ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

First sorry your mom is in so much pain ,Hope she gets relief soon. Secondly Marv or Bob keeps texting me to rescue him from you picking on him with silly pix , I am going back to find them and have a good laugh !!!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

Thanks Rosie! Each day is a bit better than the last. :)

Bob is texting you?! And Marv too?! :faint: They must be very desperate. ;)

Yes, Rosie! You should go back and find those! Buahahahaha!

Good Fun !! But if you recall I was instructed by Marv to wish you happy birthday the first time !! Then he kept it up after we left !! Pat I still have hanging up in the office of the other time we were at Piano Bob's with me you and Carol all dancing !!!

NO!!! I did NOT know that! You have a very evil streak in you! You conspired! LOLOLOL! And yes, he did keep it up all night long.

(Shhh, don't tell anyone, but it was rather hilarious and I loved it.)
OK, caught up here. I convinced Fran that we need to go see Yeehaw Bob someday whenever we get back to WDW. Sounds like a blast with all the dancing and such. I don't know that we'll be getting that wild next week! :rotfl2:

Very glad you got your Rewards card back again!

I hope your mom is well on the mend when you take off on Tuesday.

Oh, and I asked my peeps on FB for a recommendation for a Dim Sum place, we'll see if they come up with something, otherwise I'm sure we'll figure out something for Friday!
Hi ya! I have loads of catching up to do, but I just wanted to pop in real quick before I head off to work to wish you safe travels! I hope you all have a wonderfully marvelous time and I can't wait to hear all about it!! :flower1:
Sorry to hear about your Mom. That sounds very painful poor lady.

What fun sing a long with Bob. I love the photos and goid time with friends.

Great update!

Hi Polly! I think she's turned the corner today and she's getting around a little better each day.

If you haven't seen Yehaa Bob's show, it might be worth your time. Loads of good fun to be had there! :)
I don't remember that! But aren't you afraid that someone will say you are American History? :rotfl2:

Well, ok. You do have a point there. Are you saying I'm legendary?

OK, caught up here. I convinced Fran that we need to go see Yeehaw Bob someday whenever we get back to WDW. Sounds like a blast with all the dancing and such. I don't know that we'll be getting that wild next week! :rotfl2:

Good! My work here is done. ;)

You mean I can't break out in dance on a whim wherever we happened to be?

Very glad you got your Rewards card back again!

Me too! It paid for at least one more meal, but I can't think of which one now. I'll have to go back through the receipts and find which one.

I hope your mom is well on the mend when you take off on Tuesday.

We're taking it day by day, Alison...

Oh, and I asked my peeps on FB for a recommendation for a Dim Sum place, we'll see if they come up with something, otherwise I'm sure we'll figure out something for Friday!

I saw that... but I"m happy with anything of none of them stands out. :) If you have a favorite little place or whatever, I'm game for just about anything!

Hi ya! I have loads of catching up to do, but I just wanted to pop in real quick before I head off to work to wish you safe travels! I hope you all have a wonderfully marvelous time and I can't wait to hear all about it!! :flower1:

Thanks, Kelly! I know you've been super busy with work, so no worries.

I'm sure this is shaping up to be a pretty fun gig. I'm sure there will be no lack of tales to tell....
Sounds like a fun night with Yeehaw Bob! Despite that fact that I stayed at Riverside for 8 nights on my last trip, I'm disappointed to say that I never watched one of his shows. I did suggest it a few times to the ladies, but they just weren't interested. I should have gone to a show myself. The most I got was about 30 seconds standing outside the door one night while we were walking past the River Roost.

Enjoy your travels and DIS meets!
@Djjsperry I'll help you out :)

Near the top right you should see your screen name, "inbox", and "alerts". Hover your mouse over "inbox", or just click on it, and find "start a new conversation". Click on that and type the person's screen name in the "participants" box. Give it a title, type the message and click "start a conversation".
M is for: Main Street Magic- Morning to Midnight- Pt. 1

Main Street, USA- a promenade holding a very dear place in my heart. Hand in hand, my grandma and I would walk toward a day full of adventures, side by side my sisters and I would enter the park and own the day, arm in arm my best friends and I skipped over to our Grad Party where we danced away the night, and in my street clothes after changing out of my costume from a day’s work at the Blue Bayou, I’d saunter back down Main Street to my car.

