DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Morning, folks.
Rough night last night. I'm not exactly well-rested this morning.

I know I’ve misssed so much wisdom and good advice, but I’m to lazy to go back and read up on them...
You missed some great stuff. Remember that horrible problem that we were talking about? (Maybe you missed that too.) Well, it got solved! Now everyone's lives are so much better!!!!!!
Just let me know if anyone new showed up and need their official number,
Darcy already mentioned him. But here is the post.
I did hook up my two extra computer monitors and managed to separate then so I can have something different on each one. Let me tell you, that was a feat in of itself.
Congrats. Have a feeling I could do that. Frustrate the heck out of myself trying to do that, not actually accomplishing it.
Morning all. Watched a little NFL this weekend amidst other activities. I guess the biggest story is Mahomes' status for next week. Definitely not surprised on the Brady vs Bellicheat debate. Looking forward to maybe the last Brady vs Rodgers game.

We still have some snow on the ground, and I sure don't like walking in the cold. But, I like it better than walking indoors wearing the masks. Oh, and I need to push back the other day prediction. Biden will be ordering masks for 100 days. March ends the 1 year time line that all other pandemics have been measured and recorded. It will be the government under Biden that saves us with the extra 25 days, which will be May 1.

Morning, Gents. Hope everyone's weekend is going well. I spent yesterday hooking up my 2nd external computer monitor for my home office and figured out how to separate the 3 monitors so I can have 3 independent monitors. Now I'll be able to separate different programs on to each screen and have better work flow. I am, however, finding that the resolution changes when the 3rd screen is on making it difficult to click on something. For instance, to minimize something you click the "_" button. Well, in order to do that you have to move the cursor over about an 1/4 of an inch....make since? At first I thought the program had frozen, turned out the resolution was off. With 2 screens it's ok, but the 3rd messes things up a bit, so I'll work on it. I could always use just the two screens with no problem.

I found out that the program the company uses has a training area they call the "Playground." This allows people to sign in a training portal to continue to learn without messing up an actual patients records. Well, guess what I'm going to be doing on my time off? :teeth: I'm going to learn the Front Desk and Registration portion of that program inside out and backwards. I'm going to make myself indispensable. Well, that's it. I'll post a pic of the computer set up below. Have a good day, Gents, and we'll chat later.


Here's my current setup.
View attachment 550606

That's a nice looking set-up, and you're ready to get a lot of work done.

As for the passwords, I only have the one device now in my phone. It's when someone else gets a new device or a password is required on a tv streaming channel that I have to re-enter login info. Ugh.

I like watching those shows from time to time...makes we wish I had money.

I think it's less about the $ and more about the plan. Sure, if you desire the million $ beach front home, it's about the $. But, if you wanted to live close to the water and work, then it is surprisingly available. I've had my income reduced with retirement, but I've also reduced my expenses.

I guess I learned from my parents and/or my community that you work, go to fun places for a week or 2 of vacation a year, save your $ for 40 years, and hope to retire in a good place. Sadly, by example, I've taught my kids the same thing. In my words, I've told them to find those fun places sooner.

Coward!!! :lmao:


I would never made it in the NFL. I'd wear a parka under my jersey, and in the snow game, I'm staying down with an injury the rest of the game.

Garfield Comic Strip for January 18, 2021

I am back from my winter’s sleep. I know I’ve misssed so much wisdom and good advice, but I’m to lazy to go back and read up on them... Just let me know if anyone new showed up and need their official number, and Thank You for not burning the place down.

Classic Disdad effort, verifying that promotion to CBO. Have fun? Anything new?
Hello Gentlemen. New DISDad here. I've actually been in the FB group for a while but realized I've never posted in this thread. I am Kyle from Alabama and am addicted to traveling to Disney. Next trip is 2/12. Sad I missed the most recent meetup but hope I can come to a future one!

:welcome: WELCOME TO THE DISDAD'S CLUB CmdrThor! :welcome:

You have been added to The Official DISDad Members List on Page 1, Posts 8 & 9!:thumbsup2

Your Official Member Number is #872!

