Something About Nothing............ #14

Ooh, some day, I’d like to visit Schumi and share a pot of tea and scones. One of my favorite two things. I buy scones too, as have no desire to try to bake them when it’s warm out. I have only made them for holiday gifts, but not every holiday. We like to rotate some of what we bake. The only two we have to bake are chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies. The first to go is always the chocolate, then the peanut ones, then the rest of other. I think one year, we did blueberry scones. They were perfect with my tea that year, as several I removed from the baking tray I bring every year to share with my office, before all were told it was here.

And McK, while I am not the biggest horror fan, I have enjoyed laughing at and by others. Robo and I had a very good laugh at one lady’s response,and what she said. I have to say, even some of the costumes are so well done, I enjoyed looking at them so closer. I will say, some of the smells in some of the houses were not my favorite, nor the loud sounding beeping in one of the houses last year. Am looking forward to sharing some HHN fun with other homies this Fall. So far, thinking two nights will be enough for me.

Our Aga is still on, so I don‘t mind baking for now. We have a huge bifold door in the kitchen so it doesn’t ever get too hot in summer if we do have to cook or bake. But, I do prefer to do it in the winter.

Hard to beat a pot of tea......unless it’s a carafe of

Would you believe I got motivated and have started on the drawers? LOL!

I only like Applebees at night after 9 for half price appetizers and drinks. But we still don't go very often.

In all fairness, and I think I mentioned it before, one of my dd's has been dying to go for a few years now. She's shown me videos for a while now so I am pretty familiar with the terror, lol! My youngest now would like to go, and her boyfriend. I may be off the hook! But I maybe could muster up the courage. Liquid courage, that is......

I honestly never heard of Lady C until recently, when her upcoming book has been mentioned. I don't know much about her, except that she has written other books on the Royals. ?? Anything that exposes Me-gain Markle is a plus for me. She's such a fraud... in her own words!

LOL! DH has a friend from work that gives us chicken and duck eggs from time to time. The duck eggs give me a little gag... lol! Not for any reason, but they really aren't much different than the chicken eggs. They're bigger and have a waterproof coating on the shell, but otherwise they're fine. I can't get my head around them sometimes though.... kinda like frog legs. They don't taste bad, but I get skeeved by the though of what they are.

We've been watching a lot of youtube videos of Uni for the past few weeks and it does intrigue me. HHR would take some 'gearing up' to do, but I'm not ruling it out. I just need people to hide behind!

She wrote a horrific tale of the type of person she thought Princess Diana was. I never read that as she was just trying to make a name for herself then. But, MM has tried to influence this book.....and failed......I do look forward to it.

Why am I so freaked out about duck eggs too!!! They repulse me to a horrific degree.......couldn’t eat them and our friends thought this was hilarious today when I made a face when they asked if we’d like some!!! Er, no thanks, we get our eggs from chickens in the farm next to us......but no clue why I find them abhorrent!! I’ve never tasted one. Don‘t plan to either.......

Dinner ended up being honey mustard chicken and jersey baby potatoes.......Jersey UK that is. They are gorgeous potatoes.

Lazy night ahead.......
But, MM has tried to influence this book.....and failed......I do look forward to it.
Ooooh, interesting!
Why am I so freaked out about duck eggs too!!! They repulse me to a horrific degree.......couldn’t eat them and our friends thought this was hilarious today when I made a face when they asked if we’d like some!!! Er, no thanks, we get our eggs from chickens in the farm next to us......but no clue why I find them abhorrent!! I’ve never tasted one. Don‘t plan to either.......
I like duck in general, even though we don't eat it often and I don't prepare it. I just can't get my head around the eggs! Honestly, they taste just like chicken eggs to me. It's all in my head.....
Dinner ended up being honey mustard chicken and jersey baby potatoes.......Jersey UK that is. They are gorgeous potatoes.
Nice! Youngest dd is making dinner tonight. I think she's making blt lettuce wraps.
Yeah, I ate a quail egg once. Nope, chicken ones are the only ones I prefer.
I never had a quail egg. What did it taste like?
Request for pot stickers for dinner. Good fir me, one pan.
Youngest dd and hubby love pot stickers!
Hey all, such great memes today lol

