Sore throat for 12 days...stumped!


DIS Veteran
Feb 12, 2013
I have had a sore throat since September 22. I am on day 8 of a 10 day course of amoxicillin. No improvement. What could be going on? I have seen 2 doctors, FWIW.

Whole story: started with one sided sore throat on Friday, Sept 21. Got progressively worse over the weekend. No fever. Swollen neck gland on same side, minor ear pain as well. By Monday morning, throat was incredibly painful when swallowing, and felt swollen to the point I was having trouble breathing and swallowing. Went to ER as it was too early for urgent care and could not swallow even water. ER did full work up including neck x rays and rapid strep test. Gave me oral steroids and 800mg Ibuprofen as well as a lidocaine syrup for pain. Rapid strep test was negative. X ray showed swelling of neck tissues near epiglottis...They called on duty ENT who said send me to his office to be seen later that day. I saw the ENT, who looked at my epiglottis and vocal cords and said they looked totally normal. He poked around my tonsil, got some pus out, and diagnosed tonsillitis. Prescribed 10 day course of amoxicillin.

I started the antibiotics and the pain improved considerably for the first 2 days, then came back worse than before, but now located in the back of the throat and moved to the other side. It's now been 12 days with this pain. I have no other symptoms except some thickened post nasal drip occasionally, but I have that all the time due to sinus issues. It never causes pain like this. I have been taking 600mg ibuprofen round the clock just to be able to tolerate the pain and be able to eat. Last night, I had what looked like canker sores in the back of my throat (1) and on the tip of my uvula (1). The pain is now compounded by the sharp kind of pain you get from canker sores.

If this isn't strep (and it appears whatever it is, the antibiotics aren't doing anything to treat it), what else could it be? I did go to Disneyland 2 days before the sore throat started. Could it be viral, even with how long it is lasting? Everything I've read about viral sore throats indicate a 4-7 day time span of symptoms. No one else in the house is sick, and again, I've had no other symptoms except maybe some minor fatigue. Very minor.

Should I go back to the doctor? Should I request a throat culture? Or should I just wait it out longer? I am due to finish my antibiotics tomorrow.
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I have had a sore throat since September 22. I am on day 8 of a 10 day course of amoxicillin. No improvement. What could be going on? I have seen 2 doctors, FWIW.

Whole story: started with one sided sore throat on Friday, Sept 21. Got progressively worse over the weekend. No fever. Swollen neck gland on same side, minor ear pain as well. By Monday morning, throat was incredibly painful when swallowing, and felt swollen to the point I was having trouble breathing and swallowing. Went to ER as it was too early for urgent care and could not swallow even water. ER did full work up including neck x rays and rapid strep test. Gave me oral steroids and 800mg Ibuprofen as well as a lidocaine syrup for pain. Rapid strep test was negative. X ray showed swelling of neck tissues near epiglottis...They called on duty ENT who said send me to his office to be seen later that day. I saw the ENT, who looked at my epiglottis and vocal cords and said they looked totally normal. He poked around my tonsil, got some pus out, and diagnosed tonsillitis. Prescribed 10 day course of amoxicillin.

I started the antibiotics and the pain improved considerably for the first 2 days, then came back worse than before, but now located in the back of the throat and moved to the other side. It's now been 12 days with this pain. I have no other symptoms except some thickened post nasal drip occasionally, but I have that all the time for to sinus issues. It never causes pain like this. I have been taking 600mg ibuprofen round the clock just to be able to tolerate the pain and be able to eat. Last night, I had what looked like canker sores in the back of my throat (1) and on the tip of my uvula (1). The pain is now compounded by the sharp kind of pain you get from canker sores.

If this isn't strep (and it appears whatever it is, the antibiotics aren't doing anything to treat it), what else could it be? I did go to Disneyland 2 days before the sore throat started. Could it be viral, even with how long it is lasting? Everything I've read about viral sore throats indicate a 4-7 day time span of symptoms. No one else in the house is sick, and again, I've had no other symptoms except maybe some minor fatigue. Very minor.

Should I go back to the doctor? Should I request a throat culture? Or should I just wait it out longer? I am due to finish my antibiotics tomorrow.
Mono (mononucleosis)? Did they do a test for Mono (Mono Spot)?
Mono (mononucleosis)? Did they do a test for Mono (Mono Spot)?

No. I came across that possibility in my googling. Should I request that test?
Do you normally get canker sores? I get them and earlier this year I had a sore throat just like that. It seemed to be a cold setting in, but then no other symptoms other than the throat were experienced. I even went to a doctor, and yeah he gave me the usual sinus infection stuff (my usual GP was on vacation). It did not help. Then I'm looking in the mirror with a bright light just to see if it looks bad and there it was, clear as day to me, a canker sore on my tonsil! That was in fact the only issue and it cleared up in like 10 days or so, but was very painful and did cause swelling and ear pain. Unfortunately, if you are a canker sore sufferer, then you know, there is really no treatment. I hope it goes away soon.
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Do you normally get canker sores? I get them and earlier this year I has a sore throat just like that. It seemed to be a cold setting in, but then no other symptoms other than the throat were experienced. I even went to a doctor, and yeah he gave me the usual sinus infection stuff (my usual GP was on vacation). It did not help. Then I'm looking in the mirror with a bright light just to see if it looks bad and there it was, clear as day to me, a canker sore on my tonsil! That was inf act the only issue and it cleared up in like 10 days or so, but was very painful and did cause swelling and ear pain. Unfortunately, if you are a canker sore sufferer, then you know, there is really no treatment. I hope it goes away soon.

