What professions are ok to denigrate?

Federal workers.

Oh, and along that line, but not a profession: I hate when the media or people in general refer to those "awful people in Washington" or "Washington is a swamp." I hate that. I am a native Washingtonian and there are real PEOPLE in Washington. I just wish they'd not use the location of our hometown to refer to politics!

I'm not saying it is at all warranted, but generally, consultants aren't viewed favorably by many people.
It actually is a swamp. Problem is that too many people look the other way at all of the corruption going on as long as the corrupt people are on our side of the isle. They only think the other party has any swamp creatures. Of course the vast majority of swamp creatures aren't federal employees but lobbyists.

Well, you may have missed my point. I get that Washington DC was built ON a swamp. But the city itself and it's people are not a swamp. When you're from that area and love the place, it's hard to hear outsiders denigrating your town when they are really referring to politicians.
Cartel leaders

Pablo Escobar was actually quite popular among many Colombians. At least the ones that were the beneficiaries of his version of trickle down economics. His welfare programs doled out more funds that the ones run by the Colombian government.
Federal workers.

Oh, and along that line, but not a profession: I hate when the media or people in general refer to those "awful people in Washington" or "Washington is a swamp." I hate that. I am a native Washingtonian and there are real PEOPLE in Washington. I just wish they'd not use the location of our hometown to refer to politics!
Agree, a lot of students in my program go to work in DC, They are dedicated public servants who work to make the world a better place. I admire them.

I would actually love to live in DC. When I retire I want to get a long term rental and stay for a few months.
Pablo Escobar was actually quite popular among many Colombians. At least the ones that were the beneficiaries of his version of trickle down economics. His welfare programs doled out more funds that the ones run by the Colombian government.
And terrorists build hospitals. They're still terrorists, and Escobar was still a murderer.
Hey - I'm no angel - if I were standing face to face with any of these people I'd still refer to them as sir and ma'am while begging for my life. Except the meter maid. Get a real job. There are lots. Choose better.
I get tired of all the comments about medical insurance (and really all insurance) companies being so horrible and unhelpful. As a very proud employee of one of them, I can tell you that we want to help you and ensure you get the care you need. Our company is very strongly on the front lines of Covid helping and we are working so hard for everyone.
Maybe more gently than other professions but...


Accountants and CPAs play an important role in business, believe it or not and have a broad range of skills in some cases.
I may have missed it, did anyone mention Wall Street? There are often disparaging remarks about people who work there. I don't think it is right to denigrate any profession, many of them have some despicable people working for them, but most are honest and hard working. I have family members who are lawyers, accountants, consultants, federal government workers, and all are honest decent people.


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