Official 2017 D23 Expo Thread

My $100 bet is still in play - no ones taken me up. $100 says cabin's are air conditioned.

(BTW I looked closer at the main image of the gondolas, it's pretty clear that they are 100% enclosed.)

So they are going to have 10 minute rides in a furnace? Those glassed in boxes will be 130 degrees on an August afternoon.

Oh @skier_pete, must we keep tussling?

I don't want to argue about this. All I'm going to contribute is that gondolas bypass roads, which makes distances traveled shorter. Gondola speeds are on average about 12-14 mph these days, some faster. Unless you have some information the rest of us aren't privy to, there is no way to know the exact duration of these rides or how the cabins will be cooled/ventilated. I prefer to believe that these are an improvement to the property. If you prefer to believe otherwise, please do.
Oh @skier_pete, must we keep tussling?

I don't want to argue about this. All I'm going to contribute is that gondolas bypass roads, which makes distances traveled shorter. Gondola speeds are on average about 12-14 mph these days, some faster. Unless you have some information the rest of us aren't privy to, there is no way to know the exact duration of these rides or how the cabins will be cooled/ventilated. I prefer to believe that these are an improvement to the property. If you prefer to believe otherwise, please do.

If we are doing a pool, I'm siding with @skier_pete
Gondolas (all spurs, to public) - 7/2019
I really don't see the Skyline taking 2 years to build. The Emirates Airline in London only took a year, and it's way taller and crosses the Thames. Reportedly, Disney has already started on the stations.

Maybe the DHS connection would be put off until the new parking entrance is complete. They could go ahead and place the towers and the mechanical stuff, but hold off installing the cable.
My $100 bet is still in play - no ones taken me up. $100 says cabin's are air conditioned.

(BTW I looked closer at the main image of the gondolas, it's pretty clear that they are 100% enclosed.)

So they are going to have 10 minute rides in a furnace? Those glassed in boxes will be 130 degrees on an August afternoon.

Holding chef Mickey patrons in ECVs?...not on your life...gotta be realistic about this...the "where" and the "who"
I am very excited about all of these changes, and am particularly looking forward to the new Mickey ride!!
Holding chef Mickey patrons in ECVs?...not on your life...gotta be realistic about this...the "where" and the "who"

You are preaching the gospel of Disney. Let the congregation say amen.

I cannot see opening a deluxe DVC and asking the guests to enjoy a lengthy enclosed non air conditioned gondola ride. All of the guests will be medium-well to well done upon arrival at their destinations.
It was mentioned on DPB yesterday -- bears repeating for those going soon! We're in WDW Aug 7-17, so are going to make sure to get in one last ride. It's not exactly a FAVORITE of ours, but we do ride it every trip... and have some great memories of the kids on it when they were little. upload_2017-7-17_12-38-3.gif

I agree – we will be there in 15 days (!!!) and I am so excited that, for once, my trip lines up to bid adieu to something!

If the PeopleMover isn't safe, we riot. Period.

I will be right there with you!

We were at WDW for 10 days which included July 4th. Just to play devil's advocate I'll say this about park hours: we never had problems accomplishing what we expected during the operating day. Most of our park visits started around 4-5pm and stretched into the evening. We would burn through our scheduled FastPass allotment as quickly as possible and then start adding extras one after the other. As soon as we touched our MagicBands to redeem one FP, I was on my phone booking the next one. And the return times were typically 10-15 minutes away so it lead to seamless park touring; get off one ride and immediately hop into the FastPass line for the next.

Is this because attendance is down? Is it because DAK is successfully drawing guests those late hours? Is it because other guests just aren't as FP+ savvy as we are? Honestly I dunno--I'm sure all factors played a role. At times we certainly benefitted from thousands of people who were waiting for fireworks rather than attraction hopping. Overall the parks WERE quite crowded most days, IMO.

I was disappointed to see 10pm closing times many nights for MK in the middle of the summer, especially staying at a monorail resort. But it really didn't impact our trip. We were done before then anyway.

