Marathon Weekend 2021

I don’t know maybe I just want to be disappointed and take in this news and not worry about future runDisney races. I think it’s a bit ridiculous to sit here and speculate that we have run our last runDisney races. We are in the middle of a pandemic still. Nobody is putting on major races right now and runDisney races are huge world class events. Maybe keep the negative thoughts to yourself once in a while.

Yep, this is basically exactly my feeling. We're still dealing with this pandemic. Something being canceled now means literally nothing about what will happen in a year from now or two years from now or ten years from now. I believe that runDisney will do in-person races as soon as they feel it's safe to do so. Things will get back to some form of normal. It may not be the normal we're used to, but I have no reason to believe that runDisney won't be part of Disney's version of normal and I have no idea why people seem to think it won't.
I feel like as long as I haven't run Dopey, there will be live races so that people can continue to try to talk me into running Dopey. But now I'm thinking maybe I should just bite the bullet and register for the full shebang in 2022. #thinkingpositive

I agree! DO IT!! It just makes sense and plenty of time to train, right?
If Florida is off the quarantine list for CT I will still go. If I can’t this will be my third trip at Boardwalk canceled thanks to COVID😭.
My running partner already said she’s heading to a different race instead that weekend. So it looks like it will be a relaxing weekend alone for me if I can go! Maybe I will keep the virtual half and do it on property.
May have missed it, but I'm assuming if we ordered the LE Magicband with the register we wouldn't be getting that even if we continue with the virtual option?
Yes no merch (for W&D my sister is bummed about not getting her 5th anniversary 10k medal so I’m going to DIY one for her)

Considering how well the virtuals have been selling, does anyone get the sneaky feeling we may have already run our last in person races at WDW? #newnormal
I would not be shocked if they allocated medals at a 60/40 split for live bands virtual spots when things stabilize

as for me I’m 90% sure I’m refunding my 10k as the only reason I signed up in the first place was I was cautiously optimistic that it being a few months after w&d and it not being sold to full capacity I’d get my rundisney fix...maybe if you had to be accountable and submit time it would be different but it’s too pricey for a glorified training run
We’ll take the refund. Also just canceled our Jan DVC reservation and was happy that they allowed us to put the points we borrowed from our 2021 use year back without penalty. Also canceled our hotel reservation for the Feb run. Feeling depressed, we might need ice cream.
My hubby isn’t into virtual races, so usually wouldn’t consider, but he is into Oswald. Are there any pics of the medals yet that I just haven’t run across. They released the Virtual Series pics before registration, but this announcement is coming only two days before the registration for virtual opens up for these.
My hubby isn’t into virtual races, so usually wouldn’t consider, but he is into Oswald. Are there any pics of the medals yet that I just haven’t run across. They released the Virtual Series pics before registration, but this announcement is coming only two days before the registration for virtual opens up for these.

Pics just released on run disney instagram.
I just wanted to let you all know how sorry I am for you. It sucks. I hope you are all able to plan for a different year. I totally disagree with the idea that in person races are done. To me that makes no sense. There’s a reason for not having them right now and I don’t see any reason for not having them once this passes. I agree that registration for 2022 is going to be insane! Think I’m looking towards 2023 for another Dopey run.
Considering how well the virtuals have been selling, does anyone get the sneaky feeling we may have already run our last in person races at WDW? #newnormal
I sure hope that you are wrong, but you do raise a legitimate point.

As I understand the situation, runDisney began in a large part to increase traffic to the parks (and all of the other ancillary revenue) during traditionally slow periods. I do not know how profitable the races are in direct terms, but I do know that there are really no longer many, if any, slow periods. If Disney can make a nice profit selling virtual races, and does need need the extra attendance, then it is conceivable that they could decide to transition to virtual only. The current pandemic has given many companies cover to make changes that would have been much more difficult pre-covid.

Having said all that, I still hope your sneaky feeling is misplaced.
I would not be shocked if they allocated medals at a 60/40 split for live bands virtual spots when things stabilize

as for me I’m 90% sure I’m refunding my 10k as the only reason I signed up in the first place was I was cautiously optimistic that it being a few months after w&d and it not being sold to full capacity I’d get my rundisney fix...maybe if you had to be accountable and submit time it would be different but it’s too pricey for a glorified training run
What sense does that make? Either you’re going to have a virtual event or you have an in person event. They aren’t going to “split” it.
I sure hope that you are wrong, but you do raise a legitimate point.

As I understand the situation, runDisney began in a large part to increase traffic to the parks (and all of the other ancillary revenue) during traditionally slow periods. I do not know how profitable the races are in direct terms, but I do know that there are really no longer many, if any, slow periods. If Disney can make a nice profit selling virtual races, and does need need the extra attendance, then it is conceivable that they could decide to transition to virtual only. The current pandemic has given many companies cover to make changes that would have been much more difficult pre-covid.

Having said all that, I still hope your sneaky feeling is misplaced.
It doesn’t seem right now that travel will have much of a problem rebounding post pandemic but if it does they may need runDisney more than ever. The races themselves don’t make them much if any money. It’s the people in resorts, and in the parks spending money that do. Bringing 50,000+ people in January does a lot. I’d be hard pressed to see them just say nope and go virtual for eternity.
It doesn’t seem right now that travel will have much of a problem rebounding post pandemic but if it does they may need runDisney more than ever. The races themselves don’t make them much if any money. It’s the people in resorts, and in the parks spending money that do. Bringing 50,000+ people in January does a lot. I’d be hard pressed to see them just say nope and go virtual for eternity.
That's exactly what will make thongs very interesting. If folks are slow in returning to the parks and a new normal remains undefined and/or changing, then you are absolutely correct. For the same reasons that runDisney started, they can be huge in bringing people back in 2021 and 2022.

If the opposite occurs and the parks quickly fill back up, then perhaps the future of runDisney will be debated by senior management.

My personal guess (and a guess made without the benefit of facts) is that parks will fill slowly, and in person races will start up again.
That's exactly what will make thongs very interesting. If folks are slow in returning to the parks and a new normal remains undefined and/or changing, then you are absolutely correct. For the same reasons that runDisney started, they can be huge in bringing people back in 2021 and 2022.

If the opposite occurs and the parks quickly fill back up, then perhaps the future of runDisney will be debated by senior management.

My personal guess (and a guess made without the benefit of facts) is that parks will fill slowly, and in person races will start up again.

Yeah there is a group that will go back quickly like we are seeing but I think there is also a pretty large group that will be slow in returning. Will be interesting to watch. Over the past few months we've gotten conditioned to try to avoid crowds and that is going to stay with people for a while. That stretch between when you leave the corral and head to the start line on some of the rundisney races makes me shudder to thing about right now. It isn't fun on normal but right now I can't image being that tightly packed with other people. How long is it going to take us to get over that? I have no idea.


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