Are you sending your kids to school next month?

I just had a conversation with a teacher friend about students falling behind . She said,"Behind who?" She's right. Every school district in the nation is dealing with this. So try not to worry too much. Take care.

Do we not care about the rest of the world then? Just this country? If so then yeah I agree - everyone is behind in this country.

I care about it - I'm sure I'll get flamed for it - but I don't think we should lower standards just because everyone else is also falling behind....
Our county mayor just announced an extension to our mask mandate. The school district was only encouraging masks and not requiring. Now, all middle & high school students, teachers and staff must wear a mask in the building for at least the first 4 weeks of school (unless the mandate gets extended). The level if vitriol on the district FB page is amazing. I really think these people don't care if their kid gets it or brings it home. They are too busy calling everyone sheeple and demonizing the "democratic" states. I really hate living here sometimes.
Our county mayor just announced an extension to our mask mandate. The school district was only encouraging masks and not requiring. Now, all middle & high school students, teachers and staff must wear a mask in the building for at least the first 4 weeks of school (unless the mandate gets extended). The level if vitriol on the district FB page is amazing. I really think these people don't care if their kid gets it or brings it home. They are too busy calling everyone sheeple and demonizing the "democratic" states. I really hate living here sometimes.
When our governor announced a mask mandate she just made it "will remain in place until rescinded or until the current statewide State of Disaster Emergency expires – whichever is earlier." with a start date of July 3rd. I *think* the State of Disaster Emergency expires for us September 15th, 2020 at this point (having already been extended/replaced). The city on the other side of the state line from me initially had their mask mandate set to expire for 2 weeks...that was in no way going to be enough time and when it came time to extend it they just said "indefinitely"

At this point the safer bet in terms of public compliance, IMO, and overall issues is to probably just allow things to be either far out into the future or just no end date. One of the big frustrations during stay at home order time period was the feeling of never-ending extensions.
Our county mayor just announced an extension to our mask mandate. The school district was only encouraging masks and not requiring...The level if vitriol on the district FB page is amazing. I really think these people don't care if their kid gets it or brings it home. They are too busy calling everyone sheeple and demonizing the "democratic" states. I really hate living here sometimes.
Where are you? Keep in mind that angry online posters frequently do not not represent majority opinion.
But this is how the spread starts. Johnny Invincible's parents think the whole thing is a hoax so they send him to school even though he has reason to believe he could have COVID. Johnny goes to school for 2 days, sharing the classroom air with his pod. During those 2 days, his teacher, his classmates, etc are exposed. I hope Johnny wore his mask.

This will play over and over as s hools reopen and the re close around the country
And it only takes one kid to make a hundred sick ...
I think the point is if your child has an IEP, it will take them longer to catch up once school resumes.
I feel good about our school's plan for the kids with special needs: we will "meet" with our classes each day online -- not just put work up but will have an online meeting each day. Each class has one hour set aside (with a 10 minute break in between), and the class won't necessarily meet for the whole hour -- the teacher might lecture for 15 minutes, then say, "Now go use the material we just covered to complete this assignment. Anyone who has questions, stay on. Otherwise, go begin today's assignment."

We have an "extra time slot" set apart for special ed students who need to work with their mentor teacher OR any students who just need help. Special ed teachers will have a "set appointment" with their kids during those times (So a kid might know that -- in addition to his normal classes -- he will "meet" with his mentor teacher on Tuesdays and Thursdays to work together on math.). It's as good a plan as we'll have in today's weird climate.
Where are you? Keep in mind that angry online posters frequently do not not represent majority opinion.
Yes, louder and more frequent doesn't mean majority opinion.
I'm learning new words every day. I had to look up Vitriol.
That's more of an old-fashioned word that's been brought out and dusted off. It's nice to visit with those old words.
I waited to see my districts re-opening plan they submitted to the Governor for approval. It didn't thrill me. They want me to drive my 6 year old to his first grade classroom every day from 11:30am and pick him up at 2pm. My other choice is all Google Classroom until January. I *loathe* the google classroom. I don't need to spend hours every week being stuck next to my son because he can't operate a computer that well as we watch his classmates pick their noses and eat on the screen in front of us (for the life of me I don't know why their parents near by don't stop them). This was a very easy choice for me, I sent in my letter of intent to the superintendent letting them know we will be homeschooling this year for 1st grade. I have already taught my son far more on my own than he ever has learned in school, I know I'm capable of doing this. When/If they have a vaccine available during this school year, I will re-enroll him back in. I'm just not dealing with the driving him for 2.5 hours or dealing with the non-learning in the Google Classroom because it's a big waste of time. I do feel terrible for the teachers and the positions they are in. I don't blame them for my dislike of the Google classroom, no one ever expected to have to teach kindergarten or 1st grade remote. Or have to teach kids during a pandemic and risk getting ill or getting their families sick. It's just not what anyone signed up for and I'm doing what I need to to get my son through the year and maintain sanity for him and myself.
Again was responding to the question of how quick the test results were for that state clarifying what had happened for this student.