I agree – we rope drop and stay till close. We have never not been able to get everything done….some things done 2 – 3 times. Even over Easter…it can be done.
You are preaching the gospel of Disney. Let the congregation say amen.

I cannot see opening a deluxe DVC and asking the guests to enjoy a lengthy enclosed non air conditioned gondola ride. All of the guests will be medium-well to well done upon arrival at their destinations.

But it's they'll all be oversalted and well preserved
My son was incredibly bored at Epcot when he was 4. On our most recent trip at 6, he finally got into the Duffy Bear signing, but he did keep asking if there were more rides. (As a result, we went on that little Mexico boat ride at least 3 times.) Maybe it's a boy vs. girl thing, but he definitely wants more "action". Our next trip won't be for at least 3-4 years, so hopefully some of those additions by then (maybe?) will help as I think he'll have lost interest in Duffy by 10 or so.

My kids – both boys – list Epcot as their favorites. World Showcase is the draw. They love the people watching, the shows, the food nibbles, etc. They are 13 and 10 and both still seek out Duffy – it’s a nice little respite (in A/C) for both of them! Both are all action all day - they never stop moving, but for some reason, Epcot just is their jam ;) (sorry, hate that phrase, but it fit!)

Star Wars hotel= no pools???

Thinking trash compactor scene.

Here is what I think.

A gated hotel. Outsiders aren't let in only guests who are staying at the resort.

This will be an all inclusive resort. Food will be included in your package price. I don't think we will see one night stays allowed here. The surveys stated two night stays.

They mentioned no actual windows. This resort will have fake windows (screens) that make it look like you are in space. Cast Members will be part of the story.

And, I cannot wait to stay here!!
As far as gondola - maybe they supercharge with cold air at the various stations, and the insides stay cool for the 8 minute or so ride to the next station. Maybe little fans? Maybe just cross ventilation is their hope.

Anyway they go there, I am ON IT! I love these things. One of my best memories of San Diego is the ones at Sea World, over the bay. So nice to see the world (or "World") in a completely different way. And, no bus fumes (FWIW, I LOOOOVE the busses, but this just seems much more my speed!)
I agree – we will be there in 15 days (!!!) and I am so excited that, for once, my trip lines up to bid adieu to something!

I will be right there with you!

I agree – we rope drop and stay till close. We have never not been able to get everything done….some things done 2 – 3 times. Even over Easter…it can be done.

If your post is dedicated to the storm I'm always embroiled in on park hours...I have to clarify.

I'm not saying that a shorter close "limits" the average persons ability to accomplish what they want.

Not for a second. I'm saying that the times should be comensurate with rising attendance (year round) and large cost increases. The opportunity should be there based on longstanding, successful guest service policies.

It's not that you "need" to be there till 12...yet you should have it as disney always did on high attendance times.

Closing at 9 In May to resell the last 3 hours of a legitimate operating schedule at double the price is a scheme. There's no real way to argue it.

I am starting to become very critical of the Halloween and Christmas parties. They don't limit the tickets at all...really...the place is packed...and not enough is really different to force people to buy a second half of the day ticket for $100 4 days a week.

It's again: buyer beware. Disney accountants are like children...they will easily get out of control.
If your post is dedicated to the storm I'm always embroiled in on park hours...I have to clarify.

I'm not saying that a shorter close "limits" the average persons ability to accomplish what they want.

Not for a second. I'm saying that the times should be comensurate with rising attendance (year round) and large cost increases. The opportunity should be there based on longstanding, successful guest service policies.

It's not that you "need" to be there till 12...yet you should have it as disney always did on high attendance times.

Closing at 9 In May to resell the last 3 hours of a legitimate operating schedule at double the price is a scheme. There's no real way to argue it.

I am starting to become very critical of the Halloween and Christmas parties. They don't limit the tickets at all...really...the place is packed...and not enough is really different to force people to buy a second half of the day ticket for $100 4 days a week.

It's again: buyer beware. Disney accountants are like children...they will easily get out of control.
How well does that stuff even sell? (The events in may I'm referring to). Hoping they tank so they'll kill the idea
How well does that stuff even sell? (The events in may I'm referring to). Hoping they tank so they'll kill the idea

It bombed last year...don't know how they did this time...

