Hanging up my running shoes-Update on ZellyB

So, one other update. This week is awful. I've got some personal family stuff going on, so my head is in a bad place and running is just miserable right now. I'm just not feeling it. We did run Tuesday and today, but shorter miles than intended and much slower than we have been. The struggle is very real right now. :(
Hope things start looking up soon. Take time and focus on yourselves. Running comes second.
Sorry for the stress Zelly. Your love for your children is so strong and apparent through your comments and posts, and I know that goes such a long way even when kids make stupid choices. I hope things turn up for you guys soon. <3 <3 <3

I hope that today is better than yesterday and tomorrow is better than today.

Parenting is such a tough job. Hugs to you! :hug:

I wish I had something smart and comforting to say, but I don’t so :hug::hug: to you and Chris.

Thank you so much, everyone.
Well, something is better than nothing

Training Report 11/27 - 12/2
Well, this week was supposed to be a step back on mileage, but we stepped it back a BIT more than intended. At this point, I figure anything we are getting done is just going to have to be good enough.

Monday 11/27 - Rest day. Chris has been doing weight workouts again in the morning and we just can't seem to get ourselves out to the track in the evenings. We've got to get this figured out though! I don't want to lose my 4 days of running.
Tuesday 11/28 - 5 miles doing 2:00/:30. UGH. My legs were like lead. I guess just fatigue from the previous week's mileage mostly. My quad and groin muscles were also pretty sore and tender (still are actually), so we opted to just do 5 miles and stay slow rather than risk injury. Overall pace 11:19.
Wednesday 11/29 - Rest
Thursday 11/30 - 4.2 miles. Still not feeling it, plus the stuff with my son hit on Wednesday afternoon, so our heads just weren't in the game. But, at least we got out there. 2:00/:30 ratio with overall pace of 11:33. Felt like I was running in quicksand.

Friday 12/1 - Rest day. We did go out for dinner with friends and to a karaoke place. It was a nice escape.
Saturday 12/2 - Our plan for this day was a 10 mile run, but we had to make some changes. I'd gotten an email from our CEO on Friday night that he needed me to go into work on Saturday to check on something for him. So, we started a bit earlier and just ran 5 miles so I could head into the office. My legs at least felt better and our pace was more normal. :90/:30 intervals and overall pace of 10:43. We ended up at 5.4 total mileage.

So, yeah a pretty thin week of running which has me pretty nervous with Dopey looming, but sometimes you just have to take life as it comes and do your best.

This week is ending up scheduled to be our peak mileage what with our holiday travel plans, so we'll see how that goes. Wish us luck. :)
:hug: That week sounds like it was especially hard on you and @Chris-Mo , hoping you have a better new week but I think you did great considering some of the setbacks. I'm here for anymore hug emojis if you should need them (or ridiculous gifs as a distraction)
1 thin week won't make or break Dopey training and won't undo everything you have done all year - I totally know that panicky feeling though. You're ready!

Inquiring minds want to know...what is your go-to karaoke song?!
:hug: That week sounds like it was especially hard on you and @Chris-Mo , hoping you have a better new week but I think you did great considering some of the setbacks. I'm here for anymore hug emojis if you should need them (or ridiculous gifs as a distraction)

You know how I love a good gif!! And, yes, here's to a better week.

Hope you guys have a better week this coming week. I look forward to hearing how your peak mileage week ends up. Hope all improves on the home front as well. Keep your eyes on the prize, only a month or so left.

Good reminder of the prize. Thank you!

1 thin week won't make or break Dopey training and won't undo everything you have done all year - I totally know that panicky feeling though. You're ready!

Inquiring minds want to know...what is your go-to karaoke song?!

I'm telling myself that we will be okay - and we will be. Maybe not quite where I wanted to be, but we will be fine.

I have several karaoke songs I enjoy, this particular night I did "Talk Dirty to Me" by Poison as a solo and then sang a duet with a friend of "Proud Mary" by Ike and Tina Turner and then Chris and I brought down the house (at least in my own head) to "Strokin" by Clarence Carter. :eek:
Great job getting out there despite everything life is throwing at you! I have faith this week will go much better for you and you'll be able to squeeze in the mileage. Best of luck!
I'm telling myself that we will be okay - and we will be. Maybe not quite where I wanted to be, but we will be fine.
You will be. Disney magic and all that. ::yes:: And you know you've done it before, that will help a TON.
I have several karaoke songs I enjoy, this particular night I did "Talk Dirty to Me" by Poison as a solo and then sang a duet with a friend of "Proud Mary" by Ike and Tina Turner and then Chris and I brought down the house (at least in my own head) to "Strokin" by Clarence Carter. :eek:
Oh man, GREAT choices. :worship: Especially "Proud Mary," you can never go wrong with that one.
I think at this point it's okay if you have a bit of a down week. Hopefully this next week will be better. You guys are in decent shape - try not to worry too much!
I have several karaoke songs I enjoy, this particular night I did "Talk Dirty to Me" by Poison as a solo and then sang a duet with a friend of "Proud Mary" by Ike and Tina Turner and then Chris and I brought down the house (at least in my own head) to "Strokin" by Clarence Carter. :eek:

I love those choices!! I think next time we need video! ;)
Good luck on this upcoming week! I saw a post from a facebook WDW marathon group that said now is the time that it's actually OK to skip runs if you have to. The previous months were important and built up your fitness to where- in the worst case scenario- you could run the races next month even if you got ill and couldn't run for the next couple of weeks. Not sure if that's 100% true, but I think it rings true to a point. You have definitely put the time and work in to make Dopey a success already. I know it's hard when things get in the way of running, but at least there's comfort that you have that fitness banked up. Sending good vibes that you get all the miles you are hoping for this week!! :cheer2:
I love those choices!! I think next time we need video! ;)
THIS!! ::yes::
Good luck on this upcoming week! I saw a post from a facebook WDW marathon group that said now is the time that it's actually OK to skip runs if you have to. The previous months were important and built up your fitness to where- in the worst case scenario- you could run the races next month even if you got ill and couldn't run for the next couple of weeks. Not sure if that's 100% true, but I think it rings true to a point. You have definitely put the time and work in to make Dopey a success already. I know it's hard when things get in the way of running, but at least there's comfort that you have that fitness banked up. Sending good vibes that you get all the miles you are hoping for this week!! :cheer2:
This too! I know I skipped some runs toward the end of training for this year's Dopey (including my 20-miler) and while the weekend was still tough, I'm not sure how great of a data point I am with the creaky back - but I DID finish, if that's any comfort.

I know you're gonna crush it!!
Sending you lots of good vibes for your big mileage week and anything else thing week will send your way! pixiedust:

Thank you! :goodvibes

Great job getting out there despite everything life is throwing at you! I have faith this week will go much better for you and you'll be able to squeeze in the mileage. Best of luck!

Thank you! We did get out there this morning. Nothing exciting and not long mileage, but anything is a win! :thumbsup2

You will be. Disney magic and all that. ::yes:: And you know you've done it before, that will help a TON.

Absolutely. It does help knowing I've at least done Goofy before and Dopey should be manageable - especially with Disney magic! :wizard:

Oh man, GREAT choices. :worship: Especially "Proud Mary," you can never go wrong with that one.

It's always a crowd-pleaser! My basic rules for choosing karaoke songs
1. Upbeat tempo
2. Songs most people know and sing along with
3. No long instrumental intervals
4. It's all about the PERFORMANCE - distract them with that and nobody notices how badly you sing

I think at this point it's okay if you have a bit of a down week. Hopefully this next week will be better. You guys are in decent shape - try not to worry too much!

Trying not to fret about it. Hopeful for a good week with longer mileage over the weekend to get my confidence up before a longer than usual taper period.

I love those choices!! I think next time we need video! ;)

I'm pretty sure I would never want to see myself in action. :sad2:

Good luck on this upcoming week! I saw a post from a facebook WDW marathon group that said now is the time that it's actually OK to skip runs if you have to. The previous months were important and built up your fitness to where- in the worst case scenario- you could run the races next month even if you got ill and couldn't run for the next couple of weeks. Not sure if that's 100% true, but I think it rings true to a point. You have definitely put the time and work in to make Dopey a success already. I know it's hard when things get in the way of running, but at least there's comfort that you have that fitness banked up. Sending good vibes that you get all the miles you are hoping for this week!! :cheer2:

Thank you and I do know that the majority of the "Hay is in the barn". Just hoping for a decent week this week to seal the deal as much as I can.

THIS!! ::yes::

This too! I know I skipped some runs toward the end of training for this year's Dopey (including my 20-miler) and while the weekend was still tough, I'm not sure how great of a data point I am with the creaky back - but I DID finish, if that's any comfort.

I know you're gonna crush it!!

Thank you! :hug:
Let's Talk about DISNEY!!!

We are officially 4 weeks away from our Disney trip!! WOOHOO!!! I decided yesterday to check on Flight of Passage FP+ options as I've been doing periodically since our FP day 60 days ago. I didn't have luck getting it for our first AK day and the time I got it for later in the trip wasn't great. Lo and behold, yesterday when I checked there were multiple options for FoP on arrival day!! It's a Chrismas miracle!!

Since I managed to snag that, I decided to work my way through our schedule and see if I couldn't improve upon my other FP options and I'm not sure if Disney released a bunch of FP or what happened, but suddenly there was more availability for a lot of stuff, so I reworked that schedule like a crazy woman. It made me so happy and was a welcome distraction!

When I got home, I also found that our luggage tags for DME had arrived!!!


So excited to see that tag with our names and Polynesian written on them. I'm really excited to finally stay at that resort and hope that I love it as much as I'm hoping. I'm trying to keep my expectations in check so I don't end up disappointed if it isn't all I hope for.


The first few days of the trip are pretty jam-packed, but slow down a lot once we get to half-marathon day. Hopefully I don't wear us out too much.


In reminding myself of the schedule, I also got excited about all the awesome restaurants we are going to eat at. It's gonna cost us a fortune!! But, man, I can't wait to eat all.the.food!!

I'm especially excited about Victoria and Albert's on Sunday night after the marathon. I've got nap time built into the day, so I just hope we stay awake through dinner. :D

Just a reminder of the restaurant line-up:

Tiffins - with a Rivers of Light Package
Hollywood Brown Derby
The Wave - for lunch
Via Napoli
Kona Cafe - Breakfast
Victoria & Alberts
Flying Fish

Now, It's possible I might drop one or two of those, but then again, maybe not.

So, there you go, it's getting real now. I felt like my journal needed a little lightness and joy and nothing like Disney trips looming to do that.



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