DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Thought about going out this morning and getting DD an Easter basket since she gave up sweets and junk food for Lent. I decided to wait until tomorrow when everything will be 50% off. Easter dinner will be grilled steak, sautéed mushrooms, roasted tomato, and broccoli with cheese sauce. Substitute the steak with some Tofu thing for her. Looking forward to it (except the Tofu).

Happy Easter and enjoy the day.

Evening Guys.

The pacing has gone well today. Now I'm enjoying a little bit of Glenlivet and some chocolate.

What no martinis? Glad your day went well and don't pull anything while looking for eggs.

Early Happy Easter. Been a long day at work. Apparently, my job includes decorating the church and managing the website as I posted pictures of the decoration. Not sure how much decorating or educating that is.

Maybe a new show in your future on the Home and Garden channel, "Decorating the church with NORM!" Happy Easter to you and yours Bubba.

Happy Easter chaps, however you celebrate it.

There will be some chocolate consumed in this house. I think we could start to measure it in pounds. Seeing as we're leaving Europe.

Same to you. You could always go for a good old American brand like Hershey's. We still have good relations with you Brits right?
Happy Easter. Everyone is still sleeping from Vigil Mass - only 2 hrs 40 minutes - which was an improvement from last year. I like to think I had something to do with that. I think we are just going to spend the day at home. DW and the girls went to her family's yesterday for Easter Egg hunt.

I did get them Easter baskets, although much less than in the past. All got a chocolate bunny, and then each received some chocolate eggs - Reese's, Almond Joy, Twix, and Cadbury. DW bought them each a new Simply Southern tshirt, which is quite the fashion thing here.

You all each have a great day.

Happy Easter chaps, however you celebrate it.

There will be some chocolate consumed in this house. I think we could start to measure it in pounds. Seeing as we're leaving Europe.

Enjoy it. I got DW those Cadbury mini eggs she likes so well. Does that count as fine, imported chocolate? :lmao:

Happy Easter Gents. Already done with the Easter egg hunt. Both girls have a basket full that should do them for a while. Of course I'm wondering how much chocolate I can sneak from them before they notice. Heading out to my in-laws shortly for Easter dinner. It's a fairly short 1.25 hour drive and it's a beautiful sunny day here so it should be a nice day on the road. I just need to stay awake on the drive back after a big meal.

If you get caught, just cite the dad candy tax. The tax rate adjusts based on year, quantity, and quality of candy. :lmao:

Thought about going out this morning and getting DD an Easter basket since she gave up sweets and junk food for Lent. I decided to wait until tomorrow when everything will be 50% off. Easter dinner will be grilled steak, sautéed mushrooms, roasted tomato, and broccoli with cheese sauce. Substitute the steak with some Tofu thing for her. Looking forward to it (except the Tofu).

Maybe a new show in your future on the Home and Garden channel, "Decorating the church with NORM!" Happy Easter to you and yours Bubba.

Sounds like a good menu. And, the same wishes to you and your daughter.

It could be a good tv show, but for different reasons. I simply moved boxes and ladders, and the women committee members did and re-did the decorating. They did let me put some free giveaway books on the tables at the exit doors.
Happy Easter everyone from rainy New Brunswick. No hiding the eggs here, we just dumped some candy on the table for DS.

Happy Easter chaps, however you celebrate it.

There will be some chocolate consumed in this house. I think we could start to measure it in pounds. Seeing as we're leaving Europe.

Ate my chocolate last night; it was good.

Happy Easter Gents. Already done with the Easter egg hunt. Both girls have a basket full that should do them for a while. Of course I'm wondering how much chocolate I can sneak from them before they notice. Heading out to my in-laws shortly for Easter dinner. It's a fairly short 1.25 hour drive and it's a beautiful sunny day here so it should be a nice day on the road. I just need to stay awake on the drive back after a big meal.

Enjoy the drive and watch out for the moose.

