ALOHA! Sept. 2015 PTR! * Updated 11/3 - p. 11*

Hey, we will both be in Magic Kingdom on 9/23. I thought it should be my son's first park. Ooooh, I can't wait to walk up to the gate. We are going early to catch the opening ceremony. "Good morning, good morning!"

We are going to opening night at Food and Wine as well. I can't wait. (We are also going the following week, for an adults only night. :cheer2:

I love Jamie's hidden Mickey. You two must have so much fun together!

Good luck tomorrow on your FP+ ressies. May the force be with you (us!).
Not to worry, I should've kept up with this thread too...!! Sorry it's taken me a while to reply!

Ah ok, I'm glad I chose the Yachtsman then!

YAY for a long weekend at the Yacht Club!! That's so cool, we'll have to get in touch closer to the time :goodvibes What are your plans so far? Will you be at F&W on the 25th for opening night?! Also, MK has EMH until midnight on Saturday 26th! Omg, it's getting so close, it's so real now!

I need to start my darn PTR! Ha...I can't get my FWF TR from last year. Here is a quick run down so far:

Friday: MK morning/afternoon
Epcot FWF evening

Sat: Waterpark or HS/ Epcot FWF
MK late evening for EMH!

Sun: Waterpark or AK morning
Evening at Epcot FWF

Mon: Epcot FWF then leave for airport at 4pm. :(

As you plan, if anything lines up, we will have to get together! I will DM you when we get close!
I love your Disney enthusiasm!

I'll have to keep an eye out for you and Jamie during my Sept/Oct trip. The majority of the trip will be a Fantasy cruise but for a couple of days prior (Sept 25,26) I'll be staying at the Poly and taking in MNSSHP on the 25th. Following the cruise for Oct 3/4 Wilderness Lodge is booked and F&W is the plan. Can't wait!
Hi Katie! :wave2:
I've been following your PTR, your vaca sounds amazing! I'm so excited for you that you get Poly CL and a TPV??? It can't get more awesome than that! We are staying the the Poly next year ( not CL though :sad1:) so I can't wait to hear all about it!
Hi! I am pretty new to the DIS but I have been binging on TR's lately. I just got caught up on your 2014 TR and enjoyed it very much! I will be at WDW late September also! Can't wait to read how your FP+ went!:thumbsup2
So what is your final ADR / FP plan? I can't wait until your trip so I can live vicariously through you and bug you for pictures every day!! :)
Agh! I don't know how I missed this update!


How cute is that! And she sent a cutout of herself?! Awesome idea!

So I’m going to be Buzz Lightyear!

Super cute! I looked up images on Pinterest and there are some cute ideas! With some being cute, but you may not be allowed into the park if you sported it :rotfl2::blush:

I got my Be Our Guest lunch ADR for our first day!



Well since then, I’ve been stalking the September ADR cancellation thread. My date did actually come up a couple of times but someone had always jumped in there and grabbed it before me.

Forgive me if this is rude as i've never had to use a cancellation thread. But technically, couldn't you just peruse the thread and when someone says their canceling for the date and time you want, you hurry up and hop over to the Dining site and grab it?? Or do you have to collaborate with the person letting go of that ADR so at the time they cancel, that person picks it up?

THAT IS AMAZING!!!! How did that happen?!

For anyone unfamiliar

For anyone unfamiliar, get familiar! Boom.

Forgive me if this is rude as i've never had to use a cancellation thread. But technically, couldn't you just peruse the thread and when someone says their canceling for the date and time you want, you hurry up and hop over to the Dining site and grab it?? Or do you have to collaborate with the person letting go of that ADR so at the time they cancel, that person picks it up?

