The Running Thread - 2020

Did the mile time trial today. put an out-grown kids shoe over the speed readout on the screen so i wouldn't be able to see the number and have it get in my head. started it at 6.7 and adjusted as needed with the +/- button. Ran it in 9:18, and I feel like i maybe could have gone a little bit faster (like maybe 9:10? who knows. maybe not.)

I had a feeling you would beat the 9:42 based on the 33 min 5k. This is what I get now:

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Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 5.08.47 PM.png

I dropped the speed down to 4.6 and was able to do another mile without needing to walk at all. was easy. IMAGINE THAT! :rolleyes::rotfl::rotfl2:


And that 4.6 mph pace (13:03 min/mile) would be your Easy B pace according to the continuous pacing chart. So it's a good sign to see that you find that continuous pace easy as it lines up with the mile time trial test.

That looks completely doable on paper, AND lines up almost perfectly with the half marathon my SIL wants to run for her birthday, with a couple of scheduling issues. We are going to WDW for our [rescheduled] anniversary trip during the last full week of august barring any shut-downs or quarantine/stay-home orders. There will be no running that week. It just won't happen unless the fitness centers are open because I don't relish the idea of running around by myself in FL heat.

So would that be a HM on around 10/18 (12 weeks)?

The August WDW trip (8/24-8/30) would fall on Week 5 of the training plan. So if the race is on 10/18ish, then that's Week 5 on the below.


Having to miss Week 5 and being ready for the HM in Week 12 isn't the worst thing in the world. I would give yourself equal time return to equal time off. So the trip would cover a week, which means it'll take roughly a week of training before you'll feel normal again. So I would skip the Week 6 5k mock race and just do 3 miles easy instead.

The long runs will be a challenge to fit in. That's complete honesty. Nap time is when I try to get all of my "attention-required" chores done, and I would have to put the runs into that time slot unless I did the jogging stroller thing and pushing a baby AND running for 2+ hours seems like it could be a special kind of torture. Who knows though, maybe by then I'll be used to it from the shorter runs? If it ever cools off. Ugh. OH! And we just found out from our neighbor that we have a large black bear in the area. Super.

So how about limiting the long runs to a max of 2 hours then? Would that help? Your LR pace is either 12:30 (continuous) or 13:30 (using run/walk). So a max of 2 hours would be 9.6 miles (continuous) or 8.8 miles (run/walk). I think with the other training days, that's completely reasonable to be able to do the HM at the end of the training plan. I've successfully had LOTS of runners do a max of 14-15 miles and still run a marathon (26.2). The least I had for a runner was 9 miles for a marathon. So there are definitely ways to make it work. The caveat is there is a lot more to the accomplishment of these runners then a very simplistic view of just the length of the long run.

So if you limited the LR to 2 hours, then I'd adjust the above to the following for the weekends:

W1 - 4 mi
W2 - 5 mi
W3 - 4 mi
W4 - 5 mi
W5 - OFF
W6 - 3 miles
W7 - 6 mi
W8 - 7 mi
W9 - 10k mock race
W10 - 8 mi
W11 - 9 mi
W12 - HM race

As for pacing, if you do continuous training, then Tues/Thurs should be around the EA/EB pacing, Sat should be around the LR pace, and Wed "pace" days could be done at HM Tempo (11:05 min/mile). Doing 55 min of HM Tempo is completely reasonable (it's about the max I typically schedule). I'd consider adding a 5-10 min WU before doing the HM Tempo pace.

If you choose to do run/walk instead, then I would suggest doing the Easy/LR pacing for Tues/Thurs/Sat and for Wed "pace" days use the HM Tempo interval suggestion of either 120/30 at 10:10/17:00 or 80/30 at 9:49/17:00. Two different options for those that like the long game or the short sprints.

If you choose to do the mock 10k in Week 9, then one suggestion I would make is not doing the Week 10 five mile pace run as in my opinion it carries a bit of risk that you might not find worth it. Maybe a 2.5 mi easy + 2.5 mi paced run would be safer.

How does all of that sound?
So would that be a HM on around 10/18 (12 weeks)?

The August WDW trip (8/24-8/30) would fall on Week 5 of the training plan. So if the race is on 10/18ish, then that's Week 5 on the below.

Having to miss Week 5 and being ready for the HM in Week 12 isn't the worst thing in the world. I would give yourself equal time return to equal time off. So the trip would cover a week, which means it'll take roughly a week of training before you'll feel normal again. So I would skip the Week 6 5k mock race and just do 3 miles easy instead.

