Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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I was more referring to this quote:

“You can't layoff enough people in WDI. The place needs to be shut down and padlocked. Then after a period of time, you bring it back to life. With new people, with new dreams. And without this tired bunch of talentless hacks.”
I dunno, this sort of reeks of a disgruntled ex employee to me, celebrating that Disney has fallen on hard times. Not saying these things couldn't happen, I have absolutely no idea. But it does read that way to me.
I dunno, this sort of reeks of a disgruntled ex employee to me, celebrating that Disney has fallen on hard times. Not saying these things couldn't happen, I have absolutely no idea. But it does read that way to me.
Many of these Disney "purists" are thrilled with this sort of stuff. They hope the company will be reborn to the way they want to whatever.
Regarding layoffs and the ability to cut, I have been surprised this week to see how many CMs there are working in the parks. I assume there must be some minimum for safety reasons, but I thought there would be fewer than what I have seen. For example, I think there were five CMs working Living with the Land and there was zero queue and we were the only people on the boat and no one in the boat ahead of us. The CMs outnumbered the guests.
Even with the reservation system I think they are walking a fine line between making sure they have enough staff to keep things orderly (they especially don't need any more DFB click bait photos of globs of people in front of rides), making sure their CMs can put food on the table and have a place to sleep, and not staffing too heavily where they are losing extra money daily. But I think after the financials call next week the amount of CMs in the parks will be decreasing :(
Didn't Chapek comment about how demand was solid during the last call? (or shortly after?)
Demand isn't normally an issue. I think even now demand is there but there are restrictions that people can't get around in some instances. International travel is basically non-existent. And domestic travel has 14-day quarantine restrictions hindering people. So people may want to go but they are being stopped due to these things.
You seemed to have missed the entire point of masks. Places being lax are what will keep us in this virus cycle for the foreseeable future.
As much as I was anti-mask a couple months ago- I ain’t anymore. I wear my masks out and I’d wear them to Disney! Except I can’t get to WDW for a couple months to make up for my late March AP trip cancelled by COVID but Disney won’t extend my AP long enough to get me there. So I’ll take my $40 cash refund instead of dropping $2-3k on a WDW trip a couple months from now (hey, I splurge at the Mouse!).

Only in the world of Disney does that math make sense. And I think we’re starting to learn COVID 2020s even Disney Math... Alienating your most ardent fans because you just know normal folks cannot wait to pay tip dollar for your limited offerings- OMG 😂 This train wreck is spectacularly fascinating.

SO- here’s my q! What would YOU have done? I know folks have things they would have done differently and I’m interested in what they are. Personally I can only see from my own pissed off perspective so I want to know some others 🤣... I’d have opened up a lot more AP slots. Ran deals on meals for APs. Gotten them to clear out the old merch (Disney is doing this- minus they actually letting them into the park part). AND offered something crazy to stay with the company during these trying times- like a half price renewal to lock 2020 expirations into Disney for their first post-COVID trip once they were ready to travel again with the full knowledge holidays would book, most would get cancelled and folks would finally start using those APs renewed this year second half of 2021.

Pissing off APs to the point they opt for cash refunds no matter how small the amount would absolutely have been at the bottom of my list.
Well, that's a good point. No way would I think about going if our state had a quarantine. I just feel sad though, that as more and more things are cut, or hours or events or what not, demand will lessen even more. It's a classic death spiral it seems to me unless something can break the trend. Kinda like Tinks light going out in Peter Pan ... sad.
As much as I was anti-mask a couple months ago- I ain’t anymore. I wear my masks out and I’d wear them to Disney! Except I can’t get to WDW for a couple months to make up for my late March AP trip cancelled by COVID but Disney won’t extend my AP long enough to get me there. So I’ll take my $40 cash refund instead of dropping $2-3k on a WDW trip a couple months from now (hey, I splurge at the Mouse!).

Only in the world of Disney does that math make sense. And I think we’re starting to learn COVID 2020s even Disney Math... Alienating your most ardent fans because you just know normal folks cannot wait to pay tip dollar for your limited offerings- OMG 😂 This train wreck is spectacularly fascinating.

