The Running Thread - 2016

QOTD: What is your current PR's for the following distances: 5k, 10k, 13.1, and 26.2? What are you goals for those distances in the next 9 months?

ATTQOTD: (Current PR / Goal)
5k ( 21:18 / 19:00 )
10k ( 45:15 / 40:20 )
13.1 ( 1:39:28 / 1:28:00 )
26.2 ( 3:43:37 / 2:59:59 )

These are very aggressive goals I have set for myself, but each one I am able to achieve get me a little bit closer to the goal of a BQ, and come my marathon in January, its Boston or Bust.

Congrats to all the racers this weekend! The BAA 10k was a big race this year with the new American record set! Would have been cool to be a part of that.

ATTQOTD: (Current PR / Goal)
5k ( 29.05 / match )
10k (1:08:57 / match )
13.1 ( 2:21:09 / 2:15:00 ) current training goal for September race
26.2 ( 5:36:17 / ? ) not planning on another one right now

That's all for now... trying to keep running as I get older. May not be able to get much faster, lol.
10,000 people for a 10K, that's amazing! So cool to see elites like Shalane as well, I love that about our sport, us "regular People" getting the opportunity to run with the best in the world. Sweet shirt too! It's identical to the one we got for the marathon only ours was the long sleeve.

Mike, it was cool. While we were in the starting corral they announcer was keeping us informed of her pace and stuff. And it turns out there was another Olympian there too. I don't know her name as I wasn't expecting them to say she was also in the Olympics so I wasn't paying attention. I think they said she will be doing the 10,000M and she came in 3rd for this race. Seeing these elite's run in person is amazing. They look like they are hardly trying. Oh, and the winners took home $10,000. Not bad for a 10K race.

Did my triathlon on Sunday in some steaming hot conditions...90º with a heat index touching 100º. On top of that I woke up feeling sick. Despite it all I still managed to put out a good effort and beat my 3:20 goal time, coming in at 3:15:53. Took 2nd in my age group and 20th overall.

Much more in-depth recap in my journal if you like pictures and have time to kill :)

After reading this recap I have to say that it seems yesterday's quote applies to you Mike. An impressive showing given the pounding headache and the weather conditions. Is that you on the podium on the left?


5K- I have never run a 5K
10K- 54:31
13.1- 2:01:35
26.2- 5:01:57

I haven't raced very much yet. I don't have any current goals and there won't be much I can work on in the next 9 months as the next 4 will be a waste because of the surgery. After than it is all about building the strength back up and getting the conditioning back. Next year I will have some loftier goals, I just don't know what they are at this point. I wish my times were better but I am also proud of the times because I finished all the races and I learned something in each, that will help me down the road.
QOTD: What is your current PR's for the following distances: 5k, 10k, 13.1, and 26.2? What are you goals for those distances in the next 9 months?

Here are mine, I am adding Dopey:
ATTQOTD: (Current PR / Goal)
5k ( 24:17 / 23:00 )
10k ( 53:13 / 50:00 )
13.1 ( 1:50:25 / 1:45:00)
26.2 ( 4:05:16 / 3:45:00)
Dopey. ( 8:13:36 / 7:50:00)

For me these are pretty aggressive as I have had a tough spring/summer so far. But I think they are reachable. Speaking of a tough spring/summer. I ran my first trail half marathon for the season this weekend. My goals were to run smart, strong and stay safe. I am happy to report that I stubbed my toe once but no falls. There were several falls around me during the race. Nothing too serious thank goodness! My time was horrible, even for a trail race. It was my second slowest ever at the half marathon distance... I did run smart, able to hold my pace pretty close throughout, but I went out slow and just never really got going. I ran this course last year and I forgot how hilly it was. Nothing super high or long but just constant up and down. Based on the results I need to work on hills, that has to be a priority over the next two months.