So how about limiting the long runs to a max of 2 hours then? Would that help? Your LR pace is either 12:30 (continuous) or 13:30 (using run/walk). So a max of 2 hours would be 9.6 miles (continuous) or 8.8 miles (run/walk). I think with the other training days, that's completely reasonable to be able to do the HM at the end of the training plan. I've successfully had LOTS of runners do a max of 14-15 miles and still run a marathon (26.2). The least I had for a runner was 9 miles for a marathon. So there are definitely ways to make it work. The caveat is there is a lot more to the accomplishment of these runners then a very simplistic view of just the length of the long run.

So if you limited the LR to 2 hours, then I'd adjust the above to the following for the weekends:

W1 - 4 mi
W2 - 5 mi
W3 - 4 mi
W4 - 5 mi
W5 - OFF
W6 - 3 miles
W7 - 6 mi
W8 - 7 mi
W9 - 10k mock race
W10 - 8 mi
W11 - 9 mi
W12 - HM race

How does all of that sound?

THIS IS COMPLETELY AMAZING. I'm going to print out all of these fantastic suggestions and charts so I can easily reference it. Seriously. Thank you so much for taking the time to spell all of this out and help someone like me who has no idea what they are doing other than logging some miles and increasing the distance on their long runs. If I had kept up what I was doing I would more than likely have quit about 3 weeks in (or done what I've been doing which is keeping myself busy enough with other projects that 'Oops! didn't have time to run today.'

The HM SIL wants to run is 10/3. So a little sooner than you thought, but I figured I would just call this week week 1 and start with week 2.

Next question is....for the week I'll miss because of the I just skip that week on the training log, or do I just pause for the week and resume when I get back?
THIS IS COMPLETELY AMAZING. I'm going to print out all of these fantastic suggestions and charts so I can easily reference it. Seriously. Thank you so much for taking the time to spell all of this out and help someone like me who has no idea what they are doing other than logging some miles and increasing the distance on their long runs. If I had kept up what I was doing I would more than likely have quit about 3 weeks in (or done what I've been doing which is keeping myself busy enough with other projects that 'Oops! didn't have time to run today.'

Happy to help!

The HM SIL wants to run is 10/3. So a little sooner than you thought, but I figured I would just call this week week 1 and start with week 2.

Next question is....for the week I'll miss because of the I just skip that week on the training log, or do I just pause for the week and resume when I get back?

Alright, so how about the following:


7/27 - W1 w/ 4 mi LR
8/3 - W2 w/ 5 mi LR
8/10 - W3 w/ 6 mi LR
8/17 - W4 w/ 7 mi LR
8/24 - OFF (WDW trip)
8/31 - W6 w/ 5 mi LR (not 5k race)
9/7 - W7 w/ 8 mi LR
9/14 - W10 w/ 9 mi LR
9/21 - W11 w/ 6 mi LR
9/28 - W12 (HM race weekend)

I'd caution that this is a fairly short training plan. So while the pacing structure earlier says a 2:25 HM, I would't aim for that as you're more likely not prepared for that just yet. Especially since it's your first one, just enjoy the moment and even consider taking it at your Easy/LR pace.
More info about the Garmin attack. It looks like ransomware asking for a $10 payout and Garmin did shut down systems to stop the spread.

Bleeping Computer
It's $10 MILLION - which really isn't that much for a company the size of Garmin. However, no telling if the crooks would ask for more even if Garmin agrees to it.

One thing from the article in Forbes that I hadn't thought of is that pilots (and sailors too) depend on Garmin for navigation. So while it is very annoying for all of us that we can't upload our runs, bike rides and swims - it is potentially crippling for those in aviation and for those who make their living on the water.
10 bucks doesn’t seem like much :rotfl:

Oops, corrected that.

It's $10 MILLION - which really isn't that much for a company the size of Garmin. However, no telling if the crooks would ask for more even if Garmin agrees to it.

While true generally the bad guys do take the money and send you the decryption information. If word gets out any particular attack doesn't give you your data back after payment no one will pay.

One thing from the article in Forbes that I hadn't thought of is that pilots (and sailors too) depend on Garmin for navigation. So while it is very annoying for all of us that we can't upload our runs, bike rides and swims - it is potentially crippling for those in aviation and for those who make their living on the water.

Definitely. As annoying as it is for us it is crippling for pilots. I know aviation products need real time updates but I hope at lease some of the boating devices can used cached data. My 945, as an example, can still use the onboard maps and saved routes.
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It's $10 MILLION - which really isn't that much for a company the size of Garmin. However, no telling if the crooks would ask for more even if Garmin agrees to it.

One thing from the article in Forbes that I hadn't thought of is that pilots (and sailors too) depend on Garmin for navigation. So while it is very annoying for all of us that we can't upload our runs, bike rides and swims - it is potentially crippling for those in aviation and for those who make their living on the water.

