I am a WDW noob and I literally have no idea what this is about ... do you mean because a bendy straw would be plastic and they're not doing those? :o
Correct! But I have metal reusable bendy straws 😂
this might've been the case before the closure but now that they are not physically checking your bag you can bring a plastic straw in without any issues.
Overall, we met so many lovely families that let Celery participate in their day. The family in line with us at HM was a highlight. The Daddy was so funny, kids so sweet, shared their misting fan. The pool had lovely children we played with. The slides were amazing. I felt mask compliance was adequate. SD was lacking sometimes, but that’s hard with little kids. They did so well with masks I wasn’t very worried. Food was great! Drinks were delicious! The airport was awful, though, and I usually have easy flights down. So that was a surprise. Now we see if we caught the Corona virus. 😬.
Separating people by groups
So if you're 10 you will be split up into different sections of 4 and 2
They can't let everyone sit together cause then you would be too close to close party
Fyi they're also separating groups at the frozen theater and once the other shows open i Imagine it'll be the same thing.
We were a group of 5 and we were not split up on the buses—there were two sections on the bus that could seat 5. So a group of 10 could be split in two groups. We did get split up at theaters though.

Where do you drink at? I know lines are a no no but for those of us who drink more with medication where should we look to navigate too? Thx :)
We would just walk to the side of the walkway away from foot traffic pull down masks briefly and take a sip, then pull them up. The issue with drinking in line is it is often indoors and people would abuse it (eg, hang mask off ear the hole time in line while intermittently sipping a drink). Nobody minds if you just step aside outdoors and take a quick sip.
this might've been the case before the closure but now that they are not physically checking your bag you can bring a plastic straw in without any issues.
Yes, I'm sorry to break the news. Disney Parks and Disney Cruise Line no longer uses the plastic straws, they are now recycled paper straws.
but they are perfectly content to sell you a reusable plastic novelty straw ;)
Seriously, if anyone brings a plastic straw in you won't have a problem
Thanks all!

I've taken to carrying my own straws lately (in a toothbrush holder in my purse) since I never know when I might not be given one.
Today was our last park day. We went to Animal Kingdom and we fly home tomorrow.

We got in line for the bus at 6:52 and there was already quite the line. The first bus showed up at 6:53. We were quite far back already so knew we wouldn't be on this bus. The next bus was at 7:06 and 3 buses came at once. We also did not get on these. We managed to get on a bus at 7:11.

There was wait to get in the park and when we got in we headed left while everyone else headed right to Pandora. We stopped for a quick breakfast and got to Dinosaur a few minutes before 8. We walked on and were given the option to ride a second time without getting off but chose not to. We then walked to expedition everest and walked on. Then did Kali River 3 times in a row without getting off.

At 9:04 we got in line for Kilamanjaro Safari and got on at 9:14. After this we went to Pandora. We chose not to ride Navi river because we think it's beautiful but not worth waiting for and the wait for it is just to long right now. We did get in line for Flight of passage at 10:05 and the ETA was 60 minutes. We got on at 10:56.

At this point we stopped for a break and tried to figure out what we should do next. My son's knee injury is still bothering him so the trails weren't appealing. We decided to go watch It's Tough to Be a Bug and the only wait was for the show that was on to end. Without the other shows there are limited things to do in Animal Kingdom to fill a day now so we didn't stay much longer.

I did notice that there were less people wearing masks properly (maybe due to the extra humidity in AK) the cast did remind people often though. Overall the day was slightly disappointing because of a mixture of physical ability and lack of things to do. Even finding a place to eat is difficult in AK right now.

We did have a great trip though.
@ellbell Is some of the water turned off/lessened still on Kali? I am considering riding it in November. I've never been on it, because I hate water rides and getting wet. Husband and son didn't get wet at all in July. I stayed back and held stuff.
@ellbell Is some of the water turned off/lessened still on Kali? I am considering riding it in November. I've never been on it, because I hate water rides and getting wet. Husband and son didn't get wet at all in July. I stayed back and held stuff.
I got wet but not all the water features are on. My son who was with me was damp but not as wet as I was. I got more wet on Splash Mountain.
What do you all think about putting a straw under the mask (if I had a bendy straw)? Then I could drink without even taking the mask off?

I am not debating one way or the other. I want to see what people think about this idea and whether it'd be acceptable or not.

To me that's fine, preferable even to the taking down the mask to drink assuming you sanitize your hands after you've messed with your mask. The way I see it, if you have your mask still covering your nose/mouth, then when you breathe between sips those droplets aren't escaping - or certainly not as many of them are. There are some masks out there that even have a sealed place to slip a straw into (forming a seal around the straw), then seals closed again, but I don't know if Disney would consider those inappropriate as having a "hole" in it even though no air or droplets can escape. I'll probably be taking a couple on my trip this winter, along with regular masks to be on the safe side, and we'll see what happens.

BTW Disney doesn't care if you have a disposable plastic straw at any park except at AK, they just don't give them out anymore. And you can get a variety of reusable bendy straws, both metal and silicone, pretty cheap on Amazon and carry them with you. I prefer the silicone because they're easier to maneuver to my mouth without having to worry about the angle so much, but they are a bit thicker/bigger around than the metal ones.
I got wet but not all the water features are on. My son who was with me was damp but not as wet as I was. I got more wet on Splash Mountain.
They are not doing the thing where people on the bridge can spray you--that one used to be a big drencher if you wound up in the path of getting sprayed. But you'll still get splashed just from the boat going down the rapids.
I know that listed vs actual opening times are a bit of a moving target right now but.... can any of you that have been there recently, comment on the “actual” time that the gates opened at each park? We plan to Uber rope drop each day and I just want to get an idea of how early to get to each park to be near the front of the line. Thanks!!
This was for a 10am opening, right? Were the buses or Skyliner running? If not, I presume this is just people walking from the Epcot resorts.

Yes, 10am opening. Only walkers except there was one couple who got dropped off closer to 9 and they tried to cut to the front of the line. I thought we were going to end up iin a brawl!!!
Good morning! Thank you to everyone who was posting on here prior to our trip! We went to WDW Sept. 13-20, and work has been super hectic since my return, so I'm just now getting on the DisBoards again!

I have started a trip report mainly to share our experiences with things since the WDW re-opening. If anyone would like to read along or has any questions feel free to check it out. It's titled "Retirement Means I'm Going to Disney! The COVID Edition."



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