Grateful, Thankful, Blessed: our 25th Anniversary SeaWorld Celebration (Spring ’18 TR)

That BBQ looks good! I don't know why, but I periodically stop getting updates from the thread. Just had a lot of catching up, which was a nice break in my morning! Loved all the beautiful pictures of you and Jake. I know you were a Happy Mama!
LOVED :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc SDD. I thought it was sort of a hybrid of BTMR and EE. It’s supposed to be a kids coaster but it’s a bit more than that. We were going with the Easy WDW plan for the morning....he arrived at the gate at 6:15 and was able to do everything in Toy Story Land twice by about 8:30. We didn’t get to the gate until 6:45 and it certainly made a difference. By the time we got to SDD the posted wait was on one sign 45 and the other 35 but I knew that they have been inflating the time. It was actually 20. We then went to Aliens and the wait was about 5-10 minutes. It’s a really cute ride but too short. We then moved on to TSM and it was pretty much a walk on even though the sign said 15 minutes. The only wait was right at the very start of the line while they load the cars.

We only had lunch at Epcot and then went back to the room until 4:45 before heading to MK. The only real goal there was dinner and fireworks. We did manage to get 3 more FP and did the standby for BTMR. Oh boy....that has got to be the worst line to stand in. It was only 35 minutes but it’s so incredibly hot. There are zero fans in there and zero air movement. At one point I started to not feel so great and wondered how often someone passed out in there. Can’t believe they have never added those big fans that most other ques have.

We positioned ourselves right in the middle of Main St for the fireworks and dipped out about 1 minute before the end. Which was absolutely perfect. There was a bus waiting when we got there and got on, got a seat and the bus took off 5 minutes later. We walked back into out room at 9:40. It was a very long day, by far the longest we’ve ever done but it was a fun one.

More relaxing at the pool today!!! I’m already there in fact.

Would you stop making it all sound so gosh darn fun??? You're making me want to put a Disney day in our October plans for absolute sure :p. You're bad for my budget, Miss Dancin' ;).

In all seriousness, I'm so glad you guys are having such a wonderful time. You deserve this awesome break so very much.

Now, we're all waiting for a Mouse Ears Selfie :earboy2:. Don't let us down!!!

@Gina-Gina-Bo-Bina that ring is really cute. So not surprised that Steve got it for you.

He's a keeper, my Steve. Generous to a fault. I'm not sure how I got so lucky.

That BBQ looks good! I don't know why, but I periodically stop getting updates from the thread. Just had a lot of catching up, which was a nice break in my morning! Loved all the beautiful pictures of you and Jake. I know you were a Happy Mama!

That's happened to a few must be a glitch in the boards somewhere. I'm glad you are back and all caught up again!! :goodvibes I hate to 'lose' any of my readers!

Thank you for the kind compliment on our pics from Jake's visit :goodvibes. Even all grown up, he's still my pride and joy. We hope to maybe see him again in early firm plans yet, but we hope to make a quick weekend visit home around the 7th as it will likely be the last one until maybe Christmas.

:sad: I'm so sad we missed the penguins on our visit. But your pictures are fun. Love the ring!

You guys DEFINITELY need a SeaWorld do-over day!! You still have so much to see and do there......and yes, ESEPCIALLY the penguins!
Thursday, May 10th: a mish-mashy day of vacation-y things :flower1:

We had been pretty consistently busy, busy, busy from the time our plane touched down on Friday night…..and we had a much-anticipated day at Discovery Cove planned for our final full day in Orlando… we opted to make this Thursday our “free-form” day: not really a restful one, per se, but nothing really scheduled either. A day to take are of some 'business', do a little relaxing, and still find time to have a little fun. I suppose this would be as restful as we got on this trip.

We did have one commitment for early in the day: we had decided to take advantage of the Vistana’s customary offer for a complimentary resort photo session and free 5 x 7 print. We did one of the sessions a few years ago one of our first stays at the resort (back when all three of us were travelling together as a family), and got some great shots for a crazy reasonable price. While we weren’t planning on purchasing the CD of our session this time [we had gotten plenty of great pictures at the parks thanks to our Photokey], we thought it might be nice to have one non-park picture to commemorate our silver anniversary. The sessions are pretty quick (about 15 minutes long) so they don’t take up much of the day, and we were able to book one of their first time slots of the morning :thumbsup2.