The idea is that you collaborate with the person cancelling.
Right now I have a post that I'm cancelling an ADR. I haven't done it yet though, in case someone sees it and wants that spot. So even if you saw my post, nothing's been cancelled yet.
I'm onboard and caught up on your pre-tr!!!!! Loving it (as usual). How cute is that boy of yours with the hidden mickey? My hubby likes to send me them anywhere he finds them...even in food. :/
The idea is that you collaborate with the person cancelling.
Right now I have a post that I'm cancelling an ADR. I haven't done it yet though, in case someone sees it and wants that spot. So even if you saw my post, nothing's been cancelled yet.

Thank you for always explaining things to me! Here and on the 'other side' ;) I feel like I should keep you in my purse at all times so if I have a question, i'll just ask you. ::yes::
Dropped in from your current TR. I will be in the World at the same time! October 3-9!!:D:wave:
OMG. You wrote that with Lou around???

You are a terrible influence on me!!!

If you don't post copious amounts of photos...
I'll unfriend you from Facebook!
Wait... we're not friends on Facebook now...
I'll hold my breath until I pass out!
Hmmm.... not sure how that's going to be bad for you.

Just post lots!

Haha, of course I will post a copious amount of photos! Are you on Facebook? Why aren't we friends yet?! :sad2:

Okay this is going to sound weird but can I just say how much I love @blklotus's handwriting! So pretty!

I said exactly the same thing! :lovestruc

I am so looking forward to seeing your photos! This is one of the things I am most excited about for our trip!

Me too!! Have you picked out a costume yet?! I know it's over a year away, but I wouldn't put it past you to have already put something together :laughing:

That's is a logical choice...but wouldn't it be hilarious if he went as Jessie?? Then you could have a couples outfit! :rotfl:

Hahaha that would be better for sure! Or maybe Bo Peep. Can you even imagine :laughing:

I'm so excited your doing MNSSHP!!!!! We loved it so much when we did it. Boo to you--I could listen to that music ALL DAY! I just live through you since I don't know when we'll be back for another party....

Yay!!! BoG ressie!! So yummy!

Love the hidden Mickey! We have fun finding those EVERYWHERE!

Tell me about it with the Boo to You parade music! It's on my iPod and I sing it all year round :laughing:

Haha I find hidden Mickey's everywhere too, any 3 circles!! I've been brainwashed :rotfl:

I feel like we definitely have similar tastes in food and activities :). Resort hopping is my all time favorite activity. With this being my first trip for Christmas in December, I have dedicated ridiculous amounts of time to look at decorations and shops around the resorts.

Also, I could praise whoever came up with 'Ohana. Amazing food and atmosphere and a must-do every visit. Sadly, I don't set an extreme amount of time aside for meals because I usually only go for short stays, so I have never been to a signature restaurant in my 20+ visits.:( Maybe now that we have just joined DVC, I will have a better shot at it! I can't wait to read about your meals because I am so so so jealous!

That sounds like the perfect way to spend Christmas time at Disney! I would do that too for sure :goodvibes
I totally agree about 'Ohana, Jamie doesn't care which ADRs I make, as long as I get Ohana!
And congratulations on just joining DVC! How exciting!! Which home resort did you choose? :goodvibes

You will be there at the same time we are! Our dates are 9/26-10/3! We are not doing the Halloween party though.

Yay!! I'm praying the weather is good, and the crowds are low for us both! Although something tells me it might be busy this year.. I'm kind of expecting it to be really busy, so hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised :goodvibes

Yay!! Congrats!!! I know it can be frustrating to stalk those ADR's...I'm so glad it paid off for you!!

Thank you Kathy! I'm so happy I found it - and a great time too - 12:45pm! :cool1:

I'm very jealous of this one!! It will be amazing I'm sure!

I'm really looking forward to it! We went in 2012 and it was great - that was before the refurb so maybe it will be even better this time :goodvibes
Hey!!! That is so exciting you and Jamie are going to do MNSSHP! I have never gotten a chance to do it but it has always sounded like a blast. I LOVE your idea of being Buzz and Woody - so much fun! Also, YAY for BOG ADR reservations!!!! That's an accomplishment in itself when you get those for a trip as many days as you have left.