Thought about going out this morning and getting DD an Easter basket since she gave up sweets and junk food for Lent. I decided to wait until tomorrow when everything will be 50% off. Easter dinner will be grilled steak, sautéed mushrooms, roasted tomato, and broccoli with cheese sauce. Substitute the steak with some Tofu thing for her. Looking forward to it (except the Tofu).

Maybe a new show in your future on the Home and Garden channel, "Decorating the church with NORM!" Happy Easter to you and yours Bubba.

I like the sound of your meal much better than PP's.

I think we could make a game of that show.

Happy Easter. Everyone is still sleeping from Vigil Mass - only 2 hrs 40 minutes - which was an improvement from last year. I like to think I had something to do with that. I think we are just going to spend the day at home. DW and the girls went to her family's yesterday for Easter Egg hunt.

Enjoy the day at home.
Happy Easter everyone! Kids got baskets with candy and "big kid" stuff. DD got some of the little things on her registry and DS got some Star Wars figures for his collection. Again all enjoy your Easter Sunday.
Enjoy it. I got DW those Cadbury mini eggs she likes so well. Does that count as fine, imported chocolate? :lmao:
Tell her the queen makes it. I'll bring you some of the good stuff in July. No questions asked.
You could always go for a good old American brand like Hershey's. We still have good relations with you Brits right?
We love ya like a bruvva from annuva muvva.
We also cleared out the CVS opposite our hotel in NY. We got Reece's up to our eyeballs. Nice dinner choice buddy. For you obviously, not the PP, tofu tastes like tyre rubber.

Parties done, in laws visited, tomorrow going for a proper old school pub lunch in the village where me & DW had our first house. They do beautiful crabcakes with a cranberry relish and very good roast potato, and local beers. So that could be good.
Enjoy the day at home.

Nope, foiled again. MIL's house for Easter today. Well, I got a few hours off at home. :headache:

While they all talk, I get to post on my phone and watch a Reba marathon instead of basketball. :furious:

Tell her the queen makes it. I'll bring you some of the good stuff in July. No questions asked.

Don't get thrown off the flight for trying to smuggle anything. I don't have enough money for bail.
Nope, foiled again. MIL's house for Easter today. Well, I got a few hours off at home. :headache:

While they all talk, I get to post on my phone and watch a Reba marathon instead of basketball. :furious:

Don't get thrown off the flight for trying to smuggle anything. I don't have enough money for bail.
‘Morning all…
Hope all those observing, celebrating or just trying to carry on this past weekend had a fine time.
I actually got a couple extra days off and anything that extends my time away from unending sadness is welcome.

Of course, bring as I don’t post much when I at home, I’m way behind again.
Feel free to just ignore my disjointed ramblings.
(it’s not like I’m unfamiliar with such).

Glad your caught up and back. Enjoy the rest of your evening off and get back to work.
I did; back to being unhappy now.

I didn’t use to hate my job…
(I think I may have been naive or suffering from some other such similar affliction)

Getting flights last night for the Orlando trip, got a pretty good price with some miles chucked in. The website froze as I clicked "pay now" and I called CS to do it manually. Between the time that took the price had gone up £1500. CS agent said she'd call me back in half an hour with a revised price as my tickets were probably still in the system, which was skewing the price. No call back after an hour. Called them back, no apology, just got a "oh I haven't heard of that person". Stuck by their increased price and basically told me to take it or leave it. Tweeted them last night on poor experience, no response. Cashed out all my miles this morning back. Not quite being forcibly dragged off, but they wonder why everyone hates airlines. Hey ho. Off to find a new carrier.
I hate airlines…
Of course I can’t afford to use any of them so I’m just as sure that they don’t care what I think.

We're leaving today on a spring break trip ourselves--exploring Texas and New Mexico.
Didn’t know that was coming up so soon.

Is this also the same trip where you mentioned that you’d probably be exploring Oklahoma with the same vigor that got applied to Iowa?

Oh Yes! WE have a tree down in our backyard that needs to be cut up and the clothesline needs to be put back up. There is also some painting to be done in the bathroom.
That’s what weekends and holidays are for…
It’s the time available for doing the work that can’t be done while we’re working.

