The ABC's of Trip Planning, Pt 1- K is for Keeping Things Kooky- Drinks V-Z; pg. 197 + New Link

If you've managed to make it through Kindergarten


you have figured out that D comes after C.

Shoot... I was this close to getting that right!

Then again, I've gotten through Kindergarten and still have to sing the alphabet in that dicey run between N and S when I need to alphabetize something.

:laughing: I bet you're in the majority there.

Day 3 brings us trotting off to AK where, while it's Nahtazu, has plenty of entertainment by way of fauna both large and small.

And knowing you... photos of the flora as well.

The medium-sized ones are also scattered around the park and can provide plenty of "entertainment" by way of line cutting, family meltdowns, and other basic piggish behaviours.

<sigh> Yeah....

AK has some of the finest sounding drinks available on property

Guess how many alcoholic drinks I've had there!

yeah.... none.

Most of you have been around long enough to know I'll go with the more adventurous one- the Dawa. So let's go with that, okay?

I would. I'd join you in drinking one, too.
Stupid schedule.

I'm grateful to Disney that they could accommodate my Alphabetical Approach to Drinking Around the World with both an 'E' drink and one that I actually think I'll like.

Disney. Accommodating alcoholics everywhere.

Letter 'F' is proving to be a bit more difficult.

It frequently does.

I didn't see anything on the menu that works for 'F', but I will present the Plan and see if my tender can find something that'll fit the bill.

Or he'll cut you off when he hears about it.
Still, worth a shot.

If not, my next shot is at EPCOT where I'll either move on to Letter 'G' or try again for 'F'.

I'm always trying for F. Seldom succeeding.
When I do, I try for G too.
Seldom succeeding.

Horchata Margarita - tequila, Horchata cream rum (contains dairy), Fireball cinnamon whiskey, agua de Horchata, topped with cinnamon powder $13.50

While not a rum fan.... I just might try that.

NO, you can't have it. It's mine. Get your own.

I would.... honest.

Better yet, join me in La Cava and we'll have one together.

Now you're just teasing me.
I've had a great run of days of quite light studying- some have been completely devoid of any at all. Instead, I've thoroughly enjoyed catching up here and basking in some of the more fun activities of Summer- swimming, camping, berry picking, and yes, I've even cleaned my house.

Alas, I really need to buckle down now and get back to the serious work of studying for my NCLEX. I have 22 days before crunch time, and there's a lot of territory to cover between now and then. Aside from studying, I have jam to make, a little road trip to take, an interview on Thursday at the Surgical Center, appts for the kids, and I'm working a 14 hr shift on Friday. So, as much as I hate it, I'm having to spend a teensy less time here until maybe Sunday. Maybe Monday.
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Shoot... I was this close to getting that right!

Of course you were...


:laughing: I bet you're in the majority there.

Yeah, I thought I might be.

And knowing you... photos of the flora as well.

You know me pretty well.

Guess how many alcoholic drinks I've had there!

Ummmmm.... none?

yeah.... none.


I would. I'd join you in drinking one, too.
Stupid schedule.

You burned it up in Montreal. But I have a feeling it was probably worth it.

Disney. Accommodating alcoholics everywhere.

To be fair, there are some sweeping caveats that I'll addend with when we get to Z. Lest you make sweeping conclusions.... ;)

Or he'll cut you off when he hears about it.
Still, worth a shot.


While not a rum fan.... I just might try that.

I doubt you'd be disappointed.

I would.... honest.

Someday. I'm sure we can get another group going next year. But, you're the wild card.

Now you're just teasing me.

A little.
Those all look delish...well except the bloody mary one because I'm not a tomato juice fan...but all the power to you for trying the adventurous one!! And yeah..I'm a pretty cheap drunk lol so couldn't handle too many of those (though even a few would make me an expensive drunk at Disney lol)

Yep, and I look at it this way. I really don't buy much of anything while there. My souvie budget is probably about $100 tops. If that. I'll still do my Shop Around the World Tour, but I limit myself to $10 per trinket. I figure, 20-25 drinks over 10 days is pretty do-able at $10/drink on average. That's $200 or so. And, while I"m saving some of my caveats for the last post in this series, it's darn likely I won't reach my goal. But that's where the Contest comes in. Well, part of it anyway.
I think I'm 5 pages behind but wanted to pop in and say :wave2: I just skimmed through the last few pages and think your alphabetical drinking game sounds fun! Your pictures are lovely, as always!

