I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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@gottalovepluto what is the offer you finally pulled on the personal Plat? Best I have been able to get is the 70,000 MR’s in 3 months with $5000 spend. The 75k seems to not be around anymore.

For those of you who have gotten a pop-up but then later were able to escape it and carry on... how long did you wait between attempts? (I know there are no hard and fast rules... merely trying to get a feel for what others have done). I know each attempt is tracked (at least, I THINK I know that each attempt is tracked), so I don't want to seem too desperate, but I also don't want to wait any longer than necessary. Just looking for some others' experiences.

My DH had the pop up and I waited over 6 months before I tried again and then was successful. No big charges just consistent use and never letting a statement close at zero (or even ever really be at zero). Just be slow and steady on your charges and give it some time. I think whether or not a pop up can also depend on the card you are getting; which is why the recommendations to try other cards. Unfortunately no one really knows the exact formula.

At Safeway gas stations you get $1 off up to 25 gallons. It takes 100 points to equal 1 reward which equals 10cents off. The way I reach $1 off is only when gift cards that I want are at 10X rewards and $100 = 1000 points or 10 rewards. I don't bother with the 10 to 20 cents off because usually Costco has gas that is already close to that price point, and is right near my Safeway gas station.

You can also use the rewards for food purchases at Safeway or free food. 10 rewards will usually get me $14 worth of free items. I do some food shopping at Safeway, so can integrate this into my budget. Using a credit card that gives a good return at grocery stores increases the return.
Thanks for the reply!
Is $1 off per gallon the maximum? I have over 50 rewards and have used all of the food offers that I want.
So if I put in, say, 15 gallons, how many reward points will be deducted?
Can my DH then go and fill up at a different time and also get $1 off?
I’m trying to figure out the best way to maximize these rewards before they expire.
I couldn’t find any clear info on redeeming the rewards on their website. So I really appreciate any advice on this!
Speaking of the shingles... I had the shingles as an adult a few years ago. Do not recommend. If you haven't had the chicken pox (or maybe even if you have, I did as a kid), get the vaccine.

I also had shingles in my mid 30s. In this one case it was doctor google for the win! I kept feeling this odd burning sensation on the side of my chest but there were no marks of any kind on my skin. After a few days a barely noticeable cluster rash appeared but it was super faint. Google kept telling me my symptoms were shingles. I went to dr and described symptoms to the nurse. Doctor came in and asked what I think I had. I sheepishly said shingles and he said I was absolutely right. I went on the antiviral meds and it was gone in a few days. I was super lucky that I caught it very early. We had returned from an overseas trip and I slept very little on the return flight home. No clue if it was related or maybe I was just worn down from the trip (12+ hr whirlwind day in Rome I'm looking at you!).

I had a very mild case of chicken pox when I was a senior in highschool. The chicken pox vaccine wasn't in wide use when I was younger so I never received it.
My doctor doesn't even offer it. They told me to go get it at CVS if I want it. I really think I may need a new doctor.
From my quick google search it’s for the best. Unless a Dr bills it specifically to part D or something you could end up footing the entire bill.

Personally pharmacists at my Rite Aid are SO much better than nurses at my doctor’s at doing shots. And I didn’t have to pay an office visit fee at Rite Aid!
So guys... I joined the Amex Personal Plat club!! And as a solo player I used a DISchurner’s link (already messaged user but as a mod I gotta get a DISchurners plug in now and again :D ).

It took some doing but I managed to pull an elevated offer going through LTE on my iPhone incognito safari. It just would not show on my desktop (which killed me because I was pulling elevates linksleft & right a few weeks ago!) but it’s the holiday season and I’m in a fighting mood so I kept at it! I’m not punching anyone out lol but you know what I mean.... That’s my sweater! My parking spot! MY FREAKING SEES CANDY!!... yeah. Christmas is going well guys :D

Congratulations on the Plat and welcome to the Tres Dip Club!

I have a cousin who got it at like 20, she only ever did chicken pox via vaccine, so like I know it’s coming for me!