Test ran the AC today in prep for summer and one of the outside units was making a loud noise. I said to myself, "Self, that can't be good." Have the AC guy over tomorrow to check it out. Fingers crossed it doesn't cost much.
I talk to my selves all the time.
When one or two of them tells me that something is probably going to be costly, they’re rarely wrong.

Hopefully the repairs were not catastrophic.

Youngest dd dominated at tennis yesterday in both singles and doubles. Today, she has to play #1 against the HS with #1 player in the region. So, she'll get destroyed. But, our coach plays our #1 & #2 players against their #2 & #3 players. Don't know why that's the strategy, but it is.
Glad for the good times; sorry for the undeserved mismatch.

Sounds like the strategy is an attempt to win two out of three while sacrificing pawns in the process.
I can somewhat see the “logic” where this at a professional level, but at a youth level the notion of using another person that you’re supposed to be teaching and mentoring as nothing more than cannon fodder should be unconscionable.

Yeah, this trip we stopped at Tambu Lounge as we were about 30 min early for Kona. We were seated early, and I had to walk over with my manly lapu lapu in hand. :lmao:
You were at Disney.
We’re all kids there; nothing is unmanly.

Yo Ho Ho Bro's..... popping in to see if they've kicked you dirty rats off the boards yet...
Not yet…
Check back in tomorrow.

Weather we’re still here or not, it’d be good to hear from you again.

The budgie smuggler modelling scene is nowhere near as much fun as it used to be. And last week on set, the Topless Cheeseburger Girl served mine well done.
Well, I’m gonn’a have to ask for a translation here.
As a speaker of “South’rn”…
which rather distinct from “American”…
which itself is obviously quite unlike “English”…

That there just conjures up some rather intriguing imagery without having any proper context.

How do you get so much vacation time? I can barely take 1 week a year and you have 2-2 week vacations in one year
He doesn’t work in the US.

British firms tend to offer around 25-28 days personal vacation plus the 8 national holidays that are mandatory, so yep, pretty lucky we get around 35 days a year.
Like I said…

On the flip side, I have to watch the Super Bowl at 2 in the morning. With boring adverts. And no dip. Because it's 2 in the morning.
I’d make the trade off in a heartbeat.
In truth, the commercials aren’t really all that spectacular (and they’re still just advertisements) and the game is usually rather retched.

I have 3 kids parties to attend today, so that's my day right there.
Oh the humanity…
Welcome back Rob.....

In truth, the commercials aren’t really all that spectacular (and they’re still just advertisements) and the game is usually rather retched.
But the dip is GOOD.
Well, I’m gonn’a have to ask for a translation here.
I'm sure google has a great translation for Budgie Smugglers. Darcy, Mike and Norm can advise on this. I believe it doesn't do itself justice without pictures.
We’re all kids there; nothing is unmanly.
I don't think it was the age range that Norm was worrying about there.....
Dinner tonight, steak sandwich tomorrow.

Very nice. Medium rare?
He doesn’t work in the US.
I don't work much in the UK Rob, if I can get away with it.

Evening chaps. Costco run this morning, followed by lunch in the pub. With a couple of cheeky ones to wash it down. Have a good final day off all, if you have it..
Looks like everyone had a nice weekend for the most part, except maybe Norm. Did you guys hear that big crashing sound in Chicago this weekend.............. Geeezzzz the Hawks are killing me and to top it off I am having to listen to all the Nashville locals who don't a blue line from a red line, a hockey stick from a sickle gardening tool and who can;t even tell me what seed the Predators are in the playoffs. Going to game 4 Thursday night here and have not by any means given up on the boys - do or die tonight though me thinks.