SO- here’s my q! What would YOU have done? I know folks have things they would have done differently and I’m interested in what they are. Personally I can only see from my own pissed off perspective so I want to know some others 🤣... I’d have opened up a lot more AP slots. Ran deals on meals for APs. Gotten them to clear out the old merch (Disney is doing this- minus they actually letting them into the park part). AND offered something crazy to stay with the company during these trying times- like a half price renewal to lock 2020 expirations into Disney for their first post-COVID trip once they were ready to travel again with the full knowledge holidays would book, most would get cancelled and folks would finally start using those APs renewed this year second half of 2021.

Pissing off APs to the point they opt for cash refunds no matter how small the amount would absolutely have been at the bottom of my list.

Quick cash? All APs are frozen and anyone who wants to come needs to buy tickets :ssst: . No that would have been a disaster lol.

What could they have done different to draw people (and their money) in more? I’m honesty not sure much. There are only so many restaurants open. There is only so much merch you can push and if you have to deeply discount it it may not be worth it given the other drops in spending from normal times. There are only so many people who will come stay at a resort right now, and the further you discount the less worthwhile it becomes to host more and more guests. I really think the major issues are out of their hands, that being inability/unwillingness to go.
They won't announce doom and gloom during the call. They will want to make things look as good as they can even though they will be terrible. You say a bunch of negatives and stock price goes down even further.
There’s a part of me that would love to see Chapek stumble his way through explaining enacting these doom and gloom scenarios to analysts on the call next week 😆
Even with the reservation system I think they are walking a fine line between making sure they have enough staff to keep things orderly (they especially don't need any more DFB click bait photos of globs of people in front of rides), making sure their CMs can put food on the table and have a place to sleep, and not staffing too heavily where they are losing extra money daily. But I think after the financials call next week the amount of CMs in the parks will be decreasing :(
I'm here now and I am shocked, and I mean shocked at the amount of CMs who are seemingly doing nothing of value. For example today, at world of Disney we saw a CM holding a handheld social distancing sign while just about two feet away was the exact same sign on a metal stand. We also saw that at AK today when two CM who were holding this same sign were about 10 feet away from each other and having a conversation. There's CM in line who's only job is to tell you when to walk to the next social distance marker on the floor, something you've done on your own the entire line up to that point. Insanely enough, the amount of lifeguards doesn't seem to have increased and that's where masks and social distancing are pretty relaxed. I've also noticed what I assume to be middle management (dressed real nice) just basically standing around seemingly everywhere and trying to looks busy. I usually take most rumors with a grain of salt, but man the amount of money going to people who at face value are doing nothing meaningful has me worried.
Do we think the parks could drop to 5 days a week pre-labor day?
Anything is possible 😔 If you’re headed down there soon I’d be ready to be very flexible just because of these new rumors. Hopefully if enacted it would be a rotational type basis so a park or two is always open.

But what a mess for the Park Reservation system. Can IT even handle such a drastic change with moving all who have already booked to another park?
Anything is possible 😔 If you’re headed down there soon I’d be ready to be very flexible. Hopefully if enacted it would be a rotational type basis so a park or two is always open.

But what a mess for the Park Reservation system. Can IT even handle such a drastic change with moving all who have already booked to another park?

That’s what the castle screen is for. ;)

It could be like when your ride went down you were holding a FP for. An “any park” pass, with an asterisk excluding DHS.

(Feel the need to make clear for anyone not completely reading every post that this is wild speculation at this point, we have no concrete reason to believe parks are closing)
Anything is possible 😔 If you’re headed down there soon I’d be ready to be very flexible just because of these new rumors. Hopefully if enacted it would be a rotational type basis so a park or two is always open.

But what a mess for the Park Reservation system. Can IT even handle such a drastic change with moving all who have already booked to another park?

I am going down soon! :( 11 days. Man that would be tough to monkey with all the reservations. That’s an excellent point about the IT.
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