The Running Thread - 2019

It was okay. I feel like it was such an unnecessary movie. But it was entertaining and it made me cry. It's no TS1 or TS3, though.
I agree with the unnecessary part! It didn’t make me cry though. I remember losing it in TS3. I guess because I could see where it was going to end up I was prepared for it.
QOTD: Do you enjoy watching movies that pertain to running? Do you go to the theater to see them or wait for them to come out to stream or rent? Do you plan on going see Brittany Runs a Marathon in August?
Not really. I haven't watched a ton of running movies and never one in a theater.
Hey was Toy Story 4 (without giving away any spoilers)? Hope to see it next week.
It was okay. I feel like it was such an unnecessary movie. But it was entertaining and it made me cry. It's no TS1 or TS3, though.
I agree with @jennamfeo. Its an entertaining movie. It wasn't necessary, but added a level of closure for some of the characters.
I agree with the unnecessary part. I did really enjoy it though and recommend Toy Story fans see it and judge it for yourself. I think it was the funniest of the 4. I also did shed a tear at a portion. I think its time for them to move on from Toy Story.
I'll try really hard not to make this a rant. :) Though honestly, I'm past ranting anymore and my mood can best be described as disappointed resignation.

I'm a FL resident and live 100 miles from WDW, so I visit often enough over a year that some kind of AP has always made sense - for 25 years! WDW's price increases in recent years have escalated far faster than my income, though, so I've been downgrading my APs and am currently at a Silver AP level. Now even that's going up $50 - and it isn't even eligible for SWGE previews. My son and I aren't go-go-go park people: we can only take a few hours at a time in the parks before needing a long break - I can't see me ever being willing to spend the exorbitant prices for day tickets we'll only use a short while, so I guess my calculations when our APs expire will be based on whether or not we plan to go to the parks at all over the following year. Frankly, I'm kind of ready to jump ship and move to Universal Orlando APs for a year.

I have been quiet lately on here but I need to comment on this because I was just talking to my friend at lunch, who is also a Disney fan. The reality is, Disney doesn't care about helping crowd control. They want money. I get it, they are a business and that's their goal, but the prices are ridiculous now. Disney prices were always high, but the value was there to me so I paid. Now the quality is slipping (at least at WDW, not so much as DL) and the prices keep going up. I never thought I would reach the point where I didn't want to go to WDW anymore but I have reached it and I am done with WDW for a while. I went in Feb of this year and I was aggravated by the prices but we took the kids back in April for a week. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. $420 for cold food at Chef Mickey's for breakfast had my shaking my head. I didn't want to go there knowing the reputation but the kids wanted to and I know breakfast is better than dinner, or so I thought.

The saddest part is, as I told my friend, is that things will only get worse. With SWGE opening and the 50th around the corner I think $200/day ticket prices and $200/night for value resorts will soon be common place.

On a running front, I got my orthotics in. I ran in them on Father's Day. 3 PAIN FREE miles. I was so excited and hopeful. I had the BAA 10K scheduled for yesterday. I figured I would go out for 4 miles during the week and if that went as well I would run the 10K yesterday. Well, those 4 miles didn't happen. I got 1/2 mile in and everything hurt. Both ankles, both knees, and my left achilles. I shut it down after just a 1/2 mile. So I watched the BAA 10K yesterday which was very hard. I had my MRI last Thursday and I am just hoping to get good news as far as getting surgery scheduled so I can start back running soon. I have been keeping up with the bike riding to keep the cardio up but I am just not looking forward to another 3-6 month recovery. :crutches::(
It was okay. I feel like it was such an unnecessary movie. But it was entertaining and it made me cry. It's no TS1 or TS3, though.
I agree with @jennamfeo. Its an entertaining movie. It wasn't necessary, but added a level of closure for some of the characters.
I agree with the unnecessary part! It didn’t make me cry though. I remember losing it in TS3. I guess because I could see where it was going to end up I was prepared for it.
I agree with the unnecessary part. I did really enjoy it though and recommend Toy Story fans see it and judge it for yourself. I think it was the funniest of the 4. I also did shed a tear at a portion. I think its time for them to move on from Toy Story.
I did not cry, but I did have bad dreams featuring marionettes.
I agree it is time to move on from the TS franchise, but I think they will still make plenty of money with this one so I could see it continuing- in the vein of Lion King 1 1/2 {shudder}.
QOTD: Do you enjoy watching movies that pertain to running? Do you go to the theater to see them or wait for them to come out to stream or rent? Do you plan on going see Brittany Runs a Marathon in August?
ATTQOTD: Does Wudy da Wabbit winning a 4 mile race to help Camp North Star upset Camp Mohawk in the movie Meatballs, count?