Dentist appt was an adventure. First patient of day, had to sit in parking lot until they called me, only one patient in office at time. Had to sign my life away, same as at the oral surgeons. Glad to see they installed one of those negative air pressure things but it’s only in one of their exam rooms. The dentist garbed up as tho he was doing emergency surgery. admittedly, a bit unnerving. Pun intended

Teeth rebonded, should do me well for another 2+ months until the revision surgery is done/healed. I declined anesthetic for the 1st time. A mistake i won’t make again lol. Tensed up so much my neck is spazing.

The oral surgeon’s office had a cancellation, which i snagged. Now up to bat on 7/1. If I do have any sort of family dinner for the 4th, it will be take out lol

Monyk - so all thing considered, would you go back to Orlando area and feel ‘safe’ within the next 2 weeks? Myrtle beach has become a real hot spot. Multiple restaurants have infections among staff, glad we skipped 2 of them my kids were clamoring to visit. Phew

Every time I see anything about HHN I get anxious. Someone will have to get me liquored up to set foot in there
that’s sorta the point :)
I am seriously considering going down there on Wednesday, which is also her 87th birthday. She is an hour from home and my aunt can't get out there everyday because she has her own medical issues to deal with. My brother and sister are both in Georgia. I don't know if they plan to visit or not.

I wanted to get out of town for awhile, but this isn't the way I wanted to do it.
Go for it, don’t think about it twice. You cannot get back the missed time with loved ones
After an emotionally stressful day this showed up on my Facebook feed and made me laugh probably much more than it should have.
Laughter is often the best medicine.
Yes, we still use DVD players.....Kyle has a PS4, but we never use it. Tom likes dvd`s for sci fi movies I don't watch. You`d think if they were hard to find they`d be expensive?
I still have a combo VCR/DVD player lol. Several other DVD ones. I keep telling my boys why do the wear & tear on game systems when u have DVD players. At least the closet listens to me:)
Well, I got the bright idea to reorganize my bedroom closet yesterday. So now my spare bedroom is covered with piles of clothing I'm slowly going through. I suppose I have to finish it today, but I've lost motivation. LOL!
Yep, yesterday, since we saw the church’s resale place was open, bags of shoes and clothes from my and little one’s closets were dropped off there. Have fun going through piles, McK. And yeah, one too many visits to Applebee’s, and nope, never again to our local one. Much better elsewhere.
Nice! What is it with Applebee’s tanking so badly?
Had a wander round with them and found out our friends now have ducks???? Duck a l'orange anyone....:rotfl: They like ducks was the answer to why they got them! They`ll have pigs next....guarantee it. And his man shed is very large!!!!
Um, pets until food? Eek

Been a long day already.

Yeah, why my neighbor won’t ever have chicken dinner. Pets.

Keisha, I don’t know, with Applebee’s, but when the staff has more to say to each other than help you, we walked out after waiting to even order anything after waiting 20 minutes, with still no wait staff to our table. I wanted to walk out earlier, but little one was hungry and was watching something on her phone. And visit before that one, food took very long to come, then food delivered to our table was wrong, and nothing was hot that should have been. And both were during what I would call normal dinner time. So, they used to be good, but no way will we give them a chance again. Plus, there’s a great burger place that is much better tasting, and has better sides. Cheaper too. So that’s our go to, when wanting bar type food.
Quick check in. Thank you for all the prayers, well wishes, and kind words for my mother. Today she was transferred to a different branch of the hospital where she will have surgery tomorrow. I still don't have a time yet. I called and spoke to someone at the nurses station who told me that I can't bring any gifts or balloons into the hospital. Bummer. I was going to order something from the hospital gift shop and have it sent to Mom's room, but the shop is closed for now due to the virus. We have decided to drive down there tomorrow after I get of from work and come back Wednesday evening. Fortunately there is a hotel very close (looks like it is almost in the parking lot) to the hospital.

