News Round Up 2019

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I will always remember the advice given to us when we were in Italy regarding gelato. Never buy the ones that are super vivid colors. That means they've added dye to make it look more appealing! Food for thought (pun intended).

That does not seem to be a major concern for most people at WDW...the place is absolutely teeming with food and beverages filled with food dyes.
The first Disney/Fox movie release since the merger.

Went to see it today and was a gulper and heard many folks sob.

"The film is also a historic one for the film industry, as it will be the first film released by 20th Century Fox under ownership of Disney, which completed its acquisition of the 83-year-old studio last month. It will be one of the final films released through Fox 2000, which Disney is shutting down after it completes the release of its remaining films."
Yep! True story and happened here, about 20 miles from my house. I bawled through the previews, not sure I could sit through the entire movie without hyperventilating.
She has some decent points, but on the other hand I don't really care about rich people calling out other rich people.
I find it interesting considering the Disney family basically has no say in what happens with the company anymore. I'd love to hear more from others of the Disney name. I know Diane and Ron never spoke or really got involved after Ron was let go from the company.
I also think some critics are using it as the symbol of being anti the volume of these remakes Disney is doing

I definitely agree with your point about the budget though - seems like every movie Disney makes now costs at least $120m and I think many of them would be better off being made for like $60-70m ... then they wouldn't all have to be huge blockbusters just to break even
I agree, there can only be so many $400-500M box office movies a year, and if your studio has to clear that on every release it seems like you are setting yourself up for failure. Especially when many of those movies are in the same segment. I wonder how they got the budget so high on Dumbo, I doubt any of those actors were that expensive.

I hadn't read any critic reviews until after I watched it. I couldn't believe many of the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. A lot of whining that it wasn't the original and some critics complaining about it being "woke." I also noticed that it has 44% positive of critics, but nearly every highlighted review was a negative.

On a different note, did anyone else think that the Vandevere guy was based on an evil Walt Disney?

I realize you posted this because it is Disney related and that you find it interesting because with the Disney family, there is a company that was founded by a family member, whose name is forever attached to the brand, and yet, the family members have absolutely no say in the company and how it is run (which is somewhat interesting). However...

I don’t necessarily understand why CEOs in major corporations get so much flack about their salaries when actors, actresses, professional athletes, etc. are rarely, if ever, put on the hot seat about how much money they earn. CEOs have the enormous pressure and responsibility of making decisions that impact people’s employment and livelihoods, stockholder’s investments (including mutual funds held by a 401(k)), and potentially the health of the economy. Their skills and talents are as unique as an elite athlete’s and arguably benefit society even more. I don’t know many people who would be willing to have that kind of pressure on their lives or work the hours that they do. So, is Iger’s bonus outrageous for completing one of the biggest media mergers of our time? No more so than someone who gets paid $300M to play baseball, IMO.

“Rivers of Light: We Are One” to Debut at Animal Kingdom This Summer Featuring Disney Animation Characters

Hopefully they don't overdo it with the animation characters - I see the article mentions featuring animals form Disney Nature as well

I really like the music in Rivers of Light and think it is a beautiful show - but also feel that some "plussing" isn't the worst idea in the world. As long as they keep the tone I think it could be good
I realize you posted this because it is Disney related and that you find it interesting because with the Disney family, there is a company that was founded by a family member, whose name is forever attached to the brand, and yet, the family members have absolutely no say in the company and how it is run (which is somewhat interesting). However...

I don’t necessarily understand why CEOs in major corporations get so much flack about their salaries when actors, actresses, professional athletes, etc. are rarely, if ever, put on the hot seat about how much money they earn. CEOs have the enormous pressure and responsibility of making decisions that impact people’s employment and livelihoods, stockholder’s investments (including mutual funds held by a 401(k)), and potentially the health of the economy. Their skills and talents are as unique as an elite athlete’s and arguably benefit society even more. I don’t know many people who would be willing to have that kind of pressure on their lives or work the hours that they do. So, is Iger’s bonus outrageous for completing one of the biggest media mergers of our time? No more so than someone who gets paid $300M to play baseball, IMO.

Currently one gets paid for what they add to the economy - top level athletes and actors get people to pay money to see them - and top level CEOs drive they economy and the market, etc.

At least with Iger there were a lot of conditions for him to get the full amount (and he missed one deadline for the FOX merger and thus lost some of the bonus) - it does drive me a bit nuts when companies perform poorly and the CEO still gets a larger bonus, etc. - but then that is up to shareholders to say that is wrong and not support the stock, etc. And we've seen activists shareholders push Disney to make the targets for Disney executives harder, etc.
Happy 21st anniversary to Animal Kingdom!

Happy 21st to Animal Kingdom ... Kungaloosh!!!

Currently one gets paid for what they add to the economy - top level athletes and actors get people to pay money to see them - and top level CEOs drive they economy and the market, etc.

At least with Iger there were a lot of conditions for him to get the full amount (and he missed one deadline for the FOX merger and thus lost some of the bonus) - it does drive me a bit nuts when companies perform poorly and the CEO still gets a larger bonus, etc. - but then that is up to shareholders to say that is wrong and not support the stock, etc. And we've seen activists shareholders push Disney to make the targets for Disney executives harder, etc.

Agreed with the bolded. In fact, I started typing something to that effect, and then changed my mind. I was going to say that there does need to be more accountability for CEOs! But, for that to happen, I think there has to be accountability across all levels of an organization; it has to be part of the culture. And all too often it is not.

Just saw she commented on the article on Twitter and added quite a bit to her thoughts and argued back against what Disney said in response about moving to $15/hour minimum and the education program they set up, etc.

and I should add, she does reiterate that she like Bob Iger and things he has done good things with the company, etc and isn't saying he shouldn't get paid well, just that it has gotten too extreme (though I think she plays with the numbers a bit too much like he is getting $65m in cash for the year which isn't the case)
Agreed with the bolded. In fact, I started typing something to that effect, and then changed my mind. I was going to say that there does need to be more accountability for CEOs! But, for that to happen, I think there has to be accountability across all levels of an organization; it has to be part of the culture. And all too often it is not.

definitely - I do think there is some merit in what she is saying, but I think companies should look into paying their lower level employees more because they want to attract - and keep - the best people they can. And if those at the top take 5-10% less it really won't change their lives but that amount, $-wise, could impact many other lives. But again, as a corporation, it should be to viewed as making the company stronger. I think sometimes it can be positioned as it being wrong to make $, and it shoudn't be, but also get that sometimes the extremes can get a bit too extreme and might not be best for the corporation long term
Really not sure how I feel about this. Hopefully it doesn’t feel like the IP is just shoved in the show. I’m okay with it if it’s done well.
I'm with you, Ryan. I worry that what the initial ROL vision of "water and light," highlighting the beauty of culture and music, seems to be fading further and further away. I think the dancers on the boats added a lot to the story, but it was still good after they were removed, (although I miss the costuming, dance and shadows they brought to the show).

We already have "Festival of the Lion King" for a lighthearted (and beautiful) homage to the movie, how about keeping this one true to the initial vision. If they turn it into yet another IP show, that will really be a sad day.
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