This worries me for my kids--my oldest had the old-fashioned chicken pox but the others only had the vaccine. I suspect that once more people who had the vaccine get shingles, there will be some sort of policy change.
Ugh. I have to work all weekend (again) so I'm sending DH out to brave the crowds at the stores for last minute gifts and groceries. I did brave Sam's on the way home yesterday for a few things, like a big bag of flour for all of the baking. I also got eggs but didn't know MIL also stopped for eggs so now we have 5 dozen 🤣 There are a few things that we didn't need or can't fit the Sam's size package of... sugar, powdered sugar... I need a can of pumpkin. Aw shoot I'm remembering now I was going to get butter :badpc:

Christmas felt super hard this year, we had almost no gift ideas for anyone except one BIL who is getting a small Star Wars Le Creuset pot and a board game (and um, Star Wars Pillsbury cookies :rotfl: And if I stop at Target for my coworker secret santa gift, there is a chocolate death star with marshmallow storm trooper inside I will buy...). I've been racking my brain for DH and finally went with that Disney backstage subscription box. If he wants to continue it after that it'll have to come out of his hobby budget :ssst: I paid extra so hopefully the first canister comes and I can wrap it... beyond that (and toys for the dogs, of course :rotfl: ) I feel like we still have nothing. We have ideas for MIL/FIL/aunt but nothing really purchased. It has not been a good Christmas this time around!

I think lots of baking will be done tomorrow. I seized the opportunity to say I will bring my favorite pumpkin chocolate chip cookies for my work thing... thank goodness for the internet because the recipe is off a blog and I haven't made them in years, but I was able to search and find them. I've wanted to make them in the past but occasionally DH gets wishy washy/doesn't want to rock the boat on changing up family things... like this, they always make the same 4 types of cookies and rice krispies for Christmas (or his cousin's wife brings the same bean dip for most family get togethers sooooo no one else can bring a dip appetizer). So I seized this opportunity to make the pumpkin cookies and will stick some in the Christmas box, muahahaha!

As @SouthFayetteFan said, I know we will all be busy with friends and family for the holidays, but I just wanted to say I really consider this group as part of my friends and family IRL, even if we haven't technically met IRL ❤ Can't wait to see what amazing travels the new year brings for everyone!
@gottalovepluto what is the offer you finally pulled on the personal Plat? Best I have been able to get is the 70,000 MR’s in 3 months with $5000 spend. The 75k seems to not be around anymore...
70k. Not a great offer but I didn’t want to wait any longer. The last couple months have really enforced with me this game changes fast and the spend opportunity is coming up for me so I pulled the trigger.
Yeah, I still need to follow up on Shingles. I asked my Dr and she said she doesn't do them due to insurance issues. I have to call my health advocate and have them navigate through the insurance and let me know how to do this.

Yikes what a hassle. A few co-workers have talked about the vaccine so hopefully our insurance covers it. I do know there has been a shortage here, though,
Thanks for the reply!
Is $1 off per gallon the maximum? I have over 50 rewards and have used all of the food offers that I want.
So if I put in, say, 15 gallons, how many reward points will be deducted?
Can my DH then go and fill up at a different time and also get $1 off?
I’m trying to figure out the best way to maximize these rewards before they expire.
I couldn’t find any clear info on redeeming the rewards on their website. So I really appreciate any advice on this!
If you have a Safeway with a gas station, the $1.00 will cost you 10 rewards for up to 25 gallons of gas. so your balance is now 40. If gas is $2.50 a gal you pay $1.50. 10 gal will cost $15 and 20 gal will cost $30.

if DH goes on a different day, he’ll use 10 rewards for $1.00 off up to 25 gallons. So you balance is 30.

if you have gas cans, bring them along to fill to max the 25 gal.
Top life tip: do not get between a Californian and their See’s Candies. Might as well step between them and their In N Out. You won’t be long for this world 🤣

Speaking of See’s Candies, I have to admit I’m a bit bougie when it comes to chocolate and prefer local artisan chocolatiers like Tcho, Dandelion, and Recchiuti. Although I won’t ever turn down a good old Snickers bar. I was never big on See’s Candies; I refer to it as old timey chocolate. But my DD’s school does See’s Candies fundraisers every year and we always end up buying a ton. This year, we bought some gift certificates instead. That worked out because my SIL had a particular See’s Candies chocolate on her Christmas wish list. Instead of handing her a gift certificate, I thought it’d be nice if I went to a See’s Candies store and just redeemed the certificate for the chocolates she wants. Yeah, 5 days before Christmas. Swung by lunchtime yesterday and boy was that a mistake! I spent 20 minutes in line for old timey chocolate! I’ve waited in shorter lines for In-N-Out!
Yes, I just double checked it’s only available on 2 cards. Diamond and Simplicity cards. I’m not suggesting anyone sign up for either, just if they had the card already. Way back when I first got the card it was called the choice card, but changed names once or twice over the years. When I first got it had 2% cash back bonus on all purchases at the end of the year. That was my main reason to get it.