Even as a young child, though, we never “skipped over” Main Street. It holds a charm all of its own and, if one were to slow down a bit, there are some pretty cool hidden gems there for the taking. While I didn’t get nearly as many photos of those as I’d have liked, the few I did get were fun to “gather”. Since 1) I’m not at home to refer to any trip notes, and 2) I’m in a bit of a hurry to get this posted before my flight veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery early Tuesday morning, and, 3) because this TR is NOT chronological in any way, shape, or form, but rather topical and freeform, you now get a photo montage of:

The Magic of Main Street- Morning to Midnight

This compilation is taken from the several days and evenings we spent time there, and was (obviously, but for those just joining in) while the Fall decorations were up.

Many of these were taken with my wide angle lens, so the distortions you see are intentional. Some look like duplicates, but are not- I just couldn’t decide which iteration was better in some cases.

I’ll start with this one, because I have NO other place to stash it. Just getting it out of the way to set the stage:


And now, in no particular order other than how Photobucket arranged them, I give you…..

Main Street!






The Emporium was just NOT fun to shop in this trip. AT all. It was so crowded you literally could hardly move, let alone browse. We bailed after about 3 minutes. No great loss; shopping sux.


Tate seemed to enjoy himself though, so there is that.








Can't decide which balloon one I like better- so you got both.



Planning on a whole chapter for this game, but here's a sneak preview of the game portals on Main Street.



Wish it was crisper, but I do like this one:



Last edited:
M is for: Main Street Magic- Morning to Midnight; Pt. 2

Walking the length of Main Street is pure magic on the other end of the day as well- the slow mosey in the opposite direction as you stall as long as you can before saying one last good-bye, is pure bliss. Maybe it’s just me, but I have NO problem letting the crowds stand in the bus lines with screaming, overwrought kids while I drink in the animated window displays, sit on a bench and watch the Kiss Goodnight, or grab an ice cream and window shop.

The faux gas lamps, the lit marquees, the ragtime background music add a charm I just can’t resist.

Here are the (very few!) shots I gathered as we stalled our exits:



I'm throwing in a few bonus fireworks shots because no visit to Main Street at night is complete without them:








So, with that...

I'm off on another adventure to California, but it won't be long before I:

Lol I don't know how to PM someone

Looks like Jeff took care of you there. Not hard if you know where to go. :)

Sounds like a fun night with Yeehaw Bob! Despite that fact that I stayed at Riverside for 8 nights on my last trip, I'm disappointed to say that I never watched one of his shows. I did suggest it a few times to the ladies, but they just weren't interested. I should have gone to a show myself. The most I got was about 30 seconds standing outside the door one night while we were walking past the River Roost.

Enjoy your travels and DIS meets!

OH boy, you were RIGHT there too! :(

And yes, sometimes... solo is the way to go. For occasions just such as this! ;)

@Djjsperry I'll help you out :)

Near the top right you should see your screen name, "inbox", and "alerts". Hover your mouse over "inbox", or just click on it, and find "start a new conversation". Click on that and type the person's screen name in the "participants" box. Give it a title, type the message and click "start a conversation".

Thanks for standing in the gap here. Been pretty busy with helping my mom out. :)

You must've been happy with the W!

For sure!!!

And now we're watching UK again vs. NC. It'd be pretty cool to see a UK vs. UO end game.
Lovely photos and narrative of Main Street. How nice you have a history with generations old and new. I just adore Main street like you. I am never in a hurry. When I need to go to a place of inner calm in life. Main Street is my togo.

They changed the sign in WDW so that it now says Magic Kingdom and not The Magic Kingdom I heard recently.

Love those vehicles. Plus those ballloons. Soon be in the hand of some excited guest.

Love the halloween balloons in the evening too! Great firework shots.

Thank you for the walk down Main street. I adore the smell. Sweet popcorn, horses ... An explostition from a parade.
Disney does that, doesn’t it? Brings out the kid in everyone. Especially when they serve booze at shows like this.