While our photographer was one of the sweetest young ladies we’ve had the pleasure of meeting in quite a long time, we weren’t super fond of most of the shots she captured :rolleyes1. I will give her this: she was very creative :smooth: !! For many of the pictures, she had us leaping in the air while holding hands :crazy2: (or something equally as awkward) which, looking on the bright side, made picking our favorite shot for the complimentary print quite easy :laughing:. There were only a few that didn’t make me cringe!!

This is the one we ended up choosing.


Had we wanted a CD of all the images from our session (which would have been about ….. 20-25?, I would guess) the price would have been $59, and it came with a full release so you could make your prints wherever you wished. A very fair price, I thought. Smaller print packages were also available for those who wished to purchase hard copy photos.

We left the resort photo session and made a stop at Golden Corral for a hearty breakfast before embarking on the balance of our day’s activities. Steve was as hungry as a grizzly bear by then, so a buffet was right up his alley. It was oddly empty in the restaurant when we arrived (perhaps because it was a weekday morning? :confused:) so we were greeted and seated without any kind of wait. Steve made a beeline straight for the bacon…..and the ham…..and the fried chicken :teeth:. What happens on vacation, stays on vacation!!


I’m a bit more of a traditionalist. While bacon is an important component of breakfast, so are eggs, pancakes, and hashbrowns. Variety is the spice of life, as they say.


It was a good morning for a Golden Corral breakfast, as we planned to skip lunch in preparation for our much anticipated evening feast: we would be meeting @chiamarie at Kobe’s Steakhouse and rumor had it that portions were going to be pretty darn huge. We could eat hearty now and ideally not be hungry again until the time that dinner rolled around…..especially if we limited ourselves to just a small snack when we visited Disney Springs later that morning.

After breakfast, we headed to Kissimmee to do a little bit of shopping for “souvenirs” for our boy: he had put in a request for some shoes and clothing from his beloved Nike Clearance Store and we were happy to spoil him a little. After all, you can’t really bring a 22-year-old man home a Shamu stuffie, right? To ensure he was going to like all the stuff we picked out (our “parent” tastes can be much different than his!!) we texted a few photos back and forth to get his thumbs up before purchasing…’s not like we could take anything back if it happened not to fit or be the wrong style.

New Lebrons are always, always a hit (not only does Florida offer styles not readily available to him in Canada, but the price we pay at the Clearance Store is WAY less than he would pay from a Canadian retailer):

39965133_10156982695391416_8615540761816989696_n.jpg we picked him up some new shorts and shirts as well. Summer was coming, after all.


We know him pretty well, though, because he was elated and thrilled with everything we found…..and we got several thank you's and “love ya, momma!” texts as we made our way to the next stop on the souvenir search: the Lake Buena Vista Factory Stores.

Somehow I missed taking any photos here, but probably because it was a pretty quick mission. We popped into a few of the sports stores (Under Armor, Nike, Reebok) but the bargains were few and far between. Now that we live in the USA and have easy access to outlet stores here in Michigan (and a lower tax rate than Florida by a smidge), clothes shopping in Florida isn’t a really big deal for us. Our biggest score was at the Lindt Outlet, where we got a rocking good deal on beautiful Florida themed gift bags full of our own custom assortment of 100 Lindor chocolates. We picked up one for Jake (a little surprise to go along with the shoes and clothes), one for my mom, and one for Steve’s parents. We splurged and picked up a smaller assortment for us to enjoy to ensure that we didn’t suffer from a breakdown in willpower and end up stealing a few from the other bags before they made it back to Michigan :o.

We darted back to the villa to unload our packages (we were mostly worried about those chocolates melting in the heat of the rental) and with our to-do list fully completed, we were able to begin the “fun” part of the day: a visit to Disney Springs.