Nope, foiled again. MIL's house for Easter today. Well, I got a few hours off at home. :headache:

While they all talk, I get to post on my phone and watch a Reba marathon instead of basketball. :furious:
Sorry about the situation there - ugh
Of course, bring as I don’t post much when I at home, I’m way behind again.
Feel free to just ignore my disjointed ramblings.
(it’s not like I’m unfamiliar with such)
I rather enjoy your ramblings so keep 'em comin
You were at Disney.
We’re all kids there; nothing is unmanly.
Well, I’m gonn’a have to ask for a translation here.
As a speaker of “South’rn”…
which rather distinct from “American”…
which itself is obviously quite unlike “English”…

That there just conjures up some rather intriguing imagery without having any proper context.
Don't do it Rob, don;t do it just let this one go ....................
I'm sure google has a great translation for Budgie Smugglers. Darcy, Mike and Norm can advise on this. I believe it doesn't do itself justice without pictures.
Don;t look Rob ...............
Don't do it Rob, don;t do it just let this one go ....................
Don;t look Rob ...............

OK Rob. Seeing as we are falling out with continents or countries on a weekly basis and I need to keep one good relationship going, I believe the correct translation for the aforementioned "Budgie Smugglers" in the lands previously owned by His Majesty is "Banana Hammocks". I trust this brings this matter to an acceptable conclusion.

I hereby promise not to use any more vaguely moody British slang, and will turn my full american filter on my keyboard on.
Last edited:
Happy Monday. A long day at work. Rain cancelled HS tennis match, so I was able to play tennis with my youngest while oldest went to swim practice. I bought a lotto ticket and am ready to win and stop all this working. I know there is no chance, but it was a $1.00.

Feel free to just ignore my disjointed ramblings.
(it’s not like I’m unfamiliar with such).

I didn’t use to hate my job…
(I think I may have been naive or suffering from some other such similar affliction)

Glad for the good times; sorry for the undeserved mismatch.

Sounds like the strategy is an attempt to win two out of three while sacrificing pawns in the process. I can somewhat see the “logic” where this at a professional level, but at a youth level the notion of using another person that you’re supposed to be teaching and mentoring as nothing more than cannon fodder should be unconscionable.

I enjoy your ramblings, so keep on posting. I don't think it's a hate of the job, just the low compensation and increased workload.

I understand the tennis strategy, until the other team does the same thing. It's obvious when #3 moves up to #1. But, moving #3 to #4, etc is a bit more subtle. You're premise is correct - it is HS tennis. Just line up all the players 1-6 & let them play.

I don't think it was the age range that Norm was worrying about there.....

Lapu Lapu is manly at all ages.

Looks like everyone had a nice weekend for the most part, except maybe Norm. Did you guys hear that big crashing sound in Chicago this weekend.............. Geeezzzz the Hawks are killing me and to top it off I am having to listen to all the Nashville locals who don't a blue line from a red line, a hockey stick from a sickle gardening tool and who can;t even tell me what seed the Predators are in the playoffs.


I'll second the Man Law. Is Randall around anymore to add it? :lmao:

As for the hockey, it's not like Nashville has a long standing Hockey tradition.


I hereby promise not to use any more vaguely moody British slang, and will turn my full american filter on my keyboard on.

No, please keep using the vaguely moody British slang. Or, add some extra u and make it Canaduian Brituish Slang. Either way, I enjoy trying to translate your ramblings. :lmao:
Morning guys, busy day today. After not hearing from the accountant, she finally called me back. About the news I expected so neither good or bad. Have to drop off a check at her office this morning. Wish I was rich so I could avoid paying taxes. The day is salvaged because an old high school buddy is in town and I am meeting him for lunch. Decided on an old style Italian market that sells good wine, homemade pasta (picking up some ravioli) and they also have a lunch counter. The problem is it is about 30 miles away and I have to drive in S. Florida traffic.

I like the sound of your meal much better than PP's.

Yes it was. She sautéed the tofu in olive oil, put assorted spices and extra garlic on it but it still did not look appetizing.

Happy Easter everyone! Kids got baskets with candy and "big kid" stuff. DD got some of the little things on her registry and DS got some Star Wars figures for his collection. Again all enjoy your Easter Sunday.