Resort hopping is always something I love to do on a Disney vacation. Definitely go to AoA - it is awesome and perfect for picture taking. When I get to my resort pics in my TR, you will see the fun my friends and I had with that! :rotfl:

Stacy followed you?!??! That is so exciting!!! She really is the greatest.

I am so excited to hear more of your plans - you are so close! :goodvibes

I know I'm so excited for MNSSHP! Although last time we went we spent most of our time in the trick-or-treat line popcorn:: And me too, I'm so glad I found that BOG reservation!! And for 12:45pm too! I expected if one popped up it would be for a super early or super late lunch.. So I'm really happy!

I love resort hopping! I think I'm obsessed with Disney resorts :lovestruc I'm excited to see more pictures of AoA in your TR! Jamie will think it's a really cool place, I'm excited to take him there :goodvibes

And YES Queen Stacey followed me! :rotfl: She tweeted something about how it was her 10 year anniversary for her Disney TV show, so I tweeted at her saying something like "Happy Disney-versary Queen Stacey!" and she must've enjoyed it because she followed me :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: She seems to follow a lot of people, so if you're on twitter you should tweet her something and she might follow you too :goodvibes

YASSSSSSSSSSS! One million pictures will be required, of course. At least one million. Maybe two million. :goodvibes

Haha, this isn't even much of a challenge for me. I'M A PHOTO FIEND.

Again, YASSSSSSSSSS! Have you done BOG for dinner? I feel like it's far superior to BOG lunch, but BOG lunch is leaps and bounds better than ANY normal day lunch.

I actually haven't done BOG for dinner! It's on my to-do list, but not this year. We love the lunch, the turkey sandwich is so good!

EXCELLENT ADRs!!! I've updated ours as well, and now we get to see Neil Patrick Harris narrate the Candlelight Processional on December 1 and I am totally over the moon! I'm secretly (okay, not so secretly) hoping to run into him and his family in line for a ride so I can fangirl and embarrass myself completely. His kids are THE CUTEST kids, possibly on the entire planet!

That is so cool!! His family really is the cutest. So, what's your ADR list right now?!

OMG POFQ! That's actually my preferred resort when I'm not, you know, living it up in Fancy Town and staying at the Poly. :jumping1:

Oh cool! I stayed at Port Orleans Riverside every single year as a kid, but we never even visited French Quarter! At least not that I can remember. I'm really excited to see it :goodvibes Yesss we are so fancy shmancy staying at the Poly! My mother is like "WHO ARE YOU?!?!" :rotfl: A princess, mother. I am a princess. princess:

BTW -- TOTALLY got a BOG dinner ADR on 11/30 at 7:45 p.m.! I may or may not have cried a little bit. :hyper:

Wooooo!!! Go us!!! High five for stalking the ADRs! party:

Definitely check out POFQ! I've never stayed anywhere else and absolutely love it there!
While you're there looking around, be sure to stop at the food court and get an order of beignets - they are a must have treat!

That's great advice thanks!!! I'll be visiting for sure, and I've made a note of the beignets! I'm sure we'll have no trouble forcing some down :thumbsup2

Hey, we will both be in Magic Kingdom on 9/23. I thought it should be my son's first park. Ooooh, I can't wait to walk up to the gate. We are going early to catch the opening ceremony. "Good morning, good morning!"

We are going to opening night at Food and Wine as well. I can't wait. (We are also going the following week, for an adults only night. :cheer2:

I love Jamie's hidden Mickey. You two must have so much fun together!

Good luck tomorrow on your FP+ ressies. May the force be with you (us!).