More to come :flower:
Thursday, May 10th: Disney Springs


It was yet another stupendous weather day, so we intended to take full advantage of the sunshine and pleasant temperatures coupled with the blissfully low crowds at the Springs. We parked in the Lime Garage (tons of spaces available…..parking at Disney Springs is so painless and easy!) and headed down the stairs with no real plan of attack at all.


We opted to head toward the Marketplace first, since it’s the most familiar to us. We paused in front of the Poutine Restaurant, and vowed that we must make this a stop on a future trip: just to assess the authenticity of our nation’s favourite food. An idea for October, perhaps?


We popped in and out of each of the stores as we strolled along, specifically looking for a Disney shot glass for Steve’s collection. When we had trouble locating them in the World of Disney…..


…..we stopped to ask one of the friendly CM’s if they could point us in the right direction. As it turns out, apparently that question is taboo (“Mickey doesn’t drink!” :eek:…..insert horrified face here :scared1:.….who knew??? :confused3) but they offered to show me where the “SIPPERS” :rolleyes1were kept.

It’s amazing how much I have yet to learn where Disney is concerned :laughing:.

They also suggested we check Mickey’s Pantry, as they also were reported to carry a small selection of “sippers”. Indeed, they did…..and Steve was able to check that item off his vacation wish-list.


We actually found a TON of cool stuff in Mickey’s Pantry…..oddly enough, its one of the places we’d never bothered to stop in before. Steve loves to cook (and is a tiny bit addicted to the Food Network, but don’t tell him I told ya his secret ;)) so he was quite enamored with all the cool kitchen-y items that they had to offer.


We spent some time browsing in the Days of Christmas Store (I could spend an entire paycheck in there without so much as batting an eye! ::yes::)…..


…..the Pin Traders store……


….and of course, we stopped to savor the sweet smells in Ghirardelli’s. We were elated that their complimentary samples were one of our favorites: milk chocolate caramel!


Stay tuned for more :).

What a great trip report, we are going Oct 13-20 (Doing DC, SW, Aquatica, BG, and MNSSHP (which is a surprise for my kids)) reading yours is definitely is helping build the excitement for ours. I especially enjoyed the Aquatica section as we haven't been there yet, but hope to visit two days if the weather cooperates. Always nice to meet a fellow animal lover as well, we have 8 (3 dogs, 4 cats, and a bearded dragon) :)
What a great trip report, we are going Oct 13-20 (Doing DC, SW, Aquatica, BG, and MNSSHP (which is a surprise for my kids)) reading yours is definitely is helping build the excitement for ours. I especially enjoyed the Aquatica section as we haven't been there yet, but hope to visit two days if the weather cooperates. Always nice to meet a fellow animal lover as well, we have 8 (3 dogs, 4 cats, and a bearded dragon) :)

Fellow pet lover here, too! We have 8 cats! Wow- a bearded dragon? does he/she interact with the dogs and cats at all?
:cloud9: I am just loving your updates. Disney and shopping.. two of my favourite things:thumbsup2.
I so wish we could hit the Nike Outlets in Florida before basketball season starts for my 14 year old. It's physically painful for me to spend $150 canadian for a pair of shoes that might not even last the season at the rate he is growing. Alas, we won't be there until March. We definitely are planning a shopping day for one of the down days though and I am sure we will all find fun things at the outlets. It's not so much the deals (because with the exchange rate it isn't much better) but the variety is a big draw.
Last night the final vote came down and we are back to doing Disney. With our next trip not until 2021, nobody wanted to skip Disney for that long. Once the dollar improves and we can think about doing Orlando yearly again it will be easier to skip our beloved Disney parks. I am sad to be missing Discovery Cove but I am certain we will make it a priority on another trip. We are still tacking on two days in Tampa as far as I know.

I am with you... I LOVE the Days of Christmas store. When we first started going everyone was allowed to pick an ornament to bring home from every trip. After awhile we decided to pick one as a family. The result is I have enough Disney ornaments for an entirely Disney tree.. Tinkerbell light up topper included (that was a great Outlet find)!

The description of the awkward leaping photos made me laugh out loud. I love the one you chose though!:goodvibes
I like that resort photo! and great Anniversary Souvenir ring! Our anniversary splurge this year was AKL and Jiko, and-as it turned out-California Grill.