This is so true. I think that is why it is such a great escape (both Disney and Disney with Booze lol)

Yes, I called the FF back the next day and indeed they had it and it was safe and sound.

So glad to hear it!! I was worried.

Love your Main St. pics. And you are don't want to "skip" it...sadly there never seems to be enough Disney time to take it in properly. I find that on entry, you are always in such a panic to beat the crowds to the rides...and on exit you are usually too wiped out to be able to appreciate everything properly...or maybe that is just me lol. I need a loooong Disney vacay...with enough time to really enjoy the details and not rush around!!
Mom didn't do so well this evening by letting her pain get away from her. When your RN asks you to rate your pain, you are allowed to say 10/10 if you are sobbing and clinching your teeth. Pretty sure I was seeing a 10... Her knee is still quite red, hot, angry and swollen; it's no wonder it's so painful.

I hope she's doing better now that you're heading out. Glad you made the trip to care for her!

Still had a bit of party left in me yet, so the remaining 3 of us went to the place that the young, young at heart, and just plain old can all have a good time. I categorically refuse to reveal which category I fall into.

We have no use for such labels here!

He pours his heart and soul into his piano and comedic show and not only encourages, but at times insists on, audience participation. IT’S FUN!!

Agreed! Part of the Disney magic.

The bad news is that while searching for that method of payment, I realized that I didn’t get my Disney Visa Reward Card back from the server at FF!

:scared1: Gah!

(Does anyone see a pattern here? Probably best not to ask me to hold onto something for you.)

:rotfl2::rotfl2: Duly noted!

But even their own can’t make the FF staff do their job. You know, like answer the phone (or be on time with seating reserved guests). They tried for a good 10 minutes for me, then gave me the number and suggested I try in the morning. Awesome. K, I’m just gonna go into the River Roost now and not worry about $150.

Man. This place is sliding even further down my list, if that was even possible.

Marv (@GoofyFan1515 ), I love ya, Buddy, but you were cracking me up pretty good that night. Pat (@Poolrat ) was fairly amused as well. See?

I think Pat looks like she's trying to pretend she doesn't know him.:rolleyes1

One of the defining features of Bob’s shows is that he asks for, and then REMEMBERS, many of the guest’s names that are in the audience.

That's just plain amazing. I forget my own kids' names.

Thank you for having Bob call me up to have the house sing Happy Birthday to me. Sure, why not? I mean for the entire trip it was my UN-birthday.

:rotfl: Both cruel and adorable!

I did tell Bob after the song, that it was actually a graduation from Nursing School I was celebrating and he was genuinely thrilled for me. I also reminded him that I’d met him years before, and he actually REMEMBERED that! I kid you not, I told him I’d lived in Qrapistan and the last time I was at his show it was on my way home from there. He leaned over and told me privately to “carry on the good work and he was praying for me”. It is no secret that he is a praying man who plays for his church’s worship team on Sundays. (He has a webpage that tells his story.)

That's even more amazing!:eek:

I definitely wanted a photo with our happy trio to make sure I remembered our time together. (I’m already anticipating your comments, Peanut Gallery Folks… who already know who you are.)

Well, it just indicates which category you fit into.

Yes, I called the FF back the next day and indeed they had it and it was safe and sound. Pat and Marv stopped by the restaurant before we met up at the park the next day and gave it to me then. Thank Goodness for really awesome friends!!

Hooray Marv and Pat!:woohoo:

Even as a young child, though, we never “skipped over” Main Street.

Well, you can't. It's the only way to get to the rides.:rolleyes1

The Emporium was just NOT fun to shop in this trip. AT all. It was so crowded you literally could hardly move, let alone browse. We bailed after about 3 minutes. No great loss; shopping sux.

Ugh. Agreed.

That one turned out really neat!


Maybe it’s just me, but I have NO problem letting the crowds stand in the bus lines with screaming, overwrought kids while I drink in the animated window displays, sit on a bench and watch the Kiss Goodnight, or grab an ice cream and window shop.

Someday, I'll get to leave without little kids who are way past their bedtime, and I'll agree with you.