Oh cool, I might see you in MK! I agree, it should definitely be your son's first park :goodvibes it's ALWAYS my first park of the trip, that's one of the only demands I make :thumbsup2 And we'll be at the Welcome Show for sure! It's one of my absolute favourite things at the whole of Disney! :lovestruc I'll be the one fighting off the tears as Casey Junior's coming down the track! :sad:

Yeah I'm glad I changed my ADR so that I could be at the opening night of F&W. It's my first time, I'm so excited :goodvibes

How did your FP scheduling go?? I hope you got everything you wanted!! I'm writing a post about it after I've replied to these comments :goodvibes

I need to start my darn PTR! Ha...I can't get my FWF TR from last year. Here is a quick run down so far:

Friday: MK morning/afternoon
Epcot FWF evening

Sat: Waterpark or HS/ Epcot FWF
MK late evening for EMH!

Sun: Waterpark or AK morning
Evening at Epcot FWF

Mon: Epcot FWF then leave for airport at 4pm. :(

As you plan, if anything lines up, we will have to get together! I will DM you when we get close!

Woo we will also be at Epcot F&W on the Friday evening, and MK EMH on Saturday evening!!! :cheer2:

I love your Disney enthusiasm!

I'll have to keep an eye out for you and Jamie during my Sept/Oct trip. The majority of the trip will be a Fantasy cruise but for a couple of days prior (Sept 25,26) I'll be staying at the Poly and taking in MNSSHP on the 25th. Following the cruise for Oct 3/4 Wilderness Lodge is booked and F&W is the plan. Can't wait!

Hey, thanks so much!! My enthusiasm is just as ridiculous in real life as it is in these TRs :laughing:
That's awesome that you're doing a cruise on the Fantasy! I'd love to do one one day. Oh cool, maybe we'll run into each other, keep your eye out for us!! :goodvibes
Hi Katie! :wave2:
I've been following your PTR, your vaca sounds amazing! I'm so excited for you that you get Poly CL and a TPV??? It can't get more awesome than that! We are staying the the Poly next year ( not CL though :sad1:) so I can't wait to hear all about it!

Hey Kelly! Thanks for following along :goodvibes aah I know, I'm so excited!! We both decided to splash out and stay at the Poly, but I only have Jamie to thank for the TPV, and most of the CL expenses :lovestruc he's a sweetheart :goodvibes I've just been over to your PTR, just reading your food wish list made me hungry :laughing:

Hi! I am pretty new to the DIS but I have been binging on TR's lately. I just got caught up on your 2014 TR and enjoyed it very much! I will be at WDW late September also! Can't wait to read how your FP+ went!:thumbsup2

Hey! Thanks so much for reading, I'm glad you've enjoyed it! That's so cool that you'll be at Disney at the same time :goodvibes it's right around the corner now! I'm actually about to post a FP update :thumbsup2

So what is your final ADR / FP plan? I can't wait until your trip so I can live vicariously through you and bug you for pictures every day!! :)

The ADR list has (very surprisingly) stayed the same since I posted it! And I've got a FP update coming after I'm done replying to these comments :goodvibes eeeee this time in 4 weeks I WILL BE THERE! :jumping1:

How cute is that! And she sent a cutout of herself?! Awesome idea!

Hahah she did not actually send a cutout of herself, although it would be hilarious if she did :rotfl: it was just a joke we had about taking her cut out with me so I could send her some pictures of 'herself' enjoying Disney :thumbsup2

Super cute! I looked up images on Pinterest and there are some cute ideas! With some being cute, but you may not be allowed into the park if you sported it :rotfl2::blush:

Well this is intriguing, but I have no idea what these might be?! Care to share?! Or will you be kicked off the Dis..?!

Forgive me if this is rude as i've never had to use a cancellation thread. But technically, couldn't you just peruse the thread and when someone says their canceling for the date and time you want, you hurry up and hop over to the Dining site and grab it?? Or do you have to collaborate with the person letting go of that ADR so at the time they cancel, that person picks it up?