.parking at Disney Springs is so painless and easy!)
-it really isn't but you have some great timing and managed to get good times to go LOL! Maybe just not going on Saturday nights makes a difference :rolleyes1-seems that is when we get there...

Beautiful weather. Wish we would have had more time in May - that was such a super quick trip for DD drop off for her summer alumni program.

And just booked a quickie trip for September for HHN! Have an extra accommodation certificate from our TS stays-one of the places is available is SVR. I am leaning towards Westgate Lakes as it seems to be closer to Universal but I know you have made the drive countless times from SVR-any thoughts? I will have my DD's toll transponder with me as I despise I-4 lol!
@Gina-Gina-Bo-Bina where is the Nike Clearance Store? I think I’ve seen it but can’t put place it at the moment. We’ve been to the Nike store on 192 at the I4 and the one at the Buena Vista outlet.

Oh and the ear selfie won’t be happening. I don’t have any. GC just bought herself the rose gold ones but I’m not allowed to even touch them.
What a great trip report, we are going Oct 13-20 (Doing DC, SW, Aquatica, BG, and MNSSHP (which is a surprise for my kids)) reading yours is definitely is helping build the excitement for ours. I especially enjoyed the Aquatica section as we haven't been there yet, but hope to visit two days if the weather cooperates. Always nice to meet a fellow animal lover as well, we have 8 (3 dogs, 4 cats, and a bearded dragon) :)

Welcome to the thread, @AntimonyER ! Glad to have you reading along and joining in the chatter!

Sounds like you have one AWESOME trip planned for the fall :thumbsup2. You'll just be coming home as we are readying to leave on our next adventure! I am confident you will all have a wonderful time at's an incredible waterpark, and our visits there almost always ends up being one of our favorite days of our trip.

Are you dressing up for MNSSHP? Doing to the dolphin swim at DC? How old are you kids? Feel free to partake in the trip planning chatter as we roll along...there are several of us here who are all heading to Orlando in October.

I've never heard shot glasses called sippers before. I've always heard the called toothpick holders at Disney. lol

Toothpick holders :rolleyes:. Good grief!

Before that dday, I had no idea that the discussion of alcohol at Disney was that taboo :confused: (when I say the CM's looked horrified when I inquired, I'm not would have thought I asked where they kept their guns, or supply of dead bodies). Apparently Mickey has never seen what happens around the World at EPCOT :rolleyes1.

Not really. The Dragon (Ms. Kibbles) is my daughter's, and she is VERY protective (she would do Hagrid proud), if the dragon is ever out of her habitat, the animals are removed from her room.

That is SUPER COOL!!! What an amazing and interesting pet! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

3 dogs, 4 cats, and a bearded kids......that's a busy household! But there's nothing more wonderful than teaching children a love for animals :goodvibes. You can see just from that photo how much joy pets are bringing to your DD!

Aw, I would have loved to see a jump-picture!

Trust me, you are fortunate to have been spared the horror :crazy2:. We are too old and too fat to be attempting such cutsie photos :rolleyes2. The image of them still haunts me from time to time :lmao:.


It looks an ideal day at Disney Springs, not too crowded.

:cloud9: I am just loving your updates. Disney and shopping.. two of my favourite things:thumbsup2.
I so wish we could hit the Nike Outlets in Florida before basketball season starts for my 14 year old. It's physically painful for me to spend $150 canadian for a pair of shoes that might not even last the season at the rate he is growing. Alas, we won't be there until March. We definitely are planning a shopping day for one of the down days though and I am sure we will all find fun things at the outlets. It's not so much the deals (because with the exchange rate it isn't much better) but the variety is a big draw.
Last night the final vote came down and we are back to doing Disney. With our next trip not until 2021, nobody wanted to skip Disney for that long. Once the dollar improves and we can think about doing Orlando yearly again it will be easier to skip our beloved Disney parks. I am sad to be missing Discovery Cove but I am certain we will make it a priority on another trip. We are still tacking on two days in Tampa as far as I know.