I do not get them regularly at all. I've had a couple in my life, usually as a result of biting the inside of my cheek. I have been looking in my throat daily this whole time and didn't see any sores (nor did the doctors) until last night. And it was dead center in the back of my throat. Looked like a blister earlier in the day, then a sore later at night.
Sore throats are miserable! Generally I get them from sinus drainage, so when I feel that in the back of my throat I take something to dry it up (an antihistamine.) Years ago I had a prolonged sore throat and the doc gave me a couple of rounds of steroids which cleared it up almost immediately. I see you were already given steroids so maybe another round would help? I'd also be asking for some serious pain meds too, I know some people don't like to take them but your discomfort has gone on too long. You may also need to stay home and rest to get over this, if you're still going to work and doing all the things you normally do it's going to take longer to recover. Hope you're feeling better soon.:)
I do not get them regularly at all. I've had a couple in my life, usually as a result of biting the inside of my cheek. I have been looking in my throat daily this whole time and didn't see any sores (nor did the doctors) until last night. And it was dead center in the back of my throat. Looked like a blister earlier in the day, then a sore later at night.

Yeah, they are common from like biting your cheek or something, but I get them spontaneously too. One thing is that sometimes a burn, like from hot soup can make me get them, so did you maybe swallow something a bit too hot? Just a thought. Otherwise, I second @Snowflakey in the use of the warm salt water rinsing. It is really the only thing that ever helps.
Gargle with salt and warm/hot water as often as you can.

Been doing this too. I've been doing all the "home remedy" type stuff: Eating soft foods, soups, popsicles, sucking on lozenges, breathing in steam, salt water gargle, etc. They all provide BRIEF relief, but nothing long term.
Sore throats are miserable! Generally I get them from sinus drainage, so when I feel that in the back of my throat I take something to dry it up (an antihistamine.) Years ago I had a prolonged sore throat and the doc gave me a couple of rounds of steroids which cleared it up almost immediately. I see you were already given steroids so maybe another round would help? I'd also be asking for some serious pain meds too, I know some people don't like to take them but your discomfort has gone on too long. You may also need to stay home and rest to get over this, if you're still going to work and doing all the things you normally do it's going to take longer to recover. Hope you're feeling better soon.:)

Yeah, the steroids worked immediately and gave me relief for an entire day. I have been resting, for the most part. I'm a stay at home mom, but my kids are older and in school all day. I haven't done anything like exercise in about 10 days.
No. I came across that possibility in my googling. Should I request that test?

I would. I had strep throat-like symptoms about 14 years ago and they determined it was mono. Tested negative for strep but was put on antibiotics. Didn't help. I think I went back to the doctor twice more before they finally determined it was mono. You always assume someone feels very tired or sleepy when they have mono, but the truth is that the symptoms present in different ways. For me, I wasn't super tired but I had a horrible soar throat and swollen glands for about 3-4 weeks, a fever that developed around week 2, and rash on my arms and legs that developed around week 3. They say you are susceptible to getting mono again once you've had it, but luckily I've not had anymore bouts with it.

Your symptoms seem intense, but another thought that came to mind is seasonal allergies. Ragweed is high right now where I live, and seasonal/environmental allergies can develop at any age. My allergies always give me a soar throat, but I feel fine otherwise.

Feel better!
Have you tried taking something like Sudafed, for post-nasal drip? There is also something called tonsil stones.

I do a daily sinus rinse, and honestly the post nasal drip isn't a big issue right now. I don't like taking meds unnecessarily, especially Sudafed, which gives me anxiety.

This is NOT a post nasal drip sore throat. It is excruciatingly painful. I wince every time I have to swallow.
Have you tried taking something like Sudafed, for post-nasal drip? There is also something called tonsil stones.

Yeah, I get tonsil stones all the time. This time, that's not what it is. The ENT checked and my tonsils aren't even swollen at all. When I get them, I get a minor pain, push on them with my finger and they pop right out.
I would. I had strep throat-like symptoms about 14 years ago and they determined it was mono. Tested negative for strep but was put on antibiotics. Didn't help. I think I went back to the doctor twice more before they finally determined it was mono. You always assume someone feels very tired or sleepy when they have mono, but the truth is that the symptoms present in different ways. For me, I wasn't super tired but I had a horrible soar throat and swollen glands for about 3-4 weeks, a fever that developed around week 2, and rash on my arms and legs that developed around week 3. They say you are susceptible to getting mono again once you've had it, but luckily I've not had anymore bouts with it.

Your symptoms seem intense, but another thought that came to mind is seasonal allergies. Ragweed is high right now where I live, and seasonal/environmental allergies can develop at any age. My allergies always give me a soar throat, but I feel fine otherwise.

Feel better!

Thanks for sharing. It's definitely not allergies. I have had allergies when we lived on the east coast and since we moved back to CA, I've had no issues. Our pollen levels are in the low-moderate range currently.
What about a weird case of Shingles? I have a friend who had shingles almost entirely in her mouth.

Oh good god. That would be awful. I did have chicken pox when I was younger...I guess it could be a possibility.
Do you have small kids around? When my daughter was 4, she had a minor sore throat. the next two days, I was laid on my back with a high fever and the weird sores you describe in your throat. Herpangina is a minor disease for little kids, but attacks adults much more virulently. However, one would think you would have gotten over a viral infection by now. I would think localized shingles given the pain you describe.


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