Very striking!

This one grabbed me as well.

I'm off on another adventure to California, but it won't be long before I:

Have a great time storming the castle, and tell everyone I said hi!
Main Street, USA- a promenade holding a very dear place in my heart. Hand in hand, my grandma and I would walk toward a day full of adventures, side by side my sisters and I would enter the park and own the day, arm in arm my best friends and I skipped over to our Grad Party where we danced away the night, and in my street clothes after changing out of my costume from a day’s work at the Blue Bayou, I’d saunter back down Main Street to my car.

I love this!! I guess I didn't realize you worked at Blue Bayou. Did you like it? I still dream of working at Disney, maybe for my retirement job :-)

The Magic of Main Street- Morning to Midnight

Fantastic pictures!!!

The faux gas lamps, the lit marquees, the ragtime background music add a charm I just can’t resist.

My favorite too

I am in love with this photo. absolute perfection

I'm off on another adventure to California

Have so much fun!!! wish my trip to DL was just a month earlier so I could see you guys!
Once upon a time, there was this college-aged girl, <that's better> who was just setting out on her college/university career. For the most part, she did very, very well. Well enough to make the Dean's List and enjoy the journey.
And she's humble too... :rolleyes1

It was.... the middle of nowhere. You can Google Qyzylorda, Kazakhstan should you care to. She could share stories for days, weeks maybe, of adventures they had there- some fun, some interesting, some utterly terrifying.
I'm sure your experiences there were something out of a movie. Maybe a mixture of horror and history, but a movie nonetheless.

But one thing stood out to her, no matter where you stand on today's political issues and like to rant about healthcare, ummm.... newsflash, we have damn good healthcare.

They slice her open and take out her appendix with NOTHING, not even a shot of vodka.
:eek: Holy crap! Even in the wild west they'd have given you some whiskey or something!

Could she still wear Abercrombie and pull it off?

Could she look cool in the cafeteria if she ran into her daughter who was also taking classes there?
Certainly not if she was trying to wear Abercrombie.

Would her student status finally get her an affordable copy of MS Office?
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Yeah right.

A side discussion I'd love to have with you: What's the one place that's at the top of your Not-Yet-Tried-At-Disney List? I'm very curious what it is and WHY you haven't been there yet?
Beaches & Cream. 2 reasons... burgers and ice cream. 2 of my favorite food groups. It has been on the ADR list multiple times, but due to reasons of inconvenience or lack of time, it always gets canceled. I have it booked for our upcoming trip, but I'd give it about a 75% chance to once again fall short of the cut. If I ever stay at an EPCOT area resort it will be a must do, but since that hasn't happened yet, it just hasn't worked out where I feel like it is justifiably convenient to go there.

At 8:00, after we were done clowning around, our blinky-light thingy went off indicating that our table was finally ready- a full 40 minutes past the time of our ADR. Not a great start to a signature meal.
Nope, not a great start at all. :faint:

Very soon, the manager and our waiter, Mohcine, made their way to our table as well. So far, the service was fantastic in every way, and they were quickly making up for their less-than-stellar start.
Well, at least they seem to be excellent about providing courteous, personal service once you're seated in their restaurant. (and apparently, as we'll find out, not a moment longer)

I honestly have no idea what anyone else had, but this was a BIG celebration dinner for me and there was no WAY it would be without a glass of champagne.
So you had "J" at Abracadabar, right? Did this champagne start with a letter K???

That is because she grew up drinking fermented camel's milk, salted, dried cheese curds, liver and other mystery organs, and horse meat.
In other words, she ate crap that could make anything we produce and serve in the USA taste delicious.

She may be little, but she's a pretty big eater, and sadly, this actually ended up being not quite enough for her. In fact, unfortunately the only complaint I have about this place, other than the long wait to get seated was the portions. Let me be clear, our family are NOT big eaters. At all. When going out to regular places here at home, we almost ALWAYS split, sometimes even 3 ways, and while each ordering separate dishes here, it was still truly not enough food. I keep ranting about how they've pared down the portion sizes, but seriously, this wouldn't have even come close to being enough for a 16 year old boy or pretty much anyone else.
Yeah, that totally wouldn't work for me. I'm a big eater. Especially on vacation.