I thought based on the first half of the Brittany Runs a Marathon trailer, the movie would be about how running turned her life around and that seemed like it would be a cool movie. But as the trailer progressed, it seems like running is more of a subplot and the movie is more of a typical light hearted love/romance movie (aka chick flick) which doesn't seem as interesting to me. I will wait to see what folks are saying about it when it comes out before deciding if/when I see it.
Attqotd: I have watched a few. The only non-doc though was “Prefontaine” which was good. I’ve watched a few docs recently on ultra running, “The Source” about Courtney Dauwalter, who has won a few ultras outright, not just the women’s division; “Made to be Broken” following Karl “Speedgoat” Mentzer breaking the AT through hike speed record; and “The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats It’s Young.”

I recommend them all. The source is even on YouTube, so you don’t have to pay for it.
Good GRIEF those things were terrifying.
DH wants to see this movie but has a really weird fear of ventriloquist dolls. We kept seeing the Toy Story 4 monorail last week and it had not one but TWO of those dolls on it. He says he will power through but if normal people (i.e. not ventriloquist doll phobics) are calling them terrifying I better give him another trigger warning.
As for QOTD: I could watch Spirit of the Marathon dozens of times because I just love Deena Kastor. I've even watched the second one about the Rome Marathon a few times. Watching that trailer for Brittany Runs a Marathon made me cry a little so I'll def watch that in the theater when it comes out. As I stated in the above message DH wants to see Toy Story 4 even though my 2 teenage sons don't and I'm kind of against the 4th one on principle, as others have said I thought they ended it perfectly with 3. I may get dragged to it though. Lots of Forky merch at the parks last week. I tried to count how many purchased items I saw with Forky on it, and it was a significant number. Not just shirts but I saw a kid playing with a Forky toy.
Race updates:

Brewers Mini Marathon September 28th, 2019
Wine and Dine 5K Nov. 1st, 2019
Wine and Dine 10K Nov. 2nd, 2019
Wine and Dine Half Nov. 3rd, 2019
Yay for the Brewers mini! I’ve done the 10K 4 years in a row so I’ll most likely be there again this year. I don’t know yet if I’ll stick with the 10K or do the mini.
DH wants to see this movie but has a really weird fear of ventriloquist dolls. We kept seeing the Toy Story 4 monorail last week and it had not one but TWO of those dolls on it. He says he will power through but if normal people (i.e. not ventriloquist doll phobics) are calling them terrifying I better give him another trigger warning.
I am generally fine with such dolls. Howdy Doody hanging around at the Detroit Institute of Arts, no problem. Odd ball demon looking puppets at the Detroit puppet museum were fascinating. But I think Pixar went out of their way to make these guys a small but terrible part of the movie. While every movie needs a bad guy, in this case it is a creepy gang of bad guy henchmen. It will be the part of the movie we have to skip over when my kids watch it.
I am generally fine with such dolls. Howdy Doody hanging around at the Detroit Institute of Arts, no problem. Odd ball demon looking puppets at the Detroit puppet museum were fascinating. But I think Pixar went out of their way to make these guys a small but terrible part of the movie. While every movie needs a bad guy, in this case it is a creepy gang of bad guy henchmen. It will be the part of the movie we have to skip over when my kids watch it.
Wow ok then good to know!
QOTD: It's officially summer now, so I wanted to ask how is everyone enjoying their summer runs so far?

ATTQOTD: Little to no running for me currently, but I have been going out for walks with the puppy twice a day for about a mile each. Shes to young to take on any actual runs yet but shes enjoying the sights and sounds of being outside. I hope to soon take her for a walk then bring her in and I run a little bit. Puppy life is busy! lol


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