FOP and Navi both down all day. FP+ Wasted

Splash was down last I checked too

Splash was down most of yesterday morning, but was back up the rest of the day.

I'm leaving for AK now, EE is still closed and I have a 3:00 FP for that, everything else at AK looks open. I also have FP for the safari and FOP, hope they are still open this evening!
The easiest way to think of an Anytime FP is as a Bonus, not a replacement. Disney gives you a Bonus/Appeasement/Anytime FP; you process the replacement of the FP of the downed ride.

If the downed FP was for one of your initial 3 FPs, you do need to “replace” it and use it so that you can move on to book FP#4 and so on while holding onto your Bonus.

This, exactly. To share my experience as well... My DD and I went to Epcot last Saturday first thing in the morning while DW was resting after the SW 10K. Now we had FP's at MK for later in the day, so anything at Epcot was going to be standby. We got in the standby line for Frozen with a 10 minute wait at 9:15 and by 9:20 they announced that the ride was down. We proceeded to the front of the line and were given anywhere/anytime "appeasement" FP's. Walked right over to Test Track and used our new FPs.

This "bonus" FP did not in any way interfere with our FP's for later in the day at MK, and actually worked out for us since we wanted to do Test Track all along, but by 9:10 the standby was already at 50 minutes.

Now, I still can't quite understand why a new'ish E-ticket boat ride would go down less than 20 minutes into park operation... o_O
My FoP anytime FP was good through today for anything except Frozen and RoL.

We got evacuated off FoP about 10 days ago because of a problem in the second tier of the first theater. We got to ride immediately in the second theater and were also given the same anytime FP+s.

Previously, I’d only received one for anything at AL but I’d usually stop at GR on my way out to see if they could swap it over to another park I was headed to.

Anyway, I’m probably going to stear clear of making plans exclusively for FoP for a while. That’s three times in two months that I’ve planned a day around it.

What strange choices to exclude. :confused3
Though, certainly, it is an unfortunate set of circumstances, I would offer that people who wait in a Guest Services line for over an hour due to a lost ride, ....have lost far more valuable ride time by doing so. It's disappointing, but ....enjoy what you have and stop lamenting what you don't.
And the FP line for splash was backed out almost to pecos bill when BTMR went down. I’m here waiting for a group that entered the line with FP well over 1/2 hr ago.
I thought so too. FEA sure, but RoL?

HAHA, :teeth: my first thought was they said Frozen, I though show ... where FP+ isn't necessary and by setup is a waste. Well I suppose if you don't have FEA that would be good, but we have no trouble getting it day of FP+. But ROL, especially this time of year when there are likely multiple per night. All reports I've seen have been the theaters don't fill up. And yet they didn't exclude 7DMT which is normally a for sure exclusion.
Wow, we got home at midnight last night.
Only outages we had during our week long trip was FoP all day on Wednesday, Splash at park opening on Wednesday morning and then Frozen went down yesterday just after we scanned our FP (which we'd gotten same day, about 10 min before that). We didn't run in to one other outage or even line for FP. Wonder what changed in the last 24 hours?
Wow, we got home at midnight last night.
Only outages we had during our week long trip was FoP all day on Wednesday, Splash at park opening on Wednesday morning and then Frozen went down yesterday just after we scanned our FP (which we'd gotten same day, about 10 min before that). We didn't run in to one other outage or even line for FP. Wonder what changed in the last 24 hours?

The Gremlins are afraid of you??

There are definitely issues.
At MK today and have been turned away for down rides at carrousel, 7DMT and BTMR.

We were there from April 12-18.
Epcot: LwtL was down when we first tried to ride around 9:30.
Later we finally got to ride it and ended up evacuated off of it (after floating backwards for 20 minutes or so, and waiting another 20+ minutes to be evacuated).
Mexico ride broke down for about 10 minutes while we were on it (which was only super annoying because we were with a group of LOUD high school kids + Donald Duck voice repeatedly).
Test Track: Broke down while we were on it, waited maybe 15 minutes? We got to re-ride as soon as we got off.

We rode 7DMT at rope drop and then went on Pooh, came off Pooh and 7DMT was down (so by 8:30ish?)
BTMRR was down when we tried to go on it.
Buzz and HM both stopped for 5-10 minutes while we were riding.

AK: Navi stopped for about 10 minutes while we were on it, that was it!

ToT was down for most of the day (noticed it down around 9:30, maybe? Was back up sometime between 4-6 when I checked but not before that)
RnRC was down for several hours in the morning
(Add that to a very long wait for TSMM and too early for shows and it's a sad park)

Other full day MK:
Splash and PoC were both down first thing in the morning, PoC for quite awhile but I didn't notice how long Splash was down for.
We also noticed 7DMT down later in the day, I don't remember when.

Luckily we managed a few hours at Epcot on checkout day with no issues!

So yeah, something is definitely going on. I kind of took reports of rides being down on here with a grain of salt, but once we were there it was clear it was an issue. It became a joke with my kids! Honestly, the whole trip was a very last minute gift from my mom and I paid for none of it, so it was hard to be upset, but it was still annoying.
Maybe they should put a Marty Moose at the entrance to Pandora with a recording that says "Sorry folks were closed for 2 weeks to clean and repair America's favorite family fun park."
Well, FoP seems to have lots of "overheating" issues which seems to trigger alarms and the evac of both rides .............. too many times.

They seem to be one for safety .................. here is the basic blueprint = one building.

You can google it, alarms evac both. :rolleyes1

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Are the evacuations due to the overheating itself of the ride or the overheating causing a fire alarm? I'm not as familiar with State of FL Life Safety laws, but since Disney could just have their own firefighters stand by on fire watch, seems they could just disable certain sensors...
Are the evacuations due to the overheating itself of the ride or the overheating causing a fire alarm? I'm not as familiar with State of FL Life Safety laws, but since Disney could just have their own firefighters stand by on fire watch, seems they could just disable certain sensors...
I think neither, as I understand it.
It's false alarms. A sensor issue of some level.


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