ROFR Thread September-December 2015 *PLEASE USE NEW THREAD*

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I would be happy to. As I said, the actual SELLING prices up until very recently (to me this means the last month or 2) have been much lower and I do realize the ones listed on this board only represents a small portion of all contracts. That being said, 9 contracts getting rofr'd on the occ site also represents a minuscule amount of all contracts that were sold , meaning many, many more were sold that were not bought back by Disney. The others being rofr'd could also have been loaded and you have no idea who was paying dues or closing costs. As I said, I've been following this thread as well as checking listing prices several times daily (maybe a little too often) on the DVC search engine for the last 10 months. This means not only when @pangyal was running it, but also when @that's nice was running it.
. View attachment 130134 This is the average LIST price from this spring.
View attachment 130135
And this from last month, which I still consider recent.

Note, these are actual list prices and not sale prices. Today's list prices are higher than last month but as you can see they aren't moving like they were last month either. If you need more facts, I'd be more than happy to personally send you all the individual BWV listings over the last several months as I have pictures of them saved to my phone. I think @pangyal may kill me if I upload them all to this page. :earseek:

I'm sorry and I'm really not trying to be difficult, but nothing you just posted above, including the ROFR thread here, supports your initial quote regarding sales prices or the ROFR activity you quoted. Your quote: "up until VERY recently, most BWV contracts were sold at $82-$83ish pp and sometimes less ,fully loaded, for larger contracts"; and "Only 3 other BWV contracts on this thread have been taken since June and only 1 the first half of this year (@ $65 pp)"? Please cite sales that support that most of the BWV contracts sold very recently have been fully loaded and at $82-$83ish pp, sometimes less and for larger contracts. I can't find the data to support this. Also, I've already quoted 9 contracts that have been taken via ROFR over the last month compared to the three you cited, but evidently you're intent to disagree with that also.

Based on the remainder of your post, it's apparent we have a huge disconnect, so I'll just agree to disagree with you.
I'm sorry and I'm really not trying to be difficult, but nothing you just posted above, including the ROFR thread here, supports your initial quote regarding sales prices or the ROFR activity you quoted. Your quote: "up until VERY recently, most BWV contracts were sold at $82-$83ish pp and sometimes less ,fully loaded, for larger contracts"; and "Only 3 other BWV contracts on this thread have been taken since June and only 1 the first half of this year (@ $65 pp)"? Please cite sales that support that most of the BWV contracts sold very recently have been fully loaded and at $82-$83ish pp, sometimes less and for larger contracts. I can't find the data to support this. Also, I've already quoted 9 contracts that have been taken via ROFR over the last month compared to the three you cited, but evidently you're intent to disagree with that also.

Based on the remainder of your post, it's apparent we have a huge disconnect, so I'll just agree to disagree with you.
Yes, actually, you are trying to be difficult. You obviously don't understand what has been written. I will spell it out for you 1 last time. I told you in my last reply that recently to me means the last month or 2. So before that, meaning January-August (ish) of this year, other than small BWV contracts, BWV contracts were listed for and selling in the $80+ price range, As shown in the rofr threads. I posted the link to the January-June rofr thread in my last reply. You can obviously (I think) see what is on this one and the one that pangyal took over. I did not state they were listed for or selling for $82-$83 recently as you are suggesting.

I am not competing with you on who has the best rofr info. My first post that you attacked was simply stating that the number of BWV contracts on THIS rofr thread on these DIS boards is 3. That's all.

I'm sorry if you can't grasp what is written or are reading more into what I wrote. The bottom line is that I feel bad for @HereIGo for getting rofr'd and my post was in response to to a pp that I thought may make them feel bad when he/she is probably already down.
Just presenting my data. Here is what I have regarding BWV sales:

Total BWV contracts sent to ROFR between 12/08/14 and today: 50 (this only includes contracts that have been reported on the forums, not OCC)
# of BWV contracts sent to ROFR before 08/01/15: 42
# of BWV contracts sent to ROFR after 08/01/15: 8 (Assuming everything after 08/01/15 is sufficiently recent)
Average PPT of BWV contracts before 08/01/15: $85
Average PPT of BWV contracts after 08/01/15: $100
# of BWV contracts ROFR'ed before 08/01/15: 4 ($82, $83, $84, & $90 PPT)
# of BWV contracts ROFR'ed after 08/01/15: 2 ($90 & $95 PPT)

**edited to correct before/after verbiage.
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If I remove all "small" BWV contracts from my data (i.e. any contract under 100 points), the average PPT drops to $81 before 08/01/15 and $94 after 08/01/15.
I've finally decided to join this little party...