Charade you should go. It`s only an hour away, I`m sure your work will be happy for you to go, even if they don`t, I`d still go. And on her birthday too, she`d be so happy to see you.

I`m glad you can find out info on her now though. I`m surprised there wasn`t a way for them to verify who you were on the phone initially......glad it`s sorted though. And speaking to her would have helped a bit. But, not surprised you are exhausted. Hope she does so much better.
The hospital is an hour away from my mom's home. I am actually a 4.5 hour drive from the hospital. When I called initially I spoke to someone in the emergency department. I'm guessing that either she didn't know what to do to verify my identity or she just didn't want to do it.
Hope Tom enjoys the DVD player. We have a 4K player that can also play Blue Ray and DVDs,

Yesterday, my Dsis said she heated her pool, do we want a swim? Oh yes, a lovely dip with the pool temp 78 degrees. Was so warm feeling that getting out felt cold. But was so nice.
Now that's a pool I wouldn't mind swimming in. I hate getting into a pool and the water is super cold.

LOL! I can't imagine how hot it was sitting in full sun, in a blacktop parking lot. Applebees is never our first choice for dining out so we rarely go.
I used to like Applebee's, but the ones near us have gone downhill over the past several years.

Schumi! That picture is terrifying! LOL!
Your picture does nothing to entice me to go! Seriously.... my instant reaction is a great big NOPE!
You can join us in the chicken group. I can't remember who all of our members are. I hate having things jump out at me.

Dentist appt was an adventure. First patient of day, had to sit in parking lot until they called me, only one patient in office at time. Had to sign my life away, same as at the oral surgeons. Glad to see they installed one of those negative air pressure things but it’s only in one of their exam rooms. The dentist garbed up as tho he was doing emergency surgery. admittedly, a bit unnerving. Pun intended

Teeth rebonded, should do me well for another 2+ months until the revision surgery is done/healed. I declined anesthetic for the 1st time. A mistake i won’t make again lol. Tensed up so much my neck is spazing.

The oral surgeon’s office had a cancellation, which i snagged. Now up to bat on 7/1. If I do have any sort of family dinner for the 4th, it will be take out lol
Good luck with all the dental work. I hope it isn't too terrible for you.

Guess I should go throw a few things into an overnight bag.
Good Monday night Sans family


Back still a bit touchy. Have an appt with my massage therapist this coming Thursday. First one since shut down.

Glad to hear you are healing. Take care. Massage therapist are magical. Hope massage helps you.

I don’t think you and I should go walking together........LOL

Oh no! Not you too with a fall. Are you taking any anti inflammatory? Plus Tylenol. That helped me, and my lazy boy recliner. Couldn’t lay flat. And rest. I had to go to the ER a few weeks ago, and was surprised it was half empty. I guess everyone is afraid of exposure. I had mask and found a seat away from others. I hope you feel better soon. Back pain is awful. :worried:

Saw the NP at my Doc office this morning. X rays, more meds. I received message from her this afternoon X-ray showed compression fractures of T-10, 11 and 12. So will need MRI.

I had read an article in the local paper 2 weeks ago about how the CEO of the hospital I used to work for was encouraging people to seek treatment at the ER if needed. She said it was safe. She said people with injuries were afraid to come in do to possible Covid exposure. She went on to share information about a man with broken back not coming in for fear of covid exposure. Needless to say that’s ringing in my ears now.

We have not had lots of cases here, but a few folks have died here. So when I was weighing severe back pain with Covid exposure. I felt I could deal with back pain better. Under normal circumstances I would have gone to ER.

May finish watching The Crown on Netflix.

I really like that series. Wished they could have kept the original actors from series one and just aged them.

Seriously, we are all starved for news on CV but it doesn’t inspire much confidence when we are barraged by experts & politicians all spouting different things. Usually a news junkie, I’m trying to cut way back, as all it does lately is raise my blood pressure.

Yes, you just have to walk away from all the Covid stuff and violence being played out on the news. I’am not burying my head in the sand mind you. I would call it selective minimal exposure to news.