I did manage to finish 30th overall and 7th in my age group (it was a small race though). I was not carrying any type of garmin to give me an exact distance. Several people were complaining that it was over 14 miles. Whatever, I learned a lot during the race and loved being in the trails (even when I was swearing at the hills). It is such a beautiful race! Next up is my first trail marathon three weeks from Sunday! Way psyched for that one!
If anyone would like to read my two-part Chicago Bears 5k recap, it is in my journal and at this link

I'm not super proud of my race strategy this time, but it was a really cool race. I apologize to all non-Bears fans in advance.
As a Buffalo Bills fan I accept your appology. I am also open to the appologies of any NFL team that knows what success feels like :P

Follow up question about PRs.....Do you only consider actual race results from an official race for that distance only? Or do you allow yourself to use a segment from that run..For example....if you run a 48:00 10k in the middle of a half marathon, does that count?

How about practice runs, treadmill results, those count too?
(I'm only using actual results for specified distances, but I could be persuaded!)
Personally I would only count a PR if it occured during a sanctioned race. Further to that, if the race had official splits (like a 5K timing mat, or a 13.1 mat in a 26.2) then I would consider using the official split as a PR. I wouldn't use a time from Strava or my Garmin because GPS just isn't accurate enough.

After reading this recap I have to say that it seems yesterday's quote applies to you Mike. An impressive showing given the pounding headache and the weather conditions. Is that you on the podium on the left?
Yessir, that's me on the left...had to get out of those stinky tri clothes right after the race! Well, I did jump into the canal after the race to cool off first, but I was changed shortly after that.
Follow up question about PRs.....Do you only consider actual race results from an official race for that distance only? Or do you allow yourself to use a segment from that run..For example....if you run a 48:00 10k in the middle of a half marathon, does that count?

How about practice runs, treadmill results, those count too?
(I'm only using actual results for specified distances, but I could be persuaded!)

If I PR a lesser distance during a longer race, only the PR from the race I am registered for counts. I actually have a faster 10k time within a 10 mile race I did a while back, but only the 10 mile race counted and I declined the PR adjustment on my garmin. I also keep a list of runs from 1 mile to 26.2 miles with my top two times, new goal, and dates of each. I exclude 3 miles, 6 miles, and 13 miles for 5k, 10k, and 13.1 miles. So the normal race distances have much faster paces than my training runs of say 11 miles, 18 miles, 5 miles, ect... Just another form of data collection, to see where I have been, where I am, and what my current goals are.


I may have registered for an Ultra in 2017. I clearly have a brain tumor.

Well that's taking it to a whole new level. Good luck!
QOTD: Lets talk about compression. Do you use compression gear? If so, do you run with it, for recovery, or both? Do you find that it helps any?

ATTQOTD: I have compression socks. I do not wear them very often, but when I do its post run. I mainly use them when I am feeling a little beat up after a run. I find it helps, but it could all be mental. One other reason I wear them is if I am flying to and from a race. I look forward to reading everyone's response on this subject!
ATTQOTD: I don't really have much issues with swelling or muscle exhaustion in my calfs/ankles, etc. So I have not seen a reason to wear the sock/leg kind. I feel like if I did wear them it would be more like a placebo effect thing and I wouldn't want to feel like I "had to wear them." My Dad who is not a runner but has leg and knee issues from age wears them for swelling reasons and he loves them for relief. He has super fancy ones too.
I do have a pair of compression shorts but I didn't realize what they were until after I bought them. There's days I don't mind feeling all "sucked in" and days I'd rather not wear them :)
ATTQOTD: I have compression socks and a pair of compression sleeves. I will wear the sleeves for some of the later legs of a relay race, or the second race if I am running more than 1 race on a weekend. I wear the socks occasionally after a long run to "help" with recovery. I am not sure they do much, so I agree with the mental statement.
QOTD: Lets talk about compression. Do you use compression gear? If so, do you run with it, for recovery, or both? Do you find that it helps any?

ATTQOTD: I have compression socks. I do not wear them very often, but when I do its post run. I mainly use them when I am feeling a little beat up after a run. I find it helps, but it could all be mental. One other reason I wear them is if I am flying to and from a race. I look forward to reading everyone's response on this subject!