To see where else you can find the DISDads on the internet, please check out Post 3 on Page One!

If you would like anything added to Page One about yourself, please send me a PM. FYI, I do not add anything to page one about you without your permission.​

BTW, cool screen name...
Morning, folks.
Rough night last night. I'm not exactly well-rested this morning.

Bad night sleep?

Congrats. Have a feeling I could do that. Frustrate the heck out of myself trying to do that, not actually accomplishing it.

Thanks. It was touch and go there for a while with the frustration meter, but I managed to do some keep things calm and figured it out.

We still have some snow on the ground, and I sure don't like walking in the cold.

According to the weather app I have, we're due to get snow later this week(end)? Not sure how much, but something's coming in.

That's a nice looking set-up, and you're ready to get a lot of work done.

Thanks. Wasn't sure how it was going to fit on the desk, the desk isn't all that deep, but it managed to fit nicely. I'm hoping to be able to really get a lot done. I'm going to head out today and purchase a new chair, my current chair is close to 15 years old and has lost a lot of it's support. Also, it's not really made for long term sitting...I really feel it after a full day of sitting in it.

As for the passwords, I only have the one device now in my phone. It's when someone else gets a new device or a password is required on a tv streaming channel that I have to re-enter login info. Ugh.

Yeah, re-entering passwords in a new device is the worst.

I think it's less about the $ and more about the plan. Sure, if you desire the million $ beach front home, it's about the $. But, if you wanted to live close to the water and work, then it is surprisingly available. I've had my income reduced with retirement, but I've also reduced my expenses.

I like watching those shows to see how people do it. A lot of the ones I've watched was where both the husband and wife's work is all online, so as a result, have made the choice to live abroad and raise their family else where. I saw one a while back where the family chose to live in Paris. Now that would be nice.

I guess I learned from my parents and/or my community that you work, go to fun places for a week or 2 of vacation a year, save your $ for 40 years, and hope to retire in a good place. Sadly, by example, I've taught my kids the same thing. In my words, I've told them to find those fun places sooner.

I'm screwed when it comes to retirement. I didn't save for years because I was living, not quite paycheck to paycheck, but close. As a result, I didn't put a lot aside. Since I've been working full time out in the real world I've been putting money aside in 401K's, unfortunately my 401K got hit hard a few years ago, as did many, so I'll basically be working until I fall over. And that's my fault. I'm trying to make up for it now, though.
Evening fellas from a chilly mother country. Got all of the jobs done apart from sort out the tools, and I need one of my mates to move the arcade machine with me. 4 mile run yesterday, but was a little bit sleep deprived due to chatting with Darcy and a few others until 4am. Not the best training decision I've ever made. Lovely to catch up though.
So that turned into a 4 mile walk..
Not much on for the rest of the day.

Have a good one fellas.
Bad night sleep?
The worst. Insomnia til 1. Stomach bug til 3. Weird pain til 4. Dogs barking til 4:30. Got a bit until 7:30, then gave up.
4 mile run yesterday, but was a little bit sleep deprived due to chatting with Darcy and a few others until 4am. Not the best training decision I've ever made.
Was thinking of running today, but... after last night and it being -20C out right now... hesitating.
Evening fellas from a chilly mother country. Got all of the jobs done apart from sort out the tools, and I need one of my mates to move the arcade machine with me. 4 mile run yesterday, but was a little bit sleep deprived due to chatting with Darcy and a few others until 4am. Not the best training decision I've ever made. Lovely to catch up though.
So that turned into a 4 mile walk..
Not much on for the rest of the day.

Have a good one fellas.

