Official 2019 Star Wars Rival Run Weekend

A bit over my head here with experience / knowledge, so appreciate any help.

Since the 5k is sold out, I've been looking into signing up with one of the participating charities, with the added bonus of being able to help a good cause too. This would be for me and DS8.

I was half way through the GKTW registration but noticed in their policies you have to be 10 or older to be a part of that team, so I'm looking into some other charities.

Anyone been in this situation and/or have any advice on going through charities?

Apologies if this is a dumb question or covered elsewhere. Thank you!

No experience with charities but you might try the affiliated travel agents for bibs or check first thing at the Expo. I love the Star Wars races and fingers crossed for you getting them!

Any predictions on the weather? The last 6 weeks have been mostly mid 70s for training. I’m hoping it’s not any warmer than that.
Any predictions on the weather? The last 6 weeks have been mostly mid 70s for training. I’m hoping it’s not any warmer than that.
It’s Florida but looking at accueweather for lake Buena vista as of today a month out highs in the high 70s and stormy expo day the rest of the weekend highs in mid-low 80s with afternoon showers/storms
WAY too early to get any real sense of what weather we'll have, though I have no problem discussing it ad nauseum, lol! Just want to make sure the non-Floridians understand that any forecast more than a couple days out is 100% a guess.
Agreed, but it is almost certainly going to be very hot compared to temps where I live. It is hard to train for a run in the 60-70 degree temp range when it isn't even hitting 40 degrees for a high. We plan on adding one or two "hot" runs each week the rest of the way to help us get ready for Florida (in other words, we will layer up enough that we will sweat heavily). We are also arriving on the Tuesday before the race to help us acclimatize.
Texas is refusing to cooperate. Usually the weather here is within a few degrees and humidity percentage points of LBV. Instead, the high isn't even 40 today. Honestly.
Agreed, but it is almost certainly going to be very hot compared to temps where I live. It is hard to train for a run in the 60-70 degree temp range when it isn't even hitting 40 degrees for a high. We plan on adding one or two "hot" runs each week the rest of the way to help us get ready for Florida (in other words, we will layer up enough that we will sweat heavily). We are also arriving on the Tuesday before the race to help us acclimatize.
The weather down here is just messing with me at this point. Last week, we were near 90; this week I'm seeing lows in the low 40s. I've got my summer AND winter running gear ready to roll on any given day!
I've been able to run outside twice since the new year in Missouri. It has been miserable. We had a -10 wind chill this morning. I'm running a half on Saturday which I'm not sure how prepared I am because I just can't do really long training runs indoors but it's supposed to be a high of 58 and should let me know where I stand before Star Wars. I know I will regret saying this but I'm looking forward to some warm weather to race in for SW in April.
Weather has been my biggest concern with training, too. I'm on track with my plan, but with the exception of one live 5k in February, it's all been inside on a treadmill. SUPER curious how my treadmill 'performance' translates to real life and I'm worried it will be too cold to find out before we leave for the trip!
I've been able to run outside twice since the new year in Missouri. It has been miserable. We had a -10 wind chill this morning. I'm running a half on Saturday which I'm not sure how prepared I am because I just can't do really long training runs indoors but it's supposed to be a high of 58 and should let me know where I stand before Star Wars. I know I will regret saying this but I'm looking forward to some warm weather to race in for SW in April.

Weather has been my biggest concern with training, too. I'm on track with my plan, but with the exception of one live 5k in February, it's all been inside on a treadmill. SUPER curious how my treadmill 'performance' translates to real life and I'm worried it will be too cold to find out before we leave for the trip!

Any running is better than no running! I know people say treadmill running isn't exactly the same as road running in preparing for a road race, but you're getting your miles in and that's the important thing. I'm more in the same boat as @BuckeyeBama -- all my runs have been outside but I don't see how I'll be ready for the heat! I've been contemplating overdressing for a few of my runs starting next week just to see how it goes. I am so ready for a racecation in Florida!
I also might regret saying this, but I say bring the heat! I am so tired of being cold that I will welcome whatever weather Florida gives us.
At least you are aware you may regret that!

Expect humid and hot! It’s been humid and hot here lately to the point that my dog even gave up mid-walk yesterday. That’s what I get for going out later than normal!
Weather has been my biggest concern with training, too. I'm on track with my plan, but with the exception of one live 5k in February, it's all been inside on a treadmill. SUPER curious how my treadmill 'performance' translates to real life and I'm worried it will be too cold to find out before we leave for the trip!
I was in exactly the same place for my first half marathon - all treadmill training, plus one outdoor 5K. I have not had any real problems with the translation. The only difference for me is a spot mid thigh that gets sore.
Weather has been my biggest concern with training, too. I'm on track with my plan, but with the exception of one live 5k in February, it's all been inside on a treadmill. SUPER curious how my treadmill 'performance' translates to real life and I'm worried it will be too cold to find out before we leave for the trip!
I used to train a lot on treadmills (hate it, but you do what you can). You will be fine if you are setting the treadmill to a 1% incline for your runs. The 1% incline more accurately reflects the effort required to run on the street. The only part that you really cannot simulate is the actual road surface. In FL, the roads are hard and cambered. Treadmills have much more give, and they are perfectly flat. So, when you can, get out there and do some road work just to get your body ready for that again.
Agreed, but it is almost certainly going to be very hot compared to temps where I live. It is hard to train for a run in the 60-70 degree temp range when it isn't even hitting 40 degrees for a high. We plan on adding one or two "hot" runs each week the rest of the way to help us get ready for Florida (in other words, we will layer up enough that we will sweat heavily). We are also arriving on the Tuesday before the race to help us acclimatize.

I am going to start doing that! Then when people ask aren't I overdressed for running in 50 degrees I will have an excuse! Seriously, I will be happy if it even hits 50 today for my after work run. It is currently 26, which is 10 degrees warmer than it was at this time yesterday so at least we are on a warming trend!
Any spot recommendations or tips for spectating the SW half? We ran it last year but wasn't really paying attention on spectating locations. This year we have a group of 5 going plus one spectator. So excited! I want to work out a plan for my friend to see us, and if anyone has some ideas for good spots that would be much appreciated. I can do the timing math for our pace and expected start one we have corral confirmation. Off to go work on my costume!
Yeah, I haven't run this race but I love seeing folks at the exit of Hollywood Studios for the marathon too. Even if they don't enter the park, just outside the park there are always lots of people lined up and it's a nice place to give runners a power boost of cheering. Can't go wrong with Boardwalk as @Guidman said or here.


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