I am with you... I LOVE the Days of Christmas store. When we first started going everyone was allowed to pick an ornament to bring home from every trip. After awhile we decided to pick one as a family. The result is I have enough Disney ornaments for an entirely Disney tree.. Tinkerbell light up topper included (that was a great Outlet find)!

The description of the awkward leaping photos made me laugh out loud. I love the one you chose though!:goodvibes

Jake bought every single pair of his basketball shoes in Florida when he played competitively and in high school. He had SO many players from other teams come up after his games and ask where he got his shoes....he LOVED being able to get the colors and styles that weren't available in Canada. It was not uncommon for him to bring 3 different pairs home from one trip :rotfl:...... when I gave birth to a baby boy all those years ago, I never one thought we'd spend such a large portion of his youth shopping for shoes :rotfl2:.

We haven't found the discounts at the outlets to be as awesome as they were years ago, but its possible that our expectations have increased after so many years of great bargains. When you're there in March, you might be at just the right time to catch a seasonal clearance as they transition their stock from winter to summer. Timing, as they say, is everything!!

So you are back to Disney planning!!! :earboy2: You guys will have a blast, whatever you choose to do. I hear ya on the pain of the exchange rate, though. The dollar has been low for SO long now :sad2: .... oh, for the days when we danced around par. Imagine the splurges that will be possible when that happens again. DC will become so much more affordable!

And I would love to see a photo of your Disney tree, if you have a pic that you are willing to share :santa:. I've never done a themed tree myself, but love the idea of one!!

I like that resort photo! and great Anniversary Souvenir ring! Our anniversary splurge this year was AKL and Jiko, and-as it turned out-California Grill.

-it really isn't but you have some great timing and managed to get good times to go LOL! Maybe just not going on Saturday nights makes a difference :rolleyes1-seems that is when we get there...

Beautiful weather. Wish we would have had more time in May - that was such a super quick trip for DD drop off for her summer alumni program.

And just booked a quickie trip for September for HHN! Have an extra accommodation certificate from our TS stays-one of the places is available is SVR. I am leaning towards Westgate Lakes as it seems to be closer to Universal but I know you have made the drive countless times from SVR-any thoughts? I will have my DD's toll transponder with me as I despise I-4 lol!

Westgate Lakes will be a slightly shorter commute than SVR, but SVR is a far superior resort. We've stayed at both and unless there have been some MAJOR upgrades to WL, the amenities and villas are much better at the Vistana. We have never found the drive to Universal an issue from SVR, and we've done it both via the I4 and the back way.....but then again, we've never had an issue at Disney Springs parking either :rotfl:.

How awesome for you to squeeze in an extra trip!! And for HHN, no less!! :banana:

@Gina-Gina-Bo-Bina where is the Nike Clearance Store? I think I’ve seen it but can’t put place it at the moment. We’ve been to the Nike store on 192 at the I4 and the one at the Buena Vista outlet.

Oh and the ear selfie won’t be happening. I don’t have any. GC just bought herself the rose gold ones but I’m not allowed to even touch them.

The Nike Clearance Store is on the 192, in the same direction as Capone's & Kissimmee Go Karts (the opposite direction from Krispy Kreme and Celebration). There's a little strip plaza just past Congo River on the same side of the road. It has a Bealls outlet, a souvenir shop, a Dollar Tree, the Nike Clearance Store, and a few other small shops.

Methinks someone needs to splurge and buy herself a pair of Mouse Ears on this trip ::yes::. How fun would a Mom & Daughter selfie be!! There's still time, my friend!! Find a gift shop in MK and DON'T HOLD BACK! :teeth:

We will all still be here, patiently waiting for the photo ;).

Hope you are still having a fantastic time!!
We have added HHN to our trip as well! I told dh he is just trying to give me a heart attack and collect insurance money from my untimely passing..... :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
Yeah it's odd. I'm not a huge alcohol fan, don't like it and don't like what it does to people, but I had a Grey Goose Slushy at Epcot a few years ago. Decided to have photopass take a family picture in France and they told me I had to hide the drink or our picture wouldn't show up on photopass. I guess they like taking your money and getting you drunk just don't want any proof it happened. lol


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