Leaving one kid at home and bringing other on cruise? Would you?


Sep 11, 2015
Hi friends :) y'all have been so super helpful so far in anything kid related. Need your expertise.

We have cruised once on the Disney Dream with our then 1.5 year old. Oh boy, it was a gorgeous cruise but boy was it rough. She has a rather strong willed/needier personality though, so that contributed heavily to the changes in schedule and dining dilemmas.

Baby number two is on the way and we are thinking of cruising alone with only the 7 month old next year. We want some semblance of a couples getaway, and this is the only solution we can think of. I remember this infant phase= being much easier for the plane and travel, being that we don't have to worry too much about food and it can still breastfeed.... AND THE NURSERY!

But I AM FEELING SO. SO. GUILTY for not bringing the 2.5 year old with. She is hard to travel with though and thrives by routine, and the grandparents have offered to watch her while we cruise and they would spend time with her. (And no, we can't leave the infant at home too because she'll be breastfeeding and grandparents are not comfortable with infant care unfortunately!)

Have any of you done this, or have experience with cruising with a much younger baby (6-7 months)? Do you think we should do it? Or are we crazy beans for thinking this will be somewhat more relaxing than just staying home with 2 kids?
Go. Don't feel guilty. If the older one thrives on routine AND you have willing childcare - do it. I did it with a road trip from CO to CA. It worked out fine, everyone survived and thrived. Never cruised or travelled with an infant - but I'm sure others will weigh in on that aspect.
if you are not going to take her, i would plan something specail to do with her -

but think of this - will you feel bad the whole trip, knowing she would have enjoyed X or she would have loved meeting Y princess?
I would leave her. My ODD is difficult to travel with and I totally get it. If I had a supportive family that was willing to watch her (and they would have made me feel guilty) I would have done it myself. It's hard because there's a lot of guilt... but you're just before the step where travel with YDD gets difficult as well so better now than never
I would leave her. My ODD is difficult to travel with and I totally get it. If I had a supportive family that was willing to watch her (and they would have made me feel guilty) I would have done it myself. It's hard because there's a lot of guilt... but you're just before the step where travel with YDD gets difficult as well so better now than never

Thanks so much. I figure once YDD hits one year old we won't be cruising again until both are a little older to remember/be potty trained. :) Better now than never, as you said.
If you're going to leave her with grandma, just play it up like it's special big girl time that she gets to spend with her grandparents. She doesn't have to know all the cool things she's missing out on, she only needs to know all the cool things she gets to do. Make it sound like it's a reward for being so good with the baby and much more grown up. She'll eat it up. Of course, make sure grandma is planning some special time with her, not just the same old things.
We did a cruise with 3 of our kids when we had 4. Our DS was 3 at the time and we already had plans for him to be at my parents when I found a deal I just couldn't pass up. I did feel bad that we didn't take him but he was having a great time with my parent. We didn't make a big deal out of it when we got back and he didn't even seem to care. I would say go for it!!
We did a cruise with 3 of our kids when we had 4. Our DS was 3 at the time and we already had plans for him to be at my parents when I found a deal I just couldn't pass up. I did feel bad that we didn't take him but he was having a great time with my parent. We didn't make a big deal out of it when we got back and he didn't even seem to care. I would say go for it!!

ahhhh thanks for sharing. I'm just glad another parent has done this before and with 4 kids not 2 :D kudos mom for doing it, i just need to just self-care and DO IT TOO. did you tell your DS where you were going?
ahhhh thanks for sharing. I'm just glad another parent has done this before and with 4 kids not 2 :D kudos mom for doing it, i just need to just self-care and DO IT TOO. did you tell your DS where you were going?

I don't think we directly told him where we were going but we didn't hide it either before we went. We brought him back gifts and I think the other kids talked to him about it but he never seemed to care, he was just as excited to tell us what he had been up to.

DH and I are big on having us time. We do a lot of day trips without the kids and when I was breastfeeding one that one would go with us. I never heard any complaints from the other kids. I think they are happy to have time away from us too (especially when they get to have a day with the grandparents that spoil them rotten :laughing:)
You're dd is young enough that she won't realize what she is missing out on. I agree with other posters that she will have a blast with her grandparents, so don't feel guilty. If you brought her, she most likely wouldn't remember it in a few years anyway. You can always bring her back something from the ship's gift shop as a special treat.
I felt bad leaving our 19 and 20 year old kids home (so they're booked in the veranda next to ours!), let alone a 2 1/2 year old.
IMO, and you asked, I cannot imagine leaving a little one home for a Disney vacation. She is at the age where the magic is real, I wouldn't want her to miss out on that.
While it would be more relaxing for you (and I get it, my DD is hardcore too) I'm positive at least a dozen times something will happen that you'll wish she was there and years to come, looking back at the pictures don't you think it would be a little sad for her that she wasn't with her family on a DISNEY family vacation?
Take her but take advantage of the kids club ;)
Mine will be 18 and 14 when we cruise next and we are leaving them with the grandparents and not bringing thm with us for the first time. The 14 year old is giving us a lot of guilt! At least a 2-1/2 year old won't remember you left them behind. Go enjoy your trip. I am sure the grandparents will spoil the 2.5 year old!
We took 3 Disney Cruises when DS was 18 months, 2, and 3. They were definitely fun but challenging at times. (spirited child) Things change so quickly with kids. By the time he was 5 it was much easier, so was 6 and 7. Now that he's 8, he is a great little traveler! (6 cruises and many countries later) I would imagine you will sail on more Disney Cruises in the future. So go and have FUN!! Bring your 2.5 year old next time! Also IMO 2.5/3 is tough because the nursery can seem too babyish and the kids club too overwhelming.
I believe that the best parents are happy and refreshed parents who prioritize their relationship as much as their relationship with their kiddos. Have fun.

Just don't mention the Disney portion of your trip to your daughter or she will probably kill you in your sleep.
Hi friends :) y'all have been so super helpful so far in anything kid related. Need your expertise.

We have cruised once on the Disney Dream with our then 1.5 year old. Oh boy, it was a gorgeous cruise but boy was it rough. She has a rather strong willed/needier personality though, so that contributed heavily to the changes in schedule and dining dilemmas.

Baby number two is on the way and we are thinking of cruising alone with only the 7 month old next year. We want some semblance of a couples getaway, and this is the only solution we can think of. I remember this infant phase= being much easier for the plane and travel, being that we don't have to worry too much about food and it can still breastfeed.... AND THE NURSERY!

But I AM FEELING SO. SO. GUILTY for not bringing the 2.5 year old with. She is hard to travel with though and thrives by routine, and the grandparents have offered to watch her while we cruise and they would spend time with her. (And no, we can't leave the infant at home too because she'll be breastfeeding and grandparents are not comfortable with infant care unfortunately!)

Have any of you done this, or have experience with cruising with a much younger baby (6-7 months)? Do you think we should do it? Or are we crazy beans for thinking this will be somewhat more relaxing than just staying home with 2 kids?
Since she is too young to know what she's missing out on without you telling her, I think it's fine. My son loves to spend time with Grandma. It doesn't even need to be doing special activities- she's attentive & he gets to relax, get lots of attention & spoiled a bit. As long as she has a good relationship with her grandparents & they're happy to host, it's a win-win.

I don't think toddlers even need vacation. They thrive from routine & loving care. When I see babies & toddlers on trips, I know those trips are really about the older siblings & parents (whether the parents realize this or not). They're so busy discovering the ordinary world around them, they don't need a ton of novelty. In this case, the toddler doesn't need to be dragged along, so don't. Both you and she will be happier.
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