Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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I only see this in extreme people.

We just found out father-in-law, his wife and her two adult children are not wanting the vaccine (the adult children are not wanting it because their mother doesn't want it). The father-in-law will likely have to get it because of who he works for. However, they are people who wear masks in public never had an issue with it and will continue with it until such time they are given the all clear.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt here in not assuming they are one in the same. I think the vaccine, even as pro vaccine as I am, is more complicated to people than mask wearing even if both are a seemingly simple thing to do.
Of course, YMMV but I’m finding that those in my real life who are reluctant to get the vaccine are the same friends and family who were determined to live their lives as normal in 2020. And considered it their personal freedom to mask or not, gather, travel, and go out as they chose. Those of us “living in fear” could stay home.
Of course, YMMV but I’m finding that those in my real life who are reluctant to get the vaccine are the same friends and family who were determined to live their lives as normal in 2020. And considered it their personal freedom to mask or not, gather, travel, and go out as they chose. Those of us “living in fear” could stay home.
Oh well then that's more like your experience and then my experience can't dispute that :)

I am sure some anti-maskers who are also anti-vaccine are using the same reasoning for both. From what I'm seeing is actually a different skew..some who are pro-mask are vaccine-hesitant (I won't say anti-vaccine because that's not fair either IMO) and it's for different reasons than what is assumed by all which is why some of us try to keep them as a separate issue (mask and vaccine). There's some overlap in some cases but it's not as mutually exclusive. It would be dismissive IMO to delegate those who are vaccine-hesitant into a bucket that they don't fit in and assume they must also be anti-mask. But you're right YMMV. I can understand though where you're coming from because those around you are of a subgroup you're talking about.
My wife got hers today. She does IT for one of the local health systems. I'm hoping to have mine by April. I'm classified by the CDC as an "essential worker" with co-morbidities.
That's interesting she is in IT and got it. I would assume that's not as customer facing? Or maybe it is for her? Is her hospital system just giving the choice to all those who work there?
That's interesting she is in IT and got it. I would assume that's not as customer facing? Or maybe it is for her? Is her hospital system just giving the choice to all those who work there?

My hospital is giving it to anyone who wants it no matter your job title. They have enough doses for all 8000 employees.
My hospital is giving it to anyone who wants it no matter your job title. They have enough doses for all 8000 employees.
Wow! Glad all those people get the opportunity to get the vaccine, but in the meantime, my elderly parents with co-morbidities have to wait until spring to get the vaccine. :sad1:
Sounds like a use or lose it situation.
I understand that it is use or lose it situation, but why one hospital gets 8000 doses. Majority of hospitals in my state get 100-500 doses. I agree that frontline workers should be getting it first, but non-clinicians?
Wow! Glad all those people get the opportunity to get the vaccine, but in the meantime, my elderly parents with co-morbidities have to wait until spring to get the vaccine. :sad1:

I understand that it is use or lose it situation, but why one hospital gets 8000 doses. Majority of hospitals in my state get 100-500 doses. I agree that frontline workers should be getting it first, but non-clinicians?
Totally agree. I'm happy for those who want it and have gotten it. If I had the opportunity I would absolutely say yes. But meanwhile my 80 something parents have zero idea when they'll be able to get it.
That's interesting she is in IT and got it. I would assume that's not as customer facing? Or maybe it is for her? Is her hospital system just giving the choice to all those who work there?
My friend who does IT for the local hospital system got his last week. But I think his was more of a by chance thing than planned. He dropped something off right before the clinic was closing and he got it. I assume it was that or throw away the vial.
Well, this can get chaotic! :sad2:
Florida DOH Officials: County Residency Not Required for COVID-19 Vaccine
I can understand frustration based on initial information and subsequent clarifying but the way doses are being allocated is by population groups at the moment. Earlier on in October when my state and the one next to me sent their plans to the CDC it was stated in articles that with the vaccine registries it would allow us in my metro (which is shared between two states) the possibility to get the shot on the other side of the state line. The data is being shared between the two states (and actually AR also, CO and OK were interested in joining data sharing not sure if they've officially done it yet though) and in terms of doses that would have been accounted for if they are going to send someone across state lines.

In my area hospital systems are shared throughout the metro across both state lines. A resident may live in another county and work in another. Allocation, for example on a health care system, is based on just that where you work. CVS and Walgreens have doses allocated for long-term care facilities as a whole not only this county but not that county. The VA system here is that way as well.

When a vaccine is widely available and plentiful and up to someone's choice I could see being more selective based on someone's exact residency if that's what they want but right now that doesn't make as much sense, at least to me.

The article is correct that this is a Federal resource purchased by the Federal government. It is not the property of any one county or state for that matter.
Georgia has said the next round will include first responders, school employees and critical function employees (e.g. transportation/power/food processing). What got me is Phase 2. Correctional officers will get it in Phase 2 which is the same phase that inmates and the homeless will get it. I’m not a prison guard or work in anything remotely related but I think it’s a travesty that they weren’t included with first responders.
This may vary by state, however, my question is this: My DH is over 65 with medical issues that would put him in a high risk category, I am not yet 65, would I qualify to get the vaccine with him? I hadn’t thought about that but someone mentioned to me that since we live together, I would be bumped up due to DH. It will be what it will be, and will wait my turn but hadn’t seen that scenario addressed.
This may vary by state, however, my question is this: My DH is over 65 with medical issues that would put him in a high risk category, I am not yet 65, would I qualify to get the vaccine with him? I hadn’t thought about that but someone mentioned to me that since we live together, I would be bumped up due to DH. It will be what it will be, and will wait my turn but hadn’t seen that scenario addressed.
It’s going to be up to the state, and even up to the vaccinator. Most likely you wouldn’t be bumped ahead in line.
This may vary by state, however, my question is this: My DH is over 65 with medical issues that would put him in a high risk category, I am not yet 65, would I qualify to get the vaccine with him? I hadn’t thought about that but someone mentioned to me that since we live together, I would be bumped up due to DH. It will be what it will be, and will wait my turn but hadn’t seen that scenario addressed.
Yep, based on the state, hospital, clinic, etc... It never hurts to ask. In my state, 65 and older individuals get their vaccine in spring and less than 65 years get theirs in summer.
Spouses/family members of higher risk are NOT included in the same group be association. This would make it even harder to vaccinate in a timely manner/order.

Any healthcare worker is vaccinated as the system needs to work. Can't let IT, engineering, or housekeeping go down in the hospital. Imagine the guy who does the Oxygen lines gets sick....

Also there's the matter of rampup of the health system on capacities too. Best to work out the kinks internally on processes and flows to really get things going for mass vaccinations, and the best way to do this is the captured audience of own workforce.

Got my shot last weekend being 1A group. -- Moderna. Sore arm a few days. Worth it. Can't wait to get this out to the masses and onwards to DLR reopening.
My hospital is giving it to anyone who wants it no matter your job title. They have enough doses for all 8000 employees.
I dont agree with this. So a 35 year old IT or HR person who has no contact with patients gets one just because they work at a hospital but have no medical duties, but a 75 year old with diabetes who is at higher risk of having complications doesn’t. The 75 is more likely to contribute to the overwhelming of the healthcare system. My husband is 42 with a congenital heart disease that is high risk. He will get one earlier than some because he works at a government facility doing critical work, but normally he would fall behind a lot because he is too young even though he has pre-existing conditions. A friend who is a lawyer for the police dept (not an actual first responder) is getting one tomorrow but healthcare workers involved in actual patient care have not gotten one in my state...
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