Breaking news-Travelers flying from New York to Florida will be placed under 14-day quarantine,

Cases per million when you don't test people at the same rate is a USELESS statistic, dude.
No it's not, "dude."

Cases per million is the best measure we have, along with positive test rate. Florida has been testing more than 30,000 people per day, 7 days per week. We've tested 1.28 MILLION people, which is more than 1/3 of the population of CT. And our positive rate is 4.5%, less than half of our target rate of 10% positive.

And no offense, but we're doing MUCH better that CT.

If you can't use your DVC, take your dues and other DVC expenses up with them. They should give you relief, and if they don't, your complaint is with DVC.
This is not rocket surgery.

ok Cape Canaveral is in Florida and I am in deathbed CT but do you all really operate on your rockets???

Sorry,meant to be funny but probably didn’t come across that way.
Really just hoping the order dies a natural death on July 7 and this all become moot.
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I caught that and edited my post. So is it about raw number of cases or cases per million?
Cases per million. CT has a few more people than Miami-Dade County, a little over 3.5 million. Florida has 21+ million people. Raw cases tells you nothing because of population variances.

If it’s cases per million, as was highlighted in the graphic, then CT was 6th. I’m not sure who highlighted that or why but I found it interesting.
You are correct and I misspoke. CT is 3rd in Deaths per million, 6th in Cases per million.

As @glocker noted, there is absolutely an issue with DVC issue with DVC, not with Florida. I'm a former DVC owner, and I agree they owe you notifications, explanations, and probably some adjustments.
Also, what happens when cash guests from those states try to check in? Will they be turned away? I would think that Disney would try to avoid the negative optics and would reach out proactively to guests with reservations from those areas, especially those who may be going before the EO expires.
Again, that's a Disney or DVC issue.
Here's something interesting that happened a couple of weeks ago:
My friend flew out to meet his parents down in Florida. He lives in CT but flew out of Providence RI. No problems what so ever, he checked in, flew, landed and rented a car and nobody said or did anything.
His sister flew out a few days later because of work but she went out of Hartford CT. She had to fill out a form during the flight stating that she had to self-quarantine for 14 days or be fined $500 each time she was found to be violation. She also had to write on the form the place that she was going to self-quarantine and a phone number to reach her at, although nobody ever called her.
Thx to whomever posted the 7/6 date for Gov EO regarding quarantine ... if not extended??
Cases are UP right now... protests, more testing.. who knows exactly why.

neighbors down the block returned from nyc two weeks ago.. needed to see family... they both got sick ( tested here) upon return. Shes apparently ok, he passed earlier this week. So sad. Early 70, no med history. I don’t get it....:(. RIP.
Cases per million is the best measure we have, along with positive test rate. Florida has been testing more than 30,000 people per day, 7 days per week. We've tested 1.28 MILLION people, which is more than 1/3 of the population of CT. And our positive rate is 4.5%, less than half of our target rate of 10% positive.

And no offense, but we're doing MUCH better that CT.

I agree that the numbers have to be normalized in order to make good comparisons, looking at the per million resident numbers is much more telling than just straight counts.

However, I also think it is important to look at rolling current trends and drop some of the history when analyzing the current risk.

Do you know of a data source that lists the daily test numbers and results for FL? I like to run my own numbers so that I can pick them apart and play with percentages. I'm wondering if I can find a source for FL like our daily updates here in CT and I've been poking around trying to find something. is just showing me cumulative and not current daily numbers, which is what I find the most important. A daily report has to be out there somewhere to look at.

For instance, in CT, yesterday our positive rate was 3.9%, the day before was 1.9%, the day before that was 2.1%, the day before that was 2.2% ... The overall 14% positive rate doesn't really tell me the full story of the current state. My source is a daily summary that the state puts out:

That's why I'd like a similar source for FL that I could do an apples to apples comparison with.
Just in case anyone hasn’t seen this; the Twitter link was posted on the Rumors board. The order is now listed as being officially extended with EO 20-139. There is no end date as far as I can see for this order.

It will be interesting to see how this works with Special Olympics and the Republican National Convention in FL.

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Just read the actual EO dated 6/5/20. It extends the quarantine order but does not say for how long. To me this means it could still expire in July. At least I read nothing that would prevent that, just giving himself another month to decide. It’s kinda like us deciding if we’re keeping the trips we have booked!
Just read the actual EO dated 6/5/20. It extends the quarantine order but does not say for how long. To me this means it could still expire in July. At least I read nothing that would prevent that, just giving himself another month to decide. It’s kinda like us deciding if we’re keeping the trips we have booked!
It was set to expire July 7th. So by extending it with no date in sight said definitely longer than that. As far as not spreading it from NY - I’ve been hanging out w people from Florida all weekend long at the 1000 islands.
EDIT: I still social distance myself and take precautions. My point was that Floridians are here in NY and will eventually go back to a Florida from our state.
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Do you know of a data source that lists the daily test numbers and results for FL? I like to run my own numbers so that I can pick them apart and play with percentages. I'm wondering if I can find a source for FL like our daily updates here in CT and I've been poking around trying to find something. is just showing me cumulative and not current daily numbers, which is what I find the most important. A daily report has to be out there somewhere to look at.

The CDC site has a lot of info available.
If the link doesn’t work, you can copy & paste then use the drop down menu. They have a trends page to check every state. Florida has over 1000 new cases a day. NY has not had 1000 new cases a day since May 22, despite 50,000 tests per day. And is now less than 300 cases per day. Again with 50,000 tests per day. I would say, NY is doing better than Florida at this point.



I just wish they would properly define tri state area, and not lump all of NYS in there. I live in NY but not the tri state area. I am over 450 miles away this is the part that ticks me off.
Totally agree. I've been trying to find a definition of the "NY Tri-State Area." Most of my Googling has the same definitions, which is NOT the whole states. This site even has a little video explaining it, along with several maps:

But the official FL sites are pretty vague, and anecdotal stories seem to indicate that they're considering the whole states as part of the area, at least for CT. Have you heard stories of people from your local airport being advised to quarantine, @peaceluv&mickeymouse ?
Just read the actual EO dated 6/5/20. It extends the quarantine order but does not say for how long. To me this means it could still expire in July. At least I read nothing that would prevent that, just giving himself another month to decide. It’s kinda like us deciding if we’re keeping the trips we have booked!

EO 139 extends order EO 82 which is the original order. That order specifically states that it will end when EO 52 ends...which is slated to end July 7th.

So yes, last weeks order does not give the date, but the order that was extended does, That is where people get July 7th.
Totally agree. I've been trying to find a definition of the "NY Tri-State Area." Most of my Googling has the same definitions, which is NOT the whole states. This site even has a little video explaining it, along with several maps:

But the official FL sites are pretty vague, and anecdotal stories seem to indicate that they're considering the whole states as part of the area, at least for CT. Have you heard stories of people from your local airport being advised to quarantine, @peaceluv&mickeymouse ?
The only stories I hear are on these boards. I am not traveling until September, it should be fine by then. I think they made a mistake by lumping in the whole states if the intention was tri state.
The only stories I hear are on these boards. I am not traveling until September, it should be fine by then. I think they made a mistake by lumping in the whole states if the intention was tri state.

Well, Florida now has the republican convention in Jacksonville at the end of August, so it should be lifted by then. Of course, he could just as easily issue a new order right after the convention ends. :rolleyes:


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