The Masked Singer—Season 2

How tall is the tree? If memory serves Brenda Lee is VERY short.
I'll have to watch more closely next week. I do remember noticing her heels, though... They weren't too terribly high - maybe 1 1/2 inches? I remember thinking they looked like shoes someone in a broadway show would wear - fairly sturdy heels.
My husband thinks the tree is Ayesha Curry. She has a cooking show and one of the clues they gave us is number 30, which is Stephen Curry’s number.
My first thought for Skeleton was Alex Winter after he said "Party on, Dudes!" at the end, because that's totally a Bill and Ted thing. Also the idea of him playing second fiddle could mean living in the shadow of Keanu Reeves, and also because there's a new Bill and Ted movie coming out. BUT ultimately, I don't think it's him. I think Ken Jeong is onto something and it might be Martin Short. Paul Schaefer is a good guess too.

I think the Tree might be Candace Cameron. She does a lot of Christmas movies so that could be the whole thing about only being known once a year. Also going back to listen to her sing I could swear it sounds like Candace, but I could be totally wrong.

That's all I've got so far, LOL.
My husband thinks the tree is Ayesha Curry. She has a cooking show and one of the clues they gave us is number 30, which is Stephen Curry’s number.

I think the 30 refers to 30 Rockerfeller Plaza, aka SNL. My guess right now is Ana Gasteyer, who's most famous SNL skit is the Schweddy Balls one.

I changed my mind on Skeleton, I do now think it's another Canadian. There's a clue in the sneak preview that leads me to think it's Paul Shaffer.
I kinda like Dana Carvey for the Skeleton.

I called Johnny Weir before he even sang. The package gave it away with Swan Lake and all the swan stuff. At first I was thinking ballet dancer and then boom. Weir. I love him.

LadyBug I was thinking Brittany or Jamie Lynn Spears.

NO clue on the rest so far.
I 100% think the Sleleton is Dana Carvey. After the smack down when he was talking he said something and it sounded like him. Party on was definitely a Wayne’s World reference. He also said he made his life by always saying yes. Isn’t that a big rule in improv? To always say yes, or at least to never say no. Did Dana start out as improv?
Just finished watching the premiere. Johnny was an easy guess. His mannerisms are very recognizable, even in costume.

Regarding the Tree, both Maya R and Ana G were in the live version of a Christmas Story. That would tie into the old fashion tv screen clue and the Christmas theme. Were they both on SNL? Were either on the show 30 Rock?

I agree with Dana Carvey or Martin Short for the Skeleton.

I had thought of someone else for the Thingamajig, but I watched the first half of the show a few days ago, so now I can’t remember. What were some of the other guesses for him?
Just finished watching the premiere. Johnny was an easy guess. His mannerisms are very recognizable, even in costume.

Regarding the Tree, both Maya R and Ana G were in the live version of a Christmas Story. That would tie into the old fashion tv screen clue and the Christmas theme. Were they both on SNL? Were either on the show 30 Rock?

I agree with Dana Carvey or Martin Short for the Skeleton.

I had thought of someone else for the Thingamajig, but I watched the first half of the show a few days ago, so now I can’t remember. What were some of the other guesses for him?

Dennis Rodman (no way) and I can’t remember who else.
I remembered my guess for the Thingamajig...Michael Strahan. That is definitely his build, voice range, and they gave a clue about pyramid - his game show.
I remembered my guess for the Thingamajig...Michael Strahan. That is definitely his build, voice range, and they gave a clue about pyramid - his game show.

That’s a good pick up. I remember hearing the pyramid clue and not being able to remember who all the hosts had been.
I remembered my guess for the Thingamajig...Michael Strahan. That is definitely his build, voice range, and they gave a clue about pyramid - his game show.
Do you think he could handle a third show, though, especially in the middle of football season? The man already works 7 days a week. lol
Do you think he could handle a third show, though, especially in the middle of football season? The man already works 7 days a week. lol

It was just a I think this would be his fourth job, actually. GMA, Football and Pyramid.
This show was likely taped before football season began though.
Watching! DH guessed Raven Symon for Black Widow and Jane Lynch for Leopard, without even seeing the package. lol
No idea for the black widow. My guess for the leopard is Seal. He’s British, had a lot of hits (former heavy hitter) and one of the clues talks about how people are concerned about what he’s wearing. He was married to Heidi Klum, so it could fit. Who knows though. It’s so hard!
The flamingo’s comment before the commercial has thrown me off.. She is excited that the panel thinks she is a “real singer”. So not a singer by profession...

I was thinking Sabrina Bryan - now i’m not sure. lol


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