As long as they have control of the data, they can do what they want with it. Shutting the entire thing down and restoring it from scratch is then only way to regain control and mitigate the damage.
Aaaaand now my Garmin's GPS died and run data cannot be saved.
My Timex Ironman stopwatch is now a better device for tracking my runs. That's a pretty good hint the time has come to find another fitness tracker from a company that actually is concerned about reliability and accountability.

My wife just picked up a Fitbit Charge 4, which is (so far as I could tell) their only device with onboard GPS. Hasn't tried it for a run yet; she's not running much right now, so I can't say when I'll be able to report on how well it works.

I suspect I'll use my normal smartwatch (Fossil gen5), which has onboard GPS that I've never tried out because I had a Garmin for running.
While true generally the bad guys do take the money and send you the decryption information. If word gets out any particular attack doesn't give you your data back after payment no one will pay.

That is true but with wastedlocker in paticular, the infiltrate your network first, find out what you have, then customize the malware for your environment and then often have your serves disable everybody's anti-virus/malware before running the ransomware. The ransom note even mentioned garmin by name. My point is even if you pay and even if you get the key, you still have compromised servers in this type of attack. This wasn't somebody downloaded something they shouldn't have.

So even if you pay you still have the issues of comprimised servers that have to be dealt with before you can bring everything back online which also makes restoring from backup harder too since you have to figure out how far back to go.

This was a professional russion cyberattack group that has already been sanctioned by the US government (which likely means garmin can't pay even if they wanted to). These guys know what they are doing.
My wife just picked up a Fitbit Charge 4, which is (so far as I could tell) their only device with onboard GPS. Hasn't tried it for a run yet; she's not running much right now, so I can't say when I'll be able to report on how well it works.

I suspect I'll use my normal smartwatch (Fossil gen5), which has onboard GPS that I've never tried out because I had a Garmin for running.

My Garmin Venu failed with GPS tracking today. The GPS allegedly connected, but no distance accumulated. I let the activity run for the timer - when I saved it, it had issues, so I ended up canceling the save.

It worked just fine yesterday (Saturday afternoon). I have an old Forerunner 235 that I will charge up, and hopefully it will work. It's one thing to store the activities in my watch for later uploading, but it's a whole different thing to not be able to track at all.
Aaaaand now my Garmin's GPS died and run data cannot be saved.
My Timex Ironman stopwatch is now a better device for tracking my runs. That's a pretty good hint the time has come to find another fitness tracker from a company that actually is concerned about reliability and accountability.
Well this is interesting. I both ran outside this morning and inside on my treadmill just a bit ago, and both recorded and saved fine with my Garmin Fenix 6S. I do use a Stryd pod for distance and speed for indoor and outdoor runs. I'm not sure if this matters?
I have an old Forerunner 235 that I will charge up, and hopefully it will work.
My 235 tracked GPS (I think. Not 100% sure since I can't view the activity. It tracked mileage, but I think it will do that via steps/stride if it doesn't have a GPS sync.) and saved a run this morning.

It was another group run with people way younger and faster than me. Doing a track workout with them on Tuesday.
My Garmin Venu failed with GPS tracking today. The GPS allegedly connected, but no distance accumulated. I let the activity run for the timer - when I saved it, it had issues, so I ended up canceling the save.

It worked just fine yesterday (Saturday afternoon). I have an old Forerunner 235 that I will charge up, and hopefully it will work. It's one thing to store the activities in my watch for later uploading, but it's a whole different thing to not be able to track at all.

Reports are in that situation you need to remove old activities from your watch.
In the good news thread I can launch garmin connect now and looks like syncing is happing again but very slowly which is expected after an outage. Strava has a notice it could be a week before they catch up to garmin. At things are coming back online and I'm fine with a delay in getting caught up.
In the good news thread I can launch garmin connect now and looks like syncing is happing again but very slowly which is expected after an outage. Strava has a notice it could be a week before they catch up to garmin. At things are coming back online and I'm fine with a delay in getting caught up.

Thanks for the info. I still got an error message when I opened Garmin Connect. But it did sync with my watch and sync to all my other apps like Strava all the data from the weekend.
Well this is interesting. I both ran outside this morning and inside on my treadmill just a bit ago, and both recorded and saved fine with my Garmin Fenix 6S. I do use a Stryd pod for distance and speed for indoor and outdoor runs. I'm not sure if this matters?
It looks like I spoke too soon. It was not tracking this morning, so I switched to record with Strava on my phone.
We were lightninged out after a mile. So at home I was able to delete some old files from my watch, and then it worked for my remaining miles on the treadmill.


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