You can do it either way really, some people post saying "I'm about to cancel X" - so that's basically a free for all. But a lot of people post about it asking if anyone wants to co ordinate, then you PM each other and find a good time to cancel and grab! :goodvibes It's actually very good, I hadn't kept on top of it, but when I looked through the thread there were several BOGs up for grabs on the day I would have wanted!

THAT IS AMAZING!!!! How did that happen?!

TELL ME ABOUT IT! :rotfl: I was SO excited. She tweeted something about it being her 10 year anniversary of being the Disney host, so I replied with something like "Happy Disney-versary Queen Stacey!" - and then she followed me! She follows quite a lot of people, so if you're on twitter (are you on twitter?!) you should just tweet her saying something nice and she might follow you :goodvibes:thumbsup2

I'm onboard and caught up on your pre-tr!!!!! Loving it (as usual). How cute is that boy of yours with the hidden mickey? My hubby likes to send me them anywhere he finds them...even in food. :/

Hey! Aw thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it :goodvibes Hahaha yes he is quite adorable :laughing: He really humours my Disney obsession! That's cute that your hubby sends you hidden Mickey's! Haha, I see them everywhere too, I'm slightly brainwashed :thumbsup2

Katieeeeeeeeee your trip is so close!!! I can't wait!! I might be almost as excited as you are! :rotfl:


Dropped in from your current TR. I will be in the World at the same time! October 3-9!!:D:wave:

Hey Dawn! That's so cool that we'll be there at the same time for a few days! I've just been reading your PTR, and we have some of the same plans :goodvibes our trips are so soon!! I'm so excited for us! :hyper:
Fastpasses, and other random musings

Hello lovely people!

I cannot believe that this time in 3 WEEKS I will be in Disneyland Paris, and in 4 WEEKS, we will have just touched down in Disney town!


It felt like we were SO far away for so long, then all of a sudden, it’s right around the corner. Probably because my university work has gotten very demanding over the summer, so while I’ve been focussed on that the days have been creeping away!

It sucks a little bit because I would usually be getting myself super pumped by this point, reading everything and planning everything and watching Disney YouTube videos. While I’ve been squeezing in the odd Disney-obsessed hour here and there, I’ve really not been switching off from Uni stuff at all.


There’s so much to do, it feels like I’m working all day and all night.


But I’m making good progress, and there’s not long to go!


So, on with the update!

More bookings

We are booked on to Disney’s Magical Express! YAY! The absolute best and absolute worst bus ride EVER.

We also have our Universal tickets!
We bought them from Florida Tix, and they’re really good value - £123 each (around $190) for 14 day, two-park tickets!
Direct from US Universal site, it’s the same price for just a two day, two-park ticket.
So we’re happy with the idea of going to Universal whenever we want, and however many times we want :thumbsup2

Now all we have to do is book our Memory Maker!
YAY for being productive and checking things off our list!

Orlando International Airport

I might be alone on this, but I have NEVER been able to figure out MCO airport…

I just couldn’t visualise the layout or get my bearings, and trying to figure out how to get from the plane to the Magical Express has always been quite a traumatic experience :rotfl:

But, lo and behold, I’ve come across this diagram – which makes it seem so easy?!
Seriously, how does this always seem so complicated to me?!


Our airline (Virgin Atlantic) isn’t listed on here, but this is still going to help a lot!

I might set this as the lock screen on my phone on travel day so I can easily look at it with all of our luggage in tow :thumbsup2

I just thought I’d share this, to help others and for my own future reference! :goodvibes


It’s been a year since I booked fastpasses, and when my new 60 day mark started to roll around, I suddenly realised I had no idea how the whole thing worked.


Everything went smoothly and I got all the FPs and times that I wanted, yay.

The only problem I encountered was that there was a delay in FP releases for October 4th, 5th, and 6th.