I've slowed down on my DISboarding a tad since my June trip. Summer is fantastic in Colorado, too much sunshine to be spending indoors :sunny:

Good luck with the studying! I'll try to do better at keeping up:flower3:
Oh boy, Shannon, been a VERY long since I've seen you here. That commute sux big time! YUCK! And you don't get much DIStime. That really stinks doubly!

But you're in Salem for work? We should totally get together for a quick lunch or coffee after your work day sometime! Seriously, I'd love to see you. :)

I know. I"ve been playing major hooky from studying the last few days and have been madly planning and trying to finalize some things for my trip. Pretty soon, I'll have to start packing- I know, majorly anal. Oh well... the excitement is building!!!
Lunch or coffee would be great sometime. I work just down the street from Costco. Not really knowing the town, I have been relying on Jimmy John's delivery way too often.

I know how time consuming studying for that test could be. I remember when my ex had to take it, I helped him study and I was pretty sure I could pass the test afterwards. So much information you have to know! I am sure that you will pass, no problem.

Glad the excitement is building for the trip. I tried to find a "F" drink too and only came up with Frozen Margarita. Not very clever.
Alas, I really need to buckle down now and get back to the serious work of studying for my NCLEX
When my sister studied for hers... she did it here...

Atlantis. Paradise Island, Bahamas. That red circle... the chairs by the pool where we spent a lot of our time so she could study.

I had won a trip their where I worked and took her as my guest for her graduation present! The trip was the week before ( I think...maybe 2 weeks before) her boards testing. She had to take a suitcase JUST for her books so she could study! Wouldn't you know it... the flight home, they lost some of our luggage. They lost all of mine and they lost her case with all her books in it. I told her it was gods way of telling her to chill out a bit! She didn't like that to much. She got really mad at me when I said that to her. She didn't talk to me the full 1 1/2 hours we drove home from the airport. She really didn't have anything to worry about though, the airport had the bag sitting on her front porch the next morning.

Even though she was distracted by everything around her, she said it actually seemed to help her because she was so relaxed there when she was studying she retained a lot more info.

The moral to this story....Well, there is none. LOL just sharing the story!
Hmmm so DHS for F.... found this Party through the Parks! sight that might help. Only thing is it looks like it is from 2013...but Disney is good about never changing things quickly, so might be worth a gander.

I did find:
Hollywood Brown Derby (might be able to get it at the lounge instead of in the restaurant) If you remove "The" as you should with most titles of things. This might fit the bill, or the "F"ill in this case!
The Fabulous Mariness - $10.75
Absolut Pears vodka, Patron silver tequila, lime juice, muddled strawberries and cilantro

And for G...
The Tune in Lounge:
Grandma's Picnic Punch - $10.75
Grandma concocted a wonderful drink for the family picnic – Skyy Vodka, peach schnapps, creme de cassis, light lemonade, and pineapple juice.

Edit to add pictures!
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I've had a great run of days of quite light studying- some have been completely devoid of any at all.

Good! Gotta unwind before the rewind.

Instead, I've thoroughly enjoyed catching up here and basking in some of the more fun activities of Summer- swimming, camping, berry picking, and yes, I've even cleaned my house.

Cleaned the house? You and I have very different ideas of "fun activities of Summer".

Alas, I really need to buckle down now and get back to the serious work of studying for my NCLEX. I have 22 days before crunch time, and there's a lot of territory to cover between now and then. Aside from studying, I have jam to make, a little road trip to take, an interview on Thursday at the Surgical Center, appts for the kids, and I'm working a 14 hr shift on Friday. So, as much as I hate it, I'm having to spend a teensy less time here until maybe Sunday. Maybe Monday.

We get it. No worries.

Ummmmm.... none?


You win!!!

You burned it up in Montreal. But I have a feeling it was probably worth it.

Oh, I have plenty of leave. I just can't find the time to use any of it. (or not much anyway.)

But, you're the wild card.

That's what my mom always said.
Horchata Margarita - tequila, Horchata cream rum (contains dairy), Fireball cinnamon whiskey, agua de Horchata, topped with cinnamon powder

Ooooh. That sounds interesting. Probably too boozy for my weak butt, but interesting.

By then, I'd think I'd better call it a day. A girl can only hold so much. And I don't want to be that Cretan. Doin' my part to keep things classy. If there's one thing, I do know, it's my limit- as does my wallet.