But what gets me is this: three things identified as a STRAIGHT con game:

1. Villains soirée
2. After hours magic
3. Cabanas caught in bed with poochie...

And YET we get pro disney, false laise faire defenses for them still.
If your post is dedicated to the storm I'm always embroiled in on park hours...I have to clarify.

I'm not saying that a shorter close "limits" the average persons ability to accomplish what they want.

Not for a second. I'm saying that the times should be comensurate with rising attendance (year round) and large cost increases. The opportunity should be there based on longstanding, successful guest service policies.

It's not that you "need" to be there till 12...yet you should have it as disney always did on high attendance times.

Closing at 9 In May to resell the last 3 hours of a legitimate operating schedule at double the price is a scheme. There's no real way to argue it.

I am starting to become very critical of the Halloween and Christmas parties. They don't limit the tickets at all...really...the place is packed...and not enough is really different to force people to buy a second half of the day ticket for $100 4 days a week.

It's again: buyer beware. Disney accountants are like children...they will easily get out of control.

I have no interest in buying any of the up-sells.... Jack Sparrow as played by Johnny Depp would need to be there escorting me around the park for me to even consider it. With the appropriate amount of rum, as well. However, I don't begrudge the people that go, or the parks that close early/offer this. If I can still get what I want to get done, done, then they can do whatever they want. Do I wish that it wasn't as frequent as it is? Yes, I guess.

I will say, as it stands, AK is open late each night I am there in August. Granted, only a handful of things are open. But, the opportunity is there to knock those two things out so I don't have to waste any of my daytime park time sweating out the lines. I appreciate that. I get by on very little sleep, so the option was there each night to go till 2am (for "free"), I would take it. But, it's not. So, I swim till the lifeguards say I can't, or stuff my face somewhere, rile up my liver, mini golf, etc. There is always something to do at Disney.

I do think that the more WDW builds, the more they will HAVE to extend their hours. People aren't going to want to pay $120 to get in a park for one day when there is no option to "do and see it all" in that one day.

Sorry if these are random, jumbled thoughts. Monday, ya know?
I have no interest in buying any of the up-sells.... Jack Sparrow as played by Johnny Depp would need to be there escorting me around the park for me to even consider it. With the appropriate amount of rum, as well. However, I don't begrudge the people that go, or the parks that close early/offer this. If I can still get what I want to get done, done, then they can do whatever they want. Do I wish that it wasn't as frequent as it is? Yes, I guess.

I will say, as it stands, AK is open late each night I am there in August. Granted, only a handful of things are open. But, the opportunity is there to knock those two things out so I don't have to waste any of my daytime park time sweating out the lines. I appreciate that. I get by on very little sleep, so the option was there each night to go till 2am (for "free"), I would take it. But, it's not. So, I swim till the lifeguards say I can't, or stuff my face somewhere, rile up my liver, mini golf, etc. There is always something to do at Disney.

I do think that the more WDW builds, the more they will HAVE to extend their hours. People aren't going to want to pay $120 to get in a park for one day when there is no option to "do and see it all" in that one day.

Sorry if these are random, jumbled thoughts. Monday, ya know?

I don't disagree in theory with anything you say...

But I don't trust the monster...and the monster once created could literally want to change the ticket model to some kinda day/night strategy resulting in $250 days before you know it.

Disney needs massive profits from its order to do that you must charge more for the same things... your flanks.
I agree – we will be there in 15 days (!!!) and I am so excited that, for once, my trip lines up to bid adieu to something!

I will be right there with you!

Excellent! Re: PeopleMover... if it comes to it, I see a full campaign, petitions, t-shirts... we'll be on it! :D

It bombed last year...don't know how they did this time...

But what gets me is this: three things identified as a STRAIGHT con game:

1. Villains soirée
2. After hours magic
3. Cabanas caught in bed with poochie...

And YET we get pro disney, false laise faire defenses for them still.
Seems like a subject for ANOTHER THREAD... ... :flower1:


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