I was initially worried there was something wrong with our tickets, so I called Disney and they said they weren’t entirely sure what was going on, but it was a problem with their system, and all of our tickets were fine.
I found a couple of threads about it here on the Dis, so it reassured me that others were in the same boat.
We all kept an eye out, and eventually they were released a few days later, and I got everything just fine :goodvibes.

Here’s an example of what it looks like on MDE once you’ve booked!
(Also, how good does this first day look?! I’m SO happy I found a rogue Be Our Guest reservation!)


Easy! :thumbsup2

Online check-in

At the 60 day mark, I also completed online check-in.

For the Poly, most of the online check-in options are based on longhouse preferences. Since we were already guaranteed the Hawaii longhouse (the club level building), the only request I made was for a balcony.

I think as a general rule at the Poly, first floor rooms have a patio, third floor rooms have a balcony, and second floor rooms don’t have anything… They have the big sliding doors, but when you open them there’s just a kind of fence there.

I really want a balcony…

I’ll be a tiny bit disappointed if we’re on the second floor.
I think because it’s cost us a lot to stay there, and we were really excited to splash out, we just assumed we would have a balcony to sit and watch the fireworks from.

I really don’t mean to sound like “that guy” because I know everyone there has spent just as much money as we have, and we certainly aren’t any more entitled than anyone else who’s booked that side of Hawaii…

I don’t know, I just want a balcony :laughing:

But HEY. I’m not the type to dwell on that kind of thing.
Count your blessings, people!
Stay positive :goodvibes
Smile, and the world will smile back at you!
(I say this all the time when I’m feeling cheesy :laughing:)

Wow, :offtopic:

Disneyland Paris ADRs

The ADR system at Disneyland Paris is the old-school system of calling up two months in advance.
I called up to make some reservations, and the woman basically told me that nothing in the park would be open!?!

We wanted to eat at Blue Lagoon (the Paris version of Blue Bayou, inside Pirates of the Caribbean), but Pirates will be down for refurb, and so is the restaurant.

I then asked to book dinner at Walt’s on Main Street, but she said that the table service restaurants inside the park will only be open for lunch because it’s such a quiet time of year…



But ok, maybe we’ll try there for lunch, although we’re not really “big lunch” people.

I asked for Rainforest Café, and she said it was walk-ups only…!


The only ADR I ended up making was for Inventions, which is a character buffet dinner in our hotel (the Disneyland Hotel).
So that’s booked in for 6:30pm on our last night (September 17th)
That’s very exciting.

So aside from inventions, and trying a walk-up at the Rainforest Café, I haven’t figured out where else we should eat on the other two nights.

There’s plenty of quick service options though.

There’s also an Earl of Sandwich in the Disney Village (Downtown Disney type area), I think my dad and brother would like it, so maybe we’ll grab something from there one night. And Casey’s Corner is always a good option for a pre-fireworks hot dog!

Hey, it’s Disney, I’m sure we won’t go hungry!

Uniqlo Disney Collection!

For anyone who shops at Uniqlo – their new Disney range is adorable!

I just bought these:


How precious!

And that’s about everything I wanted to cover in this update!

Looking back it doesn’t seem very interesting… So I’ll share a couple more pictures from today.

This evening Jamie and I went to a big shopping centre nearby to buy some Florida essentials and get some dinner!

Jamie bought these cute shirts! They’re very appropriate!
The Boba Fett one is from Next, and the two Mickey ones and the C3PO/R2D2 one are from Urban Outfitters.


When we were done we headed home, but we stopped off at Baskin Robbins to get some late-night ice cream!

I got chocolate and Jamie got mint choc-chip :goodvibes

(Can you tell we upgraded our cones?! :laughing:)



Then we went home and watched the first Star Wars, but unfortunately I fell asleep :sad2:

When I woke up it was 4am, and now I feel wide-awake, so I replied to some comments and wrote an update!

And that is where we are now.

It's currently 6am here, so I should go try and get a couple more hours sleep so I can actually function today.