Well, you know. You're gonna be there a while anyway. Might as well spread the fun over ;)

I've had a great run of days of quite light studying- some have been completely devoid of any at all. Instead, I've thoroughly enjoyed catching up here and basking in some of the more fun activities of Summer- swimming, camping, berry picking


and yes, I've even cleaned my house


(Well, okay, I guess it has to be done sometimes)
Ladies and Gentlemen~

The Good News: I spent 5 hours today on practice tests today. My brain is tuckered out.

The Better News: I got scores on them MUCH higher than I anticipated; about 10% points higher than my study group girls have been getting (not to brag, just for perspective. With the online Kaplan program we're using, if you get a 60% or higher on their test materials, you have a pretty good chance of passing the NCLEX. Today, on a 3.5 hour, 180 question exam, I scored 72.8%.)

The Best News: I have decided to take the night off and get down to some serious business in my Trip Planning.

The Epic News: Because I am putting some tracks in that planning, the CONTEST is coming together!!!!! This is going to be a whole new twist on some things and will be easily grouped by category, so even Kindergartners can play. That should be most of you (Ponzi, I've already anticipated your comment here, and yes, even you can still play), so be on the look out for that coming up! I'm going to PIN it to the front page of this TR, so you can have a handy reference page. This is definitely a work in progress and I reserve the right to morph it however I want to up to the day I leave. It's my party, I can morph if I want to.

Speaking of morphing... got me a little morph job today.




I warned you. The cute factor is pretty high here. Actually, this is the best impersonation of Gollum I could do. Except I also grew a double chin just for the occasion. I blame my stylist for shoving my head down just as I shot this. Yeah, that's it. My head is down. WAYYY down. And please, pay no attention to the crow's feet behind the foil.

(See @GoofyFan1515, I'm ready for any alien invasion!)

Do you think they'll hire me tomorrow?? I can't imagine why they wouldn't with such beauty and grace goin' on.

Ok, fine. Maybe not.

How about now??


See? No more crow's feet or double chin. At least any that YOU can see.

Alright, alright. In all seriousness. I love my touch of sassy red, and wowza did this chick need a cut. I was looking like Boromir, only better. And more feminine.

Now, back to comments, and planning.... much work to be done.
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Personally I never saw anything wrong with you before the colors and stuff, but that's just me. I'm totally gray and don't care. If you don't like me fine. But from what I can see of the hairstyle it looks good, but kinda like it did before.
When my sister studied for hers... she did it here...

Atlantis. Paradise Island, Bahamas. That red circle... the chairs by the pool where we spent a lot of our time so she could study.

I had won a trip their where I worked and took her as my guest for her graduation present! The trip was the week before ( I think...maybe 2 weeks before) her boards testing. She had to take a suitcase JUST for her books so she could study! Wouldn't you know it... the flight home, they lost some of our luggage. They lost all of mine and they lost her case with all her books in it. I told her it was gods way of telling her to chill out a bit! She didn't like that to much. She got really mad at me when I said that to her. She didn't talk to me the full 1 1/2 hours we drove home from the airport. She really didn't have anything to worry about though, the airport had the bag sitting on her front porch the next morning.

Even though she was distracted by everything around her, she said it actually seemed to help her because she was so relaxed there when she was studying she retained a lot more info.

The moral to this story....Well, there is none. LOL just sharing the story!

I think the moral is "Go to Atlantis and sit by the pool to study!" :rotfl2:
Personally I never saw anything wrong with you before the colors and stuff, but that's just me. I'm totally gray and don't care. If you don't like me fine. But from what I can see of the hairstyle it looks good, but kinda like it did before.

It's really not a big change, Alison. Just mostly a trim to shape it up. It either has to be long or short, and long doesn't work on me anymore. (Long so I can pull it back into a pony or clip it up.) It's too thin and looks just stringy when long now.

Not grey yet, but it's naturally a dull mousy brown. Not a fan. Of course I'm too cheap to have it done as often as it needs it, so most of the time it's half mousy brown and half the flavor of the quarter. Lol!
Getting ready now... hoping the application of deodorant helps. ;)

Actually since 7:00, I've been reading blog posts/forums on the differences between Outpatient Surg Nursing and Hospice Nursing. After the interview, I'll probably come home and make some sort of Venn diagram on the pros/cons/differences from what I know of the 2 positions (assuming it goes as I hope in an hour) and stew on it. I'll share that with you and let you struggle with me. I'm nice like that.


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