What stresses you out the most during the holidays?

You’re probably right. I don’t know if I’ll get around to putting up the tree because I have to move furniture and that’s my husband’s job but I do have a tote full of house decorations. If nothing else, I’ll put out my jingle bell wreath. It’s my favourite thing.
Make sure you enjoy a nice cold beverage while you do this. :)
I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas. I want it to be lovely for my family - decorated house, homemade holiday cookies & treats, beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree that contain thoughtfully chosen things that what will please them, elegant holiday meals in the dining room using my wedding china, special holiday activities, Christmas cards to all our friends and family - the perfect Hallmark Christmas (so much pressure!). But it's very time consuming to do all that, and I work 50 hours a week. If I don't do it, it doesn't get done; no one helps. They just think Christmas magically happens at our house. It is EXHAUSTING! This year we will be on a 5 day cruise for Christmas so no cooking for me - yay!

My favorite part is walking into Christmas Eve Mass because by then everything is DONE! We go to a Japanese teppanyaki restaurant after Mass and stay home on Christmas day. I FINALLY get to relax and enjoy myself. We visit relatives the following weekend for a big family party.
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DD has 3 sets of grandparents. She is the ONLY grandchild on all 3 sides. We cannot be everywhere at once, nor do we want to really. Every year, someone is going to be angry about the set up. Every year, one family gets Thanksgiving, and that family gets last pick of the circa Christmas dates. But as much as that seems "fair" to me, someone is always going to lay the guilt on (usually my parents, who claim that at least those other grandparents have other children to spend the holidays with). Anyway, that stresses me out more than anything. The sure knowledge that no matter what I do, it's always going to offend someone.
We stopped going to the grandparents once our kids were old enough to want Christmas in their own house where they didn't stress about Santa finding them. The grandparents come to us if they want to see the grandkids on Christmas day.
DD has 3 sets of grandparents. She is the ONLY grandchild on all 3 sides. We cannot be everywhere at once, nor do we want to really. Every year, someone is going to be angry about the set up. Every year, one family gets Thanksgiving, and that family gets last pick of the circa Christmas dates. But as much as that seems "fair" to me, someone is always going to lay the guilt on (usually my parents, who claim that at least those other grandparents have other children to spend the holidays with). Anyway, that stresses me out more than anything. The sure knowledge that no matter what I do, it's always going to offend someone.

Holy cow. I would just stay home. Let them all come to you if they want.
DD has 3 sets of grandparents. She is the ONLY grandchild on all 3 sides. We cannot be everywhere at once, nor do we want to really. Every year, someone is going to be angry about the set up. Every year, one family gets Thanksgiving, and that family gets last pick of the circa Christmas dates. But as much as that seems "fair" to me, someone is always going to lay the guilt on (usually my parents, who claim that at least those other grandparents have other children to spend the holidays with). Anyway, that stresses me out more than anything. The sure knowledge that no matter what I do, it's always going to offend someone.

Holy cow. I would just stay home. Let them all come to you if they want.

But I know this is easier said than done and I don't mean to sound like I'm telling you what to do. :-)
Probably decorating and taking down decorations is the most stressful to me. We have so much Christmas stuff it almost feels like I'm packing up and moving. I probably wouldn't go so all out except the family loves it.
Separating Christmas from January birthdays. So I rush to get the Christmas decor down the day after Christmas to decompress and gear up for those upcoming birthdays.
I guess I would have to say it's the guilt of you don't participate. Personally I don't like the holidays at all. It's completely commercialized and forces people to spend money which they may not have. I used to get into it in terms of the "spirit" but I really could care less now.
The sure knowledge that no matter what I do, it's always going to offend someone.

But I know this is easier said than done and I don't mean to sound like I'm telling you what to do. :-)
So relate to this! Especially the stepmom in law. First time in over 15 years we will NOT be at her house for Christmas eve (and I have REFUSED to stay in that witches house for the last 5-DH finally actually heard the stuff I've put up with for 25 years 5 years ago...). We are going to florida instead. Now to fend off the guilt trips from the SiL's and his mom...:sad2:

My parents have been snow birds (fleeing to Arizona) for the past 10 years so we do a family weekend in the summer instead-plus my mom went through this with her in-laws so she is quite understanding.

I've hosted Thanksgiving for the past few years-which I enjoy doing. But last year we were at Disney instead - OMG the guilt trip texts from his mom and sister...So much so that this year I announced that every other or every third year we will be doing a family trip instead of the Thanksgiving dinner and they were welcome to join us on said trip!
Hosting. We alternate on both sides. I hate hosting.
I’m not a great cook.
Plus my house is not as nice as our siblings.
Always worried if my house is clean enough, if we have everything etc.
Find myself cleaning carpets and dusting picture frames on Christmas Eve.
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We stopped going to the grandparents once our kids were old enough to want Christmas in their own house where they didn't stress about Santa finding them. The grandparents come to us if they want to see the grandkids on Christmas day.

we decided our kids would always wake up in their own home on christmas morning the christmas morning years before we had kids of our own when dh's young nephews asked their parents why santa had NEVER visited THEIR HOUSE (always had spent the day at one set of grandparents or the others). when we had ours we told the grands that they were welcome over on christmas day but that was a 'no travel' day for us/the kids.
shopping for too many adults in the family - many of whom aren't even directly related and none of whom really need more stuff - and all of whom are deep in debt themselves. It's basically become one massive gift card exchange - I get the GCs they like and they get the ones I like. :crazy2:

I've tried for years to suggest just celebrating the day and enjoying each other's company or maybe a secret santa where we just each get one gift or just getting gifts for the kids, but no dice. This family likes to shop and do gifts!

It's my DH's family (and in laws/step parents, step kids, etc) and the tradition seems so important to them - I don't want to hurt their feelings, so I just go along with it.
Every year we have 3-5 Christmas celebrations in up to 3 different states in order to accommodate all of the family. It gets really tiring and the hotel and gas costs when we travel out of state are ridiculous. This year we told family we aren't travelling out of state and will now only have 3 shindigs to attend. I'm still not looking forward to so many family events or the serious mountain of gifts the kids always seem to get, despite us asking relatives to go light. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that they care and are thinking about the kids, but I hate clutter and the kids don't need every massive (physically) dollhouse/barbie house/doll furniture/train set/indoor ride-on contraption you can find that's just slightly different than the other 3 they already have...And that I'll spend hours putting together for them to spend 5 mins playing with and then forget about because they have multiple others that are basically the same thing. And I cringe knowing that all of it was bought on credit cards because they really can't afford it, but still do it anyway.


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