Goodnight! puckerup:

Click for next post!
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It felt like we were SO far away for so long, then all of a sudden, it’s right around the corner. Probably because my university work has gotten very demanding over the summer, so while I’ve been focussed on that the days have been creeping away!

It sucks a little bit because I would usually be getting myself super pumped by this point, reading everything and planning everything and watching Disney YouTube videos. While I’ve been squeezing in the odd Disney-obsessed hour here and there, I’ve really not been switching off from Uni stuff at all.


There’s so much to do, it feels like I’m working all day and all night.

I'm sooooooooooooo excited for you!! And I am hoping that this is what will happen for me - my trip is over a year away but I hope it goes FAST! I miss my "home!"

We are booked on to Disney’s Magical Express! YAY! The absolute best and absolute worst bus ride EVER.

We also have our Universal tickets!
We bought them from Florida Tix, and they’re really good value - £123 each (around $190) for 14 day, two-park tickets!
Direct from US Universal site, it’s the same price for just a two day, two-park ticket.
So we’re happy with the idea of going to Universal whenever we want, and however many times we want :thumbsup2

Now all we have to do is book our Memory Maker!
YAY for being productive and checking things off our list!

How exciting!!! And that's a great deal for your Universal tickets, especially for the convenience of being able to go whenever you want! I decided not to do Universal on my next trip. I've thought about it a lot and since it's just going to be me and Jacob I feel like it'd be a hassle to go off property. Plus I don't even know if he'd be tall enough to do some of the Harry Potter stuff'll just have to wait for another trip. 7 days in WDW will suffice I GUESS :rotfl:

I might be alone on this, but I have NEVER been able to figure out MCO airport…

I just couldn’t visualise the layout or get my bearings, and trying to figure out how to get from the plane to the Magical Express has always been quite a traumatic experience :rotfl:

But, lo and behold, I’ve come across this diagram – which makes it seem so easy?!
Seriously, how does this always seem so complicated to me?!


This is so helpful!! As many times as I've been to MCO and somehow I still managed to get lost or turned around every single time! I'm definitely saving this for the next trip :thumbsup2 I almost always fly Southwest so this will help a lot!

So this time, I made a point of screenshotting every page :laughing:
So if you’ve never booked fastpass+ before, here’s what to expect!

Thanks for sharing that! My last trip they were still doing a combo of legacy FP and FP+ so this will be the first I'll be relying entirely on FP+. I'm kind of worried I won't get what I want but from what I am reading, even if you don't get stuff right at the 60 day mark if you keep checking back things open up.

Also, how good does this first day look?! I’m SO happy I found a rogue Be Our Guest reservation!)

That looks like an AMAZING first day! :jumping1:

At the 60 day mark, I also completed online check-in.

For the Poly, most of the online check-in options are based on longhouse preferences. Since we were already guaranteed the Hawaii longhouse (the club level building), the only request I made was for a balcony.

I think as a general rule at the Poly, first floor rooms have a patio, third floor rooms have a balcony, and second floor rooms don’t have anything… They have the big sliding doors, but when you open them there’s just a kind of fence there.

I really want a balcony…

I’ll be a tiny bit disappointed if we’re on the second floor.
I think because it’s cost us a lot to stay there, and we were really excited to splash out, we just assumed we would have a balcony to sit and watch the fireworks from.

I really don’t mean to sound like “that guy” because I know everyone there has spent just as much money as we have, and we certainly aren’t any more entitled than anyone else who’s booked that side of Hawaii…

I don’t know, I just want a balcony :laughing:

I totally get it! I would feel the same way! I don't even get why the 2nd floor wouldn't have a balcony? That doesn't make any sense to me at all. Going to cross my fingers that ya'll get 3rd floor balcony! Especially with a TPV, that will be dreamy :lovestruc

But HEY. I’m not the type to dwell on that kind of thing.
Count your blessings, people!
Stay positive :goodvibes
Smile, and the world will smile back at you!
(I say this all the time when I’m feeling cheesy :laughing:)

You're so cute lol But it's true!