WilyBrace---$119-$6654-50-BWV-Jun-50/'15, 100/'16, 50/'17-sent 10/20

Hopefully the quick ROFR turn-arounds keep going!
@RobbW thank you for supplying your data. I was about to upload a whole lot of images of all the contracts on this thread that have passed rofr since January.:crazy2:
The 3 recently rofr'd contracts I was referencing were the 2 in July ($84 and $82) and the 1 in September ($90). this case July is "recent".
I was getting excited about the quick ROFR turnaround posts, but it isnt happening that way for me. Going on 22 days. I wish they would send me the decision... good or bad. The suspense is killing me!
Oh, BOO!!! I'm so sorry :(

It was probably the loaded points that did it. UGH! Are you trying again?

Yes, I agree that it was probably the loaded points on that one, and as has been pointed out (and was in line with my thinking during my attempted purchase) the 'effective' cost of that contract dropped below $80/point when those banked points were considered. I also wonder how much the room renovations (and potential new bussing change?) has to do with the Mouse trying to raise the resale prices of BWV.

To answer your question, I'll still be trying, but I don't think I'm going to be raising my offering price much. I have a contract that gives me the yearly points I need, I was just hoping for the 11-month booking window for BWV.
I think that we can all agree that there is a large element of subjectivity when looking at value and pricing, and that we are much more likely to notice and remember the outliers when we are thinking of what "recent" prices are. For me, $95/pt being taken was surprising because they had passed on others at lower prices with current points, but as we all know, there are many factors involved in their decision. I am also considering the new elements being added to DHS as a reason for the bump, as they likely anticipate more people wanting to buy direct. I also wonder whether they are considering extending BWV as that would be the next resort up for this possibility.

FYI Star Wars and Toy Story Lands were announced in August. I personally see a correlation between that announcement and the increase in pricing for this resort.

You all might find this post from our lovely WDRL interesting:

"I've noticed a spike in ROFR activity during the month of September. The data is only through September 22, 2015, but DVD has already ROFRed 30 deeds containing 7,728 points. This is the most number of deeds and points DVD has ROFRed since January 2015, when it reacquired 45 deeds containing 8,531 points.

September 21, 2015, was an especially active day for ROFR activity. DVD reacquired 13 deeds containing 2,770 points. Here is a quick breakout of the prices paid by DVD to reacquire these 13 deeds:


BCV-300 $98.00
BLT-100 $103.00
BLT-200 $106.00
BWV-150 $78.00
BWV-270 $84.07
BWV-210 $90.00
BWV-350 $78.00
BWV-270 $85.19**
BWV-150 $80.00
BWV-200 $92.00
BWV-200 $84.00
OKW-210 $72.38
SSR-160 $76.25

**There is an interesting story behind this deed. The deed was originally bought at a court ordered public foreclosure auction on May 15, 2015, by an individual for $17,700, or $65.56 a point. The buyer then sold the deed a few weeks later to another person for $23,000, or $85.19 per point. DVD stepped in and ROFRed the deal. The auction buyer owned the deed for 129 days and grossed $5,300 on the transaction."

So, that's the story behind the $65/pt selling price, anyway.
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We are working on another purchase. Waiting on seller to submit signed contract.

ustasmom---$85-$8500-100-AKV-AUG-100/15, 100/16, 100/17-accepted 10/16/15. Seller pays 2015 dues. Buyer pays 2016 dues, $425 closing and $195 admin fee.
Addonitis already, eh ;)?

Please post these details again when it's officially sent to ROFR and I'll add you!
Woohoo - Called the escrow agent today and they mentioned Disney waived their ROFR yesterday.

$80-$9,135-100-AKV-Dec-3/14, 100/'15, 100/'16- Buyer pays '15 MF and closing - sent 9/25 - Addendum sent 10/7 - Passed 10/19
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :flower1:
Yes, I agree that it was probably the loaded points on that one, and as has been pointed out (and was in line with my thinking during my attempted purchase) the 'effective' cost of that contract dropped below $80/point when those banked points were considered. I also wonder how much the room renovations (and potential new bussing change?) has to do with the Mouse trying to raise the resale prices of BWV.

To answer your question, I'll still be trying, but I don't think I'm going to be raising my offering price much. I have a contract that gives me the yearly points I need, I was just hoping for the 11-month booking window for BWV.
I wouldn't raise the price too much either, statistically it has to eventually go through at your price, right :)?
I was getting excited about the quick ROFR turnaround posts, but it isnt happening that way for me. Going on 22 days. I wish they would send me the decision... good or bad. The suspense is killing me!
Did you ask the broker? Sometimes they 'forget' to tell you...
... The bottom line is that I feel bad for @HereIGo for getting rofr'd and my post was in response to to a pp that I thought may make them feel bad when he/she is probably already down.

I was not trying to make them feel bad. I was just trying to help them understand why the contract was so appealing to DVD. I have also done significant research on DVC pricing and to get a completely fully load contract (2 years worth of points in 2015) for only $5 more than a similar contract that was just taken (with 0 2015 points) would have been a steal. I think it is important for people to have good information.

I knew as soon as I saw the posting of the contract going to right of refusal it was going to be interesting. How did i know that..... real Data from the Comptroller's website.
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