I had a dream last night I woke up from the upcoming surgery and found myself with no teeth, at all.

Not a good dream to have.

It always amazes me what a true miracles the right antibiotics are for people. Couple days in and all is usually well.

Yes, indeed. The right antibiotic is significant treatment for killing infections. Hope your granddaughter is doing better.

My girl friends and I do afternoon tea quite often, sometimes for lunch and it is always beautiful. One of my friends Sue, does it so much better than I do. It just looks so professional and she is a much better baker than I am.....although she would kindly tell you my savoury options are better. A good selection of tea is important too....and Fortnum & Mason would offer a fabulous selection! Yes, we call cookies biscuits.....we would have a chocolate biscuit or a regular biscuit with a cup of tea. Your biscuits are like scones to so good!!!!

Sounds yummy. I will have to look up some recipes and give it a try in the future. The ladies in the family would like it.

So last night two of my dd's were here and one of the boyfriends and we were watching HHN on youtube because they all want to go. I came to the conclusion that you all are nuts!! LOL! Every time I see anything about HHN I get anxious. Someone will have to get me liquored up to set foot in there!

LOL.......I think you would love it. They sell cocktails and beer. I don’t think you would need-it, but if You do need sips of encouragement it’s available.

Online? I was looking for HP material. If you know of any online can you PM me a link?

I sent you PM

There is some confusion about Mom's heart. My aunt said that the medical professionals in the ambulance said she had an irregular heartbeat. The nurse at the hospital said that the beat is normal, but she has a heart murmur. Mom also has low hemoglobin, and fractured her tibia. She will be having surgery on her leg on Tuesday. She is allowed only one visitor per day. I am seriously considering going down there on Wednesday, which is also her 87th birthday.

Prayers and good wishes being sent for your mom charade. They usually call in a cardiac consult if they are concerned about issues of any kind with heart irregularities. Also hopefully the docs will get to bottom of cause of low hemoglobin.

It would be nice If you can go and be with her. I know your presence will be a great comfort to her and a wonderful birthday surprise.

..I had no idea there was a "creature" hidden in the mist.....Tom saw it all unfold in front of him and kept taking a picture till I saw the claws appear to my side..

That’s a fun picture. Pray tell, is that a blood bag cocktail in your hand?

So sad the bloody Nurses are no longer selling those off the IV poles at HHN.

Well, I got the bright idea to reorganize my bedroom closet yesterday. So now my spare bedroom is covered with piles of clothing I'm slowly going through. I suppose I have to finish it today, but I've lost motivation. LOL!

I need to do my closet. That will be future project.

I think he`ll love the cognac, he does love good quality stuff like that. I`m not a cognac drinker in any way..

What a nice gift.

. Robo and I had a very good laugh at one lady’s response,and what she said. I have to say, even some of the costumes are so well done, I enjoyed looking at them so closer.

Yes, that was a fun night Lynne. That was the ASH vs Evil Dead house if I remember correctly . At first I was shocked 😮 when the female scare actor bust through the door and said what she said to us, then I couldn’t stop laughing. That was a fun night for sure.

Tensed up so much my neck is spazing.

Don’t believe I could have been brave enough to refuse numbing during dental work. Hope the spasms stop soon.

Quick check in. Thank you for all the prayers, well wishes, and kind words for my mother. Today she was transferred to a different branch of the hospital where she will have surgery tomorrow. I still don't have a time yet. I called and spoke to someone at the nurses station who told me that I can't bring any gifts or balloons into the hospital. Bummer. I was going to order something from the hospital gift shop and have it sent to Mom's room, but the shop is closed for now due to the virus. We have decided to drive down there tomorrow after I get of from work and come back Wednesday evening. Fortunately there is a hotel very close (looks like it is almost in the parking lot) to the hospital.

Sending prayers for safe travels and good visit with your mom.


Last edited:
Looks like I missed having human contact by ten minutes tonight
Robo probably turned her lights off...

Robo just sending you a no touch hug!
Having back pain is difficult.
Have you on my prayer list for a complete healing.