Thanks, Disney, I might have given 20% or even more, but something rubs me the wrong way when I'm FORCED to give something that should be freely and generously given if deserved or I'm moved to. Ah well, it was already totaled, too bad, so sad.
I know... I'm the same way. I pretty much always give at least 20% unless I'm somewhere that takes an automatic 18%. If they're going to do it for me, I'm certainly not going to add to it.

Grand total for 4 people, 3 of whom left a skootch hungry: $210.36. 1 appetizer, 4 entrees, one champagne, and 2 soft drinks. Overall review: MIXED. 1 Thumb Up of Steppe Approval, not worthy of a slobbering Homer.
In other words, it is a resounding "meh."

Ok, I'm glad you got to try Flying Fish. I'm sorry that it fell short in a few ways, but at least you were able to have a great time with friends and it seems that you certainly enjoyed your meal. I'm not a big fish eater either (I like mine breaded and deep fried) so I just can't see this being high on my list of places to try anyway. And if they have small portions and high prices... nope.

Looooong story (that I'm not getting into. You and Alison can ask me next week.)

Upshot is, fancy restaurant, wonderful food, great "show" (watching the chefs and sous-chefs)
I get served dessert at the end. one has a meringue. Obviously just out of the oven... mmmmm.... a whisp of smoke still curling up from the peak of the meringue.
:laughing: It almost looked like a little worm wiggling there!

It really looks like a little worm.

It really looks like a worm.....

In retrospect, I suppose I should be happy that it was on top and not buried inside where I'd not notice it until I'd taken a mouthful.
Slimy, yet satisfying.


The knee had a huge clot which she threw causing a pulmonary embolism. Neat. Those things kill people.
Oh no! Scary. I'm glad there was an RN daughter able to fly half way across the country to help care for her.

Protip: Don't stay at the Ramada Airport Inn. Yes, my door is deadbolted.
And furniture was placed in front of it too, right?

I think Ramada has become one of those hotel brands that is an "only in case of emergency if there's nothing else within 100 miles" type of chain.

(Yes, I know. Instead of 300 pages long, it's 1 post. Sue me. Or thank me. Your choice.)
I don't have time for 300 pages... nor do I have time to sue. So thanks.

my PTR in it's entirety.
Looks good! I'm glad that it worked out that you could help out and still not miss out on your trip!

The bad news is that while searching for that method of payment, I realized that I didn’t get my Disney Visa Reward Card back from the server at FF!
Uh oh...

If you can, you need to lighten up. And order a drink.

Speaking of which, we did!
Just what you need after leaving $150 at a restaurant.

I had a very unimaginative, but potent, Rum and Coke.
How did this fall into the letter game? Are you cheating and going out of order, leaving out details, or just drinking extra drinks?

Disney does that, doesn’t it? Brings out the kid in everyone.

Thank you for having Bob call me up to have the house sing Happy Birthday to me. Sure, why not? I mean for the entire trip it was my UN-birthday. Pat and Marv even had pins to mark the occasion, but I’ll let them tell that part of the story. I did tell Bob after the song, that it was actually a graduation from Nursing School I was celebrating and he was genuinely thrilled for me. I also reminded him that I’d met him years before, and he actually REMEMBERED that! I kid you not, I told him I’d lived in Qrapistan and the last time I was at his show it was on my way home from there. He leaned over and told me privately to “carry on the good work and he was praying for me”. It is no secret that he is a praying man who plays for his church’s worship team on Sundays. (He has a webpage that tells his story.)
Really cool! I was looking forward to seeing him this summer, but given our resort move, it might not be terribly convenient. We shall see...

It was late, but I didn’t mind. It had been a great day full of family, friends, good food, fun- a perfect way to have celebrated a strong finish to a life goal.
It was indeed!

The Magic of Main Street- Morning to Midnight
That's a lot of M's.

No great loss; shopping sux.
::yes:: Yes it does.

Great pictures of Main Street, the castle and fireworks. :thumbsup2


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