Looks like the ATT card might get the deals too (or used to?)

DISchurners - Membership Year In Review:
2019 marked the welcoming of 164 new members to DISchurners! I'd like to thank each and every person who joined us in 2019 and I hope that your churning year was very successful and that finding this group had a positive influence on your churning "career".

We averaged 14 new members a month. March was our highest month with 24 joins and October brought us 20.

I was somewhat concerned to see that we have only added 2 people in December BUT when I look back at last year we also only added 2 people. So perhaps this time of year brings a lull in the action.

To the Lurkers and Newbies Among Us: We will soon be moving to our new thread (v3.0) for 2020! If you haven't had the courage to speak up and introduce yourself please do so. This game is very cyclical for some people and thus as we lose old friends, we always look to bring in new friends. You probably sense some nature of community in here, and that's for good reason. By not only sharing our churning activities (and wishes and dreams) but also personal experiences and stories, we have created a true community of friends. You too can be a part of that, it just starts with saying hello and opening up to us a bit.

To those who have fallen away from churning or the group: Now is as good a time as ever to jump back in! Despite churning "doom and gloom" all around us, the game remains rewarding! As I said before, I know the game is cyclical and people fall away, but if you were once a part of this and now largely silent, please know that WE MISS YOU!

Lastly a comment on Loophole Discussion moving to DISchurners: The moderator group made a difficult call this year to take discussion of certain loopholes (aka "advanced strategies") OFF thread and place it on DISchurners. That was to protect both the loopholes and the users. It clearly has affected the volume of comments and discussion as you can see we generate far less pages each day. What's odd is, we weren't filling dozens of pages with talk of the CIP card or AA miles... yet somehow it hurt our community. This thread has a certain buzz about it, and that buzz attracts others, and that buzz can generate support link opportunities, and mostly that buzz can help new friends find their way to free travel in this crazy game. But unfortunately the buzz volume has been turned down a little bit lately.

So how about this - I know for the next 2 weeks the thread will be slower. It happens each year around Christmas - as well it should! Enjoy your family and friends IRL. But when January comes around and we're all stuck back in the office - let's place a renewed vigor around bringing the BUZZ back to "I Love Credit Cards v3.0". 2020 is going to be a great churning year and I want each of you reading this to be a part of it!

If anybody has any ideas on how to inject energy in our community or improve the balance between the DIS and DISchurners I am all ears!!

You forgot Chase killing Disney bookings, thats what did me in for awhile after the sweet deals I pulled for three trips in 2018. I'm back again tho...
Ahhhhh… anyone have an local Colorado food items to recommend for a gift basket? I am putting together boxes for my grandpa and uncle of things we like, snacks/foods/candies... some are Colorado things, and some are things we've come across while traveling (or in snack boxes :) ). I feel like I definitely need another savory thing or two, extra points for something bbq related as my uncle is into that. Currently have various candies, and a green chili sauce they used at a restaurant we frequented in college...
I’m definitely not on a diet but I can get on board with this “eating plan” thing...

My eating plan:
- If you’re hungry before 11 eat a pop tart.
- no more than 5 cookies for a snack at 10pm
- if @PolyRob and I are having fun conversations after midnight I can eat half a bag of pretzels and have a 2nd diet dew...but only if I’m staying up until 2am

Man this eating plan stuff is great!!! 🤣

Heaven help you if those 5 cookies are Panera's kitchen sink cookie! Hopefully they are home made - I hear your wife makes great cookies, but I also heard she slaps your hand away from the cookie jar? Maybe that's why you are stealth eating after midnight?

It's so nice to still be around the age when cookie bingeing does little harm. But the 40ties are coming fast - middle age pot belly!!!!459871
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