My brother in Florida is in his third week from
back surgery and he said he is so much better now.

I have now caught up with the 4 forums and now I can relax and hang with the homies here.
Of course most of you are in bed now as it’s after 1 am est

agavegirl is the only night owl in the sans so maybe she will drop in before I turn off the lights here
Of course I will leave the porch light on as you never know who will pop in ...

I imagine Kfish is sleeping now that she has finished up with school and her little probably sleeping better at night.

my ladies gym folded and the public gym
nearby was shut down three weeks ago
Covid 19 spred there and it cannot reopen
Since I do not shop (Mr Mac does all
that for me) I’m in the house all the time
It’s dull days for me as no family or friend in the area where we live
My church closed the doors when it all started

I spend time reading and looking forward to UO this September
I’ll be so excited to be somewhere with people around
Can’t wait for it to happen!

Doing the same ok same ol in the house
Marking the day’s down to when I do go to orlando

hoping to see some
homies there in late September
Looks like I missed having human contact by ten minutes tonight
Robo probably turned her lights off...

Robo just sending you a no touch hug!
Having back pain is difficult.
Have you on my prayer list for a complete healing.

My brother in Florida is in his third week from
back surgery and he said he is so much better now.

I have now caught up with the 4 forums and now I can relax and hang with the homies here.
Of course most of you are in bed now as it’s after 1 am est

agavegirl is the only night owl in the sans so maybe she will drop in before I turn off the lights here
Of course I will leave the porch light on as you never know who will pop in ...

I imagine Kfish is sleeping now that she has finished up with school and her little probably sleeping better at night.

my ladies gym folded and the public gym
nearby was shut down three weeks ago
Covid 19 spred there and it cannot reopen
Since I do not shop (Mr Mac does all
that for me) I’m in the house all the time
It’s dull days for me as no family or friend in the area where we live
My church closed the doors when it all started

I spend time reading and looking forward to UO this September
I’ll be so excited to be somewhere with people around
Can’t wait for it to happen!

Doing the same ok same ol in the house
Marking the day’s down to when I do go to orlando

hoping to see some
homies there in late September

:wave2: 😁
Oh.... I spy a live homie here’

let’s see who can drink the other under the table! know me mac.....strongest thing at this time of the morning for me is tea!

Everyone else is still sleeping.........Kyle is due up in around 5 minutes, he’s an early bird too. Although he considers this a lay in as he’s usually up around 6 when he had to drive to his offices......

He doesn’t drink tea or coffee, so he’s an easy breakfast, although he doesn’t need me for that......I just set the kitchen table and he gets on with it.....

Hope you get some zzzzzzz’s soon.....

lol.......I’m way back in the kitchen so can’t hear him if he’ll wake him gently when I go back up if he is...:rolleyes1

Maybe offering bacon will get him awake quicker.......always works!!!!
Ooooh, interesting!

I like duck in general, even though we don't eat it often and I don't prepare it. I just can't get my head around the eggs! Honestly, they taste just like chicken eggs to me. It's all in my head.....

Nice! Youngest dd is making dinner tonight. I think she's making blt lettuce wraps.

I never had a quail egg. What did it taste like?

Youngest dd and hubby love pot stickers!

Lady C was on the Brit version of I`m a Celebrity.....get me out of here. Not a woman with whom you`d choose to spend time with. But, this book will be interesting to say the least.

I love duck.....cooked duck, in many recipes....Peking style being my favourite, oh and plum sauce too........lush!!!! But, yes, I agree about the eggs....not quite sure..maybe it`s the size and I`m subliminally thinking of Jurassic Park.....:rotfl:

Hey all, such great memes today lol

Dentist appt was an adventure. First patient of day, had to sit in parking lot until they called me, only one patient in office at time. Had to sign my life away, same as at the oral surgeons. Glad to see they installed one of those negative air pressure things but it’s only in one of their exam rooms. The dentist garbed up as tho he was doing emergency surgery. admittedly, a bit unnerving. Pun intended

Teeth rebonded, should do me well for another 2+ months until the revision surgery is done/healed. I declined anesthetic for the 1st time. A mistake i won’t make again lol. Tensed up so much my neck is spazing.