We were glad you were able to stay awake.
Probably a good shout.
Well, it warmed up to -18C/0F so went for a quick 3K. Managed a sub 6 minute 1Km though, which I haven't been able to do since I got injured. So I'm reasonably happy.
Well that sucks. Hope you get a better night sleep tonight, my friend.
Oh, Lord. I do too.
Morning, Gents! Hope all is well. Everyone have a good weekend? I had a pretty good weekend, spent some money getting my home office updated and inline for what I need to work remotely, on my own dime, but my office is now set up the way I want it. I even went out yesterday and bought a brand spanky new gaming chair, the new leather smell is wonderful. Apparently these things are meant to be sat in for hours at a time, and since my sweet little back end will be sitting in it all day I wanted something comfortable. My old chair was nearly 15 years old, lost it's cushy seat and started losing the ability to adjust height wise, so it was time to go. I did wind up going in into work yesterday for a short time to re-start my computer at work. Apparently it hung up and wouldn't let me access my email. So I logged on first things this morning and will let it sit until it locks on me for lack of use. If it does, and I can't get back in, I may have to go into work...so let's hope that doesn't happen. I guess if I do have to head into work it wouldn't be the end of the world, but still. Well, that's it. Hope everyone has a good day, and we'll chat throughout.


Oh, Lord. I do too.

Well...how'd you sleep? I hate to say it, but I slept like a baby.
I hate to say it, but I slept like a baby.
You were up every couple of hours screaming at the top of your lungs demanding to be fed and changed? Hate that for you; you must be exhausted.

Oh, and by the way...
Hay, y'all.

Haven't been around much, but that's kind'a normal for January/February in my world. The Year-End process at work (combined with a few other things) keeps me rather off kilter for several weeks. Hope to catch up more in the near.

All Y'all take care.
You were up every couple of hours screaming at the top of your lungs demanding to be fed and changed? Hate that for you; you must be exhausted.

:lmao: Ok, I should rephrase that. I slept wonderfully. :lmao:

Oh, and by the way...
Hay, y'all.


Haven't been around much, but that's kind'a normal for January/February in my world. The Year-End process at work (combined with a few other things) keeps me rather off kilter for several weeks. Hope to catch up more in the near.

All Y'all take care.

We're glad you stopped by for a quick stop to say hello.
Another clear, cold day here. Snow has melted away at 34 degrees. Watching shows on Amazon Prime so I can avoid commercials on Hulu.

Didn't make it thru the last job interview round, so now, just waiting on the hospital offer. I guess if that falls through, then it's back to the application process. It's nice to not have to make that decision that involved working that many hours, but it would have been nice to have the offer.

Yes, and I tested negative for the rona, after having fun...

3/4 tested negative for the rona, after not having fun...

I'm screwed when it comes to retirement. I didn't save for years because I was living, not quite paycheck to paycheck, but close. As a result, I didn't put a lot aside. Since I've been working full time out in the real world I've been putting money aside in 401K's, unfortunately my 401K got hit hard a few years ago, as did many, so I'll basically be working until I fall over. And that's my fault. I'm trying to make up for it now, though.

You were out living though. It's best when you can get both.
I even went out yesterday and bought a brand spanky new gaming chair, the new leather smell is wonderful. Apparently these things are meant to be sat in for hours at a time, and since my sweet little back end will be sitting in it all day I wanted something comfortable.
I think that's a good investment. Seriously.
Well...how'd you sleep? I hate to say it, but I slept like a baby.
Gee, rub it in, why don'tcha? :laughing:
Slept okay. Went to bed around 12:45am and slept until the dog woke me at 5:30am. So almost 5 hours.
You were up every couple of hours screaming at the top of your lungs demanding to be fed and changed? Hate that for you; you must be exhausted.
Oh, and by the way...
Hay, y'all.

Haven't been around much, but that's kind'a normal for January/February in my world. The Year-End process at work (combined with a few other things) keeps me rather off kilter for several weeks. Hope to catch up more in the near.

All Y'all take care.
Nice seeing you around, Rob. Your name came up today, actually.
Was chatting with my youngest DD and she asked "Do you still see that guy that you missed seeing on your trip?"

Didn't make it thru the last job interview round, so now, just waiting on the hospital offer. I guess if that falls through, then it's back to the application process. It's nice to not have to make that decision that involved working that many hours, but it would have been nice to have the offer.
Sorry about not making the interview, but it sounds like you wouldn't have taken it anyways?


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