that, then they can have my bullets. They will just be travelling really fast.
Bullets are one of the only things that only work after they're fired.


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