Uniqlo Disney Collection!

For anyone who shops at Uniqlo – their new Disney range is adorable!

I just bought these:


Those are soooooo cute! I've never heard of that store! Is it online or is it only in England? I may need to check that out...I am trying to add to my disney clothes collection in preparation for next Dec :banana:

Also, are you planning on including Disneyland Paris in your next TR?? I would love to see that - I've never been anywhere except WDW and DL California so I'd love to see what DLP is like :goodvibes
Hi Katie! I had a quick question for you. When you booked the Poly on, how far out was it when you got the good deal? I have been looking around for our 2016 trip because we are going for the 24-Hour Day and I would like to stay on the Monorail loop, and well, lets face it the Poly is #1 on my list! :D We looked at renting DVC points, but it is still on the expensive side and it will be kind of a short trip for us.
Hahah she did not actually send a cutout of herself, although it would be hilarious if she did :rotfl: it was just a joke we had about taking her cut out with me so I could send her some pictures of 'herself' enjoying Disney :thumbsup2

Uh, Katie, I think you mean so you would have some amazing pictures of US at Disney! :rotfl: ONE DAY!!!

I actually haven't done BOG for dinner! It's on my to-do list, but not this year. We love the lunch, the turkey sandwich is so good!

I believe the one lunch I've had there I went from the croque monsieur...and it was just okay! :confused3 I probably ate it anyway, but was sad about it. o_O And no photo with the Master during lunch! Womp womp!

That is so cool!! His family really is the cutest. So, what's your ADR list right now?!

Oh my goooooooooooosh! ADRs!! Here's what I've got currently (SO MUCH FOOD on the DDP!):

11/29 Sunday: Raglan Road @ 8:30 p.m. (this one will be out of pocket since we aren't checking in to the resort until the following day)
11/30 Monday: Whispering Canyon @ 12:00 p.m., BOG @ 7:45 p.m.
12/1 Tuesday: Kona Cafe @ 8:45 a.m., Via Napoli @ 2:00 p.m. (+ Candlelight Processional @ 5:00 p.m. with NPH!), Yachtsman @ 8:00 p.m.
12/2 Wednesday: 50's PT @ 12:10 p.m., Citricos @ 7:30 p.m.
12/3 Thursday: The Plaza @ 12:00 p.m., Ohana @ 8:30 p.m.
12/4 Friday: Yak & Yeti @ 12:00 p.m., California Grill @ 8:50 p.m. (hopefully we can see the MVMCP fireworks which is why I booked our ADR so late -- this is my 10th anniversary so I wanted to do something nice for my non-Disney loving BF)
12/5 Saturday: Departure day :( -- nothing scheduled yet, but I'd LOVE a lunch at the Skipper's Cantina @ MK if it's open by then!

Oh cool! I stayed at Port Orleans Riverside every single year as a kid, but we never even visited French Quarter! At least not that I can remember. I'm really excited to see it :goodvibes Yesss we are so fancy shmancy staying at the Poly! My mother is like "WHO ARE YOU?!?!" :rotfl: A princess, mother. I am a princess. princess:

I feel like having to tell someone you're a princess is like having to tell someone your height or your hair color. Isn't it obvious?!?!?! :p

Wooooo!!! Go us!!! High five for stalking the ADRs! party:

Oh we're the ADR stalking QUEENS! Also, I had some help from a website where you can go sign up and tell them the date, restaurant, and lunch or dinner and they'll creep ADRs for you and txt or e-mail you when an ADR becomes available! I cheated a little, but it's totally going to be worth it!! ;)

I really want a balcony…

I’ll be a tiny bit disappointed if we’re on the second floor.

I totally sent you a FB msg about this!!! Go read it and hopefully it'll be useful to you! :D:D:D


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