The oral surgeon’s office had a cancellation, which i snagged. Now up to bat on 7/1. If I do have any sort of family dinner for the 4th, it will be take out lol

I still have a combo VCR/DVD player lol. Several other DVD ones. I keep telling my boys why do the wear & tear on game systems when u have DVD players. At least the closet listens to me:)

Um, pets until food? Eek

lol....don`t think they plan to eat them.....although I never thought to ask!!!!! Good point Keish......

I wish we had a VCR still.....we have a whole host of old video tapes.....but all collecting dust now, gave a load away years ago, but kept some that might be collectors last night we have 2 dvd players up in the attic. Not quite sure why, but when the charity stores open up, they`ll be going.

Glad the dental appt went well. When I went to the dentist in Celebration few years back, he was in full surgical gowns, hands held upwards and mask as he appeared like an apparition before me......yes, it was like a dramatic introduction. You know that moment you don`t want to giggle.....I had one of those humour though, was a complete juxtaposition of the situation!!

Quick check in. Thank you for all the prayers, well wishes, and kind words for my mother. Today she was transferred to a different branch of the hospital where she will have surgery tomorrow. I still don't have a time yet. I called and spoke to someone at the nurses station who told me that I can't bring any gifts or balloons into the hospital. Bummer. I was going to order something from the hospital gift shop and have it sent to Mom's room, but the shop is closed for now due to the virus. We have decided to drive down there tomorrow after I get of from work and come back Wednesday evening. Fortunately there is a hotel very close (looks like it is almost in the parking lot) to the hospital.

The hospital is an hour away from my mom's home. I am actually a 4.5 hour drive from the hospital. When I called initially I spoke to someone in the emergency department. I'm guessing that either she didn't know what to do to verify my identity or she just didn't want to do it.
Hope Tom enjoys the DVD player. We have a 4K player that can also play Blue Ray and DVDs,

Now that's a pool I wouldn't mind swimming in. I hate getting into a pool and the water is super cold.

I used to like Applebee's, but the ones near us have gone downhill over the past several years.

We stopped buying Blu Ray discs....didn`t notice enough of a difference. He will, it`s just a token gift really......he really needs nothing. But will enjoy the cognac.

Hope your mum does good in surgery, and you`ll be glad you went. Hope you get through the day quickly though, you`ll be keen to get moving. Have a safe journey.

Saw the NP at my Doc office this morning. X rays, more meds. I received message from her this afternoon X-ray showed compression fractures of T-10, 11 and 12. So will need MRI.

I had read an article in the local paper 2 weeks ago about how the CEO of the hospital I used to work for was encouraging people to seek treatment at the ER if needed. She said it was safe. She said people with injuries were afraid to come in do to possible Covid exposure. She went on to share information about a man with broken back not coming in for fear of covid exposure. Needless to say that’s ringing in my ears now.

We have not had lots of cases here, but a few folks have died here. So when I was weighing severe back pain with Covid exposure. I felt I could deal with back pain better. Under normal circumstances I would have gone to ER.

Sounds yummy. I will have to look up some recipes and give it a try in the future. The ladies in the family would like it.

That’s a fun picture. Pray tell, is that a blood bag cocktail in your hand?

So sad the bloody Nurses are no longer selling those off the IV poles at HHN.

I would be ok with going to the hospital here. They have been excellent at separating Covid and non Covid cases. But, I agree, if you don`t need to go, best avoided. Hope your improvement continues.

You`d love an afternoon easy. Make everything small and delicate and`ve got it!

Yes, that was a much missed blood bag!!! I was never offended by the blood nurses, they were fun. Have to say though.....the bags weren`t that nice, but we still got them every

We are a sellers dream couple!!!

Looks like I missed having human contact by ten minutes tonight
Robo probably turned her lights off...

Robo just sending you a no touch hug!
Having back pain is difficult.
Have you on my prayer list for a complete healing.