My experience and success with compression gear has been pretty varied. I'll take it from most to least helpful:

Thigh sleeve - I have used a compression thigh sleeve as part of both rehab of my hamstring issues. It works great providing support, alignment and passive heat to the hamstring and I could not have returned to running nearly as soon without it. At this point, it's like a security blanket that I'm having a hard time letting go of, even though I know the hamstring is healed. Highly recommended.

Calf sleeves/socks - I've tried these out both during and after running and I find that they don't do much for my performance during a run. That being said, they help out significantly during recovery and I wear them after races, especially where there's a challenge involved, to speed up the recovery process.

UA compression shirts - Not too much to say about these. I like them for long training runs and anything half marathon or longer for one simple reason. No nipple chafing! Other than that, though, they're really just another shirt. Just another shirt that I really shouldn't wear unless I was 10-15 pounds lighter...

Compression shorts - I got these to help with the hamstring issue without the bulk of the thigh sleeve. That was the theory, at least. The reality turned out to be that they were a very uncomfortable addition to a region that really didn't need to be uncomfortable. All without providing any noticeable benefit.

Looking forward to see what other folks have had success with!
QOTD: Lets talk about compression. Do you use compression gear? If so, do you run with it, for recovery, or both? Do you find that it helps any?

I wore compression socks all the time when I was starting because I had shin splint issues. Not sure they really helped much, but they didn't hurt and as running aids go they weren't all that expensive. Now I just like how they feel and wear them for races, but not much for training runs. I also wear a base layer compression shirt during every run. This is chiefly a preventative measure for chaffing, but I also have come to like the feel of running in a compression shirt.

I like the way my compression socks and shirts feel, so I will continue running in them even if there is nothing other than a placebo effect at work.
I will say that I saw a lot of very cute compression socks at the disney races this year as part of costumes :) Unless those were just regular socks that I thought were compression.

How hot do those things get during the warmer months?
I will say that I saw a lot of very cute compression socks at the disney races this year as part of costumes :) Unless those were just regular socks that I thought were compression.

How hot do those things get during the warmer months?

I don't really notice much difference in heat retention with or without the compression socks. I wear them as an extra layer to fight against wind during cold runs and they certainly don't help much in that capacity. If I'm wearing them around the house as a recovery aid they do seem to make me feel warm, but I think that's because I'm almost always barefoot walking around the house and a sock of any kind makes me feel warm.
QOTD: Lets talk about compression. Do you use compression gear? If so, do you run with it, for recovery, or both? Do you find that it helps any?
I have 3 different types of compression clothing. Each is used differently, so I'll explain each separately:

Compression shorts (any brand is fine) - I wear these on every run under my running shorts. I only buy running shorts without liners because of this. I need them because I lift and have large thighs which rub when I run. I am considering reducing my weight lifting, which might eliminate this need, but for now it is necessary to avoid chafing.

Calf sleeves (CEP) - I wear them when dealing with calf issues. I have not needed them much in the last few years, but they really help when I have a calf strain that might otherwise cause me to take time off from running.

Compression pants - full length (Nike Pro Combat Recovery Hyper Tights) - I wear these when recovering from a really long run or when I have to fly soon after a long or challenging run. They work very well - I recover much faster when I use them, and I don't experience the muscle tightness from sitting for long periods on flights.
QOTD: Lets talk about compression. Do you use compression gear? If so, do you run with it, for recovery, or both? Do you find that it helps any?
I will wear compression socks for most of my runs, except during the summer months when I find them a bit too warm. Like others have said, it could totally be a placebo effect, but it works for me. I wore the calf sleeves for my last half Ironman race and ran my best triathlon half marathon, so maybe that's a good thing? I love them for recovery after a good hard run though, they feel so nice and snuggly :)
ATTQOTD: I've only worn compression socks when I was 30 weeks pregnant and flying international.

Very curious to see what everyone says since I do see a lot of runners with them. I thought the meta analysis is that they don't really work but may have utility in recovery or the travel to/from races?


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