Peeps I'm not making statements that it's not how it begins or whatnot. I understand spread so please stop replying to me saying this is how it begins (no offense and not trying to be harsh or on a personal aspect more of a general statement) as if I'm saying something the contrary. I was just stating what happened to this student as in he was positive before he went into the school building and clearly this district and probably others failed to account for the waiting for test results. That's it :flower3:
True. You are right, but so is the other poster. Like teachers have said over and over. Parents send kids to school sick, so they will send them with pending tests, even if a sibling or parent tested positive, etc. It is human nature and they will do it regardless of the posted rules. No, he did not catch it there, but now may have passed it on. We will have to see. This kind of behavior IS how it starts.
True. You are right, but so is the other poster. Like teachers have said over and over. Parents send kids to school sick, so they will send them with pending tests, even if a sibling or parent tested positive, etc. It is human nature and they will do it regardless of the posted rules. No, he did not catch it there, but now may have passed it on. We will have to see. This kind of behavior IS how it starts.
*Sigh* where did I say the poster was wrong? Where did I say I was saying something to the contrary? All rhetorical not looking for an actual response. I politely requested in the comment you quoted to not be quoted on something that I had already explained that I wasn't saying anything to the contrary and was just explaining what that particular situation was with that student... please stop trying to put words in my mouth please and thank you :) :) Not trying to be harsh but this would be the third time of saying the same thing......
*Sigh* where did I say the poster was wrong? Where did I say I was saying something to the contrary? All rhetorical not looking for an actual response. I politely requested in the comment you quoted to not be quoted on something that I had already explained that I wasn't saying anything to the contrary and was just explaining what that particular situation was with that student... please stop trying to put words in my mouth please and thank you :) :) Not trying to be harsh but this would be the third time of saying the same thing......
Oh my goodness. Just ignore the comments if you don’t like them.
I'm a teacher in elementary school in FL (rural area), and I'm looking forward to getting back into the classroom.
The district had its meetings and submitted their plans.... some I agree with, some not, but nothing drastic enough for me to rethink my career.
(no masks for K-2, no temperature check for anyone, no social distancing/smaller classes to make it possible)

The one thing I'm not happy about, and I think many parents don't realize, is what the health department representative explained at the last two meetings.
When someone tests positive, his/her identity may not be revealed for privacy reasons unless that person/or parent chooses to make it public. However, the health department will do their best to find out who the individual has been in close contact with and send out letters to those people. Everyone receiving the letter will be asked to quarantine for 10/14 days, but they are not mandated to do so.
Even worse: the individual who is tested positive cannot even be refused entry into the school unless they have 100.4 or higher fever! The schools may only mandate that students who they measured a fever with are to stay home for 48 hours. Technically the rule is that a student needs to be free of a fever for 48 hours, but in reality, we do not know what happens at home, so it's 48 hours from the moment that the school itself identified the fever.

This might be different in your state, but I would double-check.
the individual who is tested positive cannot even be refused entry into the school unless they have 100.4 or higher fever!
That's nuts. Sheer stupidity. Thank goodness that is not the norm around the country.

Are you sure that's even accurate? It's so extremely reckless and illogical, a policy of letting diagnosed Covid positive students into the school unless they also run a fever.

I'm wondering if someone misstated or misinterpreted the policy.
Our county mayor just announced an extension to our mask mandate. The school district was only encouraging masks and not requiring. Now, all middle & high school students, teachers and staff must wear a mask in the building for at least the first 4 weeks of school (unless the mandate gets extended). The level if vitriol on the district FB page is amazing. I really think these people don't care if their kid gets it or brings it home. They are too busy calling everyone sheeple and demonizing the "democratic" states. I really hate living here sometimes.

We may be neighbors! The amount who deny and create drama is appalling.

Where are you? Keep in mind that angry online posters frequently do not not represent majority opinion.

This is what I’m holding on to. The angry online posters have me nervous about going into a classroom where I will enforce the mask rule. I don’t want to be constantly griped out by angry parents.
Heather, just curious, when did this student start school?? A lot of articles people post I can't read all the way thru because of my ad blocker. Again, I'm interested on how quick a student shows symptoms, gets a test and then has the results???

I do appreciate when you keep us DISers on top of things! :goodvibes

One article says the school district began its fall semester on Monday.
That's nuts. Sheer stupidity. Thank goodness that is not the norm around the country.

Are you sure that's even accurate? It's so extremely reckless and illogical, a policy of letting diagnosed Covid positive students into the school unless they also run a fever.

I'm wondering if someone misstated or misinterpreted the policy.
Nuts indeed.
It's what the local person from state the health department said. The board members were shocked (it was a live and in-person meeting) and questioned him on it. He was adamant that it was true.


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