My brother in Florida is in his third week from
back surgery and he said he is so much better now.

I have now caught up with the 4 forums and now I can relax and hang with the homies here.
Of course most of you are in bed now as it’s after 1 am est

agavegirl is the only night owl in the sans so maybe she will drop in before I turn off the lights here
Of course I will leave the porch light on as you never know who will pop in ...

I imagine Kfish is sleeping now that she has finished up with school and her little probably sleeping better at night.

my ladies gym folded and the public gym
nearby was shut down three weeks ago
Covid 19 spred there and it cannot reopen
Since I do not shop (Mr Mac does all
that for me) I’m in the house all the time
It’s dull days for me as no family or friend in the area where we live
My church closed the doors when it all started

I spend time reading and looking forward to UO this September
I’ll be so excited to be somewhere with people around
Can’t wait for it to happen!

Doing the same ok same ol in the house
Marking the day’s down to when I do go to orlando

hoping to see some
homies there in late September

We`re just starting to get out and about mac......warily though I have to say. Looking at the lines to get into stores that were reopening yesterday was ridiculous. I`m in no rush to do anything like that.

Glad your brother is doing better now.....good to hear.....

All bacon is gone.......but will rustle up some more!!!


Dull and grey again. But, incredibly mild so we`ll enjoy a walk this morning. Might drive along to the beach at the next town has good parking and a nice walk on to the sand.

Lasagne for dinner`s been requested to be spicy....well, we like it. Not usual though. Kyle will have something else as he doesn`t like things with tomato sauce. He`ll eat it, but who wants to eat something they don`t really enjoy.

No good news coming out of America yet about travelling.....although looking at the rise in numbers there......not sure really. Not that we`re much better over here.

Sometimes things are easier to decide when the decision is made for you. ::yes::





Happy Tuesday.............
Ah, yes, the amount of risk and too much overload of news, and stressful for many, as what is the right level of comfort for me.

Robo, back pain is horrible. I hope you get pain relief soon, and sending good thoughts that you are healing well. Yes, that was a great night. Sending another hello to your sister that went with us. Was very nice to meet her, too.

Sue, I hope you are felling better too. Sending well wishes to you as well.

All those homies not feeling well, sending lots of get well wishes and mummy dust.

And yes, while Mac does not get out of the house much, and good for you Mac, safe is so important. But hey, it’s a Taco Tuesday, so Mac can do her Taco Bell run for dinner tonight.

So, homies, 7CA4D1A4-3606-4C43-B46C-45B6AAE23C2D.png

Ah yes, and like Schumi, a perfect morning is one with a cup of tea in my hand. So, a perfect morning for me as well.

Charade, Safe travels today, and sending good thoughts mom’s surgery goes absolutely perfect, and she is felling good. Sweet, that you can be there for her birthday. And nice to find a hotel next to the hospital. Saying prayers for your mom’s good health.

Yes, routine early bird, though it’s almost noon for Schumi and our other over the pond homies.

Thus, have a very happy Taco Tuesday, and hey, bacon goes on a taco, right? LoL

Thought I smelled yummy 🥓 . Yay, Schumi was making breakfast this morning. Me, ooh little one made cookies last night. Chocolate chip ones. Will have to see if any are left, and heated up a waffle I made extra yesterday, as don’t mind reheating them in the toaster. My week day, easy breakfasts, regardless of commuting or not.

I imagine Kfish is sleeping now that she has finished up with school and her little probably sleeping better at night.

Hope was doing better, but has now gotten back to being up 4-5 times a night. She is getting her two top teeth so that may be throwing her off. She should be tired because she is walking all over the place. Hard to believe that she turns 11 months old tomorrow!

So we have entered Phase 2. Had two meals outside which were really nice for a change.

At least New York is one of the best when it comes to COVID control instead of being the worst! We have plans to go down to FL at the end of July/beginning or August, but we don't know what restrictions will be in place. They still are enforcing the 14 day quarantine on New Yorkers who visit...and there are questions on how strictly this is enforced.

Hope everyone enjoys this lovely day!


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