Sounds like a successful day. The graduation/wedding has to be getting close.

Parties done, in laws visited, tomorrow going for a proper old school pub lunch in the village where me & DW had our first house. They do beautiful crabcakes with a cranberry relish and very good roast potato, and local beers. So that could be good.

Glad you survived the parties. One of our best days in the UK was when we camped out on the green of a local pub in Shropshire. It opened in something like the 1850's and the same family bought it soon after it opened. It was what I imagined an olde English pub would be. The kids had a blast while my buddy and I sat on a bench and soaked it all in. Great night.

While they all talk, I get to post on my phone and watch a Reba marathon instead of basketball. :furious:

I imagined drinking was involved. Am I right?

Hope all those observing, celebrating or just trying to carry on this past weekend had a fine time.
I actually got a couple extra days off and anything that extends my time away from unending sadness is welcome.

Glad you enjoyed the weekend but sorry to hear about work. Been there, done that and I feel your pain.

Very nice. Medium rare?

Of course. Had a steak sandwich for dinner last night. Good eating.

"Banana Hammocks"

Had to look that one up. Similar to our "speedo" only a less modest version. I don't know what is with you Europeans and this need to show off your bums.
‘Morning all…
A bit dreary down here today, but it’s still rather quiet in the offices and that’s a good thing.

Getting into the better times of the year now…
Anniversary this week…
the young’en should be back home in a couple weeks…
headed to Da’World a couple weeks after that...
Things are lookin’ up.

I'm sure google has a great translation for Budgie Smugglers. Darcy, Mike and Norm can advise on this. I believe it doesn't do itself justice without pictures.
A bit of research on slang turned up enough info to sort out that bit of it. It’s pretty much what I suspected you were on about, but clearly I’ve missed some interesting conversations ‘round here in the recent past.

Truth is, I’d be more interested in hearing details of the story behind the second half of the comment.
This bit here:
last week on set, the Topless Cheeseburger Girl served mine well done.

That’s a somewhat different uniform then what’s in use by the wait staff where I generally dine out :rolleyes:

And then there’s the “on set” part of it.
Do you work in the film production fields or have I missed another interesting conversation here?

I don't work much in the UK Rob, if I can get away with it.
Smart man…

I hereby promise not to use any more vaguely moody British slang, and will turn my full american filter on my keyboard on.
Don’t you dare!

You type it up just the way you’d have said it were I standing there.
I’ll work through it and be a better man for the learning.

Rain cancelled HS tennis match, so I was able to play tennis with my youngest
Sounds to me like a dad moment that far exceeds any ol’ missed match.
Cheers for the rain.

I know there is no chance, but it was a $1.00.
I refer to buying lottery tickets as “paying my stupid tax”
I’m a bit behind on those payments considering the amount of “stupid” that I can potentially bring to the party and probably ought to go out a pay a bit of that tax myself.
I ain’t gonn’a win either, but someone will.

I don't think it's a hate of the job, just the low compensation and increased workload.
I’ll be…
So you’ve met my employers, then?

Lapu Lapu is manly at all ages.
As a person: a great historic warrior.
As a critter: it’s some very fine eatin’
As a beverage: it’s a perfectly acceptable rum delivery system

Anything that can be all of those things (and provide rum in process) is a good thing.

The day is salvaged because an old high school buddy is in town and I am meeting him for lunch. Decided on an old style Italian market that sells good wine, homemade pasta (picking up some ravioli) and they also have a lunch counter. The problem is it is about 30 miles away and I have to drive in S. Florida traffic.
Traffic or no…
30 mile drive not withstanding…
This sounds like one very fine day in the making

(once you get past that whole - ya’ know - tax thing, that is.)

Glad you enjoyed the weekend but sorry to hear about work. Been there, done that and I feel your pain.
Appreciate it.
I’d look into something else, but at my age, in my market…
I actually have no human value.

Really should be glad I’m employed